2007 Executive Committee Meeting

2015 Executive Committee Meeting

Date: Wednesday June 10, 2015

Place: Panera Bread at 2820 Central Ave SE in Nob Hill

Time: 6:00p.m.


SWAT President Christina Parlapiano called the Executive Committee Meeting to Order at 6:10pm.

Present: Christina Parlapiano, Margaret Coombs, Linda Kipp, Donna Crary-Johnson, Karen Green

Executive Committee Minutes from May 4, 2015 were approved.

Report of President: Christy reported that Coleen Andrews accepted the SWAT position of Equipment Procurement Manager and was given the storage unit keys.

Report of Corresponding Secretary: Donna reported that Professional Trial Secretary contracts have been received from Lisa Frankland, Cindy Blanton and Mica Tyler.

Report of Treasurer: Linda reported the financial status:

Working Balance $ 8,079.06

Truck/Trailer Balance 16,010.81

Total in checkbook 6/8/15 $24,089.87

Linda presented a Financial Summary of the May NADAC Trial and June USDAA Test. With most workers taking cash instead of vouchers, it is much quicker to track the profit/loss of an event. NADAC had a net loss of $611.17. USDAA had a net profit of $1,987.95 without accounting for a few vouchers.

Report of Vice-President: Margaret reported one new member for a total of 51 paid members and 67 voting members (couples who are members).

Committee Reports

1. Report of the June USDAA: Christy reported great courses, judge and potluck! This Test was well attended with very little problems. The surface on Saturday was an issue, but greatly improved on Sunday. It just hadn’t been watered enough. Everyone seemed to like the one judge, two rings format.

2. June AKC: Donna reported that SWAT will not have the Dairy Barn, but will have parking in stall areas and possibly the outside arena directly north of the Horse Arena where the Trial is held. Allison is working on a ‘designated’ parking area for SWAT competitors, but we may not know until the day before the Trial. Trial Committee parking will be marked. It was suggested that SWAT rent the Dairy Barn for next year.

Vendors will be outside unless the items sold can be placed on top of the competitor’s crate. No crate space will be taken up by vendors.

Duplicate scribe sheets will be available for FAST only.

3. July Fun Match: All positions filled and the Premium is out. Registration is ahead of last years at this time.

Karen Green Chairman

Gayle Elliott Secretary

Richard Hansen Equipment Manager

Annie Newsted Site Coordinator

Vicki Wilson Hospitality

Karen requested a Hospitality budget. It was set at $50.00. Karen will request that Vicki bring all leftover snack items from the AKC Trial to the Fun Match. A gift card for $25 will be given to Joey as a thank you for his help in preparing the surface for the Match

4. September AKC Trial: Donna reported that Lisa and Dee are working on the Premium. The judge is Patty Drom. Ellen will run the Auction of SWAT equipment if the paperwork with minimum starting bid is done by someone else. EC will do pricing at the next meeting.

Linda reported that AKC may have in effect by this Trial a new Title: Premiere. If that’s the case we may wish to include that course at this Trial.

5. November USDAA: Margaret reported that she is filling positions.

Margaret Coombs Chairman

Mica Tyler Secretary

Christy & Coleen Ring Stewards

Ellen Rowe Equipment Manager (load)

Richard Hansen Equipment Manager (driver)

6. January AKC Trial: Donna reported the application is in the mail to the WC of A to sign.

Still looking for workers.

Positions filled:

Julie Fillinger Chairman

Pam Smith Secretary

Judges are Dale Mahoney and Jan Skurzynski.

Unfinished Business

1. Trial Schedule, Hiring Judges and Secretaries:

Trial Schedule was reviewed. Christy to send the most current copy to EC members.

Christy reminded the EC that we needed to use Cindy Keen as AKC Trial judge since

there was a judge hiring mix-up involving her. Cindy will be scheduled to judge the January 2017 AKC Trial. ]

Hiring of Trial Secretaries was discussed. It was felt that EC should consider loyalty to local Trial Secretaries when hiring for a venue. No current Trial Secretaries are being eliminated for use, but some venues are only one or two Trial Secretaries deep. This means that there could come a time when SWAT found themselves without a Secretary for a specific venue. The main point in trying/using a variety of Trial Secretaries is to avoid suddenly being without a Secretary for any venue.

It is the responsibility of the EC venue coordinator to contact the Trial Secretary for commitment to working a specific venue.

2. Approval of Abbreviated Voucher Schedule: Linda requested that the Summary version of the Voucher Schedule be posted on the SWAT website for clarity to all members. It was approved to have the Voucher Schedule Summary posted and the more lengthy Schedule be removed.

New Business

1. New Procurement Equipment Manager: Christy reported that Coleen Andrews accepted this position of purchasing new equipment.

2. New Equipment Purchase: Equipment needs identified: Folding chair (6); Tunnels (3-15ft and 3-20ft) light colors and different color each size to more easily distinguish between 15ft and 20ft tunnels; Sand bags (10 pairs); Pool noodles for chutes.

Purchases on hold for now: Non-winged jumps; Safety chute.

3. Request to SWAT from Jennifer Necker: Christy received a request to allow a fundraiser at the June AKC Trial. The request was denied. The EC had already denied a fundraiser request for the same, extremely crowded Trial. While the cause is very worthwhile, the EC states that allowing one and denying another would show favoritism, as well as encourage multiple requests in the future. SWAT’s policy is not to act as a fundraiser arm for others. It was recommended that Jennifer post the fundraiser on the NMDogAgility site.

4. New Storage Unit and Building Shelving: Christy reported that an additional storage unit was rented for three months at half price. This unit was needed to house the excess equipment to be auction at the September AKC Trial. Ellen requested putting shelving in the current unit. Approved.

5. NADAC Trials: Karen reported that Becky said the last weekend in October were traditional NADAC Trial dates. When those dates weren’t put on the calendar for this year, Karen presented another idea: A NADAC Fun Match to be held November 1st. Karen asked Trish Spradley, owner/trainer of Acoma Training Center, to allow this NADAC Fun Match at her facility. Linda suggested that it also be an instructional time to explain how NADAC is run and answer questions concerning this venue. Expense would be minimal: rental fee for using Acoma’s rings and some obstacles and rental of a porta-potty. No volunteers would receive compensation for their work, only free runs. Two rings will be set up: Tunnelers and Hoopers. Karen will send out emails to NADAC supporters/competitors to see if there is interest. SWAT EC approved the NADAC Informational Fun Match if enough volunteers come forth to help and, instructions for competing in this venue are provided.

6. VMO’s: Question was who is responsible for finding VMOs. Answer: Trial Chairman. If qualified, exhibitors may be VMOs to do the measuring thereby taking the pressure off Trial judges.

7. Voucher Payouts: For future consideration, Linda requested that the EC think about voucher amounts versus size of venue.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 8th at 6pm Panera Bread 2820 Central Ave SE.

Adjournment: 8:35pm


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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