Appendix B: Text of the "Grey Sheet" of Overeaters Anonymous

Appendix B: Text of the "Grey Sheet" of Overeaters AnonymousPAGE ONE OF OA PAMPHLETPLAN "A" -- LOW-CARBOHYDRATE (Suggested for losing weight)SAMPLE MENUBREAKFAST1 Protein1 FruitCoffeeLUNCH1 Protein1 VegetableFinger Salad (no dressing)DINNER1 Protein1 VegetableSalad For carbohydrate sensitive people, man-made sugars and starches create a craving for more of the same. Therefore these foods cannot be eater at all! This plan provides for complete abstinence from man-made sugars and starches and from any foods with more than 10% carbohydrate content.We suggest three measured meals a day with nothing in between but black coffee, tea or no-calorie soft drinks.Overeaters Anonymous offers a choice of three disciplined eating plans:For losing weight ... Plan "A", low-carbohydrate (this pamphlet) or Plan "B", basic-four food groups. For maintaining normal weight ... low-carbohydrate maintenance plan. Before you choose any plan, see your doctor. If you have a medical problem, follow your doctor's plan. You will still be abstaining from compulsive overeating.REMEMBER.... OURS IS A THREE-FOLD ILLNESS. THESE SUGGESTED EATING PLANS CAN GUIDE US ON THE PHYSICAL LEVEL BUT WE NEED THE 12 STEPS TO REMEMBER OUR RECOVERY ON THE SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL LEVEL AS WELL.PAGE TWO OF OA PAMPHLETSUGGESTED GUIDES FOR PLAN "A" ABSTINENCEProteins may be mixed (i.e., chef's salad). Vegetables may be mixed. If a ? cup vegetable is included, the whole portion may not exceed ? cup.Sugar must be listed 5th or below on ingredient labels: not among the first 4 items (Ex. Veg Oil, water, salt, spices, sugar.)Check labels for sugar content: packaged meats, low-cal and regular dressings, mixed spices, vegetables in cans and jars.Dextrose, lactose and corn syrup are forms of sugar. Must be listed 5th or below on labels.Mix family salads, then measure two 8 ounce cups for your own, using up to 2 tbs dressing without sugar.A finger salad is three small, raw vegetables or green salad without dressing.When eating out, if cooked vegetable in not available have a 4th raw vegetable.If fresh fruits are unavailable, use fresh frozen not packed in sugar or syrup, fruits packed in water, or their own juice, not sugar added. Mixing of fruits except the ? cup fruits to total 1 cup.Use real mayonnaise only, not whipped dressing.Watch out for high carbohydrate artificial sweeteners. If you are concerned about artificial sweeteners, see your doctor.1, Use diet catsup and regular mustards on your meats and fish.2. 3-tsp. lemon juice daily may be used in tea or finger salad. If milk is used as a protein, some of that milk may be used...PAGE THREE OF OA PAMPHLETFOOD PORTIONS SHEETPROTEINBeef - 4 oz. Cheese - 2 oz. Chicken - 2 pieces Clams - 4 oz. Crab - ? cup.Cold Cuts - 2 slices.Cottage Cheese - ? cup.Eggs - 2.Fish - 4 oz.Frankfurters - 2Ham - 4 oz.Heart - 4 oz.Kidney - 4 oz.Lamb - 4 oz.Liver - 4 oz.Lobster - 4 oz.Oysters - 4 oz.Pork - 4 oz.Salmon - ? cupSardines - ? cupShrimp - 4 oz.Soy burger - 4 oz.(soy proteins, ham & sausage links)Steak - 4 oz.Tongue - 4 oz.Tuna - ? cupTurkey - 4 oz.Veal - 4 oz.Milk - 8 oz = ? proteinButtermilk, 1 cup = ? proteinYogurt, low fat plain 1 cup = 1 proteinCOOKED VEG. - 1 CUPArtichokeAsparagusBean SproutsBroccoliBrussels SproutsCabbageCauliflowerCeleryChardCucumberEggplantGreens : Mustard, Collard, Beet, Spinach, TurnipLettuceMushroomsOkraPeppers - green, redRadishesParsleyPickles - sour, dillSauerkrautString BeansSummer SquashTomatoesTurnipZucchiniCOOKED VEG. 1/2 C. BeetsCarrotsOnionsPumpkinRutabagasWinter SquashWheat Germ - 1/8 cupTHE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED FOR COOKING ONLYAll spices, Onion Soup, Horseradish, Soy Sauce and Paste, Worcestershire Sauce.Appendix B: Text of the "Grey Sheet" of Overeaters AnonymousPAGE FOUR OF OA PAMPHLETFRESH FRUITSApricots - 3 mediumApple - 1 mediumBlackberries - ? cupBlueberries - ? cupBoysenberries - 1 cupCantaloupe - ?Casaba Melon - ?Cranberries - 1 cupGooseberries - 1 cupGrapefruit - ? Honeydew Melon - ?Lemons & Limes - 2Orange - 1 (3" diam.)Pineapple - 1 cupPeach - 1 mediumPlum - 2 mediumRaspberries - ? cupRhubarb - 1 cupStrawberries - 1 cupTangerine - 2 largeThis is the food plan. It will get rid of the outer manifestation, fat. It is only a part of our program. The 12 Steps will take care of our living problems.You may ask, "Can I do it?"Yes, the key is within yourself. All you need is honesty, willingness and an open mind.Many of the things you hear will sound strange at first. Just listen to the new ideas. Let them flow over you. Give these concepts time to settle.A choice is open to you. You can choose to become responsible to yourself, for yourself. Learn, one day at a time, to like and love yourself.Recovery begins here. The choice is yours.Keep coming back!PAGE FIVE OF OA PAMPHLETTHE TWELVE STEPSHere are the steps which are suggested as a program of recovery.(Listing of 12 steps of Overeaters Anonymous)PAGE 6 AND FINAL PAGE OF THE PAMPHLETGENERAL SUGGESTIONSWEIGHING AND MEASURING FOODWe use an 8-ounce measuring cup (level) and a postal or kitchen scale. Foods are measured and weighed after cooking.FOOD PREPARATIONMeats may be broiled, baked, boiled, roasted, pan-fried, or grilled. Eggs may be fried. Salad dressing without sugar once a day; a pat of butter or margarine may be used in cooking vegetables.FOODS WE AVOIDCake, candy, candy coated gum, catsup, cookies, honey, jam, jelly, nuts, pastries, peanut butter, pie, sugar, sugared soft drinks, syrups, Creamed, fried or scalloped foods. Cereals, noodles and spaghetti, Beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages. Condensed milk, cream cheese, sour cream and whipped cream. Crackers and all bread products.WE ALSO SUGGEST . . .1. Write your food plan daily; call it in to your food sponsor for one month.2. Eat slowly, taking small bites.3. Eat your meals sitting down.4. No second helpings at meals.5. Do not skip any meals.6. Weigh yourself only once a month.7. Avoid your individual binge foods.8. Call before you take that first bite.DO NOT EAT DIET SWEETS OR FOODS NOT ON THE FOOD PORTIONS SHEETWHEN IN DOUBT, LEAVE IT OUT.OA-90 day Food planPosted on November 19, 2010by kittyadventures This is the diet I am trying out right now it is the Over Eaters Anonymous -90 food plan, I got it from one of my friends who attends Over Eaters Anonymous,I like it because it is pretty much tailor-made for a person with gluten issues. IT is set up for 90 days but you could easily eat this way for the rest of your life.IT is 90 days of no sugar and no flour products (bread, cereals, noodles) Whole grains are good.Here are the ground rules...Allow 4-6 hours between each meal. Weigh all food and liquids precisely. Sugar must be the 5th ingredient on the list. No more than 5 packets of artificial sweetener on any day. Dairy may be substituted for protein after the first 30 days. No fruit in the evening because of how your body processes it.Breakfast: 1 fruit serving, 1 dairy serving, 1 grain serving.Lunch: 12 Oz vegetables, 1 protein serving, 1 fat serving, 1 fruit serving.Dinner: 12 oz Vegetables, 1 protein serving, 1 fat serving, 1 grain servingServing size equals:1 fruit serving: 6 oz of any fruit1 vegetable serving: 12 oz vegetables raw or cooked1 grain serving:2 plain brown rice cakes4 oz cooked brown rice4 oz cooked potato1 oz uncooked any whole grain (4 oz cooked)4 oz peas4 oz corn1 corn tortilla1 protein serving:4 oz cooked meat (no Ham)4 oz tofu4 oz soy4 oz cooked beans of any kind4 oz sausage2 eggs2 oz cheese1 dairy serving:8 ounces of non fat or 1% milk,8 oz of Plain non fat yogurt (unsweetened)4 oz non fat cottage cheese.1 Fat serving:1/2 oz of oil, butter, or mayonnaise1 oz olive oil mayo1 oz prepared dressing.Here’s the "food plan" it's been around a long time - 1973 is the earliest version I have...It's pretty easy to follow it does become a way of life - If you are starting this as a diet - note: for the first week, you may be hungry - I was - but I lost 21 lbs in 2 months - and felt healthy, rested and just plain goodPLAN "A" -- LOW-CARBOHYDRATE(Suggested for losing weight)SAMPLE MENUBREAKFAST1 Protein1 FruitCoffeeLUNCH1 Protein1 VegetableFinger Salad(no dressing)DINNER1 Protein1 VegetableSalad For carbohydrate sensitive people, man-made sugars and starches create a craving for more of the same. Therefore these foods cannot be eater at all! This plan provides for complete abstinence from man-made sugars and starches and from any foods with more than 10% carbohydrate content.We suggest three measured meals a day with nothing in between but black coffee, tea or no-calorie soft drinks.Overeaters Anonymous offers a choice of three disciplined eating plans:For losing weight ... Plan "A", low-carbohydrate (this pamphlet) or Plan "B", basic-four food groups. For maintaining normal weight ... low-carbohydrate maintenance plan. Before you choose any plan, see your doctor. If you have a medical problem, follow your doctor's plan. You will still be abstaining from compulsive overeating.REMEMBER.... OURS IS A THREE-FOLD ILLNESS. THESE SUGGESTED EATING PLANS CAN GUIDE US ON THE PHYSICAL LEVEL BUT WE NEED THE 12 STEPS TO REMEMBER OUR RECOVERY ON THE SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL LEVEL AS WELL. PAGE TWO OF OA PAMPHLETSUGGESTED GUIDES FOR PLAN "A" ABSTINENCEProteins may be mixed (i.e., chef's salad). Vegetables may be mixed. If a ? cup vegetable is included, the whole portion may not exceed ? cup.Sugar must be listed 5th or below on ingredient labels: not among the first 4 items (Ex. Veg Oil, water, salt, spices, sugar.)Check labels for sugar content: packaged meats, low-cal and regular dressings, mixed spices, vegetables in cans and jars.Dextrose, lactose and corn syrup are forms of sugar. Must be listed 5th or below on labels.Mix family salads, then measure two 8 ounce cups for your own, using up to 2 tbs dressing without sugar.A finger salad is three small, raw vegetables or green salad without dressing.When eating out, if cooked vegetable in not available have a 4th raw vegetable.If fresh fruits are unavailable, use fresh frozen not packed in sugar or syrup, fruits packed in water, or their own juice, not sugar added. Mixing of fruits except the ? cup fruits to total 1 cup.Use real mayonnaise only, not whipped dressing.Watch out for high carbohydrate artificial sweeteners. If you are concerned about artificial sweeteners, see your doctor.1, Use diet catsup and regular mustards on your meats and fish.2. 3-tsp. lemon juice daily may be used in tea or finger salad. If milk is used as a protein, some of that milk may be used ...PAGE THREE OF OA PAMPHLETFOOD PORTIONS SHEETPROTEINBeef - 4 oz. Cheese - 2 oz. Chicken - 2 pieces Clams - 4 oz. Crab - ? cup.Cold Cuts - 2 slices.Cottage Cheese - ? cup.Eggs - 2.Fish - 4 oz.Frankfurters - 2Ham - 4 oz.Heart - 4 oz.Kidney - 4 oz.Lamb - 4 oz.Liver - 4 oz.Lobster - 4 oz.Oysters - 4 oz.Pork - 4 oz.Salmon - ? cupSardines - ? cupShrimp - 4 oz.Soy burger - 4 oz.(soy proteins, ham & sausage links)Steak - 4 oz.Tongue - 4 oz.Tuna - ? cupTurkey - 4 oz.Veal - 4 oz.Milk - 8 oz = ? proteinButtermilk, 1 cup = ? proteinYogurt, low fat plain 1 cup = 1 protein COOKED VEG. - 1 CUPArtichokeAsparagusBean SproutsBroccoliBrussels SproutsCabbageCauliflowerCeleryChardCucumberEggplantGreens : Mustard, Collard, Beet, Spinach, TurnipLettuceMushroomsOkraPeppers - green, redRadishesParsleyPickles - sour, dillSauerkrautString BeansSummer SquashTomatoesTurnipZucchini COOKED VEG. 1/2 C.BeetsCarrotsOnionsPumpkinRutabagasWinter SquashWheat Germ - 1/8 cup THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED FOR COOKING ONLYAll spices, Onion Soup, Horseradish, Soy Sauce and Paste, Worcestershire Sauce.PAGE FOUR OF OA PAMPHLETFRESH FRUITSApricots - 3 mediumApple - 1 mediumBlackberries - ? cupBlueberries - ? cupBoysenberries - 1 cupCantaloupe - ?Casaba Melon - ?Cranberries - 1 cupGooseberries - 1 cupGrapefruit - ? Honeydew Melon - ?Lemons & Limes - 2Orange - 1 (3" diam.)Pineapple - 1 cupPeach - 1 mediumPlum - 2 mediumRaspberries - ? cupRhubarb - 1 cupStrawberries - 1 cupTangerine - 2 large This is the food plan. It will get rid of the outer manifestation, fat. It is only a part of our program. The 12 Steps will take care of our living problems.You may ask, "Can I do it?"Yes, the key is within yourself. All you need is honesty, willingness and an open mind.Many of the things you hear will sound strange at first. Just listen to the new ideas. Let them flow over you. Give these concepts time to settle.A choice is open to you. You can choose to become responsible to yourself, for yourself. Learn, one day at a time, to like and love yourself.Recovery begins here. The choice is yours.Keep coming back!PAGE FIVE OF OA PAMPHLETTHE TWELVE STEPSHere are the steps which are suggested as a program of recovery.(Listing of 12 steps of Overeaters Anonymous)PAGE 6 AND FINAL PAGE OF THE PAMPHLETGENERAL SUGGESTIONSWEIGHING AND MEASURING FOODWe use an 8-ounce measuring cup (level) and a postal or kitchen scale. Foods are measured and weighed after cooking.FOOD PREPARATIONMeats may be broiled, baked, boiled, roasted, pan-fried, or grilled. Eggs may be fried. Salad dressing without sugar once a day; a pat of butter or margarine may be used in cooking vegetables.FOODS WE AVOIDCake, candy, candy coated gum, catsup, cookies, honey, jam, jelly, nuts, pastries, peanut butter, pie, sugar, sugared soft drinks, syrups, Creamed, fried or scalloped foods. Cereals, noodles and spaghetti, Beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages. Condensed milk, cream cheese, sour cream and whipped cream. Crackers and all bread products.WE ALSO SUGGEST . . .1. Write your food plan daily; call it in to your food sponsor for one month.2. Eat slowly, taking small bites.3. Eat your meals sitting down.4. No second helpings at meals.5. Do not skip any meals.6. Weigh yourself only once a month.7. Avoid your individual binge foods.8. Call before you take that first bite.DO NOT EAT DIET SWEETS OR FOODS NOT ON THE FOOD PORTIONS SHEETWHEN IN DOUBT, LEAVE IT OUT. __________________Avoid relying on chemical aids. Practice preventive maintenance. Say "NO" more often. Set priorities in your life. Avoid negative people. Simplify meal times. Anticipate your needs. Ask for help with the jobs you dislike. Break large tasks into bite-size portions. Look at problems as a challenge. Look for the silver lining. Say something nice to someone. Walk in the rain. Schedule playtime into every day. Take a bubble bath. Believe in yourself. Stop saying negative things to yourself. Visualize yourself winning. Develop your sense of humor. Have goals for yourself. Dance a jig. Ask a friend for a hug. Look up at the stars. Practice breathing slowly. Listen to a symphony. Watch a ballet. Read a story curled up in bed. Do a brand new thing. Stop a bad habit. Buy yourself flowers. Take time to smell the flowers. Find support from others. Ask someone to be your "Vent Partner." Work at being cheerful and optimistic. Do everything in moderation. Be aware of the decisions you make. Pay attention to your appearance. Strive for excellence NOT perfection. Stretch your limits a little each day. Hum a jingle. Maintain your weight. Plant a tree. Feed the birds. Practice grace under pressure. Stand up and stretch. Always have a plan "B." Be responsible for your feelings. Learn to meet your own needs. Become a better listener. Know your limitations and let others know them too. Exercise every day. Learn the words to a new song. Play patty cake with a toddler. Go on a picnic. Take a different route to work. Leave work early (with permission). Watch a DVD. Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight. Recognize the importance of unconditional love. Remember that stress is an attitude. Keep a journal. Remember you always have options. Develop a support network of people, places and things. Quit trying to "fix" other people. Get enough sleep. Talk less and listen more. Freely praise other people. Relax, watch a sunset. Take one day at a time…you have the rest of your life to live.I did gray sheet and this is what it looks like:I was allowed to eat 3 meals & one mini-meal 4 hours after my last evening mealbreakfast: 1 protein, 1 milk, 1 fruit, 1 grain (usually 1/2 cup serving of non-wheat grain)lunch: 1 protein 1 c vegetables, 1 c salad greensdinner: 1 protein 1 c vegetables 2 c salad greensminimeal or metabolic adjustment: 1 milk, 1 fruit, 1 serving of grain proteins were 4-6 oz meat, fish, or poultry or 2 eggs, 2 oz hard cheese or 4 oz cottage-type cheese, 1/4 cup beans to combine w/cheese for proteinmilks were skim milk, buttermilk or plain yogurt (8 oz servings)grains could be anything but wheat, and only a 1/2 cup servingFruits were just about any fruit but No bananas, dried fruits, exotic fruits. Canned fruits without added sugar were okay, usually in 1/2 cup servings.Most vegetables fine but corn and beans (green beans ok) Allowed one baked potato a week!!!miscellaneous: if you use commercial foods like salad dressing, sugar had to listed as fifth or lower on ingredientsvinegar & lemon juice liberal use, 3 tbs/day oil--no butterno olives, avocados, nuts, seeds, anything with sugar like ketchup or barbeque sauce.You have to weigh & measure--don't bother with counting caloriesMy sponsor at the time had me eating these foods only at the mealtimes prescribed, so i couldn't move my breakfast grain to lunch. ................

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