138th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Sept 22 2016

Gana Conference will be technical and will present direct to the government.

KFSSI is part of. the Atomic Energy Institute.

Will spread to Kenya, Nigeria and Siera Seone.

Governments now obstructing the Keshe Foundation.  Director of KFSSI was arrested in US airport last week and held in solitary confinement in LA.

If this happens, we will release information that will undermine your security.

Every time you attempt to obstruct us we will simply release more knowledge that will render your technology obsolete.

KFSSI has achieved solid state energy release.

In the coming 2 weeks or so will be released as a blueprint.  We no longer need wire connections.  We need one transmitter and a number of receivers.  We have this even now.  The videos are ready.

We can use one transition to feed the whole city.  We have achieved 2.5kW over a small gap.  In wireless transmission, we feed back the energy to itself and it is self supporting.

There are 4 locations developing this in privacy.  The hybrid system is surpassed.  The new system is much more compact.

Those who tried to stop us, have sped up the release of the information.

We have more technologies that can help you more with Tepco.  The US company has just been sold for 360m out of nothing from the Keshe Foundation technology.  You can become richer and more profitable.

Alternative doctors who are registered with their governments can now register with the Keshe Foundation.

Keep away from highly populated areas beginning from tonight until Sunday night.  KFSSI says stay away from cities and churches.  Jewish community in France has been warned to stay off the streets and we all need to know the same.  Be on your guard.

Mobile phones with headphones creates direct cancer in the brain.  Our advice is that headphones can create specific fields in response to anger or excitement in the brain.  This concentrates fields in the brain.

We are seeing increases in testicular cancer and now muscle cancer.  This was VERY rare.  We see a lot of young girls putting mobiles in bras.  Breast cancer increase is 100%....  Bluetooth very dangerous.

Avoid wifi, modems etc keep these things away from the bedroom.

We must develop plasma systems which are balanced systems.  We must prove this is a save alternative.  In plasma, what you give, you take back, so this should be safe.

Agricultural centre in Italy about to open up.  Oasis System.  Will be near East coast of Italy.  Agriculture, seed production, animal farming etc.

Now making farming equipment and decontamination systems in Italy.  Energy systems are minute in comparison with the other applications of the technology.  Those of you who need health systems, Austria are making these and they will be available from next week.

UK people do not see the reduction.  We agree.

We have found out the difference and we should see the same as in Arizona.

You can use the system that is nano-coated to start the system.

Infiltrated by Jewish Lobby from Hungary.  He defrauded people by 260,000€.  Was kicked out of Knights of Malta.

The difference between a Field and a Plasma

When you release a field from a transmitter, you don’t expect to get it back.  And if we get it back, we call it a radar.

Wit a plasma we don’t wait to get a signal back.  We emit and receive simultaneously.  This is a balanced effect. Return feedback from the same field strength.  You feed the plasma from your coil through a tumor to another coil.  There is a feedback.  This is how you empty a cancer cell of its energy.  You give with the magnetical and receive with the gravitational.

It is a feedback of the same, using the magnetical and gravitational.  You need to feed from the magnetical side of your system to receive through the gravitational.

The more you give, the more you receive.

Wireless systems.  Understand how you have to position your systems

Understand how the potential difference is crucial in every aspect of the science.  Look at your amino acids.  Don’t look at them as chemical structures.  Look at tehe potential difference.


Understand your amino acids as a potential difference.  Not as a chemical reaction.  Look at these as potential transfer.  The ground is hydrogen.  Then look at the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.  The potential difference is in order of magnitude in relation to zero.

The potential difference between the centre of the earth and the sun creates the field strengths that allow all elements to rain down from the atmosphere.

The field strenths put pressure on the continents and the magma.  Every year megatons of material rain down on the surface of the planet, which increases the pressure on the magma…

Every day we breathe, we breathe life forms into us.  We are the bottom feeders of the gas level.  Our breathing is killing off other entities.

1hr 30

The cup that collected the taste of the orange is the same as your body.  You contain all the elements and the salt water and your soul is the orange.

You can receive whatever you need without consuming if it is the wish of the soul.

1hr 38

We have taught you energy production, medicine, food, material production.  Do you now need to be slave to man?

If you want feeding, just walk between the two cores and you will be nourished instantly.

The key is the soul.  You understand that your generosity is what drives the process.

You have to separate between what works in the matter state and the plasma state.

1hr 47

We enjoyed seeing the video of the group in London. MI5 MI6 people in London.

John’s magravs in Arizona don’t need conditioning???  He did something a little differently.

The guys in London have shown us how we can bring all the systems to almost 100% reduction in the next couple of weeks.

The beauty was the openness of the guys in London …  Hopefully they will become Keshe Foundation manufacturing in a very short time…  And we support them.


We will release more technologies shortly, when you are ready.


The magrav unit is a transmitter and receiver.  If it is a receiver I would like to give to it.  If it is a transmitter, I would like to receive from it…

1hr 55

Chinese military have threatened the lives of Keshe Foundation Supporters.

In teaching, teach the process, not a mechanical system.  Then people will develop their own process.  Understand if you are the weaker or the stronger plasma.  If you create too strong a field it may not be accepted.

If you give me too much tomato soup I won’t take it.  It is too much.  Give less.

Find out how you can take more from the fields so that you need less from the earth.

The egg and the sperm, create a mass with a central field (the soul) which dictates the manifestation of the man.

Your emotion is the Chinese whisper between the soul and the body of the man.

2hrs 12

Many people can’t have children because of the emotional state.  Changing partners is like changing trousers, but this upsets the emotional certainty.

2hrs 17

Keshe signed a contract with the Iranian Government.  They will not use the technology to harm anyone.  It may be used to protect a nation.  No work will be taught in Iran, until they change their position.

2hrs 27

All the world leaders have access to ETs.  But they have no access.  The minute the leaders commit to peace, they will gain information from the ETs and be the land of enlightenment.

Chinese agreements have been stopped.  Billion dollar agreements for clean up are waiting to be signed.

1hr 30

10 off grid wireless generators will be shown simultaneously.  The target is 20th October.

There is a huge question mark as to whether man has been to the moon.  There is life on the moon but we can’t see it.

2hrs 40

Can the guys in London come on the line?

2hrs 46

Arthritis – Himalayan Gans helping enormously.

Mr Keshe – You are attracting too much calcium to the joint.  Now try tapping the heel.  You must change the vibration. As the calcium is not passing into the bone marrow.  Tapping the heel re-adjusts the size of the lymph plasmas.


It is important to walk on the heels.  Boxers, High jumpers, long jumpers etc have strong immune systems because they continually impact their heels.

You can easily rebuild cartilage with plasma.  Get pressure off the knee for 3 – 4 months weeks.  You need a knee brace.  Then use CO2 and CuO then Calcium and Zinc and a fair amount of CH3.  Allow the cartilage to recover after 2 – 6 months no problem with the knee.  Ligaments – add magnesium.  Do the exercise below also!

3hrs 5


Physical balance comes from the foot.  If you strain a toe, you shift the balance and everything from there has to move…

Pull the toes until they click.  Do each toe twice and repeat every day.

Now rock the leg from the foot and pull very hard.  Repeat once a month.

The feet and emotional body balance together.  The emotional centre is balanced

3hrs 14

Take cheese for the teeth.  The teeth are made constantly.  They will repair if you give cheese every day.  Tooth is a root to your life.  In chewing, we find out what we need.  The teeth are like our radars.  This changeds what we eat into what we need.  This is the biggest transiever from mater to plasma.  People who breathe through the mouth behave differently to those who breathe through the nose.  Mouth breathers can do without food.  Air through the mouth is part of the food.  Air through the nose nourishes the emotions.  By breathing through the mouth, the digestive system moves to the lungs.

When we lose our teeth we have to rely entirely on the stomach for digestion.

3hrs 30

If you are in travel agencies, please help set up space travel excursions. 

Hospital decontamination, food and milk production.  Oils and soaps for cancers etc also coming.  Plasma drinking water will be available from Italy very soon.

By Monday you will be able to buy Magrav system components for teaching.

We are ready to expand in a very rapid way.

Come to the factories.  Learn and then go and teach.



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