400 words- module ELexical Item and posSuggested DefinitionsSample Sentences?????acceptable (adj)what is agreed upon or is allowedAir pollution in London is four times the acceptable level. ?????, ?????accurate (adj)exact, correctThe witness gave an accurate description of what had happened.achieve (v) to get (usually by hard work)They finally achieved success.act (v)to do somethingIt is important that the government act quickly.additional (adj)moreWe need additional information.address (v)deal withScientists are trying to address the problem of air pollution.adjust (v)fix, change to suit your needsIt is very hot in here. Please adjust the air-conditioning.affect (v) to have an unfluence onThe hurricane affected large areas of the town.agreement (n)a promise or contract made with someone or sharing the same opinion or feelingThe government made an agreement with the workers.allow (v)to permit, to give permissionEating is not allowed in the theater.analysis (n) a detailed study or examination of somethingThere was a careful analysis of the data.analyze (v)to study carefully or examineThe scientists analyzed the data.apparently (adv) according to what one has seen, heard or understoodIt soon became apparent that there was a serious problem.approach (n)a way of doing somethingI like your approach to teaching vocabulary.approach (v)to come close toThey approached the dog slowly.approve (v)to agree withI approve of your idea.assume (v)to think something is trueI didn’t see a light on in your room, so I assumed you were asleep.attempt (n)the act of trying to do somethingThe group attempted to climb Mount Everest despite the bad weather; the attempt failed.attempt (v)to tryattract (v)to pull someoone or something towards themThe colors of the flowers attract the bees.audience (n)people who have gathered to watch somethingThe magic show attracted a large audience.average (n)what is true for mostThe salaries in high tech are well above the national average.average (adj)typical or normalThe average temperature in January is 11 degrees celcius.avoid(v)keep away from/ stop oneself from doing somethingI avoid going to the big supermarkets on Erev Purim.benefit (n)an advantage or profit which is gainedOne benefit of going to sleep on time is being able to focus well on the following day.beneficial (adj)something which is good or advantageousVitamins are beneficial for your health.block (n) 1. a large solid piece 2. a streetA heavy block which fell from the roof of the building injured two people.I like to take a walk around the block in the evening.block(v)to stop or prevent from movingHeavy traffic blocked the way into the city.brief (adj) very shortShe came only for a brief visit.briefly (adv)in a short amount of timeI will speak briefly on that topic.capable (adj)able to do somethingThe government is definitely capable of solving this problem.carefully (adv)giving a lot of attention or thought to somethingShe thought very carefully before deciding what to do.central (adj) in the middle/ of great importanceThe store is in a very central location.centrally (adv)The school is centrally located especially for students traveling in from out of town.challenge (n)a test/ a situation which tests one's ability to cope with a difficultyIt was a challenge substituting for the large class.change (n)1. a way in something becomes different2. a replacement of one thing for another3. a new experience 4. in the context of money - money which is left over (????) or changing large sums with small sums of money (??? ????)She made a drastic change in her behavior.He changed jobs last year when he moved to a new city.We went away on vacation for a change in atmosphere.Do you have change for $100 bill?characteristic (n)qualityThe main characteristic these birds have in common is their colorful feathers.characteristic (adj)typical of someone's natureShe's usually very calm so her angry outburst was very uncharacteristic.claim (n)1. something one says which they believe to be true 2. a legal right Can you give any evidence to support your claim?claim (v)to say something is trueShe claimed it was true.collection (n)a a group of items that are gatheredMy mother has a collection of antique bination (n)a mixure ofPurple is a combination of red and bine (v)to mix or group togetherHydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. community (n)a group living together (people or other living creatures)She’s well known in the local pletely (adv)totallyI completely forgot about the plex (adj)complicatedThe problem was very complex.concentration (n)giving attention to a specific thing,the act of thinking intently only about one thingThe noise made it difficult to concentrate.concentrate (v)to focus on a specific thingI find it hard to concentrate when I am tired.concept (n)an ideaThis is a difficult concept to get hold of.concern (n)concerned (v) a worry, involved with, worried aboutThere is widespread concern about the effects of air pollution.She doesn't look well. I'm quite concerned about her health.conclusion (n)1. a final decision, opinion or judgement 2. endI am sorry but you have come to the wrong conclusion.The conclusion of the story was dissappointing.conduct (v)1. to carry out2. to leadWe are conducting a survey.confidence (n)a feeling or belief one can do something well or succeed at somethingThe actor showed a lot of confidence on stage.confident (adj)feel sure We are confident you will pass the test successfully.confirmation (n)approvalWe like to get some kind of confirmation from our boss indicating that we are doing a good job. confirm (v)to show approval Please confirm my reservation for tomorrow's flight.consequence(n)a resultas a result ofA possible consequence of neglecting to study for a test is a failing grade.consequently (adv)as a result ofIt rained this morning, consequently the picnic was cancelled.consider (v) to think carefully about something,to weigh a situationShe considered going shopping in the afternoon but then changed her mind.considered (adj)thought or viewed asOne shekel per kilo of tomatoes is considered a great price.constant (adj) happening repeatedly or all the time, the same, not changingThe car travelled at a constant (n)the act of buildingThe construction site was closed off for safety reasons.construct (v)to buildThe building was constructed out of recycled materials.contain (v)have something inside, hold include somethingThis product does not contain gluten.cooperation (n)the act working togetherWe need everyone's cooperation in order to get the job done.cooperate (v)to work togetherThe two groups cooperated closely.creation(n)making or producing something that did not exist beforeThe first story in the Torah is the story of the creation of the world.creative (adj)good at making new thingsHer writing style is very creative.criticism (n)1. expression of disapproval2. act of giving an opinion or judgement Mature people accept criticism with dignity.criticize (v)expressing disapproval, giving an opinion or judgement The scientists criticized the government for not acting sooner.current (adj)up to date, relating to the presentTheir article was published in the current issue of the journal.currently (adv)right nowThey are currently living in New Jersey.damage (n)harm (physical or emotional)There was tremendous damage after the hurricane.damage (v)to harm or hurtTry not to damage my new car.decision(n)something one makes up their mind to doThe decision to quit school was not wise.decrease(n)a lesser amount ofThere was a decrease in rainfall this past year.decrease (v)to make smaller - in size or in amountMy salary decreased when I took off some work hours this month.demonstration (n)1. the act of showing how to do something or how something works2. a protestShe gave a demonstation in flower arranging.There was an angry demonstration outside of the prime minister's home.demonstrate (v)to show The experiment demonstrated that the drug was not (n)a patternI like the design of her wedding create, fashion, think of an ideaThe architect designed a beautiful building.despite (prep)even thoughDespite the snow, we arrived on time.detail(n)a small part of something,a specific fact, an item on a list There are many details in the laws of Shabbat.detailed (adj)including many factsHe gave a detailed description of what had happened.development(n)how things grow or change over timeA child needs nourishment and sleep for his/her proper development.develop (v)to create or produce over timeThe scientist developed a new cure for diabetes.device(n)a piece of equipment that is made for a special purposeA hearing aid is a device to help people who are hard of hearing.difference(n)the way in which things are dissimilar or not like each otherWhat's the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?difficulty(n)something hard/hardshipThe elderly woman walked up the flight of stairs with point towards, to leadstraightforwardin a straightforward wayThe police were directong traffic away from the accident.Give me a direct answer. It's good practice to look directly at the audience while speaking in public.discovery (n)the act of learing something newThe discovery of antibiotics in the 20th century has greatly transformed medicine.disease (n)illness, sicknessThis disease has very few symptoms.display(n)an arrangement ment to be shownThe display in the shop window was very enticing.display (v)to arrange and show, show on a screenThe picture displayed on the screen wasn't clear.distance(n)how far one place/thing is from anotherWhat is the distance between Natanya and Tel Aviv?easily (adv)without problems or difficulties, without working hardShe won the competition easily.edge(n)outer pointThe ball fell off the edge of the table.efficiency(n)the ability to use resources (time and talents) well Efficiency experts can help us learn how to do things faster.efficient (adj)able to use one's resources well, productiveMy daughter is a very efficient secretary.efficiently (adv)in a productive wayShe worked very efficiently and got the job done well.emphasis (n) attention or importance given to somethingPut an emphasis only in what is important in life.emphasize (v)giving special importance toEnvironmentalists often emphasize the importance of recycling plastic.employ (v)to give someone a jobHow many people does the company employ? enable (v)to allow The money she won enabled her to buy a house.encounter (v)to meet up withThey encountered many difficulties on their journey.entire (adj) the whole (of something)She drank the entire carton of milk.entirely (adv)completelyYou are entirely correct.environmental (adj)pertaining to the surroundingsEnvironmental planning is very important in creating a new (n)items needed to get a job doneThe new office equipment was very expensive.error (n)mistakeThere were many spelling errors in the newspaper article. essential(adj)necessary, must be doneIt is essential to study hard if you want a professional career.essentially (adv)in fact, actuallyShe is essentially a good person.establish (v)to create, too set upThe company was established in 1990.estimate (n)a guess of something's size or worthCan you give me an estimate for the price of your second-hand car?estimate (v)to guess about how much (how big, how much something costs)He estimated it would cost 5000ns to paint his entire house.evennot only but alsoIt's so simple, even a child can do it.event(n)something that happens, a happening, an occurenceThe school is planning a big event for the parents.eventually (adv)at some piont in time it will finally happenEventually, the rain stopped, and we were able to set up our picnic.evidence (n)proofScientists are looking for evidence of life on other planets.existence (n)exist (v) existing (adj)a state of beingto be, to livebeing, livingThat species of fish is longer in existence.Many living creatures need air to exist.experiment (n)a trial or testThe biologists are working on an important (n)having a lot of knowledgeMy uncle is an expert in Semitic languages.explore (v)to look around or search an areaDivers explore the ocean.face(v) turn in a particular direction2. to look straight at something3. to deal withWe face towards Jerusalem when we pray.We must face reality even if it's difficult at times.factory (n)a place where products are made/producedA new car factory was opened last year.failure (n)something one has not succeeded at doingEven though she worked hard on the planning, the party was a complete failure.familiar (adj)something we know about or are used toHer face looks familiar.feature (n)characteristicThe main feature of a volcano is the crater at the top.fee(n)payment forIs there a fee for parking on this street?financial (adj)having to do with moneyThey were in great financial difficulty.findings (n)resultsThe findings of their research were published last week.flow(n)flow(v)a smooth movement to move in a stream, to move easily, come fromThe water flow was very strong.Blood flowed from the open wound.frequency (n)how often something happensThe increasing frequency of car accidents is very worrying.frequent(adj)frequently(adv)common, usual, happening often happening very oftenThey are freqeunt travelers.My grandparents visit us frequently.fully (adv)completelyI fully understand your objections.function (n)one's jobThe function of the heart is to pump blood.gain (n)a benefit, something good you get from something, a profitHave you heard of the expression, "No pain, no gain?"gain (v)to benefit, add body weightWhat can we gain from reading this book?She gained 5 kilo over the holidays.generate(v)to createSome people use a special machine to generate electricity on (adj)worldwideIt is a global problem.goal(n)an aim or purposeWhat are your goals for today?greatly (adv)very much (so)The cost has greatly increased in recent (n)a number of people or things which are togetherThe group of people gathered the Chuppah ceremony.guard(n)someone who watches over someone or somethingThere is a guard outside of schools and restaurants in Israel.guess(v)to decide or form an opinion with little or no evidence/proofGuess who came to visit me yesterday?guide(n)guide(v)a person who leads a group, a book with informationto show the wayThe tour guide took us around the city.Look in the guide to find out which parts of the museum are intersting to you. hand(v)to give overThe policeman said, "Hand over your gun!"The exam is over, please hand in your papers.head(n)a person in charge of an organization or departmentHe is the head of a very large organization.hero(n)a person admired for great qualities or achievements, a person of great courageThe hero of the story saved the children from drowning.highly (adv)veryHe is a highly successful politician.hole(n)an opening, an area where something is missingThere's a hole in the bucket.hopeful (adj)hopefully (adv)wishful, wishing something (good) will happenI am hopeful she will recover soon.Hopefully, we will be on time for the train.ignore (v)to not pay attention toThis problem has been ignored for too long.illustrate (v) to show, to make a picture ofThe story she had written was also illustrated beautifully.importance(n)having significanceI hope you understand the importance of this matter.improvement(n)the act of making something betterThere has been a great improvement in your behaviour over the past few weeks.including (prep)being part of a group or an amount of somethingIt cost 300 shekels, including tax.increasingly (adv)more and more, becoming more or largerHe complained that it has become increasingly difficult to find time to exercise.indicate (v)to point out, to showResearch indicates that most people don’t get enough sleep.industry(n)industrial (adj)production/ making of products in a factoryconnected to the making of productsMost of the country's industry is in textiles.The industrial revolution created many more job opportunities for the unemployed.influence (n)an effectGood friends have a positive influence on you.influence (v)to have an effect on somethingTry to influence her to take the rm(v)to tell or let someone know somethingPlease inform the class about tomorrow's vocabulary quiz.initial (n)the first letter of a namehappening or being placed at the beginningSign your initials on this form.initial (adj)happening or being placed at the beginningMy initial reaction was to laugh at what had happened.*inquiry (American spelling) or **enquiry (British spelling) (n) the act of asking about or looking intoI made enquiries into the cost of a plane ticket to London.inquire or enquire (v)to look intoHe called the shop to inquire when his car would be ready.insist(v)to demandI insist you go to to sleep right away.instant (adj)immediateThe show was an instant success.instantly (adv)immediatelyWe can now communicate instantly with people from the other side of the world.instruction (n)something one is told to do *usually is used in the plural The instructions on the packet were easy to follow.intend (v)to have in mind (to do something), mean toI intended on visiting my friend, but forgot all about it.interest (n)something one likes to do or want to know aboutI have very little interest in math.invention(n)an original thing that was made, an original ideaIf you don't patent your invention, other people may make money on it instead.invent (v)to make something original. to create something newI wish someone would invent a machine for folding laundry.investigation (n)the act of checking out thoroughlyThe police investigation took a few months, but they finally identified the murderer.investigate (v)to check out, look into the matterThe study will investigate the effect of advertising on children.justify (v)to support, to prove a pointHow can you justify spending so much money on clothes?knowledge(n)information one is aware ofHaving knowledge can be very empowering.lack(n)something one is missingThere is no lack of food in their (n)ground or soilThat area of land is very (v)to arrive, when a plane hits the groundThe plane landed on time.landscape (n)a view of natural scenerySwitzerland is a country with a beautiful landscape.largely (adv)mostlyThe western part of the city was largely unaffected by (n)a rule set down by someone in charge (such as parents, schools, governments)There are strict laws about forbidding smoking in public profession in which one practices lawThe lawyer thought we have a very good (adj)having to do with the lawShe gave good legal advice. level (n)amountstageheightThere is a high level of noise near an airport.local(adj)relating to one's own neighborhood or cityOur children all study in a local school.location (n) a place where products are made/producedOur school is located near the bus station.locate (v)to findCan you help me locate my car key, I don't remember where I put it down.majority (n)most of a groupThe majority of the voters chose Netanyahu as prime minister in the elections that were held a few years ago.major (adj)very importantThere are two major problems.manager (n)someone who is in chargeHe had been a bank manager for many years.manufacture (v)to make or produce in a factoryThe factory manufactures plastic bottles.mean(v)to intend, to express a certain understandingShe didn't mean to hurt your feelings.measurement (n)the size of somethingTake careful measurements before you start to cut out the pattern for your dress.measure (v)calculating the size, height or length of somethingShe measured the size of the cupboard. medicine (n) a substance (????) taken to cure a sicknessModern medicine has found cures for a number of diseases which uncurable in the past.medical (adj)having to do with health issuesWith good medical advice you can get better quickly.mental (adj) relating to the mindShe had a mental picture of what the dress would look like when it was finished.mentally (adv)in a way which relates to the mindHe is not mentally stable.metal (n)a chemical substance such as iron, bronze, gold and silverItems made out of metal heat up very easily.method (n)a way of doing somethingNew teaching methods encourage students to think for themselves.mostly (adv)mainly, for the greatest partYour answer was mostly correct.movement (n)1. change of position or place2. political change There was a slight movement of the leaves above them, and then they saw the monkeys.The civil-rights movement helped gain equality for Negroes in the U.S.A.natural (adj)usual, typical, characteristic ofIt’s natural to worry about your children.naturally (adv)typicallyNaturally we were sorry to hear about my cousin's sudden death.nearly (adv)almostIt is nearly time to leave.necessarily (adv)having to do with one's needs, not requiredVery expensive shoes are not necessarily better than cheaper ones.need (v)have to have, must be doneI need to get to th bank before it closes.negative (adj)bad, having a bad attitude towards somethingShe made some very negative comments.nevertheless (adv)despite, even soWe didn’t expect to win the game but, nevertheless, we were all very upset when we lost.normally (adv)usuallyWe normally stay inside when the weather is bad.observe (v) to watch closelyThe scientists carefully observed the monkeys’ behavior.obtain (v)to get, to receiveHe obtained advice from his teacher. obvious (adj) understood by allIt was obvious that their plan would not succeed.obviously (adv)clearlyObviously you did not understand what I meant to say,occasionally (adv)sometimes, every so oftenWe meet only occasionally. occur (v)to happenMost cases of flu occur during the winter months. ocean(n)a large body of water connecting the continents(?????)The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.old-fasioned (adj)not up to dateShe wears very old-fashioned clothing.oppose (v)to be againstMany people oppose the idea.option (n)choiceThere are several options available. optional (adj)something one can choose to do or not to do, not a mustRum is an optional ingredient you can put in a anization(n)1.a large group of people working together2. the skill of planning properly or keeping things in orderZichron Menachem is an organization which helps children suffering from cancer and their families.A lack of organization can create many unpleasant situations.origin (n) where someoone or something comes from, sourceThis book is about the origin of the universe. original (adj)creative, innovative, having a new ideaWhat an original idea! I love it!originally (adv)in the beginningShe had originally lived in Texas but then moved to New York.otherwise (adv)under other circumstances (??????)They won some money, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to buy a car.owner (n)someone who something belongs toAre you the owner of this car?paint (n)a substance used to color things (such as walls)What color paint will you choose to use for that wall?painter (n) a person whose job is to paint, someone who created/ drew a pictureThey painted the walls blue.painting (n)a pictureThe museum was full of exotic paintings.paint (v)to draw or colr with paintThe office was painted in light blue.part (n) a piece or section ofWe spent part of our holiday by the sea.participate (v)to join, to be involved in what a group is doingEveryone was happy to participate in preparing for the party.particularly (adv)especiallyI don't particularly like grapefruit.partly (adv)somewhat, a little bitThe bad weather was partly responsible for the car accident. performance (n)a showThe performance took place at the Jerusalem Theater.perform (v)to act in front of others, to act on a stageThe actors performed well.permanent(adj)lasting foreverWe hope the damage is not permanent.permission(n)the act of allowing to do somethingYou need permission from yur parents to leave school early.permit (v)to allow, to make possibleIs it permitted to smoke in this area?personal(adj)relating to someone specific, privatePlease fill in your personal details on the form.persuade(v)to convince someone to agree It was difficult to persuade her to change plans.planet (n)one of the heavenly bodies revolving around the sunEarth is one planet in our solar system.plant(v)placing seeds,flowers or trees in the groundWe usually plant seeds in the spring.pleasure(n)something one enjoys/ gets enjoyment fromIt's a pleasure serving you on our flight today.policy (n)a belief or principle which influences the way one behavesThe government has changed its transport policy.population (n)the number of people in a country or areaThe population of Israel has grown tremendously since the establishment of the state.positive (adj)having a good attitude towards somethingShe said she would try to be more positive about his idea.possibility (n)what can happen, a chance something might happenThere's a possibility of rain later in the day.possibly (adv)maybeWill you have time to help me tomorrow? Possibly.prediction (n)a guess of what may happen in the futureMy prediction was correct.predict (v)to guess what might happenTry to predict what will happen at the end of the story.preparation (n)the act of doing something in advance in order to be ready on timeA good lesson takes a lot of preparation time.prepare (v)to do something in advance in order to be ready on timeAll the food for the party was prepared the day before.prevention (n)the act of stopping something from happeningA special branch of the police is in charge of the prevention of crime.prevent (v)to stop something from happeningI tried to prevent her from making a poor decision.previous(adj)previously(adv)beforewas done beforeLook at the previous page for the answer.I had not met her previously.principal(adj)most importantThe principal ingredient in bread is flour.probable (adj)likely to happenIt is highly probable that there will be rain later this week.product (n)something that is madeThe company makes products used for babies.produce (v)to makeThe company produces fancy chocolates.profession (n)work or job one does for a livingHe decided to go into medicine as a profession.progress (n)improvement, the act of moving forwardThe baby made great progress at walking by herself.project (n)a large task The aim of the project was to improve life in the neighborhood. promise (n)a declaration saying you will do somethingWhen you make a promise, keep to your word.promise (v)to declare something will be doneHe promised not to tell anyone.properly (adv)in the correct wayIt is important for children to learn to behave properly in a restaurant.proposal (n)a suggestionThe marriage proposal took place at the Kotel.propose (v)make a suggestionShe proposed a number of ideas to her staff members.protest (n)the act of fighting against somethingA group of people held a protest outside of the president's residence.protest (v)to actively fight against somethingThe children protested loudly when the music was turned off.psychology (n)science relating to the mind or mental stateIt often helps to use ideas taught in psychology classes in order to understand how people behave. psychological (adj)relating to the mind or mental stateHer illness seemed more psychological than real.publish (v)to print or issue for sale/ to give out to the publicThe book was first published in 1800.quality (n)1.a good or bad good or bad something isAnger is a bad quality to have.She tries to buy second-hand items that are of good quality.quantity (n)amountWe bought a large quantity of ice cream for the party.range (n)a row or series of things in a lineThere is a range of levels amongst the students in my class.rate (n)speed at which something happens, a change in an amount or numberThe unemployment rate dropped last year. reaction (n)a response to somethingThe baby had an allergic reaction to tomatoes.react (v)to respondSarah reacted angrily when her best friend suggested that she had lied. readily (adv)easilyThey readily agreed to all my suggestions.reasonable (adj)good or fair enough, cheapThat store has quite reasonable prices.recall (v)to rememberI don’t recall where we first met.recommendation (n)a suggestionYour recommendations are always very helpful.recommend (v)to make a suggestionI recommend that you arrive early so that you can find parking.reduce(v)to make lessCitizens would be quite happy if their taxes could be reduced.refuse(v)to deny, to be unwilling to do somethingThe student refused to keep quiet and was sent to the principal for a suitable punishment.regarding (prep)relating toRegarding your recent email, I have attached a list of the books I would like you to read.region (n)an areaGrapes from that region make excellent wine.regional (adj)relating to a specific areaMy regional youth group gets together once a month.regulation (n)a rule (usually made by a government)There are many regulations regarding the safety of toys.reject (v)to refuseHe rejected her offer to help him out.relative(n)a person who is part of one's family (including your extended family) They found a distant relative while exploring their family tree.relative (adj)comparative to, connected toThe amount of gas a car uses up is relative to the speed you are driving at.A relative pronoun refers to someone or something mentioned earlier in the text.relatively (adv)comparatively, somewhatThat is a relatively easy problem to solve.relevant (adj)importantI don’t think your arguments are relevant to this discussion.rely (v)to put trust in Sometimes, you have to rely on your memory.reliable (adj)someone or something that can be trusted, trustworthyI'm looking for a reliable girl to babysit for my children.requirement (n)something that must be doneYou must fulfill all the requirements in order to pass the course.require (v)to have a need for, to demandMost plants require water every day. required (adj)must be doneFill out all the required questions on the form before you submit it to the office.research (n)something one looks into and studiesA lot of research is being done on sleep habits.research (v)to studyI went to the library to research the topic I chose for my English project.respond (v)to reactShe didn’t respond to my question.revision (n)a change - usually for the betterThe letter went through a number of revisions before it was sent out.revise (v) to make a change -usually for the betterWe have to revise our plans because of the train's delay.rock (n)a hard substanceThe frozen meat was hard as a rock.route (n)a way to get somewhereA GPS can tell you the best route to take to get to where you want to (n)the state of being safe from harmWe must improve road safety.salary (n)money or payment for a job done - usually monthlyHe hopes that his salary will increase next year.sample (n)an example ofThe scientists tested samples of the food.scenery(n)a beautiful natural landscape, surroundings, painted scenes put on a stageWe needed a change of scenery so we went to the Italian Alps for a vacation.Special artists were hired to draw the scenery for the play.scientist(n)someone who studies natural phenomenonScientists study natural phenomena.scientific (adj)knowledge which has proven to be trueThere is no scientific evidence showing that medication works.section (n)a part ofI like to read the cooking section of the (v)to choose, to pick outWhen buying fruits and vegetables make sure to select only the freshest and ripest ones.separate (v)to part from, take away fromThe mother separated the two children who were fighting.separate (adj)disconnected, taken away from, not joined, differentThose are separate issues not related to one another.series (n)a group of things which come one after the otherChildren enjoy reading books that are part of a series.seriously (adv)advThe car was seriously damaged in the accident.short-term (adj)temporarily, not for a long timeIt was only a short-term solution.significant (adj)importantA significant number of people attended the meeting last night. skill (n)something one knows how to doReading and writing are two different skills.skilled (adj)someone who knows how to do something, professionalMy neighbor is a very skilled builder.slight (adj)smallThere was a slight decrease in average rainfall last year.slightly (adv)somewhat, a littleHis expression was slightly annoyed.solution(n)a way to work out a problemIf you try, you will almost always find a solution to your problems.stress (n)the feeling of pressure (physical or psychological due to nervousness or being worriedMany people don't function well when they are under a lot of stress.success (n)successful (adj)successfully (adv)a desired or favorable outcomedoing very wellwas able to do well, to accomplish doing something as wantedThe performance was a great success.She is a successful manager of a chain of stores.They finished the project successfully and got a good grade.suitable (adj)fittingHer parents looked for a suitable boy for her to (n)stock, quantity of available items one needsWe need a great supply of paper and ink in our (v)to provide with, give what is neededPaint for the project was supplied by the school.surface (n)outer face, something that is externalAlmost three-quarters of the Earth’s surface is covered by water.surround(v)to go aroundA crowd surrounded the woman who had fallen in the street.survey (n)an inquiry done in order to receive informationI don't like to answer surveys done over the phone because they take too much time.survey (v)to take a look at, to ask a group of people questionsResearchers surveyed over one hundred adults.system (n)a method, a paln for how to do somethingOur educational system has undergone many changes recently. temporary (adj)lasting for a short timeIt is only a temporary inconvenience.totally(adv)wholly, entirelyI totally understand how you feel.tradition (n)something handed down from generation to generationThere is an old tradition in Britain of celebrating the Queen’s birthday.traditional (adj)relating to the way one's family or culture does somethingMy family has some traditional foods they eat on Purim.traditionally (adv)in a way one's family or culture does somethingThe seats in the eastern part of the synagogue are traditionally reserved for the rabbis.transport(n)getting from place to place by some kind of vehicle (such as by car, train etc.)Public transport is cheaper than using your own car, but it takes longer to get from place to (n)getting from place to palceOn her travels, she visited several countries in South America.trend (n)a fashionToday there is trend to wear clothing with fake fur on the sleeves and colar.truth (n)something that is correct or rightI was sure he was telling the truth.typical(adj)having specific characteristics of a certain groupThat is a typical problem we see with teenagers.typically (adj)normallyI typically walk about 8 kilometers a day.unable(adj)cannot do somethingAfter breaking her foot, she was unable to go on long hikes.unfortunately (adv)happening in a way we didn't wanthaving bad luckUnfortunately, you weren’t at home when we came to visit you.unlikelynot likely to happenIt seems very unlikely that she will be on time.user(n)someone who utilizes somethingThe computer program is user-friendly.use(v)to utilize, to employ for a specific purposeI use boiling water when I wash oily dishes.valid (adj)just and good, legally acceptableA new passport is valid for ten years.value (n)valuable (adj)something of importance -physical object or quality/ideal, how much something is worthsomething that has great worthMany people hide items of great value in a safe place.Thank you for that valuable piece of information.variety (n)having many different things, choices or optionsThat restaurant serves a large variety of fish and salds.vehicle (n)an object used for transportationTaking the train might be the best choice of a vehicle during rush hour.visible (adj)can be seenThe planet Jupiter is clearly visible in the night sky.volunteer (n)someone who offers to do something (for free as opposed to getting paid)We'll need a lot of volunteers in order to get the job done quickly.volunteer (v)to offerMy father volunteers at Yad Sarah fixing wheelchairs.way(n)method of going somewhere or doing something, a specific direction, distanceCan you show me the way you bake that cake?Let me shoqw you the way to where you want to go.It's a long way from the Golan to Eilat.weak(adj)not strong, not good at somethingShe was a weak student and always got low marks.whereas (conj)while (on the contrary)Whereas some studies show that drinking coffee is bad for your health, others show that it is good for you.winner (n)finish first in a contest, race or gameThe winner of the race received a medal.youth (n)young people, teenagersThe youth of today are the future leaders of (n)a specific area or regionThe city has special zones for residential parking. ................

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