Romantic Literature Quiz Study Guide

Romantic Literature Quiz Study Guide

We will be having a Romantic Period Quiz next class. This quiz will test your knowledge of what has been discussed in class, as well as what we have read from this time period. Complete the following Study Guide and it will act as an aid in your studying. Do your best and study!!! Complete this study guide on a separate sheet of paper (Writing it all down helps you remember, trust me!).

I. Literary Terms

a. Atmosphere:

b. Meter:

c. Rhyme:

d. Setting:

e. Alliteration:

f. Metaphor:

II. Dark Romanticism

a. The main themes of Dark Romanticism include the exploration of the human soul, expressing depression and dealing with the loss of love, and using setting and symbolism to create a dark and supernatural atmosphere.

b. Edgar Allan Poe was the most notable Dark Romantic writer.

c. Poe lost many of his family and loves to what disease?

d. In “The Fall of the House of Usher,” what happens to the main character, Roderick Usher? Why is he so depressed? What does he see in the end of the story? What happens to the house?

e. In “The Raven,” what does the bird represent (Hint: something that happened in Poe’s own life)? Which of the main themes of Dark Romantic Literature best describes this poem?

f. In “The Masque of the Red Death,” how does Prince Prospero try to escape the Red Death? What happens to Prince Prospero and all of his party-mates? What do all the people at the party do when the clock chimes? What happens with the clock at the end of the story?

III. Romantic Literature: other works we read

a. In “The Devil and Tom Walker,” why does Tom refuse to accept the Devil’s offer? What happens to Tom’s wife? What happens to Tom in the end? What is the moral of the story?

b. In the poem, “Jabberwocky” the author uses nonsense words to try to get you to use your context clues. What was this poem about?

c. In the poem, “The Psalm of Life” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the author uses rhythm and rhyme to create a heartbeat style pattern. This is important because the poem is about how life and memories of loved ones lasts forever and is taken advantage of, much like the heartbeat.

IV. Research

a. What is a thesis statement?

b. What is a Works Cited Page?


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