Questions on days, weeks and months of the year

Questions on days, weeks and months of the year

How many days in a week?

How many days begin with S?

How many days begin with T?

What days is the weekend on?

What days do you go to school?

How many months in a year?

What is the last month?

What is the first month?

What is the 4th month?

How many months in 2 years?

How many weeks in a month?

How many weeks in a year?

How many weeks in a fortnight?

What date is your birthday?

NAME:______________________ DATE:___________________

Days and Months

Unscramble the days of the week (don’t forget to use a capital letter at the start)

Yadnus _________________________

firyda _________________________

manody _________________________

ratausdy _________________________

seayutd _________________________

hadtyrus _________________________

eeddsyawn _________________________

Now put the days of the week in the correct order








Unscramble the names of the months (don’t forget to use a capital letter at the start)

charm _____________________


lyju _______________________

ranjayu _______________________


yam _________________________

enju _______________________

rapli _______________________





Now put them in the correct order

1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________

6. _____________________

7. _____________________

8. _____________________

9. _____________________

10. ____________________

11. ____________________

12. ____________________


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