How does structure relate to function - Grey Parrot

How does cellular structure relate to function? Name:

Use the following descriptions of cell functions to draw what you think the cellular structure might look like. For each of your sketches, label at least 4 cell parts .

A- I am an exocrine cell of the pancreas. My function is to synthesize, package and excrete products for use in other cells. I can produce enzymes such as amylase (which digests carbohydrates), lipase (which digests lipids) and trypsin (a protease which digests proteins). A(

B- I am a sperm cell. My function is to deliver 1 set of chromosomes to the egg, another haploid gamete. I will need plenty of energy to propel my tail, which will propel me during the several days that it takes me to reach my destination.


C- I am a macrophage or white blood cell. I have a very important function in the immune system--attacking and disabling potential invaders to my organism. I engulf large foreign particles through phagocytosis and digest them so that they can not harm my organism. C(

D- I am a cell about to undergo apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Apoptosis can occur in any cell that is damaged beyond repair, old and needs to be renewed or infected with a virus.


E- I am an erythrocyte, or red blood cell. I manufacture a very important protein called hemoglobin. It is so important that I do not share it with other cells, but use it myself. My single purpose is to bind and release molecule oxygen, which I do with the hemoglobin I produce. Hemoglobin is so important to me, that I have replaced practically all of my organelles with it. E(

F- I am a muscle cell. I am specialized for producing the forces necessary for muscular contraction and relaxation. I can be several inches in length and as a result am sometimes formed by the fusion of many cells. I must be sturdy and well constructed due to the constant reshaping and moving that I do.


G- I am an epithelial cell in the nose. Not only do I defend the respiratory system and body against foreign particles, I also lubricate respiratory passages to keep them moist for the diffusion of necessary gasses. However, all that mucus and extraneous matter must be moved out of my organism. You know what they say, better out than in. G(

H- I am a hepatocyte, or liver cell. I have a variety of functions. Part of what I do includes synthesizing lipids, (such as triglycerides and cholesterol for the plasma membrane), metabolizing and storing carbohydrates (through gluconeogenesis, glycogneolysis and glycogensis) and detoxifying poisons to my organism.


Research at least one other type of specialized cell. Answer the following questions about the cell you choose:

1. What is the specific function of that cell? _________________________________________________


2. Where and in what organism is that cell found? _________________________________________________

What special organelles or structures does that cell have, that are necessary for it to perform its specific function?


What organelles or structures are not necessary for this cell's niche? ___________________________________

Draw a sketch of that cell bellow: 6. Resources:



Match each picture with the description that best suits it from the opposite page. Label as many cell structures as you can in each picture.

7. ________________________ 8. _______________________ 9. _______________________

10. _______________________ 11. _____________________ 12. _________________________

13. ________________________ 14.________________________________

15. What did you learn about cell structure and function from this activity , that you did not know before?




How does cellular structure relate to function?

Use the following descriptions of cell functions to draw what you think the cellular structure might look like. For each of your sketches, label at least 4 cell parts .

A- I am an exocrine cell of the pancreas. My function is to synthesize, package and excrete products for use in other cells. I can produce enzymes such as amylase (which digests carbohydrates), lipase (which digests lipids) and trypsin (a protease which digests proteins). Ribosomes, RER, Golgi, plas membrane, cytosol

B- I am a sperm cell. My function is to deliver 1 set of chromosomes to the egg, another haploid gamete. I will need plenty of energy to propel my tail, which will propel me during the several days that it takes me to reach my destination.

Nucleus, plasma membrane, flagella, mitochondria, cytosol

C- I am a macrophage or white blood cell. I have a very important function in the immune system--attacking and disabling potential invaders to my organism. I engulf large foreign particles through phagocytosis and digest them so that they can not harm my organism. Pseudopods, lysosomes, plas mem cytosol

D- I am a cell about to undergo apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Apoptosis can occur in any cell that is damaged beyond repair, old and needs to be renewed or infected with a virus. Pseudopods, lysosomes, plas mem, cytosol

E- I am an erythrocyte, or red blood cell. I manufacture a very important protein called hemoglobin. It is so important that I do not share it with other cells, but use it myself. My single purpose is to bind and release molecule oxygen, which I do with the hemoglobin I produce. Hemoglobin is so important to me, that I have replaced practically all of my organelles with it. No organelles, cytosol, plas membrane

F- I am a muscle cell. I am specialized for producing the forces necessary for muscular contraction and relaxation. I can be several inches in length and as a result am sometimes formed by the fusion of many cells. I must be sturdy and well constructed due to the constant reshaping and moving that I do.

Cytoskeleton, mitochondria, cytosol, plas membrane

G- I am an epithelial cell in the nose. Not only do I defend the respiratory system and body against foreign particles, I also lubricate respiratory passages to keep them moist for the diffusion of necessary gasses. However, all that mucus and extraneous matter must be moved out of my organism. You know what they say, better out than in. cytosol, plas membrane, cilia

H- I am a hepatocyte, or liver cell. I have a variety of functions. Part of what I do includes synthesizing lipids, (such as triglycerides and cholesterol for the plasma membrane), metabolizing and storing carbohydrates (through gluconeogenesis, glycogneolysis and glycogensis) and detoxifying poisons to my organism. Vacuoles, SER, lysosomes, cytosol, plas membrane

Research at least one other type of specialized cell. Answer the following questions about the cell you choose:

1. What is the specific function of that cell? _________________________________________________


2. Where and in what organism is that cell found? _________________________________________________

What special organelles or structures does that cell have, that are necessary for it to perform its specific function?


What organelles or structures are not necessary for this cell's niche? ___________________________________

Draw a sketch of that cell bellow: 6. Resources:



Match each picture with the description that best suits it from the opposite page. Label as many cell structures as you can in each picture.

7. erythrocyte 8. sperm 9. Pancreatic cell

10. nose epithelial cells 11. hepatocyte 12. apoptosis

13. muscle cell 14. Macrophage

15. What did you learn about cell structure and function from this activity , that you did not know before?




Visual Histology Text Atlas

Lecture 5: Cells: Structure & Function




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