Drive-Through Clinic for Medication or Vaccine Dispensing

|[YOUR LOGO GOES HERE] |Drive-Through Clinic for Medication or Vaccine Dispensing |

A drive-through clinic has been established to serve certain patients during [THIS EVENT]. Please read these guidelines to see if you should use the drive-through clinic.

Who should come to the drive-through clinic?


The drive-through clinic is provided to meet the needs of people who have physical limitations that make the walk-in medication center difficult to use.

The drive-through clinic is open to anyone who cannot get to the regular medication center at [LOCATION].

The drive-through clinic is open to the public. No special criteria are needed to visit this clinic.

How does the clinic work?

You will make two stops at the clinic. One stop for an evaluation and one stop to receive medication or get your vaccination. You may be asked to enter a waiting area between stops. Follow the signs and staff instructions as you drive through the clinic.

How many people can I bring?


For vaccinations, you may bring up to four people in each vehicle.

For medications, a head of household with the appropriate forms filled in may pick up medications for all household residents.

Things to remember during your visit:

• Please bring as much information as you can about your medications and medical history for each person visiting the clinic. This will help you fill out forms and help with your evaluation. If children under 75 pounds, know their current weight and age.

• When possible, turn off your engine to limit exhaust in the area.

• Please follow the after-care directions you will be given with your vaccine or medication.

• It’s difficult to know how long your visit will take. Please be sure you have the things you need to make your wait comfortable.


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