Primary Complete Pro Forma Pack (UG & PGCE Programmes)

PRIMARY UG & PGCESCHOOL-BASED TRAINING-635423375073These pro forma need to be completed and stored securely either as hard copies or electronically.You Mentor, class teacher and Link Tutor will ask to view these forms throughout your placement.If they are kept electronically it is your responsibility to be able to share these with LTU and School Staff.00These pro forma need to be completed and stored securely either as hard copies or electronically.You Mentor, class teacher and Link Tutor will ask to view these forms throughout your placement.If they are kept electronically it is your responsibility to be able to share these with LTU and School PLETE PRO FORMA FOR: OBSERVING PLANNINGASSESSMENTEVALUATIONFOR ALL LEVELS & STAGESFS/KS1/KS2This and all other SBT related documentation can be downloaded at: Information – Check List2Reflecting on The Nature of Your Class3-4Pro Forma To Support Awareness of Child Protection5Trainee/Class Teacher Meeting Checklist6Pro Forma for Observing Enhanced Provision (Indoor & Outdoor) (Foundation Stage)7Pro Forma for Observing the Practitioner Undertaking a Focus Activity (Foundation Stage)8-9Pro Forma for the Trainee to Observe a Group or Whole Class Teaching Session10-11Observing a Discrete Systematic Synthetic Phonics Lesson12Individual Lesson/Focused Activity Plan for the Teaching of Synthetic Phonics13Planning for A Focus (Foundation Stage)14-15English, Science and Foundation Individual Subject Lesson Plan (KS1 & 2)16English Weekly Lesson Plan (KS1 & 2)17-18Mathematics Individual Lesson Plan (KS1 & 2)19Mathematics Weekly Lesson Plan (KS1 & 2)20Foundation Stage Weekly Plan21-22Pro Forma for Monitoring the Progress of Pupils (Whole Class)23Pupil Progress Impact Report (PGCE Stage 2 and UG Level 5 Only)24Weekly Professional Reflection on Feedback25NB:This information and all other information about your class and the children is confidential to the schoolREFLECTING ON THE NATURE OF YOUR CLASSKEEP SECURELY – for you reference onlyThis pro forma should be completed at the scheduled planning meeting with the class teacher/lead practitioner. It is designed to give trainees the opportunity to show they have considered ways in which they can support all children in their rmation Gathered About the ClassYear groupIs the school1 form entry2 form entryMoreNumber in classBoysGirlsAttainment rangeNumber of SEND/children who have EHCPs /identified as more ableCultural and ethnic backgroundAny vulnerable children eg Looked After Children? Children will EAL or NTE? Asylum seekers / refugees?Implications for planningGender considerations? Any actions?Range of attainment, SEND, more able? Any actions?Socio-economic, identify any children on Pupil Premium. Any actions?Cultural and ethnic considerations (racial, national, religious, linguistic). Any actions or adjustments required?Behaviour management, policy and practice. How is school approach to behaviour management implemented? What behaviour management strategies are employed? Any children whose behaviour is a barrier to their learning? Are there children with an Individual Behaviour Plan?PRO FORMA TO SUPPORT AWARENESS OF CHILD PROTECTION No recognisable names should be usedKEEP SECURELY – for you reference onlyI have read Part One and Annex A of Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE) 487489514351000487489530289500I know who the Designated Child Protection Officer is and have introduced myself to themI have discussed the schools reporting arrangements should a disclosure be made to me and am familiar with any action I must take. They are:I am aware of the schools e:Safety policies. In particular I understand guidance around bringing own devices into school and their use. (Note: a smart phone with internet access counts as a device). 487553010604500I am aware that schools are required to protect children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation and seek to support and protect children through promotion of British values. I have discussed the school’s approach and am aware that the document ‘The Prevent Duty’ is available through Moodle.48755306286500Please tick above to confirm completion of tasks and then sign below Signed: ____________________________________(Note the Class teacher may share information around child protection issues with you if they judge it appropriate. It is essential you recognise the confidential nature of this information. However, some information may not be shared due to its nature.)TRAINEE/CLASS TEACHER MEETING CHECKLIST and contract of professional behaviours agreement for placementKEEP SECURELYForm must be available for Link Tutor and Mentor to viewHave you discussed and/or got a copy of the following:Class teacher’s half term plans (the plans you are teaching only)English, mathematics, science, PE and other subjects to be taught (where relevant)Information on the needs of the children eg assessment data (see planning for monitoring and assessment in the pro forma pack) and completing the reflecting on the nature of the class pro formaUse of and availability of support staffAny timetable considerations or specific visits already planned for during the blockPlanning, Preparation and Assessment and continual professional Development timePlayground duty dayClassroom routines eg registerStart and end of the dayTransition timesOther areas discussed and further action which needs to be takenThe Trainee now has enough information to enable planning for a full half term’s teaching. The trainee and class teacher have both read and understand all the ‘expectations for Trainees whilst on SBT (including dress code/ attendance and acceptable use of Social media. ‘The trainee agrees to maintain the highest standard for part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards. Signed (Class teacher): _______________________________________________Signed (Trainee): ____________________________________________________Date: _________________________PRO FORMA FOR OBSERVING ENHANCED PROVISION (INDOOR & OUTDOOR) (Foundation Stage)Area of provision/outdoor zone eg role play, exploration and investigationStimulus eg baker’s shop, autumn leaf collectionInformation about the children involved: number, gender, any particular needs (eg EAL, SEND)Focus of the learningLearning objective: Reference to Development Matters in the EYFS:Practitioner involvement:How does the practitioner engage the children? eg playing alongside, modelling playWhat questions and phrases are used to extend learning? eg How did you do that? I wonder what would happen if…No practitioner involvement:How are the children demonstrating learning? What do they do that meets the LO? eg use of resources, labels, pictures, mark makingWhat do children say that demonstrates learning? eg questions, vocabularyHow do children engage with each other? eg identify roles, share tasksEvaluationWhat was the impact on children’s learning? How do you know?Next steps Based on children’s responses what will be added or changed?PRO FORMA FOR OBSERVING THE PRACTITIONER UNDERTAKING A FOCUS ACTIVITY (Foundation Stage)Focus area of Learning (linked to an area of learning in the EYFS, eg mathematics)Learning objective (State the intended learning objectives) I want evidence children can…Information about the children involved: number, gender, any particular needs (eg EAL, SEND)ResourcesKey vocabularyHow does the practitioner engage the children? What does s/he do? eg modelling, demonstratingWhat questions and phrases are used to extend learning? eg How did you do that? I wonder what would happen if…How are the children demonstrating learning? What do they do that meets the LO? eg use of resourcesWhat do children say that demonstrates learning? eg questions, vocabularyHow does the practitioner differentiate the activity to meet the needs of all children?AssessmentHow did the practitioner assess the children’s learning? How was evidence of pupil progress recorded and feedback given?Next steps What do the children do next? Does the practitioner direct the children to another activity?PRO FORMA FOR THE TRAINEE TO OBSERVE A GROUP OR WHOLE CLASS TEACHING SESSIONLesson Subject:Lesson title: Date:Key objective/s:Use of additional adults in the lessonAT THE BEGINNING OF THE LESSON TEACHING STRATEGIESHow does the teacher introduce the lesson? (Look for setting of objectives; linking what will be new to what pupils already know and can do; checking Trainees prior knowledge)CLASS MANAGEMENT/ ORGANISATION/SAFETYHow does the teacher gain and maintain pupil attention? (What resources are used; how are the most able/least able kept involved; how does the teacher use his/her voice? What does the teacher do if a child is not paying attention?)DURING THE LESSON TEACHING STRATEGIESHow do the pupils know what they will be doing? What sorts of tasks are the pupils doing?How does the teacher interact with the pupils: gives advice; asks or answers questions; clarifies points?(individuals/groups/whole class)How are misconceptions addressed?Does the teacher work with one group or several or all?How does the teacher work with other adults in the classroom?CLASS MANAGEMENT/ORGANISATION/SAFETYHow does the teacher manage transitions from carpet to seat work?How do the pupils get the resources they need for their tasks?How does the teacher encourage children to stay on task?What/when/how much talk is acceptable by the teacher?How does the teacher gain the attention of the whole class?DURING THE LESSON (Continued)AT THE END OF THE LESSONTEACHING STRATEGIESHow does the teacher conclude the lesson?Does the teacher recap on the learning and/or give oral feedback?Do the pupils report back on what they have done?Do the pupils know how well they have done?Is homework given?Does the teacher have any evidence that the learning objectives have been achievedCLASS MANAGEMENT/ORGANISATION/SAFETYHow does the teacher draw the lesson to a close?How do the pupils clear away/return apparatus and material?How does the teacher dismiss the class?TALK TO THE TEACHER ABOUT HOW THE WORK IS MARKED AND PROGRESS RECORDED. TALK TO THE TEACHER ABOUT HOW THEY RESPOND AND EVALUATE THEIR PLANNINGYou should complete at least one observation for each subject you will be teaching.OBSERVING A DISCRETE SYSTEMATIC SYNTHETIC PHONICS LESSONEYFS/NC Objective: Phonics programme:Level/phase:Date:Child-friendly objective:Are the objectives of the session made explicit to the children?If so how?Prior Learning: What prior learning have the children had from this phonic phase?Role of the TA in supporting pupils’ learning (if applicable): Is the TA working with a group separately to meet particular needs?What guidance is the TA given to promote pupil progress in this lesson?Differentiation:How does the practitioner ensure there is a good level of challenge for all learners? Particular changes identified for dealing with individuals or different groups, for example differing levels of instruction, questioning, physical and manipulative assistance and changes in language or materials used.Assessment opportunitiesWhat opportunities are planned to assess pupil progress?List Assessment for Learning questions.How does the teacher respond to pupils’ answers? How is the learning progressed as a result?How does the practitioner evidence understanding?INDIVIDUAL LESSON/FOCUSED ACTIVITY PLAN FOR THE TEACHING OF SYNTHETIC PHONICSEYFS/NC Objective: Phonics programme:Level/phase:Date:Child-friendly objective:Graphemes/phonemes to be consolidated: list all that will covered in the review section of the lessonGraphemes/phonemes to be taught: identify which will be taught in this lesson onlyException words to be taught: identify from the relevant phase/levelPrior Learning: Role of the TA/other adults in supporting pupils’ learning (if applicable): If this may cover your differentiationDifferentiation:Timing/OrganisationPUPILS’ LEARNING? ResourcesREVISIT and REVIEW (previously taught phonemes/ tricky words/ blending and segmentation within existing phonic knowledge)TEACH (new phoneme / grapheme/ tricky words)PRACTICE (Blending and Segmentation)APPLY (read/ write a caption or a sentence)EVALUATION OF PUPIL PROGRESS (completed after session) How did the children perform against the learning objectives/success criteria?Did you identify any misconceptions that needed to be addressed during the lesson?Did any children perform beyond your expectations? What action do you need to take before/during the lesson?Trainee Evaluation: Focus on the IMPACT of your teaching and on children’s learning. Do not just describe the lesson.Did my planning enable my teaching and pupil progress? This evaluation should feed into your extended evaluation for the week.Was the pace of the learning good or better? Was any learning time wasted? (TS4)Targets (What I want to achieve) To support my subject and curriculum knowledgeAction points (What I need to do to improve my teaching and the children’s learning)To support the progress of my learnersPLANNING FOR A FOCUS (Foundation Stage )This can be for small groups or a whole class and can be a practitioner working in an area of enhanced provision, a ‘table-top’ activity or on the carpet.Focus area of Learning (linked to a particular area of learning in the EYFS, eg Mathematics):Stage of development/ELG (Identify the statement(s) in the EYFS that will relate to your objectives):Date - w/c:Title - eg Going on a ‘Bear Hunt’ obstacle courseLearning objectives (State the intended learning objectives) I want evidence children can…Structure and organisation (Identify which area of provision or other part of the environment you are intending to base the focus)Identify where other opportunities may arise to develop the learning objective through play (ie in other areas of provision):Resources:Key vocabulary:Activity (Content presented in a clear sequence – how the adult will engage the children, how the learning will develop):Questions to ask in order to extend children’s learning (Variety of question types – low level building up to high level):Opportunities for differentiation and extension work (The activity may be planned to meet individual or group needs or may be open to all children but with opportunities for differentiation). Identify:Opportunities for assessment (What will the adult observe? How will observations be recorded? How will the information be used?):Evaluation of the activity (Focus on the IMPACT of teaching on children’s learning. Did all children make progress during the activity? How do you know?):Next steps (What do you/other adults need to do next to support and challenge the children? Identify specific children or groups):English, Science and Foundation Individual Subject Lesson Plan (KS1 & 2)Subject?? __English ________ Theme: Week beginning:?Objective:?Day???Learning Outcome – I want evidence children can:??Success criteria (Steps to success):??Prior Learning:??Misconceptions?to be addressed (from prior sessions)???Vocabulary and Notation:??Resources:?Teacher input?Independent work/Applying skills?Review (5 to 10 minutes max)??Main (Learning and practising):?Differentiation/Deploy other adults:?Applying and assessing??(Identify any guided group)?Only use headings below if pupils are ability grouped.Core:???Modified:???Extended:?AfL and monitoring pupil progress?? This should be identified throughout the timeline of your lesson??Home Learning (where applicable)?Trainee Evaluation: (All these notes should feed into your extended evaluation).?Focus on the IMPACT of your teaching and on children’s learning.? Do not just describe the lesson.??Targets (What I want to achieve)???Action points (What I need to do)??English Weekly Lesson Plan (KS1 & 2)Week BeginningYear Group: Week: Unit: (NB whilst the text-type focus may be ‘instructions’ for example, other types of writing can often also be produced from a single unit)Theme: Cross-curricular links:Prior Learning:Misconceptions to be addressed ( from previous lessons)Overall unit outcome:Week beginning:Objectives for the week (from the National Curriculum):ReadingWritingVocabulary, grammar and punctuationSpeaking and listeningPhase /Day Things to consider in your lesson sequenceIntroduction: Will this be introduced to whole class/groupWill pupils complete a short activity or grammar task? (inc discussion, reading and writing)Things to consider during the course of each session.Will the adults rotate around focus groups? How?How will you ensure all pupil’s learning is monitored?Key vocabulary and phrases related to text type; punctuationSuccess Criteria (Steps to success)Key QuestionsMondayObjective:TuesdayObjective:WednesdayObjective: ThursdayObjective:FridayObjective:Resources:Web-based references and/or resources:AfL and monitoring pupil progress Next Steps: Trainee Evaluation: (All these notes should feed into your extended evaluation).Focus on the IMPACT of your teaching and on children’s learning. Do not just describe the lesson.Targets (What I want to achieve) To support my subject and curriculum knowledgeAction points (What I need to do)To support the progress of my learnersMathematics Individual Lesson Plan (KS1 & 2)Subject (Maths) _____________________ Topic: __________________________________________Week beginning:Objectives for the week (from the National Curriculum):DayLearning Objective:Steps to success/Success criteria:Prior Learning:Children to be aware of (initials of children who may need extra support or greater depth activities):Possible misconceptions:Key Vocabulary and Notation:ResourcesTeacher:Children:Lesson SequenceKey models and images usedWhat are the children doing?What is the teaching assistant doing?Things to consider:Is there going to be a warm-up activity?Have you outlined the ping-pong activity?Have you included independent problem-solving time and how long this is for?How will you support struggling learners?How will you challenge advanced learners?Have you included your key questions?AfL and monitoring pupil progress (to only record names applicable to today)Next Steps: Trainee Evaluation: (All these notes should feed into your extended evaluation).Focus on the IMPACT of your teaching and on children’s learning. Do not just describe the lesson.Targets (What I want to achieve) To support my subject and curriculum knowledgeAction points (What I need to do)To support the progress of my learnersMathematics Weekly Lesson Plan (KS1 and 2)Subject (Maths) _____________________ Topic: __________________________________________Week beginning:Objectives for the week (from the National Curriculum):Prior Learning:Things to consider in your Lesson Sequence:Is there going to be a warm-up activity?Have you outlined the ping-pong activity?Have you included independent problem-solving time and how long this is for?How will you support struggling learners?How will you challenge advanced learners?Have you included your key questions?Key Vocabulary:Children to be aware of (initials):DayLesson SequenceKey models and images usedResourcesMondayObjective:TuesdayObjective:WednesdayObjective:ThursdayObjective:FridayObjective:AfL and monitoring pupil progress (to only record names applicable to today)Next Steps: Trainee Evaluation: (All these notes should feed into your extended evaluation).Focus on the IMPACT of your teaching and on children’s learning. Do not just describe the lesson.Targets (What I want to achieve) To support my subject and curriculum knowledgeAction points (What I need to do)To support the progress of my learnersFoundation Stage Weekly Plan ThemeWeek beginningArea of Learning references and ELGs/stages of development Adult Directed Planning for a FocusFocus ObjectivesChildren & Practitioner(eg whole class, group, individual – Indoor/outdoor)Resources including technologyKey Language/SkillsOpportunities for Observation (Assessment)ActivityReflection on learning/additional notes of spontaneous activities that occurAdult Initiated/Enhanced ProvisionFocus ObjectivesActivity (resource stimulus, interactive display, visit/visitors)Children & PractitionerResources/ICT LinksKey Language/SkillsOpportunities for Observation (Assessment)ActivityReflection on learning/additional notes of spontaneous activities that occurProvocations/Enquiries from Child Initiated Learning(Child Initiated/Continuous Provision - Specific notes for this week)Key Area Questioning approach language focusOpportunities for Observation (Assessment)Reflection on learning/additional notes of spontaneous activities that occurPro forma for Monitoring the Progress of Pupils (Whole Class)(This pro forma should be used to monitor groups and classes of pupils. Alternatively, use the school’s pro forma)Subject: Year Group:Partly achieved.Mostly achieved/FullyachievedxKey Learning ObjectivesAgree the Key Learning Objectives to be tracked. There should be a separate sheet for English and mathematicsStage 3 and Level 6 Trainees During your pupil progress tutorial, you will need to present some analysis of assessment data at class level and by groups(gender, ethnicity, SEND, pupil premium) to demonstrate the progress of learners throughout the placementPrompts to considerIs there any difference in progress between individual groups in the cohort?Is so why? Which groups have made most progress?What interventions have you implemented to ‘close the gaps for learners’?**********PGCE Stage 2 and UG LEVEL 5 only**********Pupil Progress Impact ReportPlanning to secure good pupil progress over time COMPLETED AT PGCE STAGE 2 AND UG LEVEL 5 (to be presented at final pupil progress meeting prior to assessment report being completed AND EMAILED TO PRIMARYSBT@LEEDSTRINITY.AC.UK)Trainee name: ……………………………………………………….To support evidence of your progress in Teachers’ Standards 2, 5 and 6 in particular you are required to complete this Impact Report. For this task you will focus on pupil progress overtime in the areas of English/Communication Language and Literacy and Mathematics. You should be aware of children’s starting points. The Impact Report should facilitate discussion with your mentor at your final Key Review Point and inform completion of the Assessment Report. Use the assessment data you have gathered as part of your normal practices to inform the report. At the training tutorial you may exemplify points in the discussion by reference examples of children’s work/observations, your teaching files/school systems for recording pupil progress. This information must be shared with the class teacher and the completed report submitted to both the class teacher and Mentor. You should summarise the impact of your teaching on the progress of the learners by providing the following information:YOU SHOULD USE SUPPORTING PIECES OF EVIDENCE FROM YOUR ONGOING FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT. YOU DO NOT NEED TO UPLOAD SUPPORTING EVIDENCE WITH THE SUBMITTED REPORT.English/Communication Language and Literacy or PhonicsMathematicsAssessments at the start of the assessed placementCan you describe the children’s starting points? Think about groups of learners? Where were they in relation to expectations?Overview of the learning intentionsWhat did you do? What were your markers for pupil progress, ie what were key learning outcomes? How would children evidence them? Unpicking pupil progressCan you describe an example of pupil progress within a lesson? What did it look like? How might you characterise it? Can you show your mentor a concrete example? Can you exemplify pupil progress across a series of lessons? How did progress develop overtime? Again, can you show your mentor an example?Assessments at the end of the unit/sHow was progress? At, above or below what you expected? Can you justify your judgements through reference to your records/children’s work/observations /your planning?Analysis of impact on children’s learningDid all children make good progress over time from their starting points and how do you know? Explore reasons for children not making progress and say what you would do next to accelerate their progress. For those that went further, how might you have provided greater challenge?Analysis of impact on children’s learning behavioursWere all the children interested and engaged? What attitudes did they demonstrate? How did you promote good learning behaviours? How has this impacted upon pupil progress?What did you learn? What did you learn about planning for progress over time (TS2/4), meeting the needs of learners (TS5) and use of assessment to inform future planning (TS6)? Weekly Professional Reflection on FeedbackTo be completed at Key Review meetings/feedback sessions and during training tutorials by the trainee. NB: Must be available for Link Tutor and Mentor/class teacher to review when needed4104217375921Trainee WellbeingOverall this week I am feeling…Be honestX in the box which most represents how you are currently feeling.In the zoneAll OKJust about OKBit downSinkingReally strugglingExpand here if you want to…00Trainee WellbeingOverall this week I am feeling…Be honestX in the box which most represents how you are currently feeling.In the zoneAll OKJust about OKBit downSinkingReally strugglingExpand here if you want to…Trainee Mentor Meeting Date Week of placement-5626104145915Plan your next steps and targets in brief …. (What action will you and the Mentor take?)These targets should match those on your RoP or you informal obs sheet00Plan your next steps and targets in brief …. (What action will you and the Mentor take?)These targets should match those on your RoP or you informal obs sheet-4248152211070What aspect of university/school training has supported you?00What aspect of university/school training has supported you?-426720234315My Highlights from this week…00My Highlights from this week…Teachers’ Standards I need to refine and focus on….Example to take to my Mentor meeting: ................

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