DIRECTIONS: Test your intuitions about behavior by answering true or false to the statements below

|_____________ |Children must learn compassion by age 6 in order to be a functional, caring adult. |

|_____________ |A child learns to communicate before speech has been developed. |

|_____________ |If you dream about your teeth falling out- it means you are worried about money. |

|_____________ |Highly intelligent people, geniuses, tend to be physically frail and socially isolated. |

|_____________ |Ordinary, everyday, people can be “persuaded” to commit murder. |

|_____________ |Your left side of the brain controls your right side of your body. |

|_____________ |The people suffering from psychological disorders are dangerous. |

|_____________ |The lumps and folds felt on your skull can detect intelligence and/or potential psychological problems. |

|_____________ |You can “train” you pupils to dilate on command. |

|_____________ |You can survive a metal rod going through your frontal lobe; but not the temporal lobe. |

|_____________ |Subliminal messages can be used to persuade others to purchase products. |

|_____________ |The best way to get a chronically noisy child to settle down and pay attention is to punish him or her. |

|_____________ |Parents have the biggest impact on teenagers. |

|_____________ |Individuals can learn information (e.g. a new language) while asleep. |

|_____________ |It has been found that most murderers have the same mental illness. |

|_____________ |You are more likely to survive a gunshot to the head if the bullet travels front to back rather than side to side. |

|_____________ |Human memory works like a tape recorder or video camera, and accurately records the events we have experienced. |

|_____________ |Eyewitness testimony is unreliable. |

|_____________ |Some adults were abused as children but do not remember the abuse. |

|_____________ |Hypnosis is useful for retrieving memories of forgotten events. |

|_____________ |If you do not learn to speak as a child, you will never learn to speak properly. |

|_____________ |Playing classical music (e.g., Mozart) to infants and children increases their intelligence. |

|_____________ |Peek-a-boo is exciting for babies because they are laughing at the fact you look like a fool. |

|_____________ |In the middle ages, a hole in the skull was believed to cure “demonic” presences. |

|_____________ |A baby’s attachment for its mother is based on mom’s filling the physiological need for food. |

|_____________ |If you live long enough, and you don’t exercise your brain, you will eventually develop dementia. |

|_____________ |The polygraph (“lie detector”) test is a highly accurate means of detecting dishonesty and often used in court to |

| |prosecute people. |

|_____________ |It is generally better to express anger openly than to hold it in. |

|_____________ |High self-esteem is necessary for high achievement. |

|_____________ |Most people with amnesia forget all the details of their earlier lives. |

|_____________ |People diagnosed with schizophrenia have a split personality. |

|_____________ |People who are seen looking down at the floor at airports and profiled as potential terrorists. |

|_____________ |“Psychological profiling” has been shown to be an effective means of identifying terrorists. |

|_____________ |A large proportion of criminals are acquitted on the basis of the insanity defense. |

|_____________ |Cocaine was once used as the “intelligence” drug. |

|_____________ |It is believed that, if you are a perfectionist, you struggled during potty training. |

|_____________ |All effective psychotherapies force individuals to confront the “root” causes of their problems in childhood. |

|_____________ |Electroconvulsive (“shock”) therapy is a physically dangerous treatment and no longer used. |

|_____________ |Love and comfort is a basic need; more important than food. |

|_____________ |There’s safety in numbers: The more people present at an emergency, the greater the chance that someone will |

| |intervene. |

_____________ 41. It is possible to survive with one hemisphere of your brain.

_____________ 42. It is legal to perform dangerous experiments as long as it is legitimate research.

_______________ 43. One of the first signs of potential serial killer is cruelty to animals.

_______________ 44. Emotions are universal (all over the world- people will be able to recognize what you are feeling.)

_______________ 45. Your brain is fully developed by the time you are 18 years old.


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