How to answer where are you from - Amazon S3

How to answer Where are you from First off, answer these questions 1. Where are you from? e.g. Portland

2. Do you love your hometown Why? e.g. Not really, it's a pretty boring place, but I love my family. We are super close.

2b. If you don't like it why not? I am not a big fan because it's not very cosmopolitan and I really like the hustle and bustle of a big city.

3. Why do you live where you currently live? Why? e.g. I live in San Francisco because I'm a developer and all the best developer jobs are out here.

4a Do you love it? Why? e.g. e.g. I love it because the people here are so intelligent. Everyone is doing something entrepreneurial and it inspires me

4b. If you don't like it why not? e.g. I am not a big fan because the people here are so work focused. I much prefer a laid back lifestyle with more time for my hobbies, like surfing.

5. Are you planning on moving anywhere awesome? Where and why? e.g. I have lived on the West Coast my whole life and it's great, but I always felt like it would be really cool to live somewhere I'm not at all familiar with. It's a long ways off, but I've actually got plans to backpack Asia, which I am really nervous and excited about.

Okay! Now the goal is to take the elements of your answers above and combine them into a 3-5 sentence answer that shares your values!

A great way to do this is to compare where you are originally from with where you currently live in terms of your likes and dislikes. If you have always lived in the same place, you can talk about your dream travel plans and use those to showcase what you love.

Examples using the answers from above

I'm originally from Portland, but I moved to San Francisco for a job. I love it here because the people here are so intelligent. Everyone is doing something entrepreneurial and it inspires me! It makes me really confident that one day I can start my own company.


I've lived on the West Coast my whole life and there are a lot of great things about it. But right now I'm a bit fed up with the "work hard, work hard" lifestyle in San Francisco. I actually have plans to unplug and backpack Asia this summer. I am really excited to see what life is like in a place where people would rather chill and surf than try to build the next moneymaking app.

Now your turn!


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