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Spiral Review Quarter 4 Week 2 Calculator Active

|1.Marley bakes a rectangular cake that is 9 inches wide, 12 inches |2. Find the Surface Area |Answers |

|long and 2 inches high. She removes the cake from the pan to frost |[pic] | |

|it. How many square inches of frosting does she need? | |_______ |

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| | |_______ |

|3. A scale drawing of a playground has dimensions of 3 in by 4.5 |4.Nathan who is 5.4 feet tall and has a 2.5 foot shadow stands next|Answers |

|in. If the scale to the actual playground is 1 in = 40 ft, find |to a tree with a 10.5 foot shadow. How tall is the tree? | |

|the area of the actual playground in square feet. | |3. _______ |

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| | |4. _______ |

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|5. Prince and his friends are making winter hats. They have 510 |6. Douglas buys his mother a pair of earrings for her birthday. |Answers |

|yards of yarn. If each outfit requires 2[pic] yards of yarn, how |The jewelry box is in the shape of a cube, with side length 2 | |

|many hats can they make? |inches. If wrapping paper costs $0.04 a square inch, how much will|_______ |

| |it cost Douglas to wrap the jewelry box? | |

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| | |_______ |

|7.Find the area of the shaded region. |8. The Gokal family is retiling a portion of their floor that is |Answers |

| |in the shape of a trapezoid. The trapezoid has a height of 3 ft | |

|[pic] |and base lengths of 6 ft and 8ft. If the tile costs $4.27 per |7. _______ |

| |square foot, how much will it cost? | |

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| | |8. _______ |

|9. Angle A and Angle B are vertical angles. If Angle A has a |10. Identify the 3D shape based on its net |Answers |

|measure of 64[pic], and Angle B has an angle measure of (2x – |[pic] | |

|4)[pic], what is the value of x? | |9. _______ |

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| | |10. _______ |

Warm-up Questions

Directions: Answer each daily warm-up question in the space provided. Show all your work!

|Monday: |Tuesday: |

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|Wednesday: |Thursday: |

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|Friday: |Important Information for the week: |

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