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UNIT 3: CHAPTERS 9-11(600 CE – 1450 CE)This is the intro to Historical Unit 3: 600 CE - 1450CE. (It stops just B4 Christopher Columbus sails the ocean blue in….1492!) Remember, this is known as PERIODIZATION and they may give u an essay only on how history is broken up into ‘periods’. Here they R:AP HISTORICAL PERIODSPERIOD 1: Stone Age – 600 BCEPERIOD 2: 600 BCE-600 CEPERIOD 3: 600 CE-1450PERIOD 4: 1450-1750PERIOD 5:1750-1900PERIOD 6: 1900-2016The introduction is called ‘Networks of Exchange’ because that’s the fancy way AP calls ‘Trading Networks’ or ‘Trading Routes’. (Silk Road, Sahara Desert, Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea). In 1492 we get the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. (Also snorkeling at Fort Lauderdale beach ) Everything found below is written in AP Notes style. That means they might be Multiple Choice questions or Long-Response.The 4 main trading networks (land and water routes)The Eurasian Silk Road----landThe Sahara Desert------landThe Indian Ocean------water (India and Africa, the Middle east and SE Asia)The Mediterranean Sea-----water; (Rome, Greece, etc.)They ALL spread goods and stuff: like fruits and vegetables from Italy, spices and jewels from India, ivory and lions from Africa, books from the Middle East.They ALL spread technology and ideas: like astronomy, maps, math (algebra, trig, pre-calculus) and medicine (cat guts). And DON’T 4GET all the inventions (coffee, toothbrushes, camel and horse saddles, ships, etc.)Domesticated animals: Cows, chickens, pigs, goats, freshmen.Diseases: coodies!!!!!!! And the Plague!!!!They ALL spread religion and cultural beliefs (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism)** This is probably the most important one!They ALL use some kind of technology to functionHorse saddle/camel saddleShips with better sailsWind patternsTools for astronomy and direction (the compass, the astrolabe etc.)People also started use CAMEL CARAVANS in the Sahara (remind me to show you a great video of these groups in the desert THIS IS ALL 600 CE – 1450 CE CUZ THEN SOMES CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUSImproved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade, and expanded the geographical range of existing and newly active trade networks.Transportation technology is the stuff found above. (technology which made travel easier like the compass, better ships, saddles etc.)Commercial practices are stuff like keeping records, using paper money or coins etc.Fun Fact: gold coins started with the Persians and paper money started with the Chinese. My currency is Starbucks Gift Cards.Some cultures even used forms of credit (How much do U owe on ur credit cards ?!)Existing trade routes flourished and promoted the growth of powerful new trading cities. (Venice in Italy, Baghdad in Iraq, Mali, Ghana etc.)Look, as trade expands, so do cities. Especially cities near the water like Venice in Italy or Calcutta in India (1 toilet=350 people). And cities near the Silk Road, like Baghdad in Iraq or Chang’An in ChinaFun fact: Did u know that the 50 largest cities in the world are ALL near water. Can u understand why? Unfortunately, as Global Warming increases…….bye bye Venice. In fact, Venice now has flooding 1 out of 3 days!!!! Remind me to show you a video.The growth of interregional trade in luxury goods was encouraged by significant innovations in previously existing transportation - Yeah, people had more money so they bought more luxury items like SILK, GOLD, DIAMONDS, IVORY tec. This is why places like India and Africa become so valuable.Not Fun Facts: There are less than 5000 black rhinos and less than 20,000 white rhinos left.The beautiful SILVER BACKED GORILLA is almost extinct.So is the Amur leopard and the Leather-Backed turtle.And DON’T 4GET that gold and diamonds are picked by virtual slaves in places like West Africa and South Africa.D. Commercial growth was also facilitated by state practices, trading organizations, and state-sponsored commercial infrastructures This just means that societies and cultures came up with TRADING ORGANIZATIONS like the Shtrakhman Group for Skittles Dispersement and the Shtrakhman Society for Getting Rid of HoneyBunsOf course ‘state-sponsored commercial infrastructures ‘ just means things the state built to help traders like ports, restaurants, banks, places to keep their horses, stuff that will help a traveler feel at home.E. The expansion of empires facilitated Trans-Eurasian trade and communication as new peoples were drawn into their conquerors’ economies and trade networks.Chapter 10: Tang and Song Dynasties of ChinaChapter 11: The MongolsChapter 12: The Byzantine Empire(All 600 CE – 1450 CE)In some places, merchants would set up temporary cities (diasporic communities) where they would do business and start families. This is why in many coastal cities you get a huge mixing of the races and ethnicities.For example: Brazil hasSan FranciscoPortuguese: 400,000Asian: 33.2%Japanese 110,000Hispanic: 15%Ex-slaves : 14 millionAmerican Indian: 0.5%Also, once in while you would get a writer who went travelling and wrote about it. I say Marco and you say…….No! We’re NOT in a pool!Marco Polo was the first guy to ever take the Silk Road all the way from Europe to China. (That’s’ 10,000 miles on horseback and camelback). It took him like 24 years but he hung out in China with the Emperor for 17 years! Then Marco Polo wrote a book about all of it called The Travels. This was 1250-1350.And so, with people like Marco Polo, we get the diffusion (spreading around of ) literary, artistic and cultural things i.e. Islamic art, Buddhism, books, Indian art etc.The part below just means that ‘the expansion and intensification of long distance trade routes often depended on environmental knowledge and technological adaptations to it. After all, you can’t increase trade and venture out to new areas if you can’t ADAPT to it.Innovations stimulated agricultural and industrial production:Better farming tools like the hoe and better irrigation techniques (Israel was the first place to use the very efficient “drip-irrigation” system for farming, which uses the least water. Do u know how much water of it takes to make one pound of beef from a cow….1200 gallons!!!!!! Using oxen and horses for plows (better plows)Better farming techniques like…always changing up the crops you plant (corn for 6 months and then wheat for 6 months)Again, horse and camel saddles. Special saddles for freshman who have to carry you around school in covered chariots.CHAPTER 9: THE TANG AND SONG DYNASTIES OF CHINAFirst of all, don’t 4GET that EVERY Chinese dynasty will have:ConfucianismThe Mandate of HeavenEmperorsNomads attacking, Chinese Princesses Selling ,and the Great Wall.Patriarchy and terrible treatment of womenLots and lots of ……PeasantsThey all use the Silk RoadA little Buddhism later onThey ALL try to invade Korea, Vietnam and JapanAlso DON’T 4GET that China had a political bureaucracy UNLIKE Rome. They would control EVERYTHING from Beijing. They would not allow local people with local control. The Emperor was in charge of EVERYTHING, just as Papa Confucius wants it. I like this system better because I have eyes like a hawk!Yes they had taxes, yes they had tribute, yes they had laws, mostly canals instead of roads (except for the Silk Road) and yes they had soldiers everywhere. Plus, they would also take local peoples and THROW them into Army. Just a bit different, that’s all.AFTER THE HAN DYANSTY COLLAPSESTHE TANG DYNASTY (620-905)THE SONG DYNASTY (950-1280)THE SONG DYNASTY WILL START THE VERY AWFUL FOOTBINDING OF WOMENChinese girls will have their toes and heel tied together with very strong rope when they’re babies. This will keep the bones from growing properly and make their feet go from toe to heel!For their entire lives Chinese girls will have very small deformed feet with their toes bent completely backwards. This is known as CHINESE FOOTBINDING.So women will have it REALLY bad in China from the beginning of the Han Dynasty. But with the Song Dynasty things go from bad to worse! And things like FEMALE INFANTICIDE will continue in places like China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan etc….EVEN TODAY!!!!This is apparently what Chinese guys wanted and you would never get a rich Government employee who could read and study Confucianism as a husband unless you had small, broken feet.You think this is weird but every culture has things that other cultures find weird:Tattoos, piercings, bodybuilding, obesity in Polynesia, polygamy, neck elongation, plastic surgery, watching the Kardashian Show on Bravo!On the other hand, if you were a peasant girl, you needed your feet and so they wouldn’t be broken. In this sense, peasants girls had it better off than rich girls. The Chinese didn’t really stop this until 100 years ago when China became Communist with Mao Zedong.TANG AND SONG INVENTIONSOK, so this section is super IMPORTANT because 50% of the time AP asks you about TRADE. Plus, trade is always BETWEEN places and B$ 1492 there is only ONE hemisphere: so Asia, India, Europe, Africa and that’s it!But China AINT just about SILK!!!!!!!!!First of all, the Tang Dynasty invent GUNPOWDER. (Did u know that in the United States a gun accidentally shoots one child EVERY OTHER DAY!?)And then they also invent Chinese firecrackers. And what would the 4th of July be without some poor kids getting their hand blown off with an M-80?!The Chinese DID NOT invent guns, however, just gunpowder. It will be the Europeans who first invent guns. That’s why Europe will eventually take over most of the world (North America, South America, Christopher Columbus etc.)**Remind me to show you all the ancient guns and swords my dad collects as his ‘hobby’! The TANG/SONG also invent the MAGNTEIC COMPASS, which lets sailors and travelers know which way is North. The compass I have points to the nearest Starbucks.Fun fact: Whenever a dog is urinating, it turns around to face North. Freshmen do too!AND DON’T 4GET……SILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OTHER TANG AND SONG INVENTIONSNegative Numbers (how many of you have a negative GPA?!)Toilet paper (yay!!!!). But what did people use before toilet paper????? How many of U wait till you get home to use the bathrooms?!Paper money (Should we go back to the $1.00 coin?) Canada just got rid of the penny and we lose $300 million EVERY YEAR by making pennies.Printing blocks made of woodPRINTING BLOCKS MADE OF WOOD This one is VERY IMPORTANT .It used to be that a person would have to make hundreds of copies of books by hand. In fact, entire monasteries were devoted ONLY to making copies of the Bible. The Chinese changed all that.They invented this system of writing Chinese characters on blocks made of wood and then pouring ink all over them. Then they could move them around and make copies of everything. You could make hundreds of books, letters, poems, military instructions, homework etc. **Eventually the Europeans will invent the faster and better GUTENBERG AUTOMATIC PRINTING PRESS and use it to make thousands of…..Bibles. Another reason why Europe will take over soon and we will get pizza and pasta and French fries. In fact, the very first ‘BOOK’ is the Gutenberg Bible!!!The Tang also created STATE-SPONSORED COMMERCIAL INFRASTRUCTURES like the Grand Canal in China.The famous GRAND CANAL linked china’s 2 biggest rivers; the Yellow river and the Yangtze river. (Pronounced Yang-Tsee River. Huge engineering accomplishment)F. 30,000 miles of canals linking all of china’s rivers. These were kind of like Rome’s roads. (This is also a major engineering accomplishment)Also Chinese, Persian, and Indian artisans and merchants expanded theirproduction of textiles and porcelains for export. Textiles= Clothing and porcelain is really beautiful.Industrial production of iron and steel expanded in China. Making STEEL from iron is really difficult. It requires really high temperatures and huge factories. Do U know which US city and state made the most steel? Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. That’s why the NFL Pittsburgh team is called the ……….Pittsburgh Steelers. (Now we get our steel from China! Yay!!!)THE TANG SAW BUDDISHM AS A THREAT TO CONFUCIANISM. WHY? FIRST OF ALL, BUDDHISM ALLOWED WOMEN TO BE FREE (THIS THE CHINESE DID NOT LIKE!)BUDDHISM ALSO TAUGHT THAT WE SHOULD CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF GIRLS AS MUCH AS BOYS (WHAT! NO FEMALE INFANTICIDE!!)THE TANG HATED BUDDHIST MONASTERIES; THEY PAID NO TAXES !!!!!!! THIS UPSET THE CONFUCIAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS VERY MUCH!!!MONKS AND NUNS WOULDN’T MARRY. THEY DON’T IN CATHOLICISM EITHER.Well, the Chinese finally saw Buddhism as a threat to their Confucian way of life: no husbands, no taxes, girls equal to boys? CHAOS!!!!! Plus, Buddhists said that you could leave your life and become a MONK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So, the Song Emperor especially, started KILLING all the Buddhist monks and nuns!!! Can U beli3ve it?!THEY BURNT DOWN 2500 BUDDHIST TEMPLES AND KILLED 20,000 MONKS!!!!!! THIS IS ONE OF THE WORST RELIGIOUS DISASTERS IN HUMAN HISTORY AND ENDS THE “GOLDEN AGE” OF BUDDHISM IN CHINA. IT STILL SPREADS TO JAPAN, KOREA, VIETNA, THAILAND, LAOS, CAMOBODIA, BURMA AND THE REST OF ASIA BUT IT WOULD NEVER BE THE SAME IN CHINA EVER AGAIN!!NEOCONFUCIANISMThe Song Dynasty also started NEO-CONFUCIANISM: the blending of Buddhism andConfucianism. Today, China and most of Asia have a lot of Buddhism AND a lot of Confucianism. This is NEO-CONFUCIANISM!!!THE MILITARYThe Tang and Song Dynasties invade Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Actually, Japan, Korea and Vietnam HATE China even today.When they took over, China made all 3 countries pay tribute to China and bow down to the Emperor.This “bowing down to the Emperor” is known as the KOWTOW (pronounced Cow-tao). And if you wanted to trade with China, or not get killed, you better bow down. From now on any time one of you has a question for me, you will KOWTOW first. Japan gets Buddhism, but it does not replace Shintoism (the worship of rivers, rocks and trees)FUN FACT:THE CHINESE LOVED VIETNAM CUZ THEY HAD THIS REALLY FAST GROWING RICE CALLED CHAMPA RICE! I LIKE SHRIMP FRIED RICE MYSELFAnd actually, if u get an essay on Asia you can write about ALL this stuff. Japan, Vietnam and Korea get a little Buddhism, a little Confucianism, a little Emperor love, a little Chinese art etc.In fact, the King of Thailand just died. His name was Bhumibol Adulyadej (pronounced I-don’t-Know) and he was 89 years old. Now people are afraid that Thailand, already a poor country and the AIDS and sex trafficking capital of Asia, will fall into chaos.THE END OF THE TANG AND THE SONG DYNASTIES EMPIRE(FOR THE SAME REASONS THAT ALL BIG EMPIRES FALL)TOO BIG!!!!!TOO EXPENSIVE!!!!TOO HARD TO CONTROLALSO, TOO MANY PEOPLE (OVERPOPULATION)TOO MUCH POVERTY(TOO MANY PEASANTS)AND TOO MUCH FAMINE (NOT ENOUGH TO EAT. ALSO, LIKE ALL LARGE EMPIRES THEY RUNIDE THE LAND WITH OVERGRAZING, DEFORESTATION AND SOIL EROSION)Plus, LOCAL WARLORDS like Alan George, Esan Millet and Michael Merino are constantly rebelling. I mean, how long are you gonna control an empire this size!!Look, the natives are ALWAYS gonna get restless. Whether it’s the Generals in Rome, the warlords in India or China, or the peasants of 1st hour, 2nd hour and 5th hour, ALL rebellions must be put down with FORCE!!!!! Rebellions (slave, peasants, whatever) contribute to the fall of ALL LARGE EMPIRES!!!TANG/SONG HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTSWhat are the Tang and the Song inventions in order of importance:Explain ‘female foot binding’:Explain ‘neo-Confucianism’:How did the Song Dynasty treat Buddhism in general? Why? List 4 complains the Chinese government had against Buddhists: B) C) D)Explain the Chinese relationship with Japan, Korea and Vietnam: (It’s not just war)Why did the Tang Empire end and what does this say about all large empires?What’s the ‘KOWTOW’ and how does it relate to Zheng he and the Ming Dyansty: (Great SAQ by the way)Why will Europe become stronger than China?What’s the Chinese Civil Service Exam again?DON’T 4GET that all the AP notes found above are EXACTLY what u might find on the Long-Response section of the AP Exam in May. Make sure you can understand them cuz they’re gonna be on you Chapter 9-12 test in a few weeks.CHAPTER 10:GHENGIS KAHN AND THE MONGOLS NINE THINGS YOU HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT THE MONGOLSMONGOLS: HUNS, NOMADS, CENTRAL ASIAN, BARBARIANS…..ALL THE SAME!Mongol Empire: 1200-1400 (92 years B4 Christopher Columbus) 200 YRS OF PAIN.The Mongols/HUNS were pastoralists, or nomads, from Central Asia. Central Asia is a really inhospitable place. The land was harsh and you couldn’t really grow any fruits or vegetables; it’s really just a collection of grasslands but you can have a lot of animals. Thus a nomad measured his wealth by the number of animals he had; goats, camels, horses, high school students etc. There was no industry and no farming. That’s why they would constantly attack places like China; because they didn’t have their own stuff. AND DON’T 4GET that they would also attack traders on the Silk Road and steal their things. And that’s why the Chinese built the Great Wall in the first place.At the same time, however, the Mongols were fierce horse warriors. The children would be brought up on horseback and know how to ride a horse before they could walk. They also learned how to shoot a bow and arrow from a horse, which is very difficult to do. Even in Mongolia today, horseback archery is a very big deal. In fact, they even invented a long bow which could shoot an arrow 1500 feet. That’s ? mile for you math nerds.The Mongols also invented the battering ram and improved upon the catapult that the Roman Empire invented. (In fact, they would even catapult dead bodies with the Plague over European castle walls!) This was the world’s first example of BIOLOGICAL WARFAREIn fact the Mongols would have a saying: “Surrender now and only ? will die. Keep fighting and you will ALL die!”That’s why the Chinese Dynasties would either pay them off or sell them Chinese Princesses. It was easier than having to fight them.And when the Mongols conquered you they either A) Put you to work B) threw you in the army or C) Enslaved youIf you ran away, they killed your whole unit….If one kid cheats, I fail the WHOLE classCrazy Fact: Their leader Genghis Khan raped so many women in Asia that it is said that 7% of all boys in China have Genghis Khan’s DNA! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How strong were they? Look at the SIZE of their empire:The Mongol Empire was HUGE!!!!!!!They took over Russia (Eazy Peazy)They took over 90% of India (Which Alexander the Great COULD NOT!)They conquered the mighty Middle East and the Islamic armies of Muhammad.Finally they took over China! The mighty dynasties hath fallen!!!!!!!They basically controlled everything from the Pacific Ocean to Eastern Europe. And DON’T4GET that this was BEFORE Christopher Columbus. 1200-1400 so no Western Hemisphere. U could say the Mongols RULKED THE WORLD. becha didn’t know that!And of course they ruled the Silk Road!!! And actually, they are the ones who made sure that all the traders of the Silk Road, passing goods along from one guy to the next, were safe. U can’t have a wealthy empire if you don’t have TRADE and u don’t have trade with traveler safety. Who wants to be a ‘Hall Monitor’ at Plantation High School CONQUERED AREA #1: RUSSIAThe Mongols were BRUTAL in Russia destroying everyone and everything around them. This is when Moscow becomes the capital of Russia. Russia’s kings also take the word ‘czar’ from Caesar. Only the Russian princes (me) who did business with the Khans got to keep any of their land. CONQUERED AREA #2: THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE DEFEAT OF MUSLIM ARMIESGenghis Khan and his many sons and grandsons destroyed Baghdad in Iraq and Damascus in Syria and that was the end of Muslim rule over the Middle East. Muhammad’s armies controlled most of the Middle East from 711 to 1256, and then the Brutal Mongols came in.But………………………………………….The Mongols actually became Muslim. Also, they are the ones who took ALL the great Muslim inventions (toothbrush, coffee, math) and spread it throughout the rest of their empire. They even brought in Islamic astronomers and made them build observatories in China. Still, they basically let conquered peoples practice any religion they wanted.Why? Cuz if you want to control a large empire, you better give them SOME RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.-----------So when the Muslim armies ran the show…you had to convert to Islam---------When the Kahn ran the show, u were lucky to live but could pray to any god u wanted!!ACTUALLY, MUSLIMS HAD A BEEF WITH THE MONGOLS:MONGOLS ATE PORK WHICH ISLAM FORBIDSTHEY KILLED ANIMALS WITHOUT SLICING THEIR NECKS FIRST THE MONGOLS WERE ALL ALCOHOLICS AND ISLAM FORBIDS ALCOHOLConquered Area #3: IndiaThey wanted India because of all the spices and the jewels. Remember, Southern India is too hard to take because of all the jungles and malaria.They conquer Northern India, however, and now that they are Muslim they make all of Northern India Muslim, while the South stays Hindu.Muslims and Hindus in India DO NOT get along and eventually become 2 separate countries; India and Pakistan. This conflict between Hindus and Muslim all goes back to the Mongols introducing Islam into India.THE BIG ONE: CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well, from 1200-1400 China finally lost to the Huns. Not even the gReat Wall could stop Genghis Kahn and his murderous, rapist hordes.The thing is though, China was the only country the Mongols didn’t completely destroy. They left China alone because they needed all their animals and all their rice.In fact, the Mongols turned the famous Forbidden Kingdom, where the Emperor used to live, into kind of a farm where their animals would graze, poop and run around.This is actually the year Beijing becomes the capital. It used to be Chang’An because that’s where the Silk Road ended. Chang’an is called Xi’an (pronounced shee-ahn)The Mongols renamed China the Yuan Dynasty and ruled it for 100 years.The Mongols also wanted to learn from China. In fact, they wanted to learn from all their conquered lands. The Mongols brought so many cultures together that they are known as the Great Connectors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE GREAT CONNECTORS: TRADE, TRADE, TRADE!!!!(This is the MOST IMPORTANT SECTION of the whole chapter)They are known as the GREAT CONNECTORS because they CONNECTED all these other empires; China, Central Asia, the Middle East, India and Europe. Basically EVERY country and empire along the Silk Road.They brought Chinese gunpowder from China all the way to Europe and everywhere in between (India, Russia, the Middle East)Remember how into astronomy the Islamic Caliphates were? Well, the Mongols brought observatories and masters of Astronomy all the way from the Middle East into China.Fun Fact: When I was a Freshmen at Boston University I wanted to major in Astronomy, but the Assistant professor told me the homework was math problems that were 8 or 9 hours long so……….They also brought all of the medical practices that the Muslims invented into China (Cat guts, the toothbrush, trigonometry)And most importantly, the Mongols brought coffee grown in India and the Middle East and brought it all over the world, even to the Starbucks on the corner of Broward and University where I go.And DON’T 4GET about spreading Islam from the Middle East to India and beyond!!!AP EXPLANATION OF HOW MUCH THE MONGOLS TRADED:Increased cross-cultural interactions resulted in the dffusion ofliterary, artistic, and cultural traditions.Increased cross-cultural interactions also resulted in the diffusion of scientific and technological traditions.Pastoralists were often the developers and disseminators of newweapons and modes of transportation that transformed warfare in agrarian civilizations.BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THE MONGOLS CARRIED WAS…………… THE PLAGUE The plague is a virus that is carried by fleas on rats and middle school students. It causes boils, gangrene, seizures, and eventually death. It is especially deadly because it is carried through the air. One can catch just by being in the same room as one who is infected. (THIS MEANS IT IS AIRBORNE and can be spread by sneezing, coughing or going on Facebook). It is also known as BLACK DEATH cuz your hands and toes would turn….black!The Plague kind of started in China while the Mongols were in charge. It killed 35 million Chinese people. The Mongols connected everything SO MUCH that they brought the plague into Europe and there it killed another 25 million (that’s 1/3 of the total population of Europe!)CHINA: 35,000,000 DEAD!!!EUROPE: 25,000,000 DEAD======1/4 OF THE POPULATION!!In those days rats and fleas were everywhere but humans did not know about the existence of microorganisms like bacteria or viruses. They didn’t know about germs. So everyone tried healing people with the plague, praying with them, feeding them, sleeping next to them etc. (Fun Fact: anti-bacterial soap don’t work like advertised)All the while they kept spreading it. Eventually people figured it out and would burn all the dead bodies.Go online and look at photographs of people with the plague. They’re disgusting and i know High School students like that. Also look at frostbite from the HimalayasDon’t 4GET that ‘DISEASE’ is under Environment and the Plague can be social, religious, economic etc. See how below:CONSEQUENCES OF THE PLAGUE:The Catholic Church loses some power because people eventually realized that the priests couldn’t help you. After all, if I’m a good Christian and I STILL get the Plague………So many people died that those left could make more money $$$$(Supply and Demand)Women got a little bit more freedom too because everyone needed workers. $$$$$As a result, there were actually a lot of social, economic and political improvements.Fun Fact: The world’s population will hit 10,000,000,000 in the year 2050 (Good Luck!)P.S. the plague still exists but we have a cure. You better get the medicine in the first 12 hours of infection though. Otherwise, it’s deadly.When the Mongols died the next Chinese dynasty we get is the MING DYNASTYThere’s only 2 things you have to know: The year is 1350!!!First of all, the Ming had the most expensive vases in the world. They are called……………..MING VASES. The most expensive once, since it’s 750 years old, just sold for $36,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They sent a dude named Admiral Zheng He (pronounced JUNG_HA) all over the Indian Ocean lookin for dudes to trade with. He went to India, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, East Africa, back to the Middle East, back to India etc. He knew that all these little countries would have to pay TRIBUTE to China if they wanted to trade with the Emperor. That and bow down!His most famous ship was called the junk!)It had square sails as opposed to the triangular sails of Europe cuz triangular sails are better to catch the Monsoon Winds of the Indian Ocean as opposed to the winds of the Mediterranean in Europe.He actually had 27,000 sailors and 300 ships. The funny thing is that he and china had absolutely no desire to conquer any lands around the Indian Ocean. Not India, not the Middle East, not Africa. Nowhere! All they wanted to do was get trading partners for China and make their leaders come down to Beijing and bow down to Shtrakhman. China had an opportunity to ‘conquer the world’! And they didn’t. Europe wasn’t strong yet, the world (especially the Indian Ocean) was China’s for the taking. But I guess all they wanted was money and fame, just like Justin Bieber.And so, just like Justin Bieber, China disappeared into the backseat of life. The biggest navy in the world just……stopped, like we all wish Justin Bieber would.CHAPTER 10 ASSIGNMENTS1.Why is the fact that Mongols were pastoralists important?__________________________________________________________________________2.Why did they win their battles?3. List each areas the Mongols took over and 3 characteristics from each:AREA 1AREA 2AREA 34.Explain the following statement: “the Mongols were called the world’s Great Connectors”:List EVERYTHING that the Mongols spread in order of significance:B. c. d. e. f.Explain the various characteristics of THE PLAGUE:Who is Marco Polo and why is he important?What’s so important about the MING DYNASTY?Who is Zheng He and why is he even important?What is meant by the statement “CHINA HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO ‘CONQUER THE WORLD’! AND THEY DIDN’T”.CHAPTER 11: THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE Look at what the Byzantine Empire controlled after Rome fellGreeceThe Middle EastEgyptThe year is 476-1451 CEQUICK REVIEW: CONSTANTINE (THE LAST DUDE)The guy who made the ENTIRE Roman Empire Christian……… He saw all of the problems that the HUGE Roman Empire was having (It was too big and too hard to defend), and he decided to split it up in 2.The west side would be called Western Europe while the east side would be called the Byzantine EmpireTHE BYZANTINE EMPIREIt’s capital became ‘Constantinople’ named after….Constantine. I guess Shtrakhmanople was taken.Constantinople was a lot easier to defend: Western Europe was a lot closer to the Germans AND the Vikings, so Byzantine was safer!!Actually, if u get an ESSAY on Unit 3: 600 ce-1450 ce or on this side of the planet and you choose to write about the Byzantine Empire just DON’T 4GET that they are almost EXACTLY like the Romans: Emperor, laws, roads, army, slaves, organized religion (not polytheistic anymore), local rulers etc. Just some slight differences.THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE LOOKS A LOT LIKE ROME AS WELLThey also had a lot of roads to transport troops and stuff.They also taxed both their subjects AND any conquered peoples.And just like every other empire, they would throw people from conquered territories into their army.They also did business with China along the Silk Road just like Rome (what does China have they we all want? Silk, porcelain, acupuncture, ramen noodles!!!)And they had EMPERORS and SHTRAKHMANSTHEY ALSO HAD EMPERORS WHO LOVEDDDD TO CONQUER: EMPEROR JUSTINIAN (BUT HE SUCKED AT IT) Starting in 550 JUSTINIAN tries to take:Italy back from ze Germans (nope)North Africa back from Ze Germans (nope)Ze Middle East from the Muslims (nope)Spain (nope)He can’t do it. Oh well! The Byzantines live on!THE 12 LAWS OF JUSTINIAN (LIKE THE 12 LAWS/TABLES OF ROME)CHRISTIANITY IS our #1 religion. That’s it!If u are not a Christian, you CANNOT BE A CITIZEN!!!!!!!!The Emperor is the leader of BOTH CHURCH AND STATE (WOW!)No gum chewingThis is especially interesting cuz in Western Europe, it was the Pope who ran Catholicism. And of course he lived in Vatican City (the smallest country in the world!). The Pope will continue to wield INCREDIBE influence in Western Europe from 500 CE-----1000 CE------1500 CE-------1950---------2016---TODAY!!!Yet here we have Emperor Justinian sayin’ HE is the #1 dude in Orthodox Christianity. Interesting, no!!!! THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WESTERN EUROPE AND THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE IS RELIGION VS. Most of Europe was Catholic. The Byzantine Empire, however, was Eastern Orthodox Christian. This is what their cross looks like. It’s on my grandmother’s grave in Russia.Countries that have a lot of Eastern Orthodox Christianity instead of Catholicism: Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania (All the old countries in the Byzantine Empire.)OTHER DIFFERENCES BEWTEEN CATHOLICISM AND EASTERN ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITYIn the Catholic Church women cannot be priests or bishops. This is because Jesus only had male Apostles///////////////////In Orthodox Christianity women CAN be priests and can even get married. Neither Churches allow gay marriage but opinions are constantly changing.The Catholic Church has a Pope who lives in the Vatican.The Eastern Orthodox Church has the Patriarch of Greece and the Patriarch of Moscow.They also speak Greek while in the Vatican they speak Latin.Emperor Justinian also built the huge and beautiful HAGUE SOFIA Church in Constantinople (Pronounced EYE-A-SOFIA). When the Islamic armies captured it in 1451 they turned it into a Mosque, which it still is today (You can tell because of the 4 spires/minarets). I visited this mosque in what is now Istanbul last year. Remind me to show you pictures. Unfortunately, Islamic terrorists exploded two bombs there 6 weeks after I landed in New York. LET’S LEARN A LIL’ ABOUT WESTERN EUROPE AFTER THE FALL OF THE ROMANSBSAICALLY WESTERN EUROPE STARTS TO SUCKS…………………………………………………Trade goes down..The population goes down….The economy goes down…….Viking beer drinking…goes up!!!The Vikings and the Germans really messed up Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire in the year 476 CE. First of all, they destroyed all the big cities and left villages in their place. Rome used to have 1,000,000 people. After the Germans and the Vikings moved in, Rome only had 10,000 people. **The Vikings have a dish called ‘haggis’ which is the sheep’s lungs, heart and spleen cooked in the sheep’s own stomach. Yum! I eat it only with mustard.Feudalism in the Middle gesThe king is on top! (Shtrakhman)Lords (Seniors)Controlled large estates called Manors that are self-sufficient and separate from the other lands. They also had a lot of SERFS (everybody else)SERFDOM (Sophomores)Poor dudes and dudettes who lived on the land who could be bought or sold with the land.Kind of like slavery but they could not be beaten and could live with their families. In exchange they got protection from the lord. This is called SERFDOM.Sometimes these FREE- PEASANTS would start to revolt, especially when taxes or homework got too high.CITIES REALLY STARTED TO SUCK.Multiple factors contributed to the declines of urban areas in this period.Required examples of these factors:Invasions-obviously (ZE GERMANS,THE HUNS, CENTRAL ASIAN NOMADS, MUSLIM ARMIES ETC.)Disease- yup, that too! THE PLAGUE!!!!!!!!!!The decline of agricultural productivity- who can work on a farm when they’re all runnin’ for their lives! Many people don’t know this but Europe went through a ‘mini-Ice Age (cold)’ and a mini-warming period (hot) during the Middle on Global WarmingTemperatures have gone up about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 100 years and sea levels have risen about 8 inches.They continue to rise 1/7 of an inch every year and so 1ft=84 years by 2100. That’s a disaster. But hey, I’ll be dead and you’ll be grandparents. Good luck!!!But then Western Europe makes a comeback!!! (AP NOTES)The fate of cities varied greatly, some made a rebound, some continued to suck. Some had periods of significant decline, and some had periods of increased urbanization buoyed (HELPED) by rising productivity and expanding trade networks.This means that a lot of people stated moving to cities (urban-ization) because production went up on farms and trade networks improvedMultiple factors contributed to urban revival.Required examples of these factors:The end of invasions (YAY!) Crazy invasions ended! Europe started to heal again and the world went on. Ze Germans went back to Germany and the Mongols were gone from ChinaThe availability of safe and reliable transport (Who takes the Plantation Trolley!)Increased agricultural productivity and subsequent rising Population- (Obviously the more food you can produce the greater the population.)Greater availability of labor also contributed to urban growth. This means that a lot of people moved to cities because everyone needed a job. FUN FACT: Do you know what percentage of people in the world live in BIG CITIES? About half: 3,500,000,000 people Required examples of forms of labor organization:Various forms of coerced and unfree labor: Peasants who have to work for free (China, India, and my 1st hour) Free Peasant Agriculture: In some countries you either had to work government land for free or pay some of your food as a tax. This is known as a Government-imposed labor taxMilitary obligations And in almost every country you either had to fight for free or were drafted. Plus, if you lived in a conquered area, sometimes the only way to get citizenship was to join the Army. (My dada in Russia got out of the Army cuz he went to college! During Vietnam, only college students were exempt from the Draft. Is this fair?!___________Guilds and Craft production: Group of workers like blacksmiths or potters, or craftsmen like shoe makers. Also, the lollipop guild from ‘Wizard of Oz’The Byzantine Empire will not be destroyed until Muslim armies sack Constantinople in 1451 and rename it Istanbul. From then on it will be known as the Islamic Turkish Ottoman Empire. And the Ottomans will not fall until World War I in 1918.Western Europe will continue to suck until the 1500’s: The Scientific Revolution (Galileo and Copernicus), the Renaissance (Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo), the Protestant Reformation (Martin Luther) and the Enlightenment (Freedom of Speech) ALL happen in the 1500’s. Between then and the fall of the Romans-nuthin! But of course the 1500’s rock; Columbus sets sail on the Nina the ___ and the Santa _______CHAPTER 11 ASSIGNMENTS Why was Constantine so important?How was Constantinople JUST LIKE ROME? 3. List 2 similarities and 2 differences between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church:A) B) A)B)4. How did Germany and the Vikings change Western Europe?Explain what ‘FEUDALISM’ is and what ‘SERFDOM’ is:How is my class really a feudal enterprise?List 3 reasons why Europe started to suck:List 3 reasons why Europe made a comeback:List 3 forms of ‘LABOR ORGANIZATIONS’:SOMETHIN’ ELSE THAT HAPPENED IN THE 1300’STHE CRUSADESJerusalem, the capital of Israel, is considered one of the holiest places on Earth. It is revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims and, unfortunately, they have been fighting for it for 1000 years.Holy Religious Sites of JerusalemJudaism- The Temple Mount and the Western WallChristianity- The Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Also near Bethlehem and NazarethIslam- The Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque.THE YEAR 1000By the year 1000 the armies of Islam controlled Israel and Jerusalem. This is because they essentially controlled all of the Middle East after Muhammad died.At the same time, however, Western Europe was fiercely Catholic and the Byzantine Empire was Eastern Orthodox Christian.The Muslims may have controlled Jerusalem, but the Catholics and Christians WANTED IT BACK! Their attempts to take back Jerusalem by force are known as THE CRUSADES.THE CRUSADES: First Crusade 1095–1099: The Christians take Jerusalem and slaughter the Jews and the Muslims living there (HOW VERY CHRISTIAN OF THEM)Second Crusade 1147–1149Now that they have Jerusalem, the Christians take Spain back from the Muslims. But only part. The rest of the Muslim armies would not be kicked out until King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella come around. Then, in 1491, one year before Christopher Columbus ‘discovers’ America, the King and Queen KICK EVER SINGLE JEW OUT OF SPAIN. This is known as the SPANISH INQUISITION. Jews had 3 choices; Convert to CatholicismLeave SpainGet killed(HOW VERY CHRISTIAN OF THEM)Third Crusade 1187–1192The Islamic commander Saladin unifies the Muslims and retakes Jerusalem, but he famously lets Christians and Jews practice freely.(HOW VERY CHRISTIAN OF HIM)He strikes a deal with the King of Jerusalem who had Leprosy and wore a silver mask all the time. Leprosy can cause permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes. Secondary infections, in turn, can result in tissue loss causing fingers and toes to become shortened and deformedFourth Crusade 1202–1204The Crusaders can’t take Jerusalem so they destroy Constantinople of the Byzantine Empire instead. Even though Constantinople is COMPLETELY CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Remember, Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity have many differences. Still, they’re all supposed to be Christian. The Catholics of Europe attack the Eastern orthodox Christians of Constantinople. (HOW VERY CHRISTIAN OF THEM)CONSEQUENCES OF THE CRUSADES** remember how even the plague had positive consequences? well, so did the crusades. i mean, after thousands of Jews, Christians and Muslims were killed.one of the most significant consquences of the crusades, even though the Muslims won…………………………………………………………..Is that Europe and the Middle East started doing business again:This is how they got the translations of Aristotle and all those other Greek texts.People like Copernicus and Galileo read Arabic books on astronomy to help them figure out that the earth is not at the center of the solar system.Starbucks opens up in every single European city and Mr. Shtrakhman is quite pleased since the Muslim populations invented….COFFEE!!And most importantly, Europe will get gunpowder from China and will finally invent……the gun!!!!!!!!ASSIGNMENT: CRUSADES QUESTIONSWhy go on the Crusades in the 1st place?During which Crusade did the Muslims finally win?Which crusade will soon allow Spain to be one of the most powerful countries on Earth?Which REGIONS of the world did the Crusades involve? Hint: I’ll give you one: EuropeList the 3 most important consequences of the Crusades in order of importance: A) B) C)THINKING QUESTION: Why do you think so many people fight about religion?________________________________________________________________________ALSO, is it FAIR that only college students get out of the Draft?_______________________________________________________________________LET’S MOVE ON TO CHAPTERS 12-13: THE AZTEC, INCA, AND THE SPANISH CONQUISTADORS! ................

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