What's New in RAM Commander version 7

What’s New in RAM Commander

Version 8.3 Service Pack 1

This document describes new features of RAM Commander 8.3 Service Pack 1. The document covers only the features, which have been added to the RAM Commander 8.3 SP1 since version 8.3 Release. Please, see RAMC_8_3_Release Notes and previous documents for earlier versions features additions.

Improvements and New Features

❑ Main screen – main toolbar icons redesigned

❑ Product tree - Reliability calculation with status message and log

❑ Product tree - item selection is kept when switching between views (Normal/Functional Blocks)

❑ Product tree –item selection is preserved between sessions

❑ Product tree – view selection is preserved between sessions

❑ FTA - FT Common Elements Report

❑ FTA - Equivalent Lambda Calculation

❑ FTA - MCS Calculation - additional options in MCS sum formula selection

❑ FTA - Simple and Bayes calculations - support of K/N gates

❑ FTA - usability – quick creation of basic event using "Add event from library" option

❑ FTA - BDD Visualization

❑ FMECA Reports - "Select All" option for list of tests on FMECA reports parameters screen

❑ RBD – possibility to open MTBCF graph with Graph generator

❑ Safety – MIL-882E - Customizable libraries of risk ranks and risk categories

❑ Spare parts – new report by hierarchical product tree structure

❑ Spare parts – 9 tree levels depth limitation removed

❑ Windows 8 Compatibility

(The improvements are explained further later in this document – see page 3)


❑ Reliability - Bug fixed - IEC 62380 - error in Optocouplers calculation

❑ Reliability - Bug fixed - Allocation – screen was not refreshed after allocation

❑ RBD - Bug fixed - RBD time updated by MTBCF automatic calc.

❑ FMECA - Bug fixed - Using TAB key in Description field of FMECA End Effects library causes appearance of empty End Effects

❑ FMECA – wrong data in FMD-97 library fixed

❑ Maintainability - Bug fixed – Changes in tasks library grid did not cause recalculation

❑ NPRD-2011 calculation from "Recalculate All" option bug fixed

❑ FTA – CCF calculation bug fixed, approach changed – maximal probability between events in the group is taken to calculate CCF group probability.

Installation of RAMC 8.3 Service Pack 1

RAM Commander 8.3 Service Pack 1 should be installed over RAM Commander 8.3 version.

For the local stand-alone installation, run the RAMCW83SP1.EXE file downloaded from the A.L.D. web site (). For client/server installation, make sure all users closed their RAM Commander applications and then run the RAMCW83SP1.EXE file on any one of the workstations connected to the server or on the server itself.

For additional instructions, see User Manual - Installation Guide (Getting Started Chapter).

RAM Commander version 8.3 Service Pack 1 Release Notes

Main screen – redesigned main toolbar icons

The main toolbar was redesigned, icons were enlarged and changed:


Product tree - Reliability calculation with status message and log

Reliability calculation ("Recalculate all" option) now provides more information about calculation success or failure, to make you feel more confident in the calculation results and immediately discover any problems in the calculation process:


If there are any errors or warning messages during the recalculation, they are accumulated and placed in the process log, which may be opened using "View log" option in the Calculation menu. Final message at the end of the calculation provide information about calculation status and number of errors/warnings/problems in the log.

Product tree - item selection is kept when switching between views (Normal/Functional Blocks)

Switching between "Normal" view and "Functional Blocks" view now keeps the position of the currently selected item in the tree and you do not have to expand the whole tree from the beginning to return the same position.

Product tree – item selection is preserved between sessions

When you close the product tree window and open it again (even one year later) RAM Commander will put focus on the same product tree item which was selected when you closed the window.

Product tree – view selection is preserved between sessions

When you close the product tree window and open it again (even one year later) RAM Commander will activate the same view mode ("Normal" view and "Functional Blocks") which was selected when you closed the window.

FTA - FT Common Elements Report

The new report in FTA module allows comparison of two different fault trees in order to find common sub-trees and common basic events. To use this report, you need to open the fault tree, choose "Common Elements Report" from the reports menu and then select another fault tree to be compared with the currently open fault tree. The generated report will list all the common elements between currently open and selected fault trees.

FTA - Equivalent Lambda Calculation

Equivalent Lambda parameter calculation was added to the FTA module, according to the EN 50129 standard (CENELEC) requirements. Use the "Equivalent Lambda" report from the "Reports" menu of FTA module.

Lambda-equivalent of the system S is an indicator of the ability of the system to fail. It is evaluated using the following equation:


where: w (e) is unconditional failure rate of the BE e,

MIF is Marginal importance factor - the rate at which the TOP unavailability S increases when the unavailability of component e increases,


FTA - MCS Calculation - additional options in MCS sum formula selection

MCS Calculation screen provides different options of top gate probability calculation using the generated list of MCS:


Two new options were added:

• Simple sum – top gate probability is calculated as a sum of probabilities of all MCS. To be used only for fault trees with very low probabilities of MCS ( lower than 1e-10)

• Independent probabilities – top gate probability Ptop = 1-(1-Pmcs1)*(1-Pmcs2)*...*(1-PmcsN), where PmcsN is probability of minimal cut set #N. Does not take into consideration common events between all MCS, in contrary to Easary-Proschan formula.

FTA - Simple and Bayes calculations - support of K/N gates

In addition to the default MCS calculation, FTA module supports also Simple calculation (Arithmetical calculation of the tree according to the logical laws, without considering identical events) and Bayes calculation (Exact calculation of the tree using Bayes formula, suitable for small trees with low number of identical events) which now support evaluation of fault trees with K-out-of-N gates.

FTA - usability – quick creation of basic event using "Add event from library" option

The process of creation of fault trees should become even faster with the possibility to add an existing event to the fault tree by selecting it from the library, without the need to open event data screen and choose event type etc. Right-click the gate where you wish to add an event as an input, choose the "Add event from library" option – list of all events in the library will appear. Find the desired event and double-click it – it will be immediately added to the fault tree, as a new input of the selected logical gate.

FTA - BDD Visualization

In addition to the calculation of Fault Tree using BDD (Binary Decision Diagrams) method, you may also generate the visual representation of the BDD diagram using "Generate BDD Diagram" function from "Calculation" menu of FTA Module.

Consider the fault tree at the left part of the screen and corresponding generated BDD diagram for this fault tree to the right:

|[pic] |[pic] |

FMECA Reports - "Select All" option for list of tests on FMECA reports parameters screen

The new "Select all" button which appears on the testability reports parameters screen of FMECA module will make default selection of all tests in the long list of tests much more convenient:


RBD – possibility to open MTBCF graph with Graph generator

In addition to viewing the R(t) graph on MTBCF calculation screen, it is now possible to open the same graph inside the graph generator, change appearance of the graph and print/save/copy to clipboard the final graph image:


Use "View in Graph Generator" button of MTBCF screen to perform this operation.

Safety – MIL-882E - Customizable libraries of risk ranks and risk categories

New version provides possibility to customize the libraries used in Safety Hazard Assessment according to MIL-STD-882E – risk ranks:


And risk categories:


Use "Libraries" menu of the Safety module to access these libraries.

Spare parts – new report by hierarchical product tree structure

Spare parts module provides possibility to use (optionally) new format of spare parts report, which displays all the product tree items in hierarchical way, similar to Assembly composite report – but with information related to spare parts calculation:


Spare parts – 9 tree levels depth limitation removed

Spare parts report had a limitation of 9 nested levels of product tree items - this limitation was removed in the new version, now it supports unlimited depth of the product tree.

Windows 8 Compatibility

RAM Commander was tested under new Microsoft operating system Windows 8 and is fully compatible with this system installed on a desktop/laptop PC with keyboard and mouse.

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