The Hebrews and Judaism

|9/11/14 |Chapter 2 Section 3 Name: |

| |The Hebrews and Judaism Teacher Name (PD) |

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|Main Idea |The ancient Hebrews and their religion, Judaism, have been a major influence on Western |

| |civilization. |

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| |God spoke to Abram and then led Abram to a land called Canaan. He became Abraham and his|

|The Inside Story |descendants=Hebrews |

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| |Hebrews= ancestors to Jews |

| |Move to Fertile Crescent 2000-1500 B.C |

|The Early Hebrews |Most of what we know comes from their writings which are foundation of Hebrew and |

| |Christian Bibles |

| |Religion =Judaism |

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| |Early Hebrew history in 5 books known as Torah |

| |Very sacred text….make up Hebrew bible which is Christian Old Testament |

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|The Hebrew Fathers |Torah traces Jewish descent back to Abraham |

| |Lived in Mesopotamia…God tells him to leave Mes. And abandon polytheism |

| |Covenant formed where God promises to give Abraham and descendents promised land |

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|Abraham |Promised land is known as Canaan along Med. Sea |

| |Abraham lives there for many yrs |

| |Has a grandson Jacob (known as Israel) who has 12 sons who become ancestors of 12 tribes.|

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| |Abraham, Isaac 9son) and Jacob become known as Patriarchs… |

| |Therefore followers become known as Israelites |

|Promised Land |Over time many driven to Egypt due to famine |

| |Pharaoh begins to fear them, makes them slaves |

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| |Leader named Moses, raised in Pharaohs court, demands Israel’s freedom |

| |Pharaoh says no so God punishes with plagues… |

| |In the Exodus, Moses leads Israelites out of Egypt |

| |Exodus= major event in Jewish history |

| |Today, Jews remember event by celebrating Passover |

| |Seder= special meal symbolizing event |

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|Moses and the Exodus |Israelites wander for 40 yrs in desert |

| |God gives Moses 10 laws called commandments during this time |

| |New covenant made about following commandments |

| |Commandments major influence on western culture |

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| |Israelites wander for 40 yrs, when get to Canaan ppl live there…. |

| |Israelites must battle to gain land |

| |When they win, they call land Israel |

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|The desert |New land (Canaan) has no central gov’t |

| |Each tribe/community choose judges to enforce laws |

| |Sometimes special ppl emerge to keep Israel focused on faith (Deborah) |

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| |Mid 1000’s Israel attacked by Philistines |

| |Led Israel to unite under 1 king |

| |Saul= 1st king great military leader…never wins full support |

|The Promised Land |David= second king well loved, strong leader…builds Jerusalem |

| |Solomon= David’s son Israel reaches great heights….very wise |

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| |After Solomon dies (931 BC), Israel divided over who will be next king |

| |10 northern tribes form kingdom called Israel |

|The Kingdom of Israel |2 southern tribes form kingdom of Judah (Where Jew comes from) |

| |2 kingdoms last couple centuries until conquered (By Assyrians and Chaldeans) |

| |Many Jews enslaved in Babylon (Babylonian captivity) |

| |Marks start of Diaspora- scattering of Jews |

| |Persia conquers area allows Jews to return to Jerusalem…some do…some do not |

|Saul, David and Solomon | |

| |In the exodus Moses led them out of Egypt and the 10 Commandments were issued at this |

| |time. |

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| |Religion= foundation of Jewish society |

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| |Most imp. Belief is that there is only 1 God (Monotheism)….very diff. from other cultures|

|Division and Conquest |at time |

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| |Core belief is in fairness and kindness |

| |Strong code of ethics/standard of behavior |

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| |Must follow 10 commandments |

| |Mosaic law governs every way of life (Kosher…) |

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| |Most sacred = Torah |

| |Prophets writings too |

| |Talmud= written later by scholars interpreting texts |

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|Summary: | |

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|The Teachings of Judaism | |

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|Belief in One God | |

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|Justice and | |

|Righteousness | |

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|Obedience to the Law | |

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|Jewish Sacred Texts | |

|Summary: |Religion is the foundation of Jewish society and Judaism contains four central beliefs |

| |mentioned in this section. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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