Definitions of work

“Work is the paid and unpaid activities which must be undertake and which produce measurable results for the benefit of self and others”


-work was necessary for the satisfaction of material needs and is integral in meeting human needs.

- 6th Century: means of achieving holiness

- 16th Century: person who worked hard was seen as reflecting their inner goodness

- 18th Century: views about work changed with the industrial revolution, as workers were now employed and paid a wage


-as an activity carried out for a wage.

- Employed person is

1. aged over 15yrs

2. worked for 1 hour or more for pay/commission etc

3. who had a job but not at work (paid leave)

4. were employers or self employed persons who had a job, business

Paid and unpaid work


- “the production of goods or services that is undertaken for payment.”

- Significant way of creating wealth in society

- receives money in form of salary, wages, commission etc or through indirect means such as company cars, bonuses, shares etc

- Paid work provides resources to satisfy basic needs (to buy food, clothing)

- provides security, access to education

- consists of full-time, casual, self-employment, commission, piecework

- As women’s participation in workforce increases, males have had to take on extra duties in the house.


- “an activity involving the production of goods and services for which someone could be paid, but has been performed without payment”

- Includes community and volunteer work, education and training and household duties

- satisfy their psychological, intellectual and social needs

- allows people to be independent, learn new skills, promote self image/self concept, sense of belonging and identification with group.

- While women undertake most of the unpaid work, there has been a significant decrease as more women enter the workforce.

- society relies heavily on volunteer work. Volunteers are crucial to organisations such as meals on wheels, bush fire brigade and sporting clubs.

Value and status of work


- Work is valued for two reasons

1. As people earn money and pay taxes, governments provide services that then contribute to the wellbeing of the community and the standard of living.

2. Individuals value work as it provides funds to purchase physical needs and additional needs or wants.

- people value work for the sense of satisfaction, which contributes to self esteem

- a sense of value is accorded to the paid work we do, it carries status and indicates a person’s social or professional ranking in relation to others

- Intellectual jobs are valued more highly than physical labour,


-indicates a persons social or professional ranking in relation to others

- applied to type of job, amount of power/ prestige

-defines/influences a persons status

1. employed or not

2. kind of industry

3. full time, part time or casual

4. how much money earned

- More highly paid & years of study----contribute to status

Individual & group needs met through work 4 S’s, 2 C’s and an ELF

|Need |Individual Needs Met |Group Needs Met |

|Self Esteem |When paid or unpaid work is undertaken a |Approval of colleagues and the support |

| |feeling of satisfaction, self esteem is |of other people on a task, can enhance |

| |enhanced. Individuals are able to be |the self esteem of the group and also the|

| |acknowledged for their skills and |individual |

| |abilities which contribute to success. | |

| |The need to belong and be accepted can be| |

| |satisfied | |

|Social |Interpersonal relationships are |Support Networks and friendship groups |

| |developed, friends are made, |develop which can improve morale, leading|

| |communication skills and self-confidence |to a higher productivity and reduction in|

| |developed. Workplace communication, |sick leave. Social Clubs |

| |social interaction and support | |

|Status |The type of job, power wielded and money |The need for status within a group can be|

| |earned can all contribute to status and |provided by a workspace, car, privileges,|

| |self-esteem. Positions of responsibility |promotion and so on. These can assist in |

| |meet status needs e.g. manager, CEO. Some|a person’s feeling of self worth and self|

| |jobs have status attached e.g. legal and |esteem |

| |medical | |

|Social Conscience |An individual is able to feel they are |Workplaces can volunteer time, skills or |

| |making a contribution to their local, |finances to assist those in need. By |

| |regional and national community |committing to a policy e.g. recycling, |

| | |individuals in a workplace can feel they |

| | |are contributing to the better-ment of |

| | |their community |

|Cultural |A workplace provides an environment where|Provision for holidays or celebrations, |

| |individuals from a variety of cultural |dress, food storage and/or cooking and so|

| |backgrounds can exchange and develop an |on must be made by the company to |

| |appreciation of the habits, beliefs and |accommodate the beliefs of employees and |

| |understandings of other cultures |clients of different cultures |

|Career |A job may be one way of earning money to |Networking, sharing knowledge, skills and|

| |provide for needs. A job may be part of a|experiences can support the career |

| |career path or be the ideal career |development of colleagues as well as |

| | |provide personal satisfaction for the |

| | |individual |

|Education |Provide and opportunity to update their |Additional training can bring back the |

| |skills and knowledge |skills they have learnt to the rest of |

| | |the group, which will often encourage |

| | |others to learn these new skills. |

| | |Individuals who train as a group share |

| | |learning experiences |

|Lifestyle |Money earned or type of job and benefits |The type of work undertaken by a group |

| |provide a lifestyle suited to or wanted |can suit their lifestyle e.g. self |

| |by the individual |determined or flexible hours |

|Financial |Payment received provides for needs or |A bonus for reaching a goal, or |

| |wants. Provides for financial |completing a task on time, a pay rise, a |

| |independence, a feeling of security and |weekend away for families or other |

| |of self worth |benefits |


patterns of work

full-time (35 hours + per week)

-suited to: parents with older children, those with no family responsibilities, people who like stability, those with a mortgage

- eg school principal, doctor, nurse

part-time (12-35 hours)

-suited to: mothers, 2nd income earners, people returning from leave, single parents, carers, people approaching retirement, people with disabilities

- eg bank tellers, teacher, nurses

casual (full-time/part-time hours/ a fixed duration, no job security/benefits)

-suited to: young people, students, mothers, people seeking FT work, people with flexibility, retired people

- eg waitressing, retail, hospitality, teachers

permanent (full-time/part-time work/employed for an indefinite period, good job security/benefits)

- suited to: people with dependants, people who need job security, people with a traditional work ethic

-eg accountant, lawyer, doctor

contract (employee’s skills utilised for an agreed period of time)

suited to: people with special skills and abilities

- affected by human demographics eg age, where live

- eg builders, modelling, sports people, tradespeople

shiftwork ( do not work a single set of hours, set hours rotate, day work/afternoon/night shift)

- suited to: people without dependants, with older children, when only one person works, people seeking higher pay

- eg emergency services, hospitals, 24 hour industries- mining

voluntary ( unpaid work in welfare, charity, education, home care etc)

- suited to: rerired people, generous people with time to give, people wanting to contribute to society

- eg blood donors, meals on wheels, canteen ladies

self-employment (employed in own business)

- suited to: people who want to be their own boss, flexibility in hours worked, people with innovative ideas, want to be successful

-eg café owner, trades people, hairdressers

jobshare (one job shared by more than one part-time employee – two people one FT job)

-suited to: people with dependants, do not want to commit to FT work, about to retire, people with an illness or disability

- eg teachers, admin staff

telecommuting ( where computer based clerical/admin work is performed at a location other than a traditional office)

-suited to: people who want to work from home, those who are geographically isolated, people with tech skills, people with disabilities

- eg software designers, telemarketers, journalists

seasonal ( relies on the seasons, usually agriculturally based, labour intensive)

- suited to: young people, who want to travel, people with no dependants, unskilled people

- eg ski resort workers, fruit pickers

working from home ( home based self employed business/telecommuting/ doing outwork)

- suited to: people with dependent s, people who are disabled, people who are transport isolated, hobbyist

- eg hairdressers, caterers, family daycarers

social factors leading to changing work patterns EGG FEET

Government policy

- aims to keep unemployment figures low

- Anti Discrimination Act (1977): people to be treated fairly regardless of gender, disability, age, carers responsibility

- Equal pay for both genders

-maternity/ paternity leave

-Availability of Enterprise Bargaining Agreements (EBA)

-Australian Workers Awards (AWAs)

-Childcare rebate: 50% out of pocket expenses)

-Work for the Dole: unemployed to gain new skills

Impact on patterns of work

- people with disabilities: access to flexible work patterns eg PT, JS, telecommute

- equal pay: encourage females to stay in/return to workforce

- maternity/paternity: new parent moving from T to unpaid parenting. Move to PT/JS or working from home

- EBAs & AWAs: more flexible working patterns away from FT

- Childcare rebate: return to work in JS/PT/ casual

- Work for Dole: start in part time voluntary work


- when uncertainity in economic market, businesses reluctant to employ new people, increase in umemployment.

- due to inflation boosting the cost of living may force both parents into work

- Need for Aus industries to become competitive to compete with overseas

- Gradual cutting of tariffs that increase the price of imported goods

Impact on patterns of work

- more shift work available so production maintained to high levels

- increase in people moving to casual/PT to supplement family income

- increasing flexibility of work patterns to meet demands of employer/employee


- New processes & techniques made some jobs redundant eg switchboard operator/iceman, while new jobs have emerged eg web designer.

- Employees require more skills

- has led to an increase in flexible work patterns and allowed people with disabilities to access the workplace eg speaking computer.

Impact on patterns of work

- introduction of telecommuting

- increase in people working from home

- increase in shift work as 24 hour automated processes require ongoing supervision

- decrease in FT work for unskilled

- access to FT/ PT for disabled due to integrative machines


- increase in vocational subjects ed retail, hospitality

- PT traineeships

-entry level requirements have increased and more people are completing post school education

- males more likely to have a post school qualification as more options for males in skilled areas

- females participating in post school education to increase skill level/ retrain for a new job

Impact on patterns of work

- increase in telecommuting/ working from home as people more skilled

- with increase in education women moving into FT/ permanent instead of PT

- change form FT to PT/JS to increase education and skills

- students in FT study do PT or casual work

Perceptions of Gender

- some women now breadwinner

- increase in education allows women to set career goals, be economically independent

- anti discrimination & affirmative action policies allowed women to have increased participation in industries

Impact on patterns of work

- increase acceptance of women in workforce, in casual and PT to fit around parenting

- increase acceptance as men as carers of children allowing them to work PT while women work FT

Family circumstances

-marriage, child rearing, separation, caring, study/ work circumstances

Impact on patterns of work

- Structural change from childless to nuclear as child born: women change from FT work to maternity leave and then to PT, casual, JS for demands of parenting

- As children get older: parent returns to FT work

- As children grow up and become financially independent: other may decrease working hours to PT as financial demands have decreased.

- Flexibility has allowed parents to telecommute or work from home


- employed: more chance when applying for positions are perceived as more valuable/experienced

- unemployed: are judged for the reasons they are not in workforce.

-Government initiatives: Work for the Dole allows unemployed to move to PT work and gain new skills

Impact on patterns of work

- increased casualisation of workforce from permanent/FT positions to PT/casual/jobshare.


role expectations as a family member

changing circumstances for parents

- number of children (age differences, multiple birthds, sex) : both the parent and older children would be expected to take on duties around house and care for child

- children starting school: more freedom for parents, mother may take on duties at school eg reading groups

- parents changing employment: if both parents work outside assistance may be required eg gardening, ironing. Roles would need to be djusted to accommodate different hours and additional childcare may be required

negotiating & sharing roles within families

- The number of women in paid employment has increased dramatically and most still have the major responsibility for household chores. This has led to the need for negotiation and sharing of roles within the family.

The negotiation must be with the agreement of all parties and must be fair to all concerned.

managing resources to meet multiple role expectations TTS

-Resources are an important component of effectively managing change and multiple roles. When managing role expectations there are 3 main resources that need to be considered

1. Time: schedule, prioritise, plan, time management

2. Technology: labour saving devices eg convection oven, takeaway foods

3. Support networks: Formal- childcare, parenting groups, public transport

Informal- family, friends, neighbours, colleagues

- Management process

1. Goal

2. Planning

3. Organising

4. Implementing

5. Evaluating

workplace supports for individuals as family members

flexible work patterns & practices

-balance between work and personal life.

- not 9-5, not M-F, not in same location

- Job share: employees have the security of leave entitlements and a position when ready to return to FT work

- Flexitime: employees can work longer hours each day in order to have one day off per fortnight, employees negotiate with employer number of hours required to work in a set time

-Part-time: both parents who work means child may not need care, assits in lessening financial costs of childcare.

-Home based: employees spend part of their working time at home on a temporary or permanent basis

workplace culture

- values, attitudes and practices of the workplace.

- can have a significant impact on staff morale, recruitment and retention

- “family friendly” workplace- policies and structures that enable employees to fulfil family responsibilities, in addition to their role as an employee

eg allowing sick child to come to work, flexible start/finish times

regulations & entitlements CLAMPS

regulations-laws set out by the government

entitlements- the rights granted by law or contract

| |Regulations & entitlements |Implications |

|C |Carers’ leave |-give people peace of mind |

| |-paid leave, allows employees to use all accrued sick|- allows primary caregiver to take the ill family member to |

| |leave |doctors etc |

| |-enables individuals to care for spouse, child, |- workers will not forgo any economic resources |

| |parent, grandparent |- children like reassurance of parent, enable to get better |

| | |without anxiety |

|L |Long service leave |- time off for loyal employees |

| |- two month paid leave after ten years service with |- use for extended holiday with family |

| |same employer |- still have regular wages as paid |

| |& one month additional for each additional five years| |

| |service | |

| | | |

|A |Annual leave |- to recuperate/ rejuvenate away from work |

| |- Annual Holidays Act (1944) |- rostered days off or lieu may be added onto the length of |

| |- 4 weeks annual holidays each year, used in 1,2,3,4 |annual leave |

| |blocks if agreed |- casual employees not eligible |

| |- only be taken after one year anniversary of |- strengthen relationship between parents and children |

| |employment | |

|M |Maternity leave |Maternity leave |

| |- up yo 52 wks unpaid leave during or after pregnancy|- mother times off to brestfeed, recuperate from physical |

| | |demands, appointments |

| | | |

| | |Parental leave (maternity, paternity, adoption) |

| | |- give new parents time off to bond |

|P |Paternity leave |Paternity leave |

| |- Short: up to one week when child is born |- enables new fathers time to support their partners |

| |-Extended/long: up to 51 weeks after birth for father|-bond with child |

| |who is to be main caregiver | |

| | | |

| |Adoption leave | |

| |- if child us under 18 or under 5 |Adoption leave |

| |- Short: 3 weeks at time of adoption |- time to bond |

| |- Extended: 49weeks |- introducing child to new people, new food, new surroundings |

|S |Sick leave |- when ill or incapacitated |

| |- min 5 days sick per annum |- to reduce spread of infection |

| | |increase recovery time |

Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action


-establishment of conditions that allow all workers the opportunity to find, gain and advance in employment

- aims to eliminate discrimination

-enables parents to use their skills in exchange for economic resources

Affirmative Action

- promote equal opportunity for women based on merit.

- remove all discrimination of women in workforce

-required all organisations/businesses with 100 or more employees to establish a workplace program to eliminate the obstacles women face

-implication: many women still do not benefit from this act

Enterprise agreements

- is a contract between an employer and employee that sets out an agreed set of minimum working conditions.

-enterprise bargaining: negotiation directly with individual and employer or through union on behalf of employee

-aim to assist in managing their family and work expectations eg parental leave etc

- implication: due to high numbers of women in PT/casual employment, the enterprise bargaining power of women is not qual that of men and therefore does not provide equal access for females and males.


rights and responsibilities in the workplace

supportive workplace structures

safe work environment

occupational health & safety


physical: noise, poor lighting, slippery floors, falling objects

chemical: liquids, gases, dangerous fumes

ergonomic: poor location of comp screen, lifting

radiation: x-rays, gamma rays, lasers

biological: spread of infectious diseases

psychological: stress, discrimination, workload

work conditions

-awards: sets out

: min wage to be paid

: length of notice for termination

: max hours to be worked over time

: holiday/sick leave/paternity/maternity entitlements

: superannuation rights

-anti discrimination act (1977)

: direct- is treated unfairly because they belong to a particular group/category of people eg Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent

: indirect- where there is a requirement that is the same for everyone but which has an unequal effect on characteristics that different groups of people have eg need for person over 180cm tall is discriminating against women and some ethic groups

-grievance procedures

: grievance- formal expression of dissatisfaction about a work situation

: effective grievance procedures

- peaceful method of resolving conflict

- quick, effective results

- increased productivity, efficiently

- better emotional wellbeing, performance, morale

- natural justice for employees

- harassment

: form of behaviour that is not wanted and not asked for

-humiliates someone

-offends them

-intimidates them

: material that is racist, sexist etc and displayed publicly, or put in someone’s workplace

: verbal abuse or comments that put down people

: jokes based on gender, race, age etc

: sexually, racially etc offensive gestures or conduct

: ignoring, isolating people because of sex etc

trade unions and employer organisations

:trade unions- representative organisations that campaign on behalf of their members to achieve the best possible working conditions and represent emplyees in negotiations and disputes

: represent members in areas such as

- sexual harassment, discrimination

- superannuation

- redundancies

- unfair dismissals

: employer organisations- represent employer interests, keep members informed about their obligations and changes to the award rates, conditions and regulations covering different entitlements

: support members by

- lobbying the gov about legislation that affects the industry

- represent employers in wage negotiations and grievance disputes

-give advice and assistance

- run training programs on relevant legislation and its implementation eg GST

workers compensation/work cover

- when someone is injured at work or has an illness related to their work, the NSW Workers Compensation Scheme provides help and support to aid recovery

- covers OH&S, rehabilitation, compensation

-aims to reduce work related death, injury, illness and disease.


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