Create a flyer to share what you have learned and inform ...

Silent Reading Project

Imagine that it is your job to create a flyer or movie poster to advertise your book. Design a flyer that will attract readers, but give enough information in both imagery and words to help them decide whether it is a book they might enjoy reading. DO NOT just search for a copy of the cover on the internet; copying and pasting the actual cover is not creating or designing and you will lose points.

Your flyer must meet all of the following requirements:

• Create on an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of unlined paper.

• Must include title

• Must include author

• Must have a related colored graphic that illustrates the most important or memorable aspect of the book (based on setting, characters, plot, mood, or theme)

• The colors (at least 2) in the graphic must be chosen based on the “Reading the World of Color” handout. (Think about what feelings colors convey and what they represent.)

• Must include the best quote from the book to attract attention. Indicate the speaker and page number.

• Must be attractively designed and neat.

In addition to your flyer, you will answer each of the following prompts with a paragraph (5 sentences) minimum. (This may be done on loose leaf or on the back of the flyer if it doesn’t show through.) Remember, the point is to prove that you read the book.

• Explain your flyer/poster. Be sure to indicate what the illustration represents (plot, theme, setting, characters, or mood.) Use specific examples from the book. Also discuss why you chose the colors that you did.

• Explain why the title was selected for your book. Use specific examples.

• Give your opinion of the book. What did you like and why? What didn’t you like and why? Would you recommend this book and why? Even if you didn’t enjoy this book, who would and why would they like it? Use specific examples.




|Criteria |Meets Criteria |Nearly Meets Criteria |Evidence of Criteria |Unacceptable/Missing |

|Format of Flyer/Poster |All aspects of formatting are included|Most aspects of formatting correct and|Some aspects of formatting are |Few aspects of formatting are included|

|Includes title, author, best quote and|and correct |all are included |included and correct |and correct |

|page number | | | | |

| | |8 points |6 points |4 points or less |

| |10 points | | | |

|Appearance of Flyer/Poster |Meets all criteria |Most aspects of appearance are correct|Some aspects of formatting are correct|Few aspects of formatting are correct |

|Created on unlined paper, colored | | | | |

|graphic; neat and attractive | | | | |

| | |8 points |6 points |4 points or less |

| |10 points | | | |

|Paragraph 1 |Meets all criteria; topic covered |Topic covered well; at least 4 |Topic attempted; may be little |Topic attempted/off topic; no evidence|

|Explains what flyer/poster represents |thoroughly |sentences |evidence of having read the book; |of having read the book missing |

|and colors; evidence of having read | | |missing sentences |sentences |

|the book; 5 sentences min. | | | | |

| | | |18 points |10 points |

| |25 points |20 points | | |

|Paragraph 2 |Meets all criteria; topic covered |Topic covered well; at least 4 |Topic attempted; may be little |Topic attempted/off topic; no evidence|

|Explains title; evidence of having |thoroughly |sentences |evidence of having read the book; |of having read the book missing |

|read the book; 5 sentences min. | | |missing sentences |sentences |

| | | | | |

| | | |18 points |10 points |

| |25 points |20 points | | |

|Paragraph 3 |Meets all criteria; topic covered |Topic covered well; at least 4 |Topic attempted; may be little |Topic attempted/off topic; no evidence|

|Gives opinion and recommendations; |thoroughly |sentences |evidence of having read the book; |of having read the book missing |

|evidence of having read the book; 5 | | |missing sentences |sentences |

|sentences min. | | | | |

| | | |18 points |10 points |

| |25 points |20 points | | |

|Following Directions |All aspects of formatting are included|Most aspects of formatting correct and|Some aspects of formatting are |Few aspects of formatting are included|

|Paragraphs are attached or written on |and correct |all are included |included and correct |and correct |

|back. Name, number and hour on written| | | | |

|on paragraphs. | |4 points |3 points |2 points or less |

| |5 points | | | |

|Totals | | | | |

Name: Hour: /100


The Most Dangerous Game

By Richard Connell

“But perhaps the general was a devil--” p. 13


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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