
Marina Mursic 7 Personality Types

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Most people regardless of ethnicity fit into these categories or a combination of the 7 types. By observing similar facial and body combination as a composite, it can be determined what personality you best fit. The 7 personality types are:



Many Jupiterians are found between the covers of Fortune 500. They are ambitious and the leader of men and are designed to command. They have great ambition, pride of their position in society, are confident and attractive, naturally religious. Despite their vanity, they are warm hearted and this is exhibited by their feeling for humanity. Generosity is one of their traits. Often extravagant in their lifestyle.

Professions: They have a love for high positions, are CEO'S, politicians, military commanders, Religious Leaders.

Physical Characteristics: They are of medium height, not the tallest of the types (that is usually the Saturnian), neither are they the shortest (those are the Mercurians). They are strongly built, fleshy but not fat, large boned. They have squarely set shoulders.

Facial Characteristics: Jupiterians have large, expressive eyes with mild expressions to their face showing kindness of spirit. They tend to have straight noses with slightly fuller lips and larger mouths, strong white teeth and cheekbones are not prominent. Their chin is firm, sometimes dimpled. Their hair is darker brown or chestnut normally (thought there are a few blond Jupiterians). It may fall out early in life. Their voice is musical, deep and rich and moves others to be inspired to have an alliance with them.

Health: Jupiterians have a tendency to overeat and enjoy their wine which can lead to digestive issues. Their vigorous constitution benefits them. They always have to be conscious of their weight as they are not driven to exercise.

Colors: They favor royal blue, burgundy, regal and rich colors.

Lifestyle: An elegant and stately home in a desired neighborhood, Mercedes and BMWs and the trappings of a successful lifestyle. Jupiterians are comfortable in a country clubs environment, golf and sailing are on their agenda. They enjoy entertaining on a large scale, stock their home with fine wines and gourmet foods. Generally taking full advantage of the benefits of their success. Often they open their home to charitable causes and fundraising events as they are generous in supporting organizations. This is a generalization as there are some Jupiterians that do not


pursue the limelight and live a quieter lifestyle but are confident in their success and the power it offers.

Faults: There are no `good" or "bad" personality types. However, each type tends to have faults that are in keeping with their overall personality. In the case of the Jupiterian they tend to be too extravagant and their egos will allow them to live beyond their means. They depend on themselves and do not always ask advice and counsel of others. They can be domineering and dictatorial, are predisposed to overeating and overindulging. They are often unhappily married as they concentrate on their achieving success and position. In some cases they are overbearing, selfish and in the extreme despotic. This is not a type that has tendencies to depression or suicide as they have strong mental constitutions.

Some examples of public figures and celebrities who would be in this personality type and share many of the characteristics described above. John F. Kennedy Ronald Reagan, George Bush Senior, Sarah Palin, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King (mixed), Douglas MacArthur, Franklin Roosevelt, Diane Keaton, Herman Cain, Simon Cowell, Governor Christy, Randy Jackson, Martha Stewart, Meryl Streep, John Wayne (mixed with Martian), President Bill Clinton(mixed with Apollo), Mitt Romney(mixed with Saturnian), Barack Obama who is primarily Saturnian with Jupitarian, Mitt Romney is Jupiterian mixed with Saturnian, Prince William, Princess Diana was Jupiterian and Saturnian, Bill O'Reilly, Donald Trump (mixed with Martian), George Washington


Encountering a pure Saturnian is fairly rare. They are often a mixture of another personality type that influences their behavior and character traits. They are among the most misunderstood of the 7 personality types and must be regarded as having a special place in humanity as the necessary "balance wheel" in society.

Saturnians are intellectual, analytical, sober, cautious, secretive, prudent, wise, and avoid socializing. A Saturnian is a peculiar person with sober qualities. They always look before leaping. Many Saturnians are high minded, deep thinkers like Abraham Lincoln. Generally they are more pessimistic than optimistic (glass is half empty) and have a darker view of matters. Saturnians are not especially social and prefer solitude. They may often be viewed as a "wet blanket" socially since they lack the ability to enter into the spirit of an event. They are often investigative, pursue the minutia, like to solve complex problems and are professorial.

By nature this type is scientific and a philosophical, mathematically gifted and are some of the finest musical composers. Saturnians do not like to be contradicted. They can be skilled in oration but also dogmatic in their beliefs and inflexible in their point of view and in pursing their agenda and are sometimes evolve


as rebels. Saturnians hold enthusiasm in check and keep all other types from going too fast and being carried away with excessive spirit. They are a balance wheel in society.

Professions: Saturnians gravitate toward scientific professions, lab research, mathematical research, complex musical composition, make excellent detectives, mystery writers, serious "character actors," and rarely but are sometimes political notables if mixed with another personality type. They would not enjoy or tolerate participating in campaigns, but would serve diligently if appointed. Other professions that attract Saturnians are: Chemistry, Horticulture, Botany, Architectural Exploration, IT software programmer, Biology, Ministry. They also have a mystical and superstitious streak which leads to pursuing Occult studies. Saturnians are generally attracted to any profession where they are called upon to be problem solvers as they are deep and true scientists by nature and go beyond obvious shallow conclusions.

Physical Characteristics: They are the tallest and the thinnest of all of the types and are gaunt in overall appearance, having narrow frames. Saturnians have dark, thick, black hair. Their complexion tends to be yellowish or pale rather than rosy. The face of the Saturnian could be described as "hatchet-shaped" with high prominent cheekbones and sunken cheeks. They have thick eyebrows over deep set eyes with a sad subdued expression. Their nose is long and straight and lips are thin. The Saturnian has a long neck exposing the Adam's apple. They have high shoulders and poor posture, often stooped. Their hands are thin and narrow, often with long knotty fingers and hard in texture.

Health: There is a tendency to be susceptible to arthritis, Rheumatism, Varicose Veins; their lower limbs are their weak points of their body. They are also inclined to respiratory infections. They are predisposed to depression.

Colors: Saturnians favor grey, black, browns and very muted dark shades of dark blues.

Lifestyle: By nature Saturnians are loners. They avoid social interaction and prefer their solitude. They prefer the country to the city. They are too suspicious to go into business with partners, instead prefer to invest in real estate and buildings than stocks and bonds as they are instinctively conservative. Saturnians resist restrictions and rules, triggering them to rebel if rubbed the wrong way. However their conservatism restrains them from getting caught up in unreal causes. They prefer lecturing to conversing and are profound when they do speak. They are not great lovers of art in general and prefer landscapes. This type enjoys ghost stories and mysteries for pleasure. Saturnians watch their budget and do not indulge in extravagant purchases, driving a practical and simple car. Often, Saturnians do not marry, they are committed bachelors or bachelorettes.

Faults: In the extreme scale they will tend to be morbid, melancholy, gloomy, pessimistic and stingy. If they were to have any anti-social tendencies they would be anarchists, impose their views on others. They become chronic opposers of everything, no matter what it is; they are against it and are dogmatic in defense of their position. Sometimes their isolation and oddities cause them to remove themselves from society in a hermit-like existence.


The following famous and newsworthy people have many of the physical characteristics of a Saturnian and generally share "some" of the traits of the personality type. Abraham Lincoln, Barrack Obama (mixed with Jupiter), Mitt Romney (mainly Jupiterian with a some Saturnian) Edgar Allen Poe, Sherlock Holmes, Robert Pattinson, Hugh Hefner (mixed with some Mercurian), John Lennon, Art Garfunkel, Prince Charles, Sherlock Holmes, Hugh Grant, Prince Charles John Lennon, Hugh Grant, Hugh Laurie


Imagination defines them. Their realm is a world of imagination. They live in the mental world.

Their realm is a world of imagination. It is rare to find "pure" Lunarians. Often they are some part or blend of the other personality types. Lunarians keep other personality types and humanity from becoming too material, gifting us with the ability to see "with the mind's eye." They are prominent as authors, poets and playwrights, drawing upon their ability to communicate descriptively in a way that captures images so the readers can form mental pictures with their extensive colorful vocabulary and do have the facility of speech with an impressive vocabulary. Their works evolve into "living realities." They build air castles and often yearn for things beyond their reach. This is why they are great travelers, travel writers and film makers as well as composers. Lunarians are great sailors, as they have a penchant for water. They are naturally nervous, restless, love change and traveling to exotic locations. They are soothed by and thrive on the murmur of the waves. Physical exertion is distasteful to them, and lack self-confidence in pursuing the more active vocations in the world. You are not likely to find them in the gym or health club working out. Lunarians are sensitive and imagine slights from others.

Body Characteristics: The Lunarian is tall, has a fleshy build with soft curves and is not muscular. They have thick lower limbs and large feet. It should be noted that the color of their completion is almost dead white. Lunarians have a slow gait when they walk because of lack of high arches. Their hands are large, soft in consistency, and often have a small thumb .

Facial Characteristics: Lunarians have a round head which is broad through the temples, their forehead is low and sometimes almost bulges over the eyebrow. They have fine hair (almost straggly) which is usually straight and blond or light brown with eyebrows that are scant. Their eyes are often watery, round and pale, staring in appearance (not sparkly), luminous and can protrude. The color of their eyes is a commonly a very pale blue, although depending on the ethnicity they can also be a dull brown. Their nose is small, turns up at the end with nostrils exposed (a pug nose). Lunarians have a smaller mouth with larger teeth. Their neck is flabby and



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