Duplin County Schools

Questions are in order from 1.01- 6.03What is the difference between food sanitation and food safety?Food sanitation is cleanliness of food and equipment, food safety is how food was handledName people who have higher risk of becoming sick from contaminated foods. (4) elderly, pregnant women, small children, weakened immune syndromeName the most common foodborne illnesses and give an example of their sources. (4) Campylobacter – any raw meate-coli – ground meatNorwalk- shellfish, raw veggies, feces / raw sewage, contaminated waterSalmonella – chickenHepatitis A – seafood / saladsBotulism – canned foodName four key recommendations the USDA gives for food safety. Clean, separate, cook, chillWhat does FIFO mean? First in, first outThe temperature danger zone is: 41 - 135Give one prevention technique for each hazard: Cuts BurnsElectrical issues Chemical poisoning Falls Choking Other Define cross contamination. Contamination of one food from contact with another food or unclean surfaceDefine dove tailing. Doing 2 or more things at onceIdentify and describe parts of a recipe. (5 parts and optional) Title, ingredients, directions, cooking temp, yield – optional – nutritional dataIdentify the following types of equipment and describe what they do: Measuring – spoons, cups, scales – used to measureCutting/mixing – knives, mixer, pastry blender – used to mix ingredientsCooking – stove , grill….used to prep foodWhat are the abbreviations for the following measurements:Ounce ozTablespoon (2) Tbsp, TFluid ounce fl.oz.Cup cPound lbGallon galPint ptQuart qtWhat are the equivalents to the following measurements (name as many as possible): 1 tablespoon - 3tsp, 1/16 cup? cup – 4 Tbsp.1 cup – 16 Tbsp1 quart 2 pt, 4 cups1 gallon 4 qts, 8 pts, 16 c.16 ounces 1 lb., 2 cupsHow do you measure fat or lard that is not premeasured? Dry measuring cup and pack it down to remove air bubblesWhy is flour sometimes sifted? To add air – lighter texture of baked productHow do you measure brown sugar? – pack down in dry measuring cupWhat do you use to measure milk? Liquid measuring cup, squat to be eye levelWhat do you use to measure baking soda or baking powder? Measuring spoonDescribe the following terms: Chop –cut into irregular piecesMince –cut in smallest possible piecesGrate – make small particles while rubbing on graterPeel – remove outer layer of a fruit / veggieGrease – add oil or grease to prevent stickingDust – lightly sprinkleCube –cut into small cubesSlice – cut lg pieces of meatDrain – pour off greaseA mechanical process that prevents cream from rising to the surface of milk. homogenizedDairy products made from milk to which helpful bacteria have been added are ___cultured______ dairy products. A cooked paste of flour and fat used to thicken classic white sauce is called a ____roux_____. The ratio of flour to fat used in this is _____1___ part flour to _____1___ part fat.What type of heat is best used when preparing recipes with milk and cheese products in them? lowWhich part of the egg contains the most nutrients? yolkWhat foodborne illness is associated with eggs? salmonellaWhat are the main nutrients found in eggs (name at least three)? Choline, luten, vitamin AHow are eggs and dairy foods alike (name at least two)? Cook low heat, refrigeratedHow are eggs and dairy foods different (name at least two) dairy food provides calcium, eggs are bindersDescribe high quality quick breads. Smooth semi-rounded topWhy is it important to preheat oven when making breads? Chemical reaction with leaveners and heat cause bread to riseWhat are leavening agents? Products that cause baked goods to rise Name four things that are leavening agents. Cream of tartar, baking powder, steam, yeastWhat does “kneading the dough” mean? Work dough with handsWhat should you do if you use a dark pan when baking?What are the functions of liquid, flour, eggs, fats, baking soda, baking powder, and sugar when baking? Liquid – moisten ingredients, flour – gives structure, eggs – color, flavor, bonding, fats – flavor, baking soda – the base in the chemical reaction with baking powder – leavener, sugar-sweetener and can stabilize egg whitesName two other types of quick bread. Muffins, pancakes, pancakesWhat type of leftovers could be used for casseroles or one-dish meals? Meat, vegetables, rice or pastaWhat are the starches roles in casseroles? carbohydratesWhat is the difference between ripened and unripened cheese. Unripened – coagulate milk protein with acid- soft cheese like cream cheese; ripened- milk protein with enzymes – and add mold – Colby, swiss, blue cheeseYou are measuring sour cream for a recipe. How do you measure it? Dry measuring cupName the four classifications of tableware. Flatware, beverageware, dinnerware, hollowareFour most commonly used styles of meal service are: buffet, plate, family style, Russian or continentalWhat are the most formal/least formal styles of meal service?formal- Russian, least formal-buffetWhere and when are each style used? Buffet – church functionPlate - ApplebeesFamily – home dinnerRussian – Ruth Chris’ SteakhouseWhat should you do with your napkin at mealtime? Folded in lapIf there are three forks on your place setting, which one do you use first? outsideDraw a formal place setting. Name seven reasons why we eat food. Nutrition, wellness, enjoyment, family/social, enjoyment, comfort, entertainmentName the four categories of external influences on food choices. Give two examples of each. Media, economic, technological, environmentalWhy should you eat a variety of foods? Well balanced meal - nutrientsName how each influence affects food choices. Media - tv, ads – visual influenceIndividual – likes and dislikesEnvironmental -weatherCultural – muslim – no porkEconomic $ effects purchasePhysiological- eat food to grow muscleHow much physical activity should each age group get? Children Reg. activity, limit sedentary activitiesTeenagersAdults What are calories? Unit used to measure energy value of foodWhat are the five sections of MyPlate? Fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, milkWhy is physical activity important? Heart healthy – maintain healthy weight Name the six nutrients and their functions. Water, carbs, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals Name the food sources for each nutrient. Water – lettuce, carbohydrate – pasta, fat – cooking oil, protein – neat, vitamins – dark green- veggies, minerals- yogurtWhat are the building blocks of proteins? Amino acidsA blood disorder caused by a lack of iron and red blood cells is called _anemia_____Bad cholesterol has an abbreviation called LDL. When a protein has all essential amino acids it is a ___complete_______ protein. The unit used to measure the energy value of foods is called _calorie___. Starches, such as breads, rice, cereal, pasta, corn, and dry beans are examples of complex carbohydrates. An old man with high blood pressure linked with high salt intake may have hypertension. These types of lipids, commonly called fat, are called __triglycerides Good cholesterol has an abbreviation called __HDL__. When a fatty acid contains all the hydrogen it can chemically hold, it is called ___Saturated___ fatty acids. When carbohydrates are fully broken down chemically, this blood sugar is called ___glucose___. A plant material that is eaten, but can not be digested by human enzymes are fiberThese have been known to help heart disease. Blueberries are a good source of an _antioxidant___. These vitamins are absorbed and stored in the fatty tissue of the body. __fat solubleLowering the risk of heart disease, this fatty acid is found in fish oil. omega 3When a plant protein lacks one or more essential amino acids it becomes an _______ protein. Is the chemical process that turns vegetable oil into solids. hydrogenationNot getting the right nutrients or an inadequate diet is called __malnutrition____. Sucrose, honey, molasses, and candy are examples of __simple carbohydrates A calcium deficiency disease is called __osteoporosis____. These vitamins dissolve easily in water and are carried out of the body thru the urine. Water solubleVitamins and minerals taken in addition to foods dietary supplementsCalcium, magnesium, and potassium are examples of what? Major mineralsIs the study of how the body uses food. nutritionLack of water in the body causes ___dehydration_____. Fat-like substances in all body cells. Also found in liver and egg yolks. cholesterolOrganic substances needed in small amounts for hormonal growth, maintenance, and cell reproduction. Found in vegetables and vitamins. vitaminsThe chemical process that takes place in the cells after the body absorbs the nutrients is called ____metabolism_____. A sugar with a single unit chemical structure. MonosaccharideA ______ is a life sustaining chemical compound in food. nutrientThis nutrient repairs the hair, nails, skin, and muscles and is needed for growth. proteinThis nutrient becomes part of the bones, tissues, and body fluids. Examples are: iron, iodine, and zinc mineralsAnother name for fats is what? lipidsIs the most abundant mineral in the body. calciumWhat are the six life cycle stages discussed in class? Infants, toddlers, school age, teens adults, seniorsWhat are nutritional needs for women who are breastfeeding? Folic acid, iron, vitamin CWhat is a milestone for toddlers? feedingWhat vitamins should older adults (50+) make sure to include in their diet? Consume extra Vitamin DWhat are the three eating disorders discussed in class? Bulimia, anorexia, binge eatingWhat are the chronic conditions discussed? High Blood Cholesterol – (high blood pressure) Hypertension – high blood pressure / shortness of breath, Health problems , high BMI, Type II Diabetes – fatigue, thirst, Osteoporosis – brittle bones, Anorexia – eating patterns – rituals, Bulimia-tooth decay, blistered hands, Binge eating-eat 3,000 – 5,000 calories at one sittingWhy can’t a vegan have cheese on their salad? – cheese comes from an animal Do dairy products provide enough nutrients for a lacto-vegetarian diet? noWhat are characteristics of a vegetarian diet? Do not eat meatExplain the causes of obesity in today’s society. Lack of exerciseWhy do foods such as marbled meats and snack foods elevate blood cholesterol levels? fatWhat are the four factors that affect food selections? Economic, physiological, psychological, culture Give an advantage and disadvantage of the eight types of stores. Convenience –open 24 hrs. limited selection, $$$Electronic ordering/pick up- order online, pick it up, $$$Farmer’s market – food sold from grower,Food cooperatives- people own and operate storeHome grown – you growSpecialty stores – sale limited selection ex. Hair storeSupermarket/supercenter- carry a variety of food itemsWarehouse stores Buy in bulk Name the type of stores: Large-scale shopping – warehouse (Sams Club)Huge stores that combine a supermarket with other types of shops, such as a pharmacy, hair salon, or vision center supercenter – Wal-Mart“No-frills” approach to shopping. Prices are lower because the store spends less on labor, decoration, and customer service –farmers marketStores that carry only natural foods that have been minimally processed and contain no artificial ingredients or added color- specialtyRequire an annual membership fee. Members can buy for low prices but only in extra-large quantities. warehouseMay be as large as supermarkets, but owned by individuals, so prices may be higher than chain stores. Food cooperativesThese small, independent stores limit their stock to s specific type of food. They are noted for high-quality, fresh food and unusual items. specialtyA food distribution business mutually owned and operated by its members. Food cooperativeThese include service station food marts and drugstores. They are quick and easy to use. convenience Where is the best place to store each food item, and what happens if you improperly store it? Dry ingredients –cool dry placeFresh perishable - ingredients - fridgeRoot vegetables –cool, dry place away from lightDried/boxed foods –cool dry placeFrozen foods - freezerCanned foods – pantry cool dry placeFresh meats – fridge or freezerDairy products fridge or freezerWhat information is found on a food label? Nutrition information (calories, fats, etc) What factors should one think about when planning meals? Time, moneyDefine the following: Blends – 2 or more herbs, spices or seasonings mixed togetherHerbs –a plant used to add flavor to a dishSeason – something added to a dish to add flavor (salt, pepper, etc)Spice – aromatic vegetable product added to food for flavor ................

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