QUICKBOOKS PRO7 99 - Pearson Education


Intuit frequently updates its programs. The current trend is to release a new version of QuickBooks, QuickBooks Pro, and QuickBooks Professional each year. Usually, the changes to the program are not extensive. Some of the changes may be visual in nature, while other changes may be improvements in the manner in which the software processes data. The following items indicate all the changes that need to be made to the text in order to use QuickBooks Pro® 2003 rather than QuickBooks Pro® 2002. Throughout the text QuickBooks Pro 2002 is shown as the version of the program. If using QuickBooks Pro Edition 2003, this version should be used throughout the text and will show on the screen.


Page 6 System requirements have been changed in the several areas. The changes are: 64 MB of RAM with 96 MB of RAM recommended; Windows 95 no longer works as an operating system; if networking and using NT 4.0, Server Pack 6a must be used.

Page 6 Versions of QuickBooks 2003 available now includes a Premier: Contractor Edition.

Page 9 the Title bar will show Larry’s Landscaping & Garden Supply QuickBooks Pro Edition 2003 as the name of the sample company.

Page 10 The Company Navigator has two new icons: Setup Budgets and Ship. Ship allows you to set up a Shipping Manager with Fed Ex. Setup Budgets allows you to create a budget for the company. The Company Center is no longer accessed by clicking an icon on the Company Navigator.

Page 12 The File menu is also used to e-mail forms and for shipping. The Customers menu has choices for online billing, credit checks, and customer services.

Page 18 There are no longer two tabs shown when the Help Index is accessed. The Find tab is no longer displayed or used. To print a QuickBooks Help Screen, click the Print button at the top of the Help screen.

Page 20 The invoice has two additional choices on the title bar: Ask a help question and Ask. Ask a help questions allows you to type in a question. When the question has been entered, the Ask button is clicked and a help screen will be displayed. In addition to invoices, these two choices will appear on many business forms and reports throughout the text. The invoice, as well as other business forms, has a Customize button next to Template. This allows a user to customize a business document.

Page 21 The toolbar has two new icons: E-mail and Ship. E-mail replaces the Send button and is used to send an invoice via e-mail and Ship is used to ship merchandise.

Page 23 The Customer:Job List may show different customers and/or amounts.

Page 27 The pie chart for October liabilities may show different amounts or percentages.

Page 31 When copying a company file from the CD, after the icon for the CD-ROM has been clicked, double-click the Browse folder shown in the contents for the CD. Then double-click the Company folder. Continue with the steps as listed.

Page 32 QuickBooks Backup has two tabs: Back Up Company File and Schedule a Backup. The Back Up Company File screen has a new section for Backup Options.

Pages 32-33 A note about QuickBooks backups: If you store a backup file on the same disk as a company file, QuickBooks may not allow you to use the disk when you are working. QuickBooks needs a certain amount of disk space used for temporary storage in order to record a transaction. Check with your instructor regarding the storage location of your working file and your backup files.


Page 49 The invoice shown at the top of the page will also have an icon next to Customer:Job to check the credit of a customer. This is an optional, subscription service.

Page 51 Print lines around each field check box has been changed to “Do not print lines around each field.” Click the check box on Print One Invoice to select Do not print lines around each field. All printing of invoices in Chapter 2 should select this check box to avoid printing lines around each field.

Page 57 The Customer Balance Summary screen shows a new button at the top for Collection Services. This is an optional, subscription service for collections and credit checks. This icon will appear on all reports where the service would be appropriate.

Page 82 When opening the sales receipt, if you get a screen for Merchant Account Service Manager, click No.


Page 155 When a check appears in the To be printed check box, an icon for Order Checks appears on the check.


Page 221 QuickBooks now contains a Profit and Loss Unclassified statement. This report shows how much you are making or losing within segments of your business that are not assigned to a QuickBooks class. Its main purpose is to let you easily identify transactions to which you have not assigned a class.


Page 268 Print lines around each field check box has been changed to “Do not print lines around each field.” If there is a check mark in the check box, click it to deselect “Do not print lines around each field.” All printing of invoices in Chapter 5 should not have a check in the check box. Lines will be printed around each field.

Page 271 The QuickBooks Invoice no longer has a Send button. An invoice may be e-mailed by clicking the E-mail button. A cover sheet is automatically created by QuickBooks and may be changed if desired.

Page 302 When entering the first sales receipt, if you get a dialog box asking if your company uses credit cards, click Yes.

Page 303 Print lines around each field check box has been changed to “Do not print lines around each field.” If there is a check mark in the check box, click it to deselect “Do not print lines around each field.” All printing of sales receipts in Chapter 5 should not have a check in the check box. Lines will be printed around each field.

Page 304 If you get a dialog box regarding processing credit cards directly, click Not Now.


Page 352 In the screen shot of Preferences, the order of the last two check boxes beneath Purchase Orders and Inventory have been switched.


Page 448 QuickBooks now contains a Profit and Loss Unclassified statement. This report shows how much you are making or losing within segments of your business that are not assigned to a QuickBooks class. Its main purpose is to let you easily identify transactions to which you have not assigned a class.


Page 497 The names of QuickBooks Payroll Services have been changed. QuickBooks Basic Payroll is now called Do It Yourself Payroll and costs $169 or $199 per year. QuickBooks Deluxe Payroll is now called Assisted Payroll and the cost varies due to the number of employees, frequency of payroll, and number of states in which payroll taxes are filed. QuickBooks Premier is now called Complete Payroll and the cost varies with the number of employees, frequency of payroll, number of states in which payroll taxes are files, and extent of services provided.

Page 499 Prior to entering data to pay employees, you may get a message regarding selecting a payroll option. If this occurs, click No. You may not get a payroll subscription warning screen when you click create.

Page 505 The Select Paychecks to Print now shows a line with information regarding the number of checks and the total amount for the checks to be printed.

Page 506 In order to access the Payroll Info tab, you must first click the drop-down list arrow for Change Tabs then click Payroll and Compensation Info. This procedure will be followed whenever a change is made to Payroll Info.

Page 508 The Address Info tab has been changed. There are now tabs for Personal and Address and Contact. Information on the Address Info tab is now entered on these two tabs. There have been a few additions to the available fields. These include Date of Birth, Cellular, Fax, and Pager. The dates an employee was hired or released are now on an Employment tab that is viewed by clicking Employment Info on Change Tabs.

Page 509 The State tax tab has changed the heading State Lived to State Subject to Withholding.

Page 517 The Payroll Liabilities report is now the Payroll Liability Balances report.

Page 518 The screen for Select Date Range for Liabilities has a field for Dates and a drop-down list arrow for selections.


Page 550 The Tell Me More screen now says to refer to the “User’s Guide” rather than the “Making Better Business Decisions” manual.

Page 553 The wording on the screen for Using QuickBooks for Payroll has changed. Also, there is no longer a More button to obtain additional information. Instead, the Using QuickBooks for Payroll directs the user to access Learn About Payroll Options on the Employees Menu.

Page 589 To learn more about manual payroll calculation, click Learn more on to the last line of the screen.

Page 593 The State Tax screen is now “State Subject to Withholding” rather than “State Lived”

Page 597 The screen to add a new employee have changed. The Address Info screen shown in the text has information separated onto two tabs: Personal and Address and Contact. The field for Birthday does not need to be created on the Additional Info tab because a field for Birth Date appears at the bottom of the Personal screen. However, the steps to create a customized field remain the same as shown in the text. The Hire Date will be entered on the Employment Info tab which is accessed by clicking the drop-down list arrow for Change tabs. The tab for Payroll Info is accessed by clicking the drop-down list arrow for Change tabs.

Page 599 The hours accrued for Sick/Vacation accrual period should read “Hours accrued at the beginning of the year enter 40.”

Appendix D

Page 705 The Credit Check Services screen has been changed. The basic information remains the same. The Price List has been revised, updated, and has new features.

Page 707 Intuit no longer provides an electronic fax service. You may still fax forms, reports, etc. but QuickBooks does not monitor the faxes for you.

Page 711 QuickBooks now has a credit card reader. When a card is swiped through the reader, the transaction is automatically recorded in QuickBooks.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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