Sample survery - Grades 7 – 12 Students Survey ...

Grade 7 - 12 Students SurveyInclusivity Dimension #1: Establishing inclusive values and principlesIntroductionThank you for agreeing to fill out this survey. This survey asks you to tell us how you feel about your school and how inclusive it is. The results of this survey will help make your school a better and more comfortable place for you to learn. This survey is confidential. Your individual answers will be compiled with others and won’t be seen by your teachers, parents or principal.The survey should only take about 10 minutes to finish. If you don’t know how to answer one of the questions, just check “I don’t know”.When the question talks about the “adults in your school” it means all of the adults including the teachers, principals, counselors, secretaries, caretakers, librarians, assistants, volunteers and coaches.SurveyPlease check the box that describes how much you agree with each statement. Please answer the question based on what you have seen other students experience, as well as what you’ve experienced yourself. At my school…All the timeSometimesNeverI don’t knowMy teachers, my family and I worked together so that all students feel included.People value everybody’s differences.Adults care about my success.Adults use positive language.Adults try to do what is best for me.Teachers have high expectations for all students.Teachers know what to do to make sure everyone in class is learning.Teachers respect the different cultural backgrounds of the students.It is important to treat everyone fairly.Adults treat all students fairly, regardless of the gender.Adults treat students respectfully no matter how much money their families have.I feel safe.Thank you for filling out the survey! ................

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