'How long has it been since you've seen your son

Unit 10 Review Sheet


Put these words in the box …

last week / nine months / a year / I was a teenager / yesterday / 1997 / a long time / last Tuesday/ 3 weeks / a couple of weeks /Friday / five minutes / 30 days / October / last month / ages / 2 centuries / ever / beginning of time / 9 am etc

|a period |a point |

|(from start to end) |(up to now) |

|>===< |x===>| |

|In (negatives)* |For |Since |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|all tenses |perfect tenses only |

For or Since ?

Q1 - I haven't seen them ...... ages

Q2 - I have been living here ...... July

Q3 - He worked there ....... several years

Q4 - I haven't seen him ...... last week

Q5 - It's been a long time ....... I've had such a good meal in a restaurant

Q6 - I haven't seen her ..... a fortnight

Q7- She's been working there ...... eighteen months

Q8- The film's been on at cinemas ........ Tuesday

Q9- I've been waiting ____ twenty minutes.

Q10 - They've known about it ____ ages.

Grammar Notes

Since, For and In can all be used with the present perfect and present perfect continuous to express duration - to say how long an activity has been in progress from a time in the past until the present.

Since is used with points in time. It introduces both phrases and clauses.

I've been going to a Judo class since September.

I haven't been out since I last saw you. / I went to Lee's party.

For is used with periods of time.

I've been doing karate for 9 years.

I haven't been to a class for a couple of weeks.

In can be used with periods of time in negative statements.

I haven't been out in months.

I haven't seen you in ages.

Talking Practice

• What's an ongoing or repeated activity that you've started before now and has continue into the present or is incomplete? (PPC)

• How long have you been verb+ing ? (PPC + time)

• What actions have you completed recently? (PP)

• What things have you done so far in your life? (PP)

• How many times have you ... (PP)

From last year's test. Use the present perfect or the present perfect continuous.

Section A

Kate: What _______________ you ________________ (do) lately, John? I ___________________________________ (not see) you in ages!

John: Yeah, I _________________________________ (travel) a lot lately.

Kate: Oh yeah, That's right. So where ________________ you _________________________ (go) ?

John: All over the place. I ___________________________________________________________ (be) to three different cities on business last week. I like to travel, but that is ridiculous.

Anyway, what ____________________ you ______________________ (be) up to, Kate ?

Kate: Oh, I ____________________________________ (be) really busy too. For one thing, my cousins ________________________ (visit) us. They arrived last week. Oh ! And I _____________________________________ (take) an acting class since September.

John: No kidding! How ___________________________ it __________________________ (go) ?

Kate: Not bad, I ________________________________________________________ (not be) in a play yet. But I really __________________________________________________________ (not study) for very long.

Section B

Complete the conversations. Circle the correct words.

A: It is so good to see you. We haven't spent time together for / since last summer.

B: Yeah. And I haven't been to the movies in / since months. So what do you want to see?

A: I don't know. I've already / still seen a lot of stuff.

B: Well, have you seen "Gravity" still / yet?

A: No! I already / still haven't seen it. And I've wanted to in / for a long time.

B: Well great! Let's go!

Section C

1. I ____________________________ (not/do) the homework ___.

2. It _______________________ (not /rain) ___ three hours.

3. I _____ (be) in Busan ___ 2 months.

4. We ____ (know) him ____ ages.

5. I _____ (paint) my house all day. But it's not finished _____.

6. Damian ______ (be) awake _______ 6am.

7. Julie's __________(learn) to drive ______ 6 years!

8. Recently, I _________(study) a lot. My exams are ____ a few weeks.

9. We __________(write) this book _____ months and months.

10. I ________(watch) seven films this week.

11. ________(finish) your homework _____ ?

12. I ________ haven't ________ (see) your boyfriend______! Is he real?

13. What's that aweful smell? _________ (cook) again!

14. How many times ______(you/visit) visited Seoul?

Section A

1. have, done / been doing

2. haven’t seen

3. ’ve been traveling

4. have, gone / been going

5. ’ve been

6. have, been

7. ’ve been

8. have been visiting

9. ’ve been taking

10. ’s, been going

11. haven’t been

12. haven’t been studying

Section B

A: It is so good to see you. We haven't spent time together since last summer.

B: Yeah. And I haven't been to the movies in months. So what do you want to see?

A: I don't know. I've already seen a lot of stuff.

B: Well, have you seen "Gravity" yet?

A: No! I still haven't seen it. And I've wanted to for a long time.

B: Well great! Let's go!

Section C

1. I haven't done (not/do) the homework yet.

2. It hasn't been raining (not /rain) for three hours!

3. I've been (be) in Busan for 2 months.

4. We have known him for ages.

5. I have been painting my house all day. But it's not finished yet.

6. Damian has been awake since 6am.

7. Julie's been learning to drive for 6 years!

8. Recently, I've been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.

9. We've been writing this book for months and months.

10. I have watched seven films this week.

11. Have you finished your homework yet ?

12. I still haven't seen your boyfriend yet! Is he real?

13. What's that awful smell? Have you been cooking (cook) again!

14. How many times have you visited Seoul?


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