Uniform - wsfcs.k12.nc.us

| |an agreement |

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| |We have a deal. You can have my cookies and I will have your cake. Let’s shake on it! |

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|deal | |

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| |very old |

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|ancient |The building is so ancient it is falling apart. |

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| |people who buy and sell things as a business |

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| |A long time ago traders swapped shells, spices and food for other items. |

|traders | |

| | [pic][pic] |

| |worth much money |

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| |Diamonds are very valuable jewels. They are worth a lot of money. |

|valuable | |

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| |the answer to a problem |

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| |My math teacher asked me what the solution was to the math problem. |

|solution | |

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| |a country that is ruled by a king or queen |

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| |The prince and princess lived in a kingdom far, far away. |

|kingdom | |

| |[pic][pic] |

| |finally |

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| |We eventually finished mowing the lawn at our house. |

|eventually | |

| |[pic] |

| |kinds; types |

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| |There are many forms of money around the world. |

|forms | |

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| |an official stamp |

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| |The Department of Treasury seal is on the dollar bill. |

|seal | |

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| |a picture of someone |

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| |I had my portrait taken at school. |

|portrait | |

| | [pic][pic] |

| |something that is owed to another |

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| |I am collecting my friend’s debts. Connor owes me $4.00 and Sally owes me $2.00. |

|debts | |

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| |set method for doing something |

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|formula |The formula to solve the problems is to add the top number to the bottom number. |

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| |fake |

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| |Monopoly money is counterfeit and should not be used to buy things. |

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|counterfeit | |

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| |a sign or figure that stands for something |

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|emblem |The emblem for the United States is a bald eagle holding arrows and an olive branch. |

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| |to be left |

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| |There is not a lot that remains of the pie. We ate most of it. |

|remains | |

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| |to look closely |

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|inspect |The doctor will inspect the boy to make sure he doesn’t have any broken bones. |

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| |a pile |

| | |

| |I took so many books out at the library I put them in a stack to sit on them. |

|stack | |

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| |the amount of money left after all the costs of running a business have been paid |

| | |

| |Car dealers make a huge profit if they sell a car. Money also goes to the company that made the car. |

|profit | |

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| |money spent to buy or do something; cost |

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| |Lemonade, cups, ice and sugar are all expenses of a lemonade stand. |

|expenses | |

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| |The desire for a product or service |

| | |

| |There has been a huge demand for X-Box now that Guitar Hero has come out. |

|demand | |

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| |to make equal in weight, amount or force |

| | |

| |I am having a hard time trying to balance my life between school, football practice and piano lessons. |

|balance | |

| |[pic][pic][pic] |

| |quantity of something ready to be used |

| | |

| |The custodian ordered a huge supply of soap and toilet paper for the school. |

|supply | |

| |[pic] [pic] |

| |anything that is made or created |

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| |To work in a computer store, you really have to know the product. |

|product | |

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| |the act of trying to win or gain something from another or others |

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|competition |Our school competed in a chess competition and I won. |

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| |a building or group of buildings where things are manufactured; a plant |

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| |The furniture factory was polluting the environment. |

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|factory | |

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| |gave a job to; to employ |

| | |

| |The clothing store hired my sister to work there. |

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|hired | |

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| |Directed or controlled |

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| |My dad managed the local bank. He had 30 people working for him. |

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|managed | |

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| |a person whose job is to write letters and keep records for another person or a business |

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| |The owner of the company asked his secretary to take notes. |

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|secretary | |

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| |A person who has money or property worth a million or more dollars |

| | |

| |The millionaire bought a brand new house with a pool. He is rich.. |

| | |

|millionaire | |

| |[pic] |

| |asked a price |

| | |

| |My mother charged $99.99 for our groceries to her credit card. |

| | |

|charged | |

| |[pic][pic] |

| |To start a case against in court |

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| |My grandfather hired a lawyer and sued the person that caused the car crash. |

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|sued | |

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| |riches |

| | |

| |When I grow up I want to be famous and have much wealth. |

| | |

|wealth | |

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| |Part of the state |

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| |Our house is located in Mecklenburg County. |

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|county | |

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| |tools and supplies used for a given purpose |

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| |We helped the P.E. teacher put the sports equipment out for class. |

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|equipment | |

| |[pic][pic][pic] |

| |the practice of setting one group apart from another |

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| |A long time ago there were separate schools, restrooms and water fountains for blacks and white. That was called segregation. |

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|segregation | |

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| |not awake |

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| |The fall caused me to go unconscious and to stop breathing so my mom called the ambulance. |

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|unconscious | |

| |[pic][pic] |

| |wrapped together |

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| |I bundled up in my coat to go out in the cold weather. |

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|bundled | |

| |[pic] |

| |losing money |

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| |With the companies failing, lots of people have lost their jobs and have had to sell their houses. |

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|failing | |

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| |places where a service is performed |

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|stations |There are several gas stations located near the airport. |

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