Bridges 2 AIO Spain - Vocabulary and Grammar


1 Choose the correct answer.

1. Taste this ice cream. The flavour / diet / vitamin is amazing.

2. Get a good night’s sleep or you won’t have the fat / calcium / strength to run in the race tomorrow.

3. Fruit and vegetables are extremely nutritious / unfit / exhausted.

4. If you want to be healthy, you should eat crisps / protein / fast food.

5. You’ll ruin your fat / iron / appetite for dinner if you eat sweets now.

2 Match the words in A to the definitions in B.


1. recover …… a. weighing more than you should

2. overweight …… b. the desire to eat

3. appetite …… c. get better

4. nutritious …… d. extremely tired

5. diet …… e. the type of food a person eats

6. unfit …… f. good for you to eat

7. physical strength …… g. not in good shape

8. exhausted …… h. the body’s ability to do things

3 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 2.

1. Fruit and vegetables are more ……………………… than sweets and cakes.

2. I hope that you will ……………………… quickly from your operation.

3. Wendy should stop eating so much. She’s ……………………… .

4. I stayed up all night studying for an exam. I’m ……………………… .

5. Our dog is always looking for something to eat. He’s got an enormous ……………………… .

6. Tim never exercises or plays sport. That’s why he’s so ……………………… .

7. It’s important to eat a healthy ……………………… .

8. I can’t lift this heavy box. I’ve got no ……………………… .

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use the prefixes multi-, under-,

over-, pre-, un-, dis-, im- or in-.

1. After he fell, he was in terrible ……………………… (comfort).

2. It’s ……………………… (possible) to eat that whole thing. It’s huge!

3. What is this? It smells awful and looks ……………………… (edible).

4. It’s ……………………… (healthy) to eat sweets.

5. The ……………………… (packaged) vegetables have been washed.

6. Many doctors recommend that their patients take a ……………………… (vitamin) every day.

7. Michelle is ……………………… (weight). She needs to start eating more.

8. Harry, you’ve got to stop eating so much. You’re ……………………… (weight).

5 Choose the sentence that is closer in meaning to the original sentence.

1. I prefer very spicy food.

a. I like food with a strong flavour.

b. I like fast food.

2. A nutritious diet includes food with plenty of vitamins, iron, calcium and protein.

a. A good diet is a balanced diet.

b. A good diet helps you lose weight.

3. Since last week, I haven’t been hungry enough for anything more than a light meal.

a. I’ve lost my appetite.

b. I’ve had a quick recovery.

4. Linda misses a lot of school because she is in poor health.

a. Linda is watching her weight.

b. Linda is unfit and is often ill.

6 Match A to B to form sentences.


1. Ken is ill. I hope he has a …… a. balanced diet.

2. My aunt can’t work because she is in …… b. quick recovery.

3. To be healthy, eat a …… c. catch a cold.

4. That’s too much food. I’d prefer a …… d. poor health.

5. Dress warmly. You don’t want to …… e. light meal.

6. Eat small meals and you won’t …… f. gain weight.


1 Choose the correct answer.

1. When you woke up this morning, I already made / had already made / have already made breakfast.

2. Had the food / Has the food / Will the food have already burned by the time you arrived?

3. In ten years’ time, everyone has forgotten / had forgotten / will have forgotten about his book.

4. He had been / has been / will have been in poor health for years before he became a vegetarian.

5. I hadn’t had / haven’t had / won’t have had a good appetite ever since my last illness.

6. We have finished / will have finished / had finished our preparations by the time the cooking competition begins.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple or

Future Perfect Simple.

1. I’m trying to change my diet. I ……………………………… (not have) any fast food for at least a month.

2. ……………………………… you ……………………………… (finish) baking the birthday cake before the guests arrive?

3. He won’t be at school tomorrow because he ……………………………… (catch) a terrible cold.

4. By the time I got to the restaurant, it ……………………………… (already close).

5. You ……………………………… (not lose) enough weight to fit into those trousers by next week.

6. ……………………………… they ……………………………… (hear) about the film before you told them about it?

7. By the time you called, I ……………………………… (already recover) from the accident.

8. He looks terrible. How long ……………………………… he ……………………………… (be) in poor health?

3 Choose the correct answer.

1. I have been trying / had been trying to save money, but I haven’t succeeded.

2. He has been working / had been working for hours, and the house is finally clean.

3. She hadn’t been eating / hasn’t been eating well for a long time before she became ill.

4. They finished writing the cookbook last month. They had been working / have been working on it for a year.

5. You are unfit because you haven’t been exercising / hadn’t been exercising.

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous.

1. He’s an expert in art history. He ……………………………… (work) in a museum for ten years and he loves his job.

2. She’s upset because she ……………………………… (not get) good marks at school.

3. Dan ……………………………… (not plan) to eat the whole cake, but it was so delicious, he couldn’t stop.

4. I’m worried about Shelly. She ……………………………… (catch) one cold after another.

5. By the time he came home, the children ……………………………… (sleep) for hours.

6. We ……………………………… (work) all day, but we’re stopping now.

5 Complete the questions in the dialogue with the correct perfect tense. Pay attention to the words in bold.

Dan: 1. all morning?

Ellen: I’ve been watching cooking programmes on TV.

Dan: 2. ?

Ellen: I’ve been interested in cooking since last year. I went to a doctor and he told me that my diet was terrible.

Dan: 3. before you went to the doctor?

Ellen: No, I hadn’t been feeling ill, but I was exhausted all the time.

Dan: 4. ?

Ellen: I had been eating a lot of fast food.

Dan: 5. lately?

Ellen: Lately, I’ve been eating more home-cooked meals and salads.

Dan: 6. ?

Ellen: My mum and I have been preparing these meals together.


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