Application for Clerks and Poll Managers

Please complete the entire form. All blanks must be filled in.

If you do not have your Voter registration number, call 576-2240.

Prefix:    First Name:       MI:    Last Name:      

Street Address:      

City:       State: SC Zip:       County:*

*You must be a registered voter in Richland County or an adjoining county to work as a Poll Manager in Richland County

Phone: Home:       Cell:       Work:      

Email Address:      

Voter Registration Number:       Social Security Number:      

Employer:       Occupation:      

Are you a current or retired State Employee OR are you receiving benefits from the State Retirement

System or Police Retirement System? Yes No If yes, which retirement plan?

Please answer the following questions:

Do you have access to a computer with Internet? Yes No

Do you have computer skills? Yes No

Do you have Word Processing skills? Yes No

How many words per minute can you type?      

List any past election experience you have:      

Signature: Date:      

Thank you for completing this application. Please return to the address below, fax to (803) 576-2205 or scan and email it to . If your application is approved, we will contact you regarding additional paperwork required to complete your application process. You must have

a picture ID and a Social Security card (copies are NOT accepted) to complete this process. All applicants will have to complete a 2-3 hour training class and a written assessment. Please note there is no guarantee that you will be chosen to work every election held in Richland County.

Richland County Board of

Elections and Voter Registration

P.O. Box 192

Columbia, SC 29202

(803) 576-2241


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