Yogita Shiwsankar Course: OL 57(25718)Tuesday 2:30 to 5:00 Professor: Niloufar Galang APII Lab Report 11/06/2020Digestive System Lab ReportThe Digestive system is a group of organs that helps to break down food to absorb the necessary nutrients. The nutrients in the food are used by the body as fuel to keep all the body system working. The leftover parts of the food which was not breaking down into nutrients or digested will be excreted as bowel movements (Stool). There are many organs that are part of the digestive system. Every organ in the digestive system has a specific role of breaking down food and managing the waste material. The digestive tracts form one long tube through the body starting from the mouth to the anus as well as moving through other organs like the sphincter between organs to keep things moving in the right direction. The Digestive system is important because the process breaking down food into nutrients, which the body uses for energy, growth, and cell repair. Food and drink must be changed into smaller molecules of nutrients before the blood absorb them and carries them to cells throughout the body. Some parts of the digestive system are the mouth with digestion starts, esophagus allows food to travel through to the stomach, the stomach is were the food is break down as it moves toward the small intestine where most of the vitamins and nutrients are being absorbed which will move into the blood stream, the food moves through the help facilitate the small intestine will composed of three parts, the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. After going through the process in small intestine the food will enter the large intestine where the food will now partially digested and mostly turned into liquid form as it pass the ileocecal value entering the large intestine the water are absorbed from the waste material by the time the stool reaches the end of the large intestine, which will move toward the rectum were holds stool until it can be passed out the body through the anus where the sphincters that server to hold the stool inside the body until it passes, when the person is consciously relaxes their external sphincter the stool will than leaves the body. The majors Enzyme that are involved in the digestive system are the Amylase is essential for the breakdown of carbohydrates and starches into sugars, amylase is the produce of both the salivary glands and the pancreas. The levels of amylase in the blood is sometimes used as an aid for the diagnosing various pancreas or other digestive tract diseases. A high level of amylase in the blood may cause a blocked or injured duct of the pancreas or other infections. A low level may indicate chronic pancreatitis (an ongoing inflammation in the pancreas) or liver disease which are very dangerous to the body system. Lipase is the breakdown of fats into fatty acids and glycerol. The produced in small amounts by your mouth and the stomach and in larger amounts by your pancreas. Proteases is also known as proteolytic enzyme or proteinases; these are digestive enzymes that breakdown proteins into amino acids which they play a major role in numerous body processes including the immune system. The pepsin is the breakdown of proteins into peptides or smaller groups of amino acids, that absorbed broken down further in the small intestine. Some health condition associated with some common malfunction of the digestive system are the intestinal problems such as polyps and cancer, infection, celiac disease, crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, malabsorption, short bowel syndrome and intestinal ischemia, Gastroesophageal reflux disease etc. which may cause a severe damage if not taken care by a doctor. The digestive system has many methods and material of enzyme that are breakdown, but it is depended on the food and the types of different chemicals when mixed with the enzymes. In the body enzymes are located every section of the digestive system as food decomposed. The enzyme amylase is the breakdown of carbohydrate, starch into maltose. The breakdown of starch eventually becomes maltose. Another enzyme in the digestive system is peptides which is a chain of proteins, single amino acid that helps the body. six tubes were prepared with different combinations of amylase, starch, cellulose, peptidase, bacteria, and deionized water. Amylase, starch, and pH 7.0 were added to Tube 1. Tube 2 had amylase, glucose and pH7.0 buffer added to it. In Tube 3, amylase, cellulose and pH7.0 were added to it. Cellulose, pH7.0 buffer and deionized water were added to Tube 4, while in Tube 5 peptidase, starch and pH7.0 buffer were added. Finally, bacteria, cellulose, and pH 7.0 buffer were added to tube sixThe experiment shows the effects of amylase substrate in six tubes that were prep with different solution of enzymes, the substrates buffer ad water. The amylase breakdown starch that was added to tubes 1- 3. Starch was then added to the tubes 1-5, Glucose was added to tube 2; cellulose to added tubes 6. Deionized water was added to only tube 4, while PH 7.0 was added to all the tubes. All the tubes were then incubated at 37 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes. The following incubation each tubes was tested for the presence of starch using potassium iodide and the reduction of sugar using Benedicts solution to test for starch, half if the tubes was added in a separate tube, that was then added a drop of LKL added. The color changed of each tube was recorded after the added solution of LKL. The result of the experiment of enzymes that are combined with different types of chemical that are benedicts solution, reagent, potassium iodide. The benedict’s solution is used to test the reduction of sugar into glucose and the changing of yellow to a red color. Potassium becomes positive which means the test result for starch has a color change in each tubs, the reduction of sugar six drops of benedict’s reagent was then added to the solution, as the tube enters boiling water, the result of the color change after incubation of each tube was then recorded. The experiment data shows that the starch with the enzyme amylase solution that was added to the tube for 60 minutes in 37 degrees Celsius potassium result was negative, the benedict’s solution resulted was positive. The starch tube with the added enzyme solution of amylase the breakdown of sugar into glucose. Tube 5 with starch solution with peptidase that was added the result was positive for the potassium, which the result of the benedict’s solution us negative, which meaning that peptidase enzyme converts scratch into potassium. Tubes 1-5 had glucose, tubes 3, 4 and 6 had cellulose, while tube 2 had glucose. Amylase was added to tubes 1 – 3, peptidase which breaks down peptidase was added to tube 5 as a negative control. Tube 4 had water instead of amylase serving as a negative control. In tube six bacteria were added to examine whether these bacteria have enzymes capable of digesting starch. After 60 minutes incubation at 37 C, only tube 5 was positive for starch as indicated by a dark blue color after addition of IKP. For the Benedict’s test, tubes 1, 2 and 6 changed to a brown-orange color after boiling, indicating they were positive for reducing of sugars, compared to tubes 3-5. The experiment of examining the specificity of the enzymes to amylase. In the body enzymes are located every section of the digestive system as food decomposed. The enzyme amylase is the breakdown of carbohydrate, starch into maltose. The breakdown of starch eventually becomes maltose leaving little to no starch present. the existence of starch can be identified by using iodine solution. Iodine binds to starch producing as a dark blue to black color but cannot bind to sugar like maltose. The reduction of sugar and cellulose, a polysaccharide are similar to starch. If amylase is specific to starch and the other substrates will be digested by the amylase, therefore, the result will be negative. Tube 1 which has both amylase and starch, given a negative result when LKL was added. This demonstrated that amylase was able to breakdown starch to maltose leaving no starch left in the mixture. However, tubes 2-3 has amylase, the result was negative, the result was obtained when IKI was added because there was no starch present to the solution. Two tubes had two other carbohydrates glucose and cellulose, these results demonstrated that amylase does not react to the two substrates and therefore shows specificity to the starch. In conclusion these result show that the amylase does not breakdown the cellulose, glucose or carbohydrates but have instead breakdown the reduction sugar like maltose, but on the other hand after the benedict’s test result positive when the amylase was added to the solution the result of the starch has a different result rection when combined with amylase, it breakdown the sugar to maltose, in the digestive system uses amylase to decompose material in the body, Although, other chemical can be added to the solution however the general activity does not demonstrate the purpose of the activity. Work cites Digestive System (Anatomy): How It Works.” WebMD, WebMD, 21 June 2020, heartburn-gerd/your-digestive-system. What Is The Digestive System? – Verywell Health”. MD, MPH, 09, April 2020 are Digestive Enzymes? Types and Function- Verywell Health”. MD, MPH, 08 September 2020 ................

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