|THEME: Pre-Employment |

|Module: Answering Job Interview Questions |

|Skills |Listening |Speaking |Reading |Writing |

| |CLB 6 |CLB 6 |CLB 6 |CLB 6 |

|Context Information Focus |Information about typical traditional and |Knowledge of appropriate ways to answer |Recognize cultural basis of suggestions on |Rehearsing answers to interview questions |

| |behaviour-based interview questions in |these questions |the internet web sites, and that there may |in written form, prior to the interview, is|

| |Canada |Awareness that speaking about one’s |be some slight differences in the |a good way to clarify one’s thoughts and |

| | |strengths and accomplishments is expected |suggestions that are offered, depending on |opinions in order to answer reflectively on|

| | |and not inappropriate |what kind of job is being applied for |the day of the interview |

| | |Appropriate and inappropriate questions to |(For example, when to provide references) | |

| | |ask at a first interview (e.g. no questions| | |

| | |about pay or benefits) | | |

|CLB Competency/ies |III. Suasion |IV. Information |I. Social Interaction Texts |IV. Presenting information and ideas |

| |Demonstrate comprehension of details and |Relate a detailed sequence of events from |Identify factual details and some inferred |Write one or two paragraphs to tell a story|

| |speaker/s purpose in suggestions, advice, |the past. . . |meanings in moderately complex texts |. . . or to describe a simple process |

| |encouragements and requests |IV. Information: |containing advice, requests, specifications| |

| | |Ask for and provide information in an | | |

| | |interview related to daily activities | | |

|Genre | | | | |

|Text Structure/Features | | | | |

|Language Focus |Functions |Functions | | |

|(Possible examples given in | | | | |

|italics) |Requests for Information |Clarifying questions | | |

| |Tell me about yourself | | | |

| |What is your greatest strength/weakness? | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Vocabulary | | | |

| |soft skills | | | |

| |weakness | | | |

| |strength | | | |

| |goals | | | |

|Language and Learning Strategies|Focussing on the intent of the question as |Hesitation devices to buy time |Checking the source of the web site, and |Brainstorming |

| |well as the literal meaning |Well… |who the author is |Recalling past successes |

| |Asking clarifying questions |Let me think about that. |Paying attention to advice and thinking |Looking through personal records to confirm|

| | |(Repeating the question and asking a |about the reasons for it |specific details (journals, calendars, |

| | |question back) | |email correspondence, etc) |

| | |Answering honestly but putting the best | |Preparing a portfolio to highlight your |

| | |face on information | |past work experience |

|Essential Skill Focus |Reading text, Writing, Oral Communication, Thinking |

|ES-focused teaching strategies | |

| |Oral communication – Practice expressions which help an interviewee or employee to be truthful while at the same time being diplomatic |

|Teaching Resources & Materials |Youtube good, bad, ugly job interviews |Preparing for Employment: Manitoba |Preparing for the Interview: Common |

| |Amazing! 2 Interviews and Discussions – book and tape |Education, Citizenship and Youth |Interview Questions |

| |Sites re. behaviour-based questions | | |

| |Manitoba Immigration and Labour interview questions: | | |

| | browse/work_in_manitoba | | |

| |/job_search/print,work-search-interview.html | | |

| |Focus on Grammar 4 – “Stress Interviews” – reading, exercises on indirect questions and | | |

| |CD | | |

| |Learning English with CBC – “Weathering the Economic Storm” (T’s follow-up exercise) | | |

|Outcome Assessment Task |Listen to a dialogue and respond to |Students role-play a job interview |Read a site giving advice and answer |Write a short piece telling the owner of a |

| |questions about the purpose behind the |containing some behaviour-based questions, |questions on it |car dealership why you want to work there |

| |interviewer’s questions |to be recorded and assessed | |(after doing the Learning English with CBC |

| | | | |lesson) |


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