Vocabulary Activity - WORLD HISTORY - Home

NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Vocabulary ActivityThe Spread of CivilizationContent VocabularyDirections: Answer each of the following questions. Include in your answers the vocabularywords in parentheses.1.Explain what a royal dynasty in ancient Egypt was. How was the pharaoh, the “King of Upper and Lower Egypt,” viewed by his people? (dynasty, pharaoh)2.What is a bureaucracy? What was the role of bureaucracy during Egypt’s Old Kingdom? (bureaucracy)3.What were hieroglyphics, and what was hieratic script? Explain the relationship between the two. (hieroglyphics, hieratic script)4.Why were pastoral nomads important to the development of civilization? (pastoral nomads)5.What is a monotheistic religion? What are some of the tenets of Jewish monotheistic belief? (monotheistic)6.Explain the concept of filial piety, and explain its importance in Chinese culture. (filial piety)NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Vocabulary Activity Cont. The Spread of CivilizationDirections: From the list below, choose the best word to answer each question. Write each word in the blank provided. (monsoon, Sanskrit, aristocracy, Dao, obsidian, ritual)monsoonSanskritaristocracyDaoobsidianritual7.Which word refers to a dark natural glass formed from lava and used by Mesoamericans for making tools and other objects? ______________8.Which word is often used as a synonym for “the upper classes” or “the elite”? ______________9.Which word means “way” and refers to the proper method of doing things according to Chinese Confucianism? ______________10.Which word refers to a ceremony or rite connected with a religion? ______________11.Which word refers to a seasonal wind pattern that occurs in southern Asia? ______________12.Which word is the name of an important Indo-European language? ______________Academic VocabularyDirections: Write the letter of the phrase or sentence that best answers the question or completes the sentence.___ 13.Another word for major is (major)a.heavy.b.important.c.lesser.d.grand.___ 14.Something that is physical relates to (physical)a.the mind.b.the feet.c.the heart.d.the body.NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Vocabulary Activity Cont. The Spread of Civilization___ 15.Something that is created is (created)a.brought into existence.b.discovered and displayed.c.found and then discarded.d.a copy, or duplicate.___ 16.Domesticated means (domesticated)a.influencing civilizations.b.migrating with nomads.c.adapted to life with humans.d.adapted to life with animals.___ 17.Another term for technology is (technology)a.civilized activities.b.adapted arts.c.applied sciences.d.discovery patterns.___ 18.The primary feature of something is its (primary)a.most desirable feature.b.most important feature.c.easiest to understand feature.d.least instructive feature.___ 19.To reveal information is to (reveal)a.make it known.b.make it secret.c.discover it.d.criticize it.___ 20.When you communicate something, you (communicate)a.record and store it.b.share information about it.c.try to keep it a secret.d.repeat it many times.NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Vocabulary Activity Cont. The Spread of Civilization___ 21.A series is (series)a.an assemblage of various parts.b.a random group of things or events.c.something that occurs at the same time each week.d.a group of related things or events.___ 22.Which of the following best describes a cycle? (cycle)a.a series of events that are random and disconnected, but happen oftenb.a series of events that recur regularly and usually lead back to the starting pointc.a series of events that repeat regularly into infinityd.a series of events that cannot be predicted or interrupted___ 23.To estimate the size of something means to (estimate)a.make a rough determination.b.calculate it precisely and accurately.c.conduct a survey and tabulate the results.d.make a lucky guess about it.NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Guided Reading ActivityThe Spread of Civilization-41910014986000Lesson 1 The Rise of EgyptReview QuestionsDirections: Read each main idea and answer the questions below. Refer to your textbook to write the answers.A.Main Idea: Geography played a very important role in the development of Egyptian civilization.1.Why was soil in the Nile River valley so rich?2.What natural barriers protected Egypt?3.How did Egyptians face life? Why?B.Main Idea: Egypt’s long-term stability was marked by strong leadership, freedom from invasion, great building projects, and rich cultural activity.1.Who was King Menes?2.How long did the Old Kingdom period of Egyptian civilization last?3.What did rulers of Egypt accomplish during the Middle Kingdom?C.Main Idea: Egyptian society was organized like a pyramid.1.Who was at the top of Egyptian society?NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Guided Reading Activity Cont.The Spread of Civilization2.What groups were below the upper class in Egyptian society?3.How did the largest group in Egyptian society live?D.Main Idea: Ancient Egyptians had a rich cultural history.1.What is hieratic script?2.What advancements did ancient Egyptians make in math and science?Summary and ReflectionDirections: Summarize the history of ancient Egypt.NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Guided Reading ActivityThe Spread of Civilization-41910014986000Lesson 2 Peoples in the Eastern MediterraneanReview QuestionsDirections: Locate each heading below in your textbook. Then use the information under the correct heading and subheading to help you write each answer.I.The Role of Nomadic PeoplesA.How did pastoral nomads live?B.Who were the Indo-Europeans and why are they important?II.The PhoeniciansA.What events gave Phoenician civilization a chance to expand?B.What goods did Phoenicians produce for foreign markets?C.Why is the Phoenician alphabet important?III.The IsraelitesA.According to Israelite traditions, what is the origin of the Israelites?B.What were the accomplishments of King Solomon?NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Guided Reading Activity Cont.The Spread of CivilizationC.What were the differences between the religion of Israel and the religions of western Asia and Egypt?IV.The MinoansA.When and where did the Minoan civilization flourish?B.What did archaeologists discover about the Minoan civilization at Knossos?Summary and ReflectionDirections: Summarize the main ideas of this lesson by answering the question below.What were the influences and accomplishments of peoples in the eastern Mediterranean?NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Guided Reading ActivityThe Spread of Civilization-41910014986000Lesson 3 The Indus Valley CivilizationReview QuestionsDirections: Read the lesson and complete the outline below. Refer to your textbook to fill in the blanks.I.The Impact of GeographyA.The Indian subcontinent is composed of __________________, __________________, a dry interior __________________, and fertile __________________.B.One of the chief regions of Indian culture is the rich valley of the __________________.C.The wettest place on earth is in the mountains of __________________ India. Throughout history, Indian farmers have depended on the heavy rains brought by the southwest __________________. If the rains come early or late, or too much or too little rain falls, crops are __________________ and thousands __________________.II.Indus Valley CivilizationA.Between __________________ B.C. and __________________ B.C., the valley of the Indus River supported a flourishing civilization that extended hundreds of miles from the __________________ to the coast of the __________________.B._________________ and __________________ were two cities of the Indus Valley. Both were carefully planned cities and at their height had about __________________ inhabitants each.C.Harappan rulers based their power on a belief in __________________ assistance. __________________ and __________________ power were closely linked.III.Migration and Interaction_________________, an __________________, changes in climate, environmental changes from human settlements, and even a change in the course of the __________________ weakened the once-flourishing civilization in the Indus River valley.NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Guided Reading Activity Cont.The Spread of CivilizationB.Around __________________ B.C., a group of Indo-European-speaking nomadic peoples began to move out of the steppes of central __________________ to eventually settle in India, giving up their __________________ lifestyle.C.Around __________________ B.C., early Aryans started writing in __________________, an Indo-European language. This enabled them to record the legends and religious rituals known as __________________, which reveal that between 1500 B.C. and 400 B.C. India was a world with many small kingdoms.Summary and ReflectionDirections: Summarize the main ideas of this lesson by answering the question below.Summarize the cultural and geographic influences in the Indus Valley civilization.NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Guided Reading ActivityThe Spread of Civilization-41910014986000Lesson 4 The Rise of ChinaReview QuestionsDirections: Read each main idea. Use your textbook to supply the details that support or explain each main idea.A.Main Idea: Geography played an important role in the development of China’s early civilizations.1.Detail: The cultivated river valleys of the __________________ and the __________________ began to emerge as one of the great __________________ areas of the ancient world.2.Detail: __________________ and __________________ isolated the Chinese people from peoples in other parts of __________________.B.Main Idea: The Shang dynasty ruled China from about 1750 B.C. to 1045 B.C.1.Detail: Under the Shang dynasty, China was divided into __________________ that were ruled by __________________ chosen by the Shang __________________.2.Detail: The royal family occupied the top of Shang society; the __________________ came next. The majority of people were __________________ who farmed the aristocracy’s land. In addition to the aristocrats and peasants, Shang society also included a small number of __________________ and __________________, as well as __________________.3.Detail: The Shang are remembered for their mastery of __________________. More than __________________ bronze objects have been found in __________________ from the Shang period and are among the most admired creations of Chinese art.C.Main Idea: The period of the Zhou dynasty in China was one of significant economic growth and technological change.1.Detail: The __________________ dynasty, the longest-lasting dynasty in Chinese history, ruled from __________________ B.C. to __________________ B.C.NAME????DATE????CLASS???-41830455245Guided Reading Activity Cont.The Spread of Civilization2.Detail: During the Zhou dynasty, __________________ for farming became widely used, and changes in farming methods __________________ food production. By the __________________ century B.C., the use of __________________ led to the development of iron __________________ to plow land that had not been farmed previously.3.Detail: Improved farming methods were a major factor in encouraging the growth of __________________ and __________________. Chinese __________________ fragments from the period have been found throughout central Asia and as far away as __________________.Summary and ReflectionDirections: Summarize the main ideas of this lesson by answering the question below.What were the culture, economy, and political systems of China during the Shang and Zhou dynasties? ................

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