

It is natural to go through a collaborative roller coaster ride periodically between your inner serenity and emotional commotions. Is your teenager behaving erratically and unreasonably? We should be aware that teenagers undergo loads of pressure at school, with friends and family. Dealing with Bipolar disorder can be very challenging for teens to cope with at such a young age. Bipolar disorder is also known as Manic-depressive psychosis. This is a brain syndrome that communicates through atypical fluctuations in your mood, aptitude, energy and activity level, thereby, affecting your school grades, relationships and outlook towards life. This disorder depicts a jumbled state of mania and depression. Bipolar disorder is not a psychological weakness or a personality imperfection, but is a serious health condition, which requires medical intervention without delay. The diagnosis of Bipolar disorder in teens is difficult and calls for comprehensive assessment and vigilant observation by parents and an experienced Medical practitioner over an extended period of time.

Causes of Bipolar disorder:

• Genetic.

• Being nurtured by parents suffering from Bipolar disorder.

• Family history of alcohol or substance abuse.

• Abuse of alcohol, drugs, caffeine, medications like Appetite suppressants, Anti depressants, Thyroid, etc.

• Constant worry, emotional trauma such as separation of parents, death in the family etc.

• Peer pressure, exceeded expectations from parents.

• Hormonal changes especially during puberty.

• Prolonged untreated insomnia.

Symptoms of Bipolar disorder:

• Extreme mood changes, elevated or depleted.

• Impulsive, impractical behaviors, making foolish decisions.

• Sky scraping or low self-esteem, feeling like a super hero or feeling incompetent.

• Alternating low to high energy levels resulting in exaggeration of physical and mental activities.

• Restlessness.

• Easily sidetracked, resulting in dropping of grades at school.

• Addictions - alcohol or substance abuse.

• Undiscriminating sexual behavior.

• Body aches and pains.

• Increase or decrease in appetite resulting in weight gain or weight loss.

• Too much or too little sleep.

• Auditory and visual hallucinations (see or hear things that are not there).

• Paranoia.

• Decline in cognitive function that is reasoning and perception.

• Suicidal thoughts.

Homeopathic approach to Bipolar disorder:

Conventional management of Bipolar disorder works towards suppressing the symptoms rather than permanently treating them. Whereas, Homeopathic approach arouses the patient’s inherent capability to reinstate balance, and will manage symptoms and prevent relapse. Homeopathy acknowledges the psychological basis of somatic symptoms. Constitutional approach is a unique traditional modus operandi, which takes into account a person’s overall nature, individual qualities and outlook towards life. Homeopathic remedies will help stabilize the patient’s mood and further prevent the frequency and intensity of manic episodes and depression. Homeopathic approach will assist your teenager in appreciating themselves better; it will rebuild their self-esteem, which will further facilitate them in adjusting to stress and in improving their social relationships. Homeopathic remedies facilitate the body naturally to restore back to a healthy state of balance. The remedies will stimulate your system and regulate the production of Serotonin and Adrenalin which are responsible for your mood swings, anxiety, restlessness and depression.

After taking Homeopathic medicines, the patient experiences a general feeling of well being, and develops a positive attitude towards life. Dependency on sedatives and anti-depressants is also condensed, which have tons of side effects and is habit forming. Homeopathic medicines will enhance suppressed inner capabilities, shape the inborn behaviors with the existing circumstances getting rid of behavioral negativities and restoring well being. It will help stabilize emotions, attain mental peace and bring eventual happiness. As every behavior is unique, Homeopathic Constitutional treatment offers remedies that are incomparable and exclusive, created just for your unique personality. Homeopathic remedies are safe, natural, inexpensive and highly effective.

Self care measures for Bipolar disorder:

• Educate yourself regarding this illness.

• Be acquainted with the needs of your body and mind.

• Get involved in activities that you enjoy. Do what you need to rejuvenate your mind and body.

• Make a note of your manic and depressive triggers. Your awareness will help you in avoiding situations that trigger it.

• Make lifestyle changes.

• Reduce stress.

• Resolve any disputes you have with your family and friends.

• Avoid being in irritable situations.

• Be in good, optimistic company.

• Take the help of family and friends.

• Work on improving your communication and understanding between you, your parents and siblings.

• Eat and sleep well.

• Avoid caffeine, alcohol and drugs.

• Follow your Homeopathic consultations and prescription regularly.

• Keep a regular routine, such as regular meal times and bedtime.

• Parents: Help your teen, be appreciative, avoid high expectations, and let them approach life at their own pace.

Hence, consider Homeopathy and motivate your teenager to live a more productive life, be happy, healthy and enjoy everything that life has to offer.


About the author:

Neepa Sevak (DHMS, DHom, DIHom, DHM, CCH, RSHom (NA), HMA) is experienced and registered with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners, and certified by the Council of Homeopathic certification. She is currently practicing Classical Homeopathy, is a Supervisor, Clinical Faculty and is on the Board of International Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Her mission is to “Promote Health through Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach”.

Phone: (480) 363 0758

Email: homeopathiccure@

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