You’re Asking for a Recommendation

Recommendation Letters Ms. Buckley

I am happy to assist you in your college application process. So that I might write the strongest possible letter, I will need a number of things from you.

Please provide me with the following as soon as possible:

Prior to Summer:

1. Written Description of your contributions to class. This is one of the most helpful things that you can provide for me. Please put a lot of thought into what you write. In your written description please include (3-4) significant and perhaps memorable contributions that you made to our class/and any clubs that I serve as advisor. Be as clear and as descriptive as you can. (Make sure it is TYPED)

o What did you do in class? In what ways were you successful? What obstacles did you overcome?

o Were there any projects or activities that you excelled at (speeches, debates, artistic endeavors)?

o Describe some of your written work (essays, research paper)

o If you are having trouble coming up with three memorable contributions, then, honestly, you should consider asking someone else for a letter of recommendation.

2. Include in this written description the grade(s) you received in Honors Government. You may want to include other Social Studies classes and grades you received as well.

3. An idea of your future plans (major, career goals) so that I might relate your efforts in class to your overall goals. Any other information that you feel might be useful in your application process would be beneficial.

4. A basic resume (you can use the one on Naviance) that includes:

• Work experience (if applicable)

• Out-of-school interests/recreational activities

• Extra-curricular activities

• Anything else that you think may be helpful to me in composing your letter

3. Please email this information to me PRIOR to the SUMMER (June 20th at the LATEST!). buckleyk@


This Fall:

6. If you are using NAVIANCE, please complete all online material as soon as possible and email me when you are ready. Keep me informed of any changes.

7. If there are any specific forms or applications that are not accepted through Naviance, please give me hard copies of them. Make sure that each recommendation that I am sending has all of the information already completed (your name, address, Social Security number, and signature). It is strongly recommend that you WAIVE your write to read the recommendation.

8. A cover page that includes a comprehensive list of every school to which you are applying and the dates that the recommendations are due. Stamped and addressed envelopes for any recommendation NOT accessible by Naviance.

Make sure to put the following as the return address:

- K. Buckley, Conestoga HS, 200 Irish Rd. Berwyn, PA 19312

Also, please follow these directions:

A) I suggest that you sign all confidentiality waivers. In other words, waive your right to view the recommendation it makes your recommendation more credible in the eyes of college admissions officers.

B) If possible, submit all forms for the colleges at one time.


Please adhere to the following deadlines. It is essential that I have enough time to write your recommendation. Please make sure to give me numbers 1-5 of this sheet prior to the summer. For numbers 6-8, please give me at least 2-3 weeks to complete the submission of your recommendation.

o Please write the earliest deadline on the cover of the envelope that has all of your recommendation materials.

If you submit your information to me after the deadline, I do not guarantee that I will be able to write you a letter by the date you will need it.


Think carefully about what teachers you ask for letters of recommendation. I will neither lie nor withhold information from college admission officers, so consider carefully if you want me to write you a letter of recommendation. If you did not apply yourself diligently in our class, if you were often unprepared, if you compromised your academic integrity (cheating), if you neglected to participate, if you simply went through the motions with little effort, constantly complained or you were a recurring discipline problem, DO NOT expect me to leave this information out.

If you have questions, concerns or you completed your paperwork email me at: buckleyk@. Good luck with the college admissions process, and don’t forget to keep me posted throughout the year once you begin to receive acceptance letters from colleges – this is where the real fun begins!

- Ms. Buckley


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