Wingspan vs. Height Graph - SchoolNotes 2.0

Wingspan vs. HeightYour wingspan is the distance between your left fingertip and right fingertip if you hold your arms out straight horizontally. In this activity we will compare your wingspan with your height.Purpose:Hypothesis:Procedure:1. Measure and record the height and wingspan of each member of your lab team IN CENTIMETERS. 2. Now calculate wingspan divided by height, and record this in the appropriate column. 3. After taking data and recording it in the table, one member of the group should copy the data onto the board. We want to look at the data from the entire class. 4. Record the data from the entire class in your table, and proceed to the attached page to graph it.Data:Group MemberHeight (cm)Wingspan (cm)Wingspan /Height (decimal)Graphing your Data:1.Label each axis of your graph. We want height (in cm) on the horizontal or x-axis,, and wingspan (in cm) on the vertical or y- axis.2.Start numbering both axes at ZERO! Then label numbers along each axis, going up by increments that will make it so you can reach the highest values for height and wingspan from the class data.3.Plot the data.4.USING A RULER, sketch a “best fit line” that is closing to going through the center of all of your data points.5. Label the independent and dependent variables in this graph.Wingspan vs. Height GraphConclusion:Questions:1.Look back at your table of data. Do you see any pattern(s) emerging? If so, what pattern(s) do you see?3.Describe how you could use a graph to predict a person’s wingspan.4.An average 3 year-old is about 91 cm tall. Use your best-fit line to predict his wingspan. 5. Based on the best fit line, what height will you be? Are you still growing? How do you know? ................

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