Choose Five - Teach Them


10 minutes


This object lesson teaches about the different arks of the Bible.


• Wildlife Ark – Mural-in-a-Book from

• Plywood or foam board – 4’ x 6’

• Straight edge or square – 6’ or longer

• Straight edge – small (like a ruler)

• Sharpie or permanent marker

• Ruler

• Glue sticks (enough for each child to participate)

• Utility knife for cutting paper

• Optionally – a flip chart or whiteboard and markers


Order Wildlife Ark – Mural-in-a-Book from

There are instructions in the book that Mural Mosaics will send you, but here is a brief summary:

5 Mark off the board in 4” x 4” squares. There should be a total of 216 squares.

6 Number the squares left to right, e.g., Row 1 should be 1-18, Row 2 should be 19-36….Row 12 should be 199-216.

7 Lay the board flat where the children will be able to get to it.

o Use the small straight edge and the utility knife to cut out the 216 squares from the book you received from Mural Mosaics.

Practice the script.


• For several weeks, have the children paste random squares onto the board. (They are each numbered on the backside of the miniature painting.)

• Try to spread out the squares so that the children can have the fun of trying to guess what they are making.

• Once they have completed the mural, use the following script (or modify to suit your needs):

• “There are several different arks mentioned in the Bible.”

• “An ark is a container. It holds something important.”

• “Can anyone tell me about one of the arks that you know of?” (Listen for Noah’s ark, Moses’ arc, the Ark of the Covenant, and maybe Mary, the mother of Jesus. Fill in the ones that aren’t mentioned.)

• “You may not have known about all these. Let me share a little about each one.”

• “The first ark in the Bible is the most famous – Noah’s ark.”

• “Noah built it in obedience to God.”

• “It was huge! 75 feet wide, 45 feet tall, 450 feet long with three levels! It was big enough to house every species of animal living on the planet at that time – and not just one of each, but seven of each clean and two of each unclean animals (they brought more of the clean ones, because they were allowed to eat those and used them for sacrifices to God).”

• “The second ark that we see is the ark of Moses. It was much smaller in comparison. Only big enough for a baby, but it was a very important baby.”

• “These two arks had some similarities and some differences.” (You may want to draw this chart on a flipchart or whiteboard.)

| |Wood |Covering |Carried |

| | |(inside & out) | |

|Noah’s Ark |Gopherwood |Pitch |Noah and Family |

| | | |Animals |

|Moses’ Ark |Bulrushes |Asphalt and pitch |Moses |

• “Both arks were made from wood – one from gopherwood (or cyprus) and the other from woody reeds. Both were covered inside and out with pitch to make them waterproof. The first carried an entire family and all the species of animals; the second carried just one person.”

• “The third ark was actually built by Moses. It was the Ark of the Covenant. It was a box that the Israelites carried into battle and wherever they went. Inside the box were three important items – the Ten Commandment tablets, a pot of manna and Aaron’s rod. These things symbolized God’s Law, God’s provision, and God’s anointing for the priesthood. The High Priest would sprinkle animal’s blood on top of the box to cover up God’s Law, because if God compared His Law to what the Israelites were doing, He might destroy them. This ark didn’t float, but it didn’t need to. When the priests carried it into the Jordan, the river stopped flowing, and they walked across on dry land.”

• “So, up to this point, we have two boats and a box. Let’s compare all three.” (You can add the flipchart or whiteboard.)

| |Wood |Covering |Carried |

| | |(inside & out) | |

|Noah’s Ark |Gopherwood |Pitch |Noah and Family |

| | | |Animals |

|Moses’ Ark |Bulrushes |Asphalt and pitch |Moses |

|Ark of the Covenant |Shittim (Acacia) |Gold |The Law |

| | | |Pot of Manna |

| | | |Aaron’s Rod |

• “The Ark of the Covenant had some differences from the other two arks, but there are comparisons we can make. All three were made of different types of wood, but the Ark of the Covenant was made of Shittim wood, a wood that was called incorruptible because of how hard it was. All three were covered inside and out, but the Ark of the Covenant was covered with gold. In these respects, it was like a more-perfect ark than the other two.”

• “While the first two carried people, the last one carried things. But the things they carried were all things related to salvation from judgment. Noah’s family was saved from the worldwide flood. Moses was saved from Pharoah’s command to kill all the baby boys. But these people were not only saved from something. They were saved for something. Noah’s family was saved to preserve the human race. Moses was saved to save the Israelites.”

• “The Ark of the Covenant also carried something that related to salvation. If anyone had been able to live a life completely according to the Law, they could go to heaven. But the problem was that no one could live a life without at least one sin. So God provided another way. Every year, the High Priest would sprinkle the blood of an innocent animal on the top of the Ark to cover up the Law inside so that God wouldn’t have to judge the Israelites for their sins.”

• “The Ark of the Covenant was a more-perfect ark than the other two, but even it pointed to something greater. That brings us to the next ark.”

• “Mary, the mother of Jesus, isn’t called an ark in the Bible, but she was one. She carried the Person who would bring salvation from judgment for all the world when she carried Jesus in her womb.”

• “She stopped being the ark when she gave birth to Jesus. Jesus is the salvation that all the other arks pointed to. He is the ultimate hope of mankind.

• “When Jesus went back to heaven, He left those in the Church to become the final ark. That means that the final ark is you.”

• “If Jesus is in your heart, you are today’s ark. You contain the salvation of the world and the hope of mankind. And your responsibility is to share that salvation with as many people as you can.”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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