Desert Kennels Adults Dogs Diets:

Desert Kennels Adults Dogs Diets:

| | [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] |

| |Tan and red bag **** Diamond Naturals Adult Lamb formula Tan and blue bag **** Diamond Naturals Adult Beef formula |

| |Orange bag **** Eagle Pack Power Adult (chicken, pork, fish) Grey bag *** Tuffy's Gold Lamb and Rice |

| |2 Orange bag *** Tuffy's Gold Premium Performance (chicken) |

Do I expect or ask you to go to all this trouble? Of course not! But if you can offer your dog(s) some high quality variety I do believe they will healthier and happy for it. If you would like to learn more about the quality of dry or canned dog foods the Dog Food website is a great resource that explains why foods have earned their * rating.

1 * is the least nutritious and the lowest quality 5 ***** is the most nutritious and highest quality

When I am not feeding any puppies I can easily spend $400 - 500 a month feeding my adult dogs. If I was willing to feed them 1 * food it would cost me $200 a month before the increased health problems. If I could afford 5 ***** foods it would be $1000 a month!

If you can please visit the Dog Food to see how much nutrition you can afford in your area. Your dog's health and happiness may be enhanced. And your vet expenses may be lower!

Recommended feeding amounts on the labels:

Dobermans (especially active males) might need double or triple the amount of food on the label thru out their lives.

Some large, active male Collie males might need as much as a Doberman.

Most Collies and some female Dobermans will eat the normal amount on the label.

Adult pet Pyrenees may only need ½ or even a third of the amount on the label because of their slow metabolism- but watch for vitamin deficiencies in these cases. Pyrs that are loose to work on a farm or ranch usually need the normal amount of food on the label in the summer. In the winter they might need twice the recommended amount to maintain condition if they are living and working outside.

The manufactorers can only assume the "normal majority" of dogs' nutritional needs.

Try to note your dog's weight or condition every month and adjust his amount of food if necessary.


Adult dogs eat a mix of these dry foods so they get Lamb, Beef, Chicken, and Fish protein sources every day. Price per pound $1


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