Chance Encounter By: Alden Nowlan

Poetry Presentation and Analysis Assignment

This assignment has TWO parts:

a) Poetry reading and short analysis

b) Formal written analysis of poem

For this assignment, you will first of all find a poem that you wish to read and analyse. You must use a poem found on this website:

Select a poem that you will read out loud to the class. Choose something that means something to you.

Once you have selected a poem, you will do the following:

• Bring the poem to class with you on Tuesday, December 17th and Wednesday, December 18th. We will be having a poetry café and reading our poems to the class.

• You are expected to read your poem with emotion, proper rhythm, etc. Make sure you’ve rehearsed your reading to make it smooth, interesting, and captivating for the audience.

• After reading in class, you will offer up a SHORT analysis of your poem answering the following questions:

o What is the overall meaning/message of the poem

o What is the most interesting literary device the poet has used (give an example and explain)

In addition, you will submit to me a formal analysis of your selected poem. (Can be turned in either Tuesday or Wednesday).

Writing a Literary Analysis of Poetry

Follow these steps carefully to write an effective analysis:

1. Read the poem carefully at least three times.

2. Think about what the poet is trying to say; what is the literal meaning? Is there a “hidden” meaning?

3. Begin the analysis with a short paragraph about the overall theme or message of the poem as well as your first impressions. Remember, this is a formal analysis, so you should not use “I” or “me.”

4. The next paragraph should mention what style of poetry this is (lyric, narrative, sonnet, haiku, etc.), and mention why this style is effective. Then, think about the form of the poem. Does it in any way relate to the content? Is the form significant?

5. The next paragraph should be about the use of poetic devices. Does the poet use any similes, metaphors, personification, symbols, or imagery? Give specific examples of where the poet has used these devices. Then, mention why this example is significant. How does the use of this poetic device add to the poem?

6. The next paragraph should be about poetic sound. Does the poet use alliteration, assonance, rhyme, or rhythm? Find specific examples of where the poet has used these sound devices. How does the use of poetic sound devices add to the poem? Why are they significant?

7. Lastly, you should finish off with a short concluding paragraph where you conclude your analysis. Perhaps you might want to mention why this poem is effective or ineffective. Are there some areas that need improvement or that you particularly enjoyed? Would you ever want to read more poetry by this author?

**Your final analysis should be one page (two pages max!). (MLA formatting, so this means double spaced) Please submit a copy of your poem with your analysis.

Poetry Presentation and Analysis Rubric

|Category |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Knowledge |Student demonstrates limited |Student demonstrates some |Student demonstrates |Student demonstrates thorough |

| |knowledge of poetic devices |knowledge of poetic devices |considerable knowledge of |knowledge of poetic devices |

| |and poetic sound |and poetic sound |poetic devices and poetic |and poetic sound |

|(10 marks) | | |sound | |

|Thinking |Student demonstrates limited |Student demonstrates some |Student demonstrates |Student demonstrates a high |

| |critical thinking in writing |critical thinking in writing |considerable critical thinking|degree of critical thinking in|

|(10 marks) |poetry analysis |poetry analysis |in writing poetry analysis |writing poetry analysis |

|Communication |Student communicates with |Student communicates with some|Student communicates with |Student communicates with a |

| |limited clarity in oral |clarity in oral presentation |considerable clarity in oral |high degree of clarity in oral|

|(10 marks) |presentation of poem; uses |of poem; uses some inflection,|presentation of poem; uses |presentation of poem; uses |

| |little inflection, |enunciation, etc. |good inflection, enunciation, |excellent inflection, |

| |enunciation, etc. | |etc. |enunciation, etc. |

| | |Student writes with some | | |

| |Student writes with limited |clarity and concision in |Student writes clearly and |Student writes very clearly |

| |clarity and concision in |written analysis with several |concisely in written analysis |and concisely in written |

| |written analysis with lapses |lapses in proper spelling, |using proper spelling, |analysis using proper |

| |in proper spelling, grammar, |grammar, etc. |grammar, etc. |spelling, grammar, etc. |

| |etc. | | | |

|Application |Student applies limited |Student applies some |Student applies considerable |Student applies excellent |

| |strategies in oral poetic |strategies in oral poetic |strategies in oral poetic |strategies in oral poetic |

|(10 marks) |analysis during presentation |analysis during presentation |analysis during presentation |analysis during presentation |

Total: /40


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