Name ______________ One Grain of Rice Vocabulary …

Name ______________ One Grain of Rice Vocabulary Test:

Match the word with the correct definition. Write the letter on the line.

1.__________ double

2.__________ grain

3.__________ palace

4.__________ reward

5.__________ single

6.__________ thief

7.__________ famine

a. a person who steals

b. one and no more

c. something received in return for something done

d. a very large house, especially the official house of a king or queen

e. the seed of wheat, oats, corn, rice, and other cereal grasses

f. twice as much

g. lack of food in a place; a time of starving

Choose the correct word from the box to complete each sentence. Use context clues.

|thief single double palace reward famine grain |

1. What kind of person is a ______________________?

2. About how big is a __________________ of rice?

3. The little boy received a ________________ for finding the lost puppy.

4. The ruler of India lives in a ____________________.

5. If you could ask for a ____________________ gift, what would it be?

6. If you were to ___________________ the number 4, what number would you get?

7. The crops didn’t grow well in India and caused a ___________________.

One Grain of Rice Comprehension Test:

1. What is the genre of One Grain of Rice?

O Realistic Fiction

O Folktale

O Poetry

O Tall Tale

2. Where does the story take place?

O on a mountain

O in China

O on a farm

O in India

3. The author wrote this story to…

O entertain

O persuade

O inform

4. The raja told the people he would store their rice until____

O they needed it.

O he sold it.

O he and his court ate it.

O his helpers gave it away.

5.What happened before the famine?

O The raja held a feast.

O The raja went hungry.

O People had no rice to eat.

O Collectors took the people’s rice.

6. When the famine came, the raja decided to___

O keep the rice for himself.

O trade the rice for meat.

O sell the rice to the people.

O give rice to the people.

7. Rani gathered the falling rice and returned it because she___

O was in love with the raja.

O planned to trick the raja.

O feared what the raja would do.

O had to keep the street clean.

8. When Rani made her deal with the raja, he thought she was ____

O foolish

O pretty

O dishonest

O shy

9. Unlike the raja, Rani got her rice by _____

O stealing.

O working hard.

O breaking promises.

O being clever.

10. Compared to before he met Rani, afterward the raja was____

O richer

O better fed

O wiser and fairer

O more selfish

11. When Rani gave out the rice, the village people probably felt that _____

O Rani was a rich person.

O the raja was a great man.

O the raja should leave the country.

O Rani had done a great thing.

12. Read this sentence from the story. “No,” cried the raja. “How do I know how long the famine may last?” I must have the rice for myself.

What does the word famine mean?

O A lot of food.

O Lack of food in a place; a time of starving.

O A person who steals.

O Twice as much.

13. In the following sentence, what does the word decreed mean?

The raja decreed that everyone must give him nearly all of their rice to him.

O One and no more.

O An official decision; law .

O A ruler or chief.

O Rice cakes.


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