Baylor University

“Going to Maastricht has enriched my college experience beyond anything I could have imagined.  In a span of 4 months I have never experienced so much, met so many people, and seen so many breath-taking things.  It was the single best decision I've made during my time at Baylor." - Meredith Amos

- Meredith Amos

Fall 2007

August 19 – November 19

“Studying abroad was a wonderful experience that really helped expand my worldview and taught me a lot about myself. I would highly recommend the Maastricht trip to anyone who is looking for an adventure and a chance to learn about history and their world in a new way. Just go!”

- Meghan Merchant



We depart from DFW on August 19 and return on November 19, 2007.

The “M Building” where we will be staying features comfortable double occupancy rooms, each with its own toilet facilities, small refrigerator, wireless high speed internet (bring laptops), and TV. Roommates are matched to students' preferences. Each student will receive a bicycle to travel to classes and elsewhere. Frequent bus service links the dormitory to the city center in 5 minutes. A Baylor graduate student will serve as a resident assistant.


Only serious students who have completed 30 hours of coursework at Baylor should apply. Enrollment is limited to 45 students. Cost of the program for Fall 2007 is estimated at $16,000. This includes roundtrip airfare (students travel as a group), full tuition (14 hours), room and board (two meals per day), a 3-month Eurail pass, an early group trip to Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and eastern France, and health insurance. Books (free for UM courses) and personal expenses are not included. All scholarships, loans and grants apply to the program.


Students enroll in 2 courses taught by faculty of Maastricht's Center for European Studies (8 credit hours total), and 2 offered by the Baylor program director or arranged with other Baylor faculty (6 credit hours). Classes usually meet Mo-Th through late October, with long weekends and four weeks free for individual travel and study.

To apply, please submit the following:

a. Download and complete a Fall 2007 application from our website:

b. Submit a copy of your application to Dr. Eric Rust in Room 215 Tidwell.

c. Deposit of $500. This fee (non-refundable after 4/15/07) secures students a place and will be applied to the overall program cost.

d. A second deposit of $1,500 (also non-

refundable) should be sent to the Cashier's Office, 1 Bear Place # 97048, Waco, Texas, 76798-7048, by April 15, 2007.

e. The due date for the remaining balance will correspond with Baylor’s Fall financial settlement deadlines (dates included on your fall bill)

f. Checks should be made payable to Baylor University.

If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please contact Karen Connors at (254) 710-1258 or Dr. Rust at 710-6300

Deadline for applications: ASAP! Places fill up quickly!!!


All courses carry full Baylor credit. Kindly consult Ms. Karen Connors , Maastricht Program Coordinator (710-1258; ( or Dr. Eric Rust (710-6300; ( regarding course selection and degree applicability.


Students take 2 Baylor courses. Each equals three credit hours.

HIS 1307: World Civilization since 1750. (Meets History /Social Science requirement in most majors.)

HIS 4340: European Modernization from the Renaissance to Contemporary Integration. (Topically arranged upper-division elective. All students are expected to enroll in this course as a common experience for all program participants.)

HIS 4348: Readings in European History (Independent readings course with subject matter and assignments agreed upon between student and instructor. Upper-level elective credit.)

Or any other Baylor independent studies course, preferably one offered in the student’s major and contracted with an individual instructor in that department.

UNIV. of MAASTRICHT COURSES (Center for European Studies):

Students enroll in 2 CES courses. Each equals four credit hours. These upper-level courses will be identified by course number at the time of registration.

These courses have been offered in the past. Some may not be available in Fall 2005:

Political Science

International Law

Introduction to International Relations

Political Philosophy

Nationalism and Nation Building since the

Sixteenth Century



Dutch Lit. in English Translation


Dutch Art History

While the list of courses offered through Maastricht's Center for European Studies awaits final confirmation, students should expect to be able to choose from the following (all taught in English):

--- Intercultural Philosophy &


--- Introduction to International Relations

--- Dutch Art History

--- Comparative European Literature

--- Global Marketing Strategy

--- International Management

An ancient saying suggests that it is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10, 000 books. We believe that travel AND books are essential to maximizing your college education, and our program in Maastricht combines both.

The European Studies Program in Maastricht is Baylor's first permanent European study-abroad center. As the oldest city in the Dutch Netherlands, Maastricht provides the cultural immersion and European setting for a semester of unforgettable study and travel.

In Maastricht, students have the opportunity to study under the direction of both European and Baylor professors. In addition, students have the opportunity to travel to major centers such as Amsterdam, Paris, London, Brussels, Berlin, Vienna, and Florence. Indeed, students may maximize their journeys by using their Eurail pass from the Arctic Circle all the way to Spain, Italy and Greece.

The history of Maastricht dates back to 50 B.C., when the Romans built a settlement near a ford in the Maas River. Today, Maastricht has a population of 120,000, and, because of the city's rich heritage, the whole center of the city has been declared a `protected area'.

Maastricht is located in the southernmost Dutch province of Limburg and is a "melting pot" of Dutch, French, Belgian, and German cultures. Although spoken languages of Dutch, French, and German are commonplace, some 70 percent of the Dutch also speak English. Maastricht has played an increasingly important role in Europe in the late 20th century. The European Council meeting in December 1991, which led to the now-famous Maastricht Treaty of European Union, is one of many indications of the city's commitment to an international role.


This program is designed in cooperation with the Center for European Studies at the University of Maastricht, insuring the best possible education in the best possible setting. The university has an enrollment of more than 6,000 students.

Students choose two courses taught by Baylor faculty and two courses from the University of Maastricht. The courses are taught in English, have been reviewed and approved by Baylor, and count for full Baylor credit.


Dr. Eric C. Rust, a native of Lübeck, Germany, with a Ph.D. from UT Austin, has been a Professor of History at Baylor for over 20 years. He and his wife Karen, who may be accompanying him to Maastricht, have lived, studied and traveled throughout Europe and the world. His admiration for the Dutch people and their culture dates to his childhood when his family spent its summer vacations in the lush polder country north of Amsterdam. He specializes in Europe since the Renaissance with a research and publication focus on naval and maritime history. He also has been on the "World Cultures II" faculty team of the Baylor Interdisciplinary Core (BIC) since its inception.

Train time from Maastricht:

Amsterdam: 2.5 hours

Barcelona: 17 hours

Berlin: 7 hours

Brussels: 2 hours

Cologne: 2.5 hours

Edinburgh: 11 hours

Florence: 17 hours

Frankfurt: 4.5 hours

Geneva: 8 hours

Hamburg: 6.5 hours

London: 5.5 hours

Madrid: 22 hours

Munich: 8 hours

Paris: 4 hours

Prague: 12 hours

Rome: 20 hours

Venice: 16 hours

Vienna: 12 hours



University Logo

Tentative Fall 2007 Schedule

Aug. 19 Depart DFW or Houston

Aug. 20 Arrive in Maastricht

Aug. 21 – 22 CES Orientation

Aug. 23 – 27 Group Trip to Germany,

Austria, Switzerland & France

Aug. 28 – Sept. 2 Free Days to Travel

Sept. 3 Classes Begin

Oct. 26 Classes End

Oct. 27 – Nov. 18 Free Days to Travel

Nov. 19 Return to U.S.

Live, study and travel in Europe. Join Baylor's oldest semester-long study program abroad in the southern Netherlands.


August 21 - November 27, 2007

City Logo


St. Servaas Church

Along the Maas



Group Trip to Germany, Austria, Switzerland & France


Rhine Cruise




Chillon Castle

Neuschwanstein Caste



Ettal Monastery

Innsbruck, Austria




Baylor in



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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