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Dear friends

I saw your site.It was very interesting .Congratulation for this.

But these news are not complete.Let me,I inform you about an important

news about Goldbach.I know a researcher(name:Esmaeel Babaki)that he

proved Goldbach.Many many universities and professors of world know

this man and they surveyed his proof,and many of them told Congratulation

to him.But ... It has an interesting story.I have respect for your time,

therefore I'll tell you summary of it ,for publish in your site.

I have all documents,and signed agreement,and....if necessary.

I'm Esmaeel Babaki, assistant professor and math teacher,from Tehran.

I discovered and proved 6 new theorems before,where they are published

in Iran universities and journals,and in UK(Sheffield university,Journal of

Mathematical spectrum).But my last work(7th)was proof of Goldbach

conjecture.I worked on Goldbach,duration 12 years.At last I proved it

completely(Mar 2000).At first my proof surveyed by Iranian professors

and universities.They confirmed it(and some,at least didn't find error in it).

They suggested me,I publish my proof in an international journal.

I sent my proof to nearly 280 professors and universities of world.

I requested them to read my proof and say the view.During some months

nobody could find error in it.But only several professors sent me E.mails

as congratulation, and several asked questions,and I answered.

I sent my paper to Sheffield university, journal of Mathematical spectrum.

Professor David Sharp(Main Editor),after survey my proof suggested me,

I publish my paper in Journal of Number theory,Ohio-state university,USA,

as a very valid center in number theory.I sent there.On Sep 2000,they

received my paper.They sent me letter to inform about receipt.

After survey it, they sent me Copyright agreement.We signed agreement.(I

have this agreement and other necessary documents).But they didn't publish

my paper.The referees couldn't find error in it.But they changed referees.

They did so,and they changed referees 5 times.

At last, they sent me a letter(signed by Professors David Goss and

Ranko Bojanik).They wrote me question as error. I answered this very easy

question in Tens forms.Of course, another professors were beleive that this

question is very clear,and it is not error.

But Ohio-state university didn't publish my proof yet.

A very interesting in this story is that:

Professor A(for example) asked me,what for x=y?

Professor B(for example) told me,x=y is very clear.But what for w=z?

Professor C told me, w=z is very clear.But what for x=y?

You can read about my proof and my problems in Yahoo science groups,

, Groups, Science, Mathematics, Number theory,

Groups of number theory ,

1)Goldbac-conjecture , Messages,No 17-18 and 28-42 and 46

2)Goldbach ,Messages, No 14 and 18-42 and 56

3)Number theory 2 ,Messages,No 452-462 and 488

Of course at first you must be a member of the site.It is easy and fast

in 1-2 minutes.Then you (SIGN IN) and you can read all messages.

What for scientists of world don't decide about my proof?

Many of my students ask, Goldbach is proved or no?

Of course I think that great names such as Euler, Gauss, Vinogradov,

Hardy, Little Wood,and ...cause this problem,and is caused affright of

mathematicians of world now.But what is my guilt?

I ennounce here I'm ready for any conference.I'm waiting to an


Also, I request all scientists that they decide about my proof soon.

Of course, I'm sure that I proved Goldbach completely %100.

I'm a math researcher,and I know mean of probablity %100=1.

My proof is open for all to read,during more than 1 year.

More than 280 professors and universities surveyed my proof

such as :

1)Ohio-state university(Professors Ranko Bojanik and David Goss

and ...) ,from USA

2)Sharif university(Professor Yahya Tabesh), Iran

3)Mashad,Ferdoosi university(Professor Rajab Zadeh Moghaddam),Iran

4)Professor Apostolos Doxiadis(Uncle Petros and Goldbach),Greece

5)Kerman university(department of mathematics),Iran

6)Sheffield university,Jou Mathematical spectrum(Pr D.Sharp),UK

7)Tehran university(Dr Rasulian and Dr Farjami),Iran

8)Oxford university(Dep.Mathematics),UK

9)Mc.Gill university(Dep.mathematics),Canada

10)Tabriz university(Professor Shahriari),Iran

11)AMM , USA

12)Faber&Faber Co , UK

13)Missore univ,Jou Ramanujan(Professor Sudarshan),India

14)Mathematics association of Iran, Iran




279)Internet, Yahoo scientific groups,Site(Goldbac-conjecture),USA

280) Y scientific groups, Site(Goldbach), USA

281) Y scientific groups, Site(Number theory 2), USA

Now,more than 2 years passed,and my proof was open for all

mathematicians.Meanwhiles,nobody could find any error in it yet.

What for some books and Sites write:Goldbach is unsolved yet.

I write and I ennounce that Goldbach is proved.I closed unsolved

folder of Goldbach certainly.I'm ready for a conference in every place.

If an university(from Europe,America,Australia,....)invite me for a

conference, I'll accept immediately.Of course, I think in that

conference,I'll write my proof on board,then I can sit and I drink tea or

coffee.Because I think for any question, another professor will answer.

I told reason above(question professor A,answer by professor B, and

question professor B, answer by professor C , etc.) .Of course,I'll answer

to all questions,certainly.I'll have Tens answers for every probably

question. I prepared these answers during 12 years.I'm sure that I'll end

discussion about Goldbach.

I'm waiting to any invitations from any university or ....I'm ready.

I ennounce to world: Goldbach is proved.If a university don't beleive this,

they can test me and my proof in a conference.

Sincerely yours - Esmaeel Babaki

Assistant professor and Math teacher

Tehran - Iran


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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