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[Pages:31]Attract & Approach

Adam Lyons



Attract & Approach



CHAPTER 1 It's Not Your Fault


CHAPTER 2 What Are The Signs


CHAPTER 3 Be More Attractive


CHAPTER 4 Breaking The Ice


CHAPTER 5 Approach Anxiety


CHAPTER 6 What is Anxiety?


CHAPTER 7 Social Anxiety


CHAPTER 8 The 5-Step Method to Overcome Anxiety


CHAPTER 9 Overcoming Anxiety


CHAPTER 10 Remove Anxiety By Jumping In the Deep End


Adam Lyons


Attract & Approach


Spotting a girl that wants you is something most men can't do. But if you understood the signs of attraction, not only would you know that a girl is in to you... you would be trained to know exactly what to do to make her come over and start talking to you.

These are the physical and psychological findings that have been developed over the years and mastered by some, that are guaranteed to help you Attract and Approach the women of your dreams.

Adam Lyons


Attract & Approach


It's Not Your Fault

I have never, in my life, believed something simply because someone said it was true. I needed quantifiable information about a topic before incorporating it into my life. I would take the time to research and read studies about the subject, gathering all pertinent information and applying them to situations in my everyday life. I am proud to say that I am a geek by nature. I have to understand things on a much deeper level in order to master them. There's no point trying to learn something if you don't understand why it works. That's why I had to sit down and examine the nature of attraction.

Here are some noteworthy results of scientific studies on attraction so that we can dive into what is really going wrong out there.

Even though it is traditional for males to initiate and take charge when courting a woman, the female actually tends to control the early stages of courtship. (Givens 1978)

The study suggested that males who approach females - without the female noticing them or exhibiting behavior that she is available for solicitation - has a significantly lower chance of success. Basically, if you approach a woman who is not showing signs that she wants to be approached, you're probably going to get shut down.

Adam Lyons


Attract & Approach

This gives us evidence that timing is truly everything when it comes to attraction. The same girl who might start flirting right away with you, could also reject you brutally if approached at the wrong time.

Many males have a bias evaluation of female nonverbal behavior and tend to see it as romantic when it may be just friendliness. (Abbey 1982)

The findings of this study suggest that when we think a woman is attracted to us, they are actually just being nice. This means two important things:

1. Men are experiencing rejection not because there is something wrong with them - but because they are approaching the wrong women at the wrong times.

2. When a woman is attracted us, men are missing the opportunities because they are looking for the wrong signs.

Basically, men are reading the signs wrong. My goal is to help fix that major problem.

The main reason why individuals often fail to initiate a romantic request is due to fear of rejection paired with a pessimistic outlook. (Vorauer & Ratner 1996)

Adam Lyons


Attract & Approach

This fear of rejection is caused by the repeated attempts of men who hit on women and get turned down. Since they don't know that they are incorrectly perceiving interest, this leaves them feeling worthless and afraid to try again. A lot of times it creates doubt and anxiety, amongst most men.

According to Vorauer & Ratner, the repeated misreading of female signals has caused them to learn failure as the expected result.

No wonder men are afraid to make a move on a woman. We have been suffering from a lack of understanding for decades now. That is why I wanted to share these results with you. I want to make sure you understand that...


Adam Lyons


Attract & Approach


What Are The Signs

Signs are the things women do when they are wanting to be approached. Some of them are intentional but many are subconscious behaviors that she might not even be aware of - yet they mean she is waiting for you.

Now that we know most men have the wrong idea about when to approach a woman, it is time to learn what the RIGHT signs are. Not only signs that you should approach her, but once you have her attention, signs that mean you're on the right track.

Luckily for us, Monica Moore studied 200 females in a singles bar and found 51 behaviors that increase in frequency when the female wants to meet a male and when she is attracted to someone. Noticing when a woman is doing some of these, means you'll have a high chance of a successful meet & greet.

1. Short Glance: This is when the woman quickly glances around the room. It appears like she is skimming the room for someone that catches her attention but she makes no direct contact with anyone.

2. Darting Glance: These are quick glances that are directed to a specific man. She looks to him then looks away after holding her gaze for less than 3 seconds. She may repeat this a couple times in a row until she knows you saw her.

Adam Lyons


Attract & Approach

3. Gazing: This is when she holds a gaze with direct eye contact for over 3 seconds.

4. Eyebrows Raised: This is when she raises both eyebrows while looking at you. This only lasts about 2 seconds before she looks down again.

5. Head Tossing: She might flip her head back to tilt her face upwards for less than 5 seconds.

6. Hair Flip : This is when she raises one hand to her head and pushes her fingers through her hair - or runs her palm along the surface of her hair. She normally touches her hair multiple times within 30 seconds. Playing with her hair is a classic symbol of a woman being flirtatious.

7. Head Nod: At close distance, often during conversation, she will nod her head as if in agreement.

8. Face To Face: If she is into the conversation, she will move her head and face closer to yours - about 5cm away.

9. Neck Presentation: She tilts her head sideways to an angle so her ear almost touches shoulder, exposing her neck. Occasionally she strokes her neck with her fingers.

10. Lipstick Application: This is rare. She makes eye contact, then slowly applies lipstick for up to 15 seconds or more.

11. Lip Lick: This is more common. She opens her mouth and runs her tongue across one or both of her lips.

Adam Lyons



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