Introduction to Health

Pregnancy Prevention/STI


1. Abstinence: 1. Sexually Transmitted Infections

2.Birth Control 2.Vaginal sex

3.Contraception- 3. Oral sex

4.Hormonal Contraception 4. Anal sex

5.Barrier Contraception-

6. Family Planning

Review Pregnancy Prevention:

1. Advantages of abstaining from sex

2. How should someone communicate?

3. Aspects of a healthy relationship

4. Name the person who started the Family Planning Movement and the year.

5. What did the Supreme court rule in 1966 about Family Planning?

6. Define the term Family Planning and how if differs from Birth Control.

7. Name 4 ways that contraception give you control over your life.

8. Who should decide what is the best method of contraception?

9. When choosing a contraceptive method– what factors should you consider? Name the factor and explain a little about each.

10. What contraceptive method is 100% effective?

11. What was the supreme court decision which declared that laws against birth control were unconstitutional?

12. What are 4 tips to success?

13. What were the Comstock Laws?

14. Name 3 very ineffective methods of contraception.

15. Who can purchase Plan B?

16. Rank the birth control effectiveness levels in order from most effective to least effective

17. How is each method implemented? Know the differences.

• Pill -

• IUD -

• Vaginal Ring -

• Condom -

• Patch -

• Shot

• Implant -

• Emergency Contraceptive -

Review STI:

1. Which STIs are virus’?

2. Which STIs are bacterial infections that can be cured?

3. What are 6 ways that STIs can be transferred?

4. Know the answers to the common condom questions.

5. What are ways you can protect yourself from various STIs?

6. What should you do if you have had unprotected sex and you are experiencing burning when urinating?

7. What are 5 symptoms of STIs?

8. Which STIs are there vaccinations for?

9. What are complications of each of the 8 STIs we covered in class?

The History Of Birth Control

|Birth Control |What it does |Effectiveness |Cost |Implementation |

| | |Correct Typical | | |

|Pill | | | | |

|Monthly | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Seasonique | | | | |

|IUD | | | | |

|Mirana | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Skyla | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|ParaGard | | | | |

|Vaginal Ring | | | | |

|Nuva Ring | | | | |

|Implant | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Nexplanon | | | | |

|Patch | | | | |

|Ortho Evra | | | | |

|Shot | | | | |

|Depo-Prover | | | | |

|Non- Hormonal Contraceptive |

| |

|Condom | | | | |

|Male | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Female | | | | |

|Plan B | | | | |

|Contraception | | | | |

|Birth Control |What it does |Effectiveness |Cost |Implementation |

| | |Correct Typical | | |

|Family | | | | |

|Planning | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Diaphragm | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Cervical cap | | | | |

|Sponge | | | | |

|Permanent | | | | |

|Methods | | | | |

|Vasectomy- M | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Tubal Ligation-F | | | | |

Contraception is too __________ to take chances– and with so many reliable methods _______________, you don’t have to rely on ineffective ones such as:

• Withdrawal- the man withdraws his__________ before ejaculation. Hopefully no ___________ reaches the vagina. It’s very risky– semen may be released before ________________.

• _______________- Washing out the vagina after sex with water, lemon juice, etc., it’s almost useless. Fast-moving sperm are already in the _____________.

• Makeshift Condoms- Substitutes like _____________wrap aren’t leak proof, and may easily _______________, break, or slip. Use inexpensive, reliable commercial brands, instead.


• A woman ______________ get pregnant the first time she has intercourse.

• _________________: Yes, she can. It’s a mistake to assume that the first time is a safe time.

• If woman doesn't have an orgasm, she can’t get pregnant.

o False, an orgasm doesn't affect contraception in any way.

• If you have_______________, during menstruation you can’t get pregnant.

It’s less likely– but still possible– and definitely not ____________the risk of an unwanted pregnancy.

• A _______________ mother can’t get pregnant.

It works for some mothers, but not for long. A new ______________can become pregnant again as

soon as she starts having sex– even if she hasn’t’ had period yet. Don’t take ______________________.


Your sex life isn’t just your ______________– it affects others too!!

Don’t take chances on an ________________ pregnancy

It's up to you to:

* Choose a method that’s safe, effective and comfortable to you

* Use it, every single time.


Recent Changes:

June 20, _______ - Plan B One Step is made available without restrictions to any woman of child bearing age

2016 - Vasalgel for men non- hormonal blocks the ____________________ so sperm cannot pass through.

What is Contraception? Deliberate use of _________ methods or other ___________ to prevent pregnancy

What is Family Planning?

It’s the ________________ prevention of pregnancy- It’s _______________ instead of ________________!

Having children only IF and WHEN you want and can afford to care for them- an important part of RESPONSIBLE SEX.

Years Ago.. people had no reliable way to control when they had children

Today… you have a ________________ there are many safe, practical and effective methods of contraception available

Why is it important to know about?

Because practicing effective contraception give you control over your body and your life by:

1. 2.

3. 4.


Only you, your partner, and your doctor can decide.

Some factors to consider:

1. ____________________: Choose a method that won’t be a risk to your health. For advice, consult a doctor.

2. ____________________: Choose one that gives you the best protection when it’s used properly and regularly.

3. ____________________: If the method is too much trouble, you'll be tempted to skip using it– and it won’t work.

4. ____________________: Check out the differences. Whatever the cost, no method is really expensive compared to the cost

of raising a child.

5. ______________________: Choose a contraceptive that isn’t unpleasant, or embarrassing for you.

6. ______________________: Know the risk of STI’s and AIDS.

_______: Spermicide becomes available

________: Doctors use buttons or wishbones as uterine devices

_______: Margaret Sanger started the Family Planning Movement in America

______: Birth control pill developed

_______: Margaret started the Planned Parenthood Federation of America

_______: Diaphragm and cervical cap invented

______: Dr. Aletta Jacobs was the first woman doctor in Holland and established the 1st birth control clinic in the world


Fallopius, Italian Doctor describes the condom

_______: Condoms were made from internal sheep membranes and designed to protect against syphilis not pregnancy.


It was believed that holding one’s breath, coughing, sneezing, and jumping up and down prevented pregnancy

_______: “Griswold Decision” The Supreme Court declared the laws against birth control unconstitutional

________: Comstock Laws forbid the sale, mailing, transportation, and use of contraceptives

Hormonal Contraceptives:

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