Hana TNG2005VerIE System


Part – II (Version 1.1)

e-factoring System

Client Operation

June, 2007


1. Menu

2. Screen

Before Login – Client PC Basic Requirements

1. Login

2. Logout

3. PO Approval Request

4. PO Approval Request List

5. Credit Decision List

6. Approved Backorder List

7. Invoice List

8. Invoice List by Customer

9. Purchase Schedule List

10. Purchase Invoice List

11. Purchase Report

12. Collection List

13. Collection Summary by Type

14. Dilution List

15. Payment History by Invoice

16. Unapplied Cash List

17. Customer Payment Experience

18. Dispute List

19. Client Statement Report

20. Interest and Charge List

21. Disbursement Statement

22. Invoice Aging Summary

23. Invoice Aging Report

24. Client Customer A/P List

25. Client Customer A/P Detail List

26. Trade Debt List

27. Customer Withdrawal List

28. Common Code List

29. Client Summary & Status(Monthly)

30. Client Summary & Status(Daily)

31. Advance Request

32. Advance Request List

33. Fund Availability

34. Ineligible Calculation Basis

35. Customer List

36. Customer Information

37. Customer Search

38. PO Customer Search

39. Vendor Search

40. ECS Status List

41. ECS PO Request List

42. ECS Invoice List

43. Bulk Invoice Upload

44. Bulk Invoice Upload List

45. Bulk PO Upload

46. Bulk PO Upload List

1 Menu

1. Client Service



1. Customer Credit


2. Assignment


3. Collection


4. Report and Statement


5. Funding


6. Fund Availability


7. Customer Information


8. ECS


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1. Screen

Before Login – Client PC Basic Requirements

■ Requirement

• Minimum: Pentium 3, 256 RAM

• Recommended: Pentium 4, 512 RAM

■ O/S: Windows 2000 or Windows XP

■ Graphic resolution: 1024 X 768

■ Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later

■ An Internet connection

• Recommended: DSL or faster connection

■ Microsoft Excel (for transferring a screen to an Excel file)

■ Basic printer driver installed (to print screens and reports)

■ Allow Pop-up and Download to Internet Explorer

(reference: Manual Part –I General Information ‘ Allow Pop-up and Download’)

■ Permit URL () to your Firewall

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1. Login


Type User ID and Password, and then click Log In (image on right side).

1. In case of typing incorrect User ID


2. In case of typing invalid Password


3. In case of typing invalid Password more than 5 times


4. The main screen after successful Login


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2. Logout


Click Logout at right-top corner on screen for logout.


Click OK to logout form e-factoring System.

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2.3 PO Approval Request


A. Overview

■ Add, change and delete PO Approval Request.

B. Description

■ PO Status: indicates status after request.

■ PO No: PO number.

■ PO Date: PO issue date by Customer.

■ Starting Date: shipment starting date.

■ Completion Date: shipment completion date.

■ F/G: click to mark for Factor Guarantee bases PO Approval Request.

■ Added By/At: indicates a User who initially added data.

■ Modified By/At: indicates a User who last changed data.

C. How to use

■ For a new PO Approval Request (Add)

• Reference Number will be generated by the system. Leave blank for new PO Approval Request.

• Request Date will automatically display today’s date and it cannot be altered (System default).

• Customer ID

✓ Click the Magnifier Icon to search Customer. Select a Customer from PO Customer Search screen after Customer inquiry, then Customer information will automatically transfer to the PO Approval Request screen including Customer ID.

✓ Click New at PO Customer Search screen for new Customer, then type information and click OK. This will automatically transfer Customer information to PO Approval Request screen.

✓ The Customer ID will remain blank for new Customer.

• Customer information for new Customer cannot be changed before adding PO Approval Request data by clicking Add. To change new Customer information, add PO Approval Request first by clicking Add, and then change any information followed by clicking Change.

• Customer, PO No, PO Date, PO Amount, Term, Starting Date and Completion Date are required input field for adding PO Approval Request.

• PO Date cannot be later than Request Date, and blank will be today’s date.

• Use Dollar only for PO Amount, no cents.

• Starting Date cannot be earlier than PO Date, and blank will be today’s date.

• Completion Date cannot be earlier than Starting Date.

• Click F/G box if PO Approval Request is based on Factor Guarantee from Customer.

• Type any comment in Comment field.

• All information will remain after adding PO Approval Request by clicking Add.

• User may change information such as Customer Name and Address after adding PO Approval Request.

• Click Clear to clear inquired information, then type new information to add another new PO Approval Request.

✓ System will create a Reference Number when adding data by clicking Add.

• Same information with Reference Number will be displayed as clicking Add and Inquire.

■ Change PO Approval Request information (Change)

• User may change today’s PO approval Request only.

• Type Reference Number, then click Inquire or select from 2.4. PO Approval Request List.

✓ System will create a Reference Number when adding data by clicking Add.

✓ Same information with Reference Number will be displayed as clicking Add and Inquire.

• Change any information and write comment if needed, and then click Change to change data.

• Once HANA processes the PO Approval Request, it cannot be changed.

■ Delete PO Approval Request (Delete)

• User may delete today’s PO Approval Request only.

• Type Reference Number, then click Inquire or select from 2.4 PO Approval request List.

✓ System will create a Reference Number when adding data by clicking Add.

✓ Same information with Reference Number will be displayed as clicking Add and Inquire.

• Confirm information, and then click Delete to delete PO Approval Request. The PO Approval Request that has been processed by HANA cannot be deleted.

• Delete will delete data permanently and No data can be recovered after deleting.

D. Message

■ The same PO No exists!

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4. PO Approval Request List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of PO Approval Request List.

■ Inquiry of PO Approval Request List for a specific period.

■ Opening selected PO Approval Request from the list.

B. Description

■ Request Date: select PO Approval Request date.

■ Request Status:

• In Process: displays PO Approval Requests in process for Credit Decision by HANA.

• All: displays PO Approval Request List of all status.

■ Customer: select a Customer to view selected Customer’s PO Approval Request List.

■ If no Customer is specified, System will list all Customers’ data.

C. How to use

■ Inquiry of PO Approval Request List for all Customers for a specific status and a specific period.

• Request Date

✓ When inquiring with blank for both from and to will display PO Approval Request List for today only.

✓ When inquiring with specific starting date to blank ending date will display PO Approval Request List from the specified date to today’s date.

✓ When inquiring with blank starting date to specific ending date, no list will be generated.

• Request Status

✓ When inquiring with selection of In Process displays PO Approval Request List that is in process for HANA’s Credit Decision.

✓ When inquiring with selection of All, will be displayed PO Approval Request List of all status.

■ Inquiry of specific Customer’s PO Approval Request List for specific status and specific period

• Inquiry conditions of Request Date and Request Status are same as above.

• Inquiry of a selected Customer from PO Customer Search screen by clicking a Magnifier Icon right next Customer will display a selected Customer’s PO Approval Request List.

■ General inquiry information

• Click Inquire to display PO Approval Request List.

• PO Approval Request List displays in the order of recent PO Approval Request.

• When user inputs month and date without year, the system will automatically display current year.

• To view the PO Approval Request (2.3 PO Approval Request) screen of a PO Approval Request, select a PO Approval Request by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each PO Approval Request information, then click PO Approval Request.

• For detail information, select Customer by checking Customer name followed by clicking PO Approval Request to open screen.

• Cannot select multiple PO Approval Requests from PO Approval Request List to open detail information.

■ Click Excel to download PO Approval Request List.

D. Messages

■ Please select a specific PO Approval Request!

■ The selection of multiple PO is not allowed!

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2.5 Credit Decision List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Credit Decision on PO Approval Request.

■ Displays in the order of recent Decisions or Request Dates.

■ Inquiry of Credit Decision for a specific period.

B. Description

■ Inquiry Condition: displays in the order of recent Decision Dates or Request Dates.

■ Date: type specific PO Approval Request dates.

■ Customer: type Customer ID or search by clicking Magnifier Icon.

■ If no Customer is specified, System will list all Customers’ data.

C. How to use

■ Select Decision or Request.

■ When user inputs month and date without year, the system will automatically display current year.

• If the Date is not specified, System will display today’s Credit Decision List.

• When inquiring with specific starting date to blank ending date, System will display Credit Decision List from specified date to today’s date.

■ Select specific Customer from Customer Search screen by clicking Magnifier Icon to inquire specific Customer’s data.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Credit Decision List.

■ Move mouse to RSN (Reason Code) to see code description as Tool-tip.

■ Click Print at preview screen to print report.

■ Click Excel to download Credit Decision List.

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2.6 Approved Back Order List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Approved Back Order List.

■ Displays Approved Back Order List of specific Customer or all Customers.

B. How to use

■ Select specific Customer, then click Inquire or press Enter to display specific Customer’s Back Order List.

■ To view Back Order List for all Customs, click All Customer.

■ Click Excel to download Approved Back Order List.

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7. Invoice List



A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Invoice List.

■ Displays Invoice List by Invoice Status during the specific periods.

■ Opens a Payment History screen for selected Invoices on Invoice List.

B. Description

■ Invoice Status: option to inquire Invoice List of selected status (e.g.: Open, Closed or All).

■ Status indication

• O: indicates Invoice Status that has remaining balance.

• C: indicates Invoice Status that is closed.

• P: indicates Invoice Status that is not purchased (in process).

■ Invoice Date: Invoice issue date.

■ Schedule No: System automatically generates this number. First 4 digits indicate the year Invoice was assigned and next 4 digits are sequenced by the system.

■ Display Invoice List in the order of Invoice Date and Invoice Number.

C. How to use

■ Select Invoice Status (Open, Closed or All) and select specific period of Invoice Date, clicking Inquire or pressing Enter to display Invoice List.

■ When selecting Open Invoice Status, a specific starting date must be selected. Inquiry without ending date will display open Invoice from selected date to inquiry date.

■ When selecting Close Invoice Status, a specific starting date must be selected. Inquiry without ending date will display closed Invoice from selected date to inquiry date.

■ Selecting All for Invoice Status will display all Invoices.

■ Inquiring without ending date will display Invoice List from selected date to today’s Date.

■ When user inputs month and date without year, the system will automatically display current year.

■ To view the Payment History of an Invoice, select an Invoice by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each Invoice information, then click Payment History.

■ Click Excel to download Invoice List by Invoice Status.

D. Messages

■ Please select an Invoice to view the detailed [Payment History]!

■ The selection of multiple Invoices is not allowed!

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8. Invoice Aging by Customer


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Invoice List for specific Customer by Approval Type.

■ Open Payment History screen for selected Invoices from Invoice List.

B. Description

■ Approval Type

• Select Approved to inquire purchased Invoices HANA Approved.

• Select Non-Approved to inquire purchased Invoices HANA did not Approved.

• Leave empty to inquire all Approved and Non-Approved Invoices.

■ Customer ID: select specific Customer to inquire Invoice issued to a selected Customer.

C. How to use

■ Select a Customer.

■ Select an Approval Type to inquire Invoice List for a specific Approval Type or leave blank for all type.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Invoice List.

■ To view the Payment History of an Invoice, select an Invoice by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each Invoice information, then click Payment History.

D. Messages

■ Please select an Invoice to view the detail of Invoice [Payment History]!

■ The selection of multiple Invoices is not allowed!

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9. Purchased Schedule List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of assigned Schedule Summary List for a specific period.

■ Open the Invoice List of specific Schedule.

B. How to use

■ Select Assigned Date, then click Inquire or press Enter to display Schedule List.

■ When User types or selects only a starting date for Assigned Date, System will display Schedule List from the selected date to today.

■ When User inputs month and date without year, the system will automatically display current year.

■ To view the Invoice List of a Schedule, select a Schedule Number by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each Schedule information, then click Invoice List.

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2.10 Purchased Invoice List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of purchased Invoice List by a specific Schedule Number.

■ Inquiry of purchased Invoice List by a specific period.

■ Inquiry of purchased Invoice List of specific Customer by Schedule Number or period.

B. How to use

■ Select Inquiry Condition (Schedule No or Purchased Date)

• Schedule No: displays purchased Invoice List of a specific Schedule No. A Schedule Number is required to inquire.

• Purchased Date: displays purchased Invoice List of a specific period. Start date in Purchased Date field is required.

✓ When user types or selects only a starting date, System will display from selected date to today.

✓ When user inputs month and date without a year, the system will automatically display current year.

■ Type or select a Customer to inquire purchased Invoice List of a specific Customer or leave blank to view all Customers.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display purchased Invoice List of selected condition.

■ To view the Payment History of an Invoice, select an Invoice by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each Invoice information, then click Payment History.

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2.11 Purchase Report



A. Overview

■ Printing Purchase Report for a specific period

B. Description

■ Approval Type indicates whether an Invoice was purchased with Approval or Non-Approval.

• A: Approved

• N: Non-Approved

■ Total amount of Purchase will be displayed at the bottom of each preview screen and printed at the bottom of the last page.

C. How to use

■ Select Purchase Date, then click Print Preview or press Enter to display Purchase Report preview screen.

• When User selects only a starting date, System will display from selected date to today.

• When User inputs month and date without year, the system will automatically display current year.

■ Click Print at preview screen to print report.

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12. Collection List & Report



A. Overview

■ Inquiry and printing Collection Report for specified period.

B. Description

■ Collection Date: select specific date to inquire Collection List. When user does not select specific date, it will display Collection List from beginning of current month to inquiry date.

■ Customer: select one Customer to inquire Collection List for a specific Customer, or leave blank to view Collection List for all Customers.

■ Inquiry Condition:

• Collection: displays all Collection information.

• Deduction/Partial Payment: displays Collection information of Deduction/Partial Payment only.

✓ With Payment: displays Collection information of Deduction/Partial Payments.

✓ Without Payment: displays Collection information of Deductions, such as Credit Memos.

✓ of All: displays Collection information of all Deduction/Partial Payment.

■ Print Preview: preview Collection Report screen.

■ Excel: transfer or save Collection to a Microsoft Excel file.

■ Collection Summary by Type: opens Collection Summary by Collection Type screen with same inquiry condition.

C. How to use

■ Collection

• When selecting to view Collection as an inquiry condition, select Customer and specify Collection Date, then click Inquire or press Enter.

■ Deduction/Partial Payment

• When selecting to view Deduction/Partial as an inquiry condition, select Customer, specify Collection Date, then click Inquire or press Enter.

■ Print

• Click Print Preview to preview screen Collection Report screen, then click Print.

■ Excel

• Click Excel, then click Save to save or Open to transfer Collection List as an Excel file.

■ Click Collection Summary by Type to open a window of Collection Summary by Collection Type.

■ Click View to print Check Image [Single].

■ Click Image Print of All to print Check Image [Multi].

■ Click Excel to download Collection List.

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2.13 Collection Summary by Type (Pop-up)


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Collection Summary by Type for a specific period.

B. How to use

■ Type Collection Date or select a specific period from Calendar.

■ Select a Customer or leave blank to view all Customers, then click Inquire or press Enter to display Collection Summary by Type List.

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2.14 Dilution List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Dilution List by Approval Type for a specific period.

B. How to use

■ Date will automatically set from January of current year to current month.

■ Able to change month and year to inquire Dilution List for a different date period.

■ Select an Approval Type to inquire Dilution List by a specific Approval Type or leave blank to view all types.

■ Click Inquire to display Dilution List.

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2.15 Payment History by Invoice


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of specific Invoice information with Payment History.

B. How to use

■ Type specific Invoice Number, then click Inquire or press Enter to view.

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16. Unapplied Cash List



A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Unapplied Cash List.

■ Inquiry of applied information List of Unapplied Cash for a specific period.

B. How to use

■ Select Unapplied for Inquiry Condition, then click Inquire or press Enter to display current Unapplied Cash List.

■ Select Applied for Inquiry Condition and select Applied Date, then click Inquire or press Enter to display applied information List of Unapplied Cash for a specific period.

■ Select All for Inquiry Condition and select Applied Date, then click Inquire or press Enter to display both applied and Unapplied Cash List for a specific period.

■ When user inputs month and date without year, the system will automatically display current year.

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2.17 Customer Payment Experience


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Payment information for specific Customer by quarter.

■ Inquiry of Payment information for specific Customer by Approval Type.

B. How to use

■ Type a Customer ID or select a Customer from Customer Search by clicking Magnifier Icon.

■ Select Approval Type or leave blank for all type.

■ From Year will automatically display current year. Change year to inquire Customer Payment Experience since specific year.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Customer Payment Experience.

■ Click Invoice Aging to view selected Customer’s Invoice Aging List.

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17. Dispute List


C. Overview

■ Inquiry of Dispute List.

D. How to use

■ Select a Dispute Condition for Inquiry Condition

■ Type a Customer ID or select a Customer from Customer Search by clicking Magnifier Icon or leave blank for all Customers.

■ Type Dispute Date or leave blank for Current Date

■ Type Invoice No or leave blank for All Invoice No

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Dispute List.

■ Click Excel to download Invoice List by Invoice Status.

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18. Client Statement Report



A. Overview

■ Print Client Statement Report for a specific period.

B. How to use

■ Statement Date will automatically set from beginning of current month to current date. Change Statement Date to print Client Statement Report for a specific period.

■ Click Print or press Enter to preview Client Statement Report screen.

■ When user inputs month and date without year, the system will automatically display current year.

■ Click Print at preview screen to print report.

■ Click Excel to download Invoice List by Invoice Status.

■ Click Prev or Next to view previous or next month Statement Report

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20. Interest & Charge List (Report)





A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Interest and Charge List.

■ Print Report for a specific period.

B. How to use

■ Type For the month or leave blank for Current month

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Interest and Charge List or click Print Preview to preview Interest and Charge Report screen, then click Print to print report.

■ Click Prev or Next to view previous or next month Interest and Charge Report


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2.21 Disbursement Statement


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Disbursement Statement for a specific period.

B. How to use

■ Transaction Date will automatically set from the 1st day of current month to current day. Change month and year to inquire Disbursement Statement for a specific period.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Disbursement Statement.

■ When user inputs month without year, the system will automatically display current year.

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2.22 Invoice Aging Summary


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Invoice Aging by Customer and Approval Type.

B. Description

■ As of Date will automatically appear as today’s date and cannot be changed (System default).

C. How to use

■ Select Approval Type or leave blank for all.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Invoice Aging Summary.

■ To view the Invoice List or Payment Experience of a Customer, select a Customer by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each Customer information, then click Invoice List or Payment Experience.

■ Click Print at preview screen to print report.

D. Messages

■ Please select a Customer to view the detailed Customer’s [Invoice List]!

■ Please select a Customer to view the detailed Customer’s [Payment Experience]!

■ The selection of multiple Customers is not allowed!

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2.23 Invoice Aging Report



A. Overview

■ Printing Invoice Aging Report by specific past due condition as of a particular date.

B. How to use

■ Select a Customer to preview Invoice Aging Report of a specific Customer or leave blank for all Customers.

■ As of Date will automatically appear as today’s date. Changing As of Date will preview Invoice Aging Report of specific date. As of Date cannot be later than today’s date.

■ Type the number of Past Due Days to preview Invoice Aging Report for the Invoices past due more than specified days or leave blank to inquire all.

■ Select Sort By to preview Invoice Aging Report by Invoice No, Invoice Date or Due Date.

■ Click Print Preview or press Enter to preview Invoice Aging Report screen.

■ Click Print at preview Invoice Aging Report screen to print.

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2.24 Client Customer A/P List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Client Customer Accounts Payable List by Vendor.

B. How to use

■ When viewing, User may select Vendor Name or Invoice Balance for Sort By.

■ Type the number of Past Due Days to view Client Customer A/P List for the Invoices past due more than specified past due days or leave blank to inquire all.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Client Customer A/P List.

■ To view the Detail List of a Vendor, select a Vendor by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each Vendor information, then click Detail List.

■ Click Excel to download Client Customer Accounts Payable List by Vendor.

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2.25 Client Customer A/P Detail List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Client Custom Accounts Payable Detail List for a specific Vendor by Past Due days.

B. How to use

■ Type Vendor ID or select a specific Vendor from Vendor Search by clicking Magnifier Icon to inquire Client Customer A/P Detail List of a specific Vendor.

■ Type the number of Past Due Days for Client Customer A/P Detail List for the Invoices past due more than specific past due days.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Client Customer A/P Detail List.

■ Click Excel to download Client Customer Accounts Payable Detail List.

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26. Trade Debt List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Trade Debt status and T/D Type.

B. How to use

■ Type Issue Date or leave blank for Current Date

■ Select a Trade Debt Condition for Inquiry Condition

■ Type Expire Date or leave blank to inquire all

■ Type T/D Type or leave blank to inquire all

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Trade Dept List.

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27. Customer Withdrawal List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Customer Withdrawal List.

B. How to use

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Customer Customer Withdrawal List.

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28. Common Code List



A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Common Code List.

B. How to use

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Common Code List.

■ For detail information, select ID by checking Code Name followed by clicking Detail

to open screen

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29. Client Summary & Status(Monthly)


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Client Summary and Status(Monthly) List.

B. How to use

■ Inquiry of Client Summary and status(Monthly) List for a specific approved type and

a specific period

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Client Summary and status(Monthly) List

■ To view the Client Summary and status(Daily) (2.30 Client Summary & Status(Daily)

screen, select a Month by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each Month information,

then click Daily

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30. Client Summary & Status(Daily)


C. Overview

■ Inquiry of Client Summary and Status(Daily) List .

D. How to use

■ Inquiry of Client Summary and status(Daily) List for a specific approved type and

a specific period

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Client Summary and status(Daily) List

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2.31 Advance Request


A. Overview

■ Add, change and delete Advance Request.

B. Description

■ Request Date: Advance Request date.

■ Request Amount: Advance Request amount.

■ Payment Method: Advance Request Payment Method.

■ Requested by: Advance Requesr person.

■ Comments: memo.

C. How to use

■ For a new Advance Request (Add)

• Request Number will be generated by the system. Leave blank for new Advance Request.

• Request Date will automatically display today’s date

• Request Date, Request Amount, Payment Method, Request By are required input field for adding Advance Request.

• Use Dollar only for Advance Amount.

• Type any comment in Comment field.

• All information will remain after adding Advance Request by clicking Add.

• Click Clear to clear inquired information, then type new information to add another new Advance Request.

✓ System will create a Request Number when adding data by clicking Add.

• Same information with Request Number will be displayed as clicking Add and Inquire.

■ Change Advance Request information (Change)

• User may change today’s Advance Request only.

• Type Request Number, then click Inquire or select from Advance Request List

• Change any information and write comment if needed, and then click Change to change data.

• Once HANA processes the Advance Request, it cannot be changed.

■ Delete Advance Request (Delete)

• User may delete today’s Advance Request only.

• Type Request Number, then click Inquire or select from Advance Request List.

• Confirm information, and then click Delete to delete Advance Request.The Advance Request that has been processed by HANA cannot be deleted.

• Delete will delete data permanently and No data can be recovered after deleting.

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2.32 Advance Request List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Advance Request.

B. How to use

■ Type Request Date or leave blank for Current Date

■ Type Payment Method or leave blank to inquire all

■ Type Requested by or leave blank to inquire all

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Advance Request List.

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33. Fund Availability


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of today’s Fund Availability.

B. How to use

■ Select Fund Availability from Menu will display today’s display Fund Availability

■ Click Ineligible Basis to open Ineligible Basis Screen. When there is no date, the Ineligible Basis will not open, such as a case of Non-Borrowing Client.

■ Click Client Customer Aging to view Client Customer Accounts Payable List.

■ Click Advance Request to view Advance Request.

■ Click Advance Request List to view Advance Request List.

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2.34 Ineligible Calculation Basis (Pop-up)


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Ineligible Calculation by Approval Type.

B. How to use

■ As of Date will automatically appear as today’s date and cannot be changed (System default).

■ Select Approval Type or leave blank for all types.

■ Select Ineligible from Inquiry Condition to inquire Ineligible detail or select All to inquire all accounts information.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Ineligible Calculation Basis.

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2.35 Customer List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Customer List by status that have been in HANA’s record.

B. How to use

■ Select Active, Inactive, or All from Condition to view Customer List by selected Condition.

■ Select a Customer to inquire information for specific Customer or leave blank to inquire for all Customers.

■ When User types A in Customer ID, the screen will display Customer List starting with letter A. Typing AB will display Customer List starting with letter AB and so on.

■ Click on highlighted Customer ID will open Customer Information screen for the selected Customer.

■ Click Excel to download Client Customer List.

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2.36 Customer Information (Pop-up)


A. Overview

■ Display Customer basic information and Trade Name information.

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2.37 Customer Search (Pop-up)


A. Overview

■ Inquiry Customer List for selecting specific Customer.

B. How to use

■ When user inputs keywords in inquiry condition – Customer Name, Customer ID, Phone No, and Address – the inquiry will return the result satisfying any of the conditions.

■ The Inquiry conditions – Customer Name, Customer ID, Phone No, and Address – can be used with single Inquiry condition or can be combined.

■ When User types letter(s) and/or number(s) in inquiry condition, System will display Customer List of the inquiry condition, starting with typed letter(s) and/or number(s).

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display

■ Click a Customer to select a Customer for previous screen.

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2.38 PO Customer Search (Pop-up)

For Customer search


For a New Customer


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of specific Customer or addition of a New Customer for PO Approval Request.


B. How to use

■ For Customer search (reference 2.29 Customer Search)

• When User inputs keywords in inquiry condition – Customer Name, Customer ID, Phone No, and Address – the inquiry will return the result satisfying any of the conditions.

• The Inquiry conditions – Customer Name, Customer ID, Phone No, and Address – can be used with single Inquiry condition or can be combined.

• When User types letter(s) and/or number(s) in inquiry condition, System will display Customer List of the inquiry condition starting with typed letter(s) and/or number(s).

• Click Inquire or press Enter to display

• Click a Customer to select a Customer for PO Approval Request screen.

■ For a New Customer

• Click New.

• Input New Customer’s information.

• Click OK or press Enter to add a New Customer for PO Approval Request.

• Click Back to go back PO Customer Search screen.

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2.39 Vendor Search (Pop-up)


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of specific Vendor’s information.

B. How to use

■ When User inputs keywords in inquiry condition – Vendor Name, Phone No, and Address – the inquiry will return the result satisfying any of the conditions.

■ These Inquiry conditions – Vendor Name, Phone No, and Address – can be used with single Inquiry condition or can be combined.

■ When User types letter(s) and/or number(s) in inquiry condition, System will display Vendor List of the inquiry condition starting with typed letter(s) and/or number(s).

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display

■ Click a Vendor to select a Vendor for Client Customer A/P List screen.

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2.40 ECS Status List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of PO Approval Request and Invoice Assignment List.

■ Upload and Download PO Approval Request ,PO Approval Confirmation and

Invoice Assignment files

B. How to use

■ Select ECS Kind or leave blank for all types.

■ Select Status or leave blank for all types.

■ Type Date or leave blank for Current Date

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display ECS Status List.

■ Click Upload Ref to open a window of PO Request Detail List or Invoice Assignment Detail List.

■ Click Confirmation Download to download PO Approval Confirmation File from Hana System to Hana FTP Fold

■ To Delete Upload Files, select an Kind by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each Kind information, then click Uploaded File Delete

■ To Upload PO Approval Request File to Hana FTP Fold, Attach PO Approval Request File usng Browse, then Click Upload

■ To Upload Invoice Assignment File to Hana FTP Fold, Attach Invoice Assignment File usng Browse, then Click Upload

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2.41 ECS PO Request List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of PO Approval Request Detail List.

B. How to use

■ Type Upload Reference No

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display PO Approval Request Detail List.

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2.42 ECS Invoice List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Invoice Assignment Detail List.

B. How to use

■ Type Upload Reference No

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Invoice Assignment Detail List

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2.43 Bulk Invoice Upload


A. Overview

■ Upload and Download Bulk Invoice Excel files

B. How to use

■ Type Assign Date, Amount,Phone,Message

■ Click Download to download Bulk Invoice Sample Excel Form from Hana System

■ To Upload Updated Bulk Invoice Sample Excel Form to Hana System, Attach File

usng Browse, then Click Upload

■ To view the Detail Bulk Invoice Upload List screen, then click Upload List

■ To view the Client’s Customer List, then click Customer Search

■ To view the Customer Backorder List, then click Approval Search

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2.44 Bulk Invoice Upload List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Bulk Invoice Upload List.

■ Upload Cancel the Bulk Invoice File

B. How to use

■ Select Status or leave blank for all types.

■ Select Upload Date or leave blank for all types.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Bulk Invoice Upload List.

■ To Delete Upload Files, select an Kind by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each Kind information, then click Upload Cancel

■ To view the Bulk Invoice Upload screen, then click Bulk Upload

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2.45 Bulk PO Upload


A. Overview

■ Upload and Download Bulk PO Excel files

B. How to use

■ Type Request Date,Phone,Message

■ Click Download to download Bulk PO Sample Excel Form from Hana System

■ To Upload Updated Bulk PO Sample Excel Form to Hana System, Attach File

usng Browse, then Click Upload

■ To view the Detail Bulk PO Upload List screen, then click Upload List

■ To view the Client’s Customer List, then click Customer Search

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2.46 Bulk PO Upload List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry of Bulk PO Upload List.

■ Upload Cancel the Bulk PO File

B. How to use

■ Select Status or leave blank for all types.

■ Select Upload Date or leave blank for all types.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display Bulk PO Upload List.

■ To Delete Upload Files, select an Kind by ticking the Checkbox associated to the each Kind information, then click Upload Cancel

■ To view the Bulk PO Upload screen, then click Bulk Upload

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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