Sample Size Sheet: A guide for selecting ad sizes

3" high 4.5" high 6" high

The width of this line is equivalent to a 5 column inch ad: 5 columns wide = 8.514" The width of this line is equivalent to a 6 column inch ad: the width of one newspaper page. 6 columns wide = 10.243"

Sample Size Sheet: A guide for selecting ad sizes

Your ad can be any combination of column-inch and height.

Width 1 column = 1.597" 2 columns = 3.326" 3 columns = 5.056" 4 columns = 6.785" 5 columns = 8.514 6 columns = 10.243"

Height Ad size heights begin at a minimum of .5" and can increase in .5" increments with a maximum height of 16" (i.e. .5", 1.5", 2", 2.5", etc.).

Ads are always measured columns wide by inches high.

4 col. wide = 6.785"

This spot is a 4x6"

3 col. wide = 5.056"

This spot is a 3x4.5"

2 col. wide = 3.326"

This spot is a 2x3"

1 col. wide = 1.597"

1.5" high This spot is a 1x1.5"


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