InteGrade Pro

Middle School Guide

Spring, 2004

Created By

Linda Helms

Alice Rumpf

Linda Moya-Mendez

Table of Contents

Importing Class Rosters…….……………..…………………………………………………...3

Setting Up Your Grade Book for the First Time………..…………………………………….7

Adding Tasks……………….…..………………………………………………………………12

Entering Grades………………….…………………………………………………………….12

Using G, S, and P For Your Final Grades………...…………………………………………..14

Exporting First Nine Week Grades……………………………………………………………16

Exporting Second Nine Week Grades…….…………………………………………………...18

Exporting Third Nine Week Grades……..………..…………………………………………..21

Exporting Fourth Nine Week Grades…..…..…………………………………………………22

Student Progress Reports…..….……...………………………………………………………..26

Class Rosters….………..…...……..…………………………………………………………….27

Seating Charts………..…………………………………………………………………………28

Editing Tasks…………………………………………...……………………………………….28

Setting Up a Skills Spreadsheet………….………………………………………………….…30

Dropping the Lowest Grade…………………………………………………………………...33

Adding Bonus Points………………..………………………………………………………….34

Troubleshooting Guide………………….……………………………………………………..35



➢ SCORES – input values. They are the marks that students receive for individual tasks such as tests or homework assignments.

➢ TASKS – single assignments such as a quiz, test, exam, etc.

➢ GRADES – output values. The result of calculations that use scores. The calculations are performed according to the task and task type-weighting schemes.

➢ CLASS –a single course taught in a single period.

➢ SPREADSHEET – collections of tasks and scores for a single class. Each class, however can have multiple spreadsheets. You can create a new spreadsheet for each reporting period results.

➢ GRADEBOOK – keeps track of all the students and classes you teach. InteGrade Pro has one gradebook per teacher, regardless of the number of students or classes taught.


Double-click on InteGrade Pro Icon on your NAL (Novell Application Launcher).

To see Novell Application Launcher

a) Click on the Start button

b) Click Run

c) Type: nal (If the Novell Application Launcher window does not appear, try typing nalwin32)


The first time you open Integrade Pro 8, you will see a window with two questions requiring you to click either Yes or No. Be sure you Click, No, I will save may grades locally.


You will not see this window again.

Click the button Continue.

You will click to Create a new gradebook in the next window (see illustration below). Once you create a gradebook and set it up, you will choose Open a gradebook the next time you go into Integrade.


1. Click OK.

2. In the window above titled New Gradebook it defines a gradebook. Click NEXT.



1. In the window above, you have to decide if you want to Create using class roster or Create without classes or students.

2. Choose Create using class rosters. Then click Next.

3. The next window describes how files are named on the network. Click Next.

4. You are now in the window to import a file.


5. You want to go to drive where your class rosters are stored: Drive I for example

a. Click Gradebooks

b. Click your school 3 digit number (Example: 013 is Brockington)

c. Click your teacher folder number

6. The next window will tell you which class roster you opened, this should be yours.

The following information screen opens after you have downloaded your class rosters:


1. In “Teacher Name:” enter your name as you want it to appear on reports.

2. The Incomplete Symbol can be edited, but we will not do this now.

3. Click “Save” to continue.

4. The Save As: window appears. Look at the Save In: box. The default save location is the I drive. Leave it there

5. In the File Name box, type in a name for your Gradebook.

6. After naming the Gradebook, Click Save to continue.


Once your create and save your Gradebook, you will set up all your classes in this one Gradebook. You do not need to setup a Gradebook for each class.

When the Gradebook is open, the following screen appears:


II. Setting Up Your Gradebook

SCHOOLS USING A TEMPLATE: You are working on a template that was created to spare you from entering everything into Integrade. Your spreadsheets, grading rules, and type sets have already been created for you. All you will need to do is choose the correct spreadsheet for each class and enter tasks and grades for those classes.

Those using G, S, and P for grades will need to refer to those directions on how to choose the special grade table for those subjects.

I am including directions for creating spreadsheets, setting grading rules and creating type sets so that you will have them at your disposal. If your school is using a template you do not need to do the following steps. They are for your information only.


The following has already been done when the template was created! Do not do the following steps if you are working off of the template.


There are four areas you need to Set Up.

1. Spreadsheets

2. Grading Rules

3. Create Type Sets (grade categories and % of total grade), if you are not using a Total Points spreadsheet.

4. Tasks (individual assignments, tests, etc.)

Before you begin, take a close look at your spreadsheet. Values in several areas can be changed using the drop down arrow at the end of each category. Take a look at the following values:

[pic] Class – displays the class you want to work with and add grades to

[pic] *Spreadsheet – displays the current spreadsheet – You want to work and add grades using the “Weighted Type”

[pic] * Show – there are many options here. Selecting Students displays current students, Task/Students displays students and tasks, etc.

[pic] *View - Can work in Type View or Task View


You need to make sure the grading rules match our grading scale.

1. Select Setup from the Menu Bar.

2. Select Grading Rules.

3. The Grading Rules window opens.

4. Click on the “Grade Tables” Tab.

5. None of the Grade Tables on the left match our scale. You will want to add a new Grade Table.

6. Click New in the lower left corner. You need to give the Grade Table a name, for example DCSD Scale.


7. You then need to move under the Letter Grade column and Lower Limit % column. Once you key in A for the letter grade and 93 for the Lower Limit %, you need to Click the button New to add the letter grade B, etc.


7. Notice in the right corner of the window, you can decide how many decimal places you want your grades displayed.


1. Click on the “Special Scores” Tab. For now we are not going to assign values for “Special Scores.”

2. If you want to excuse a student from an assignment and not count as a 0, then you will type in a symbol for Excused such as EX. If you give an I for an Incomplete you can change INC to I. You can delete the other special symbols or if you do not use these, you can ignore this window.




Now click on the “Types Sets” Tab.

1. A Type Set is the grouping of how you grade your classes. This is where you set up the Types of Categories for grades you give (ex: tests, homework) and what percentage they count toward the final grade average. This is where you will group tasks (assignments) by categories and percent of final average.

2. Before you begin, you may want to delete the Sets and Types which appear on your screen by clicking Delete Type and Delete Set buttons located on the right side.

3. Click on ”New Set” to establish the rules for grading in your classes.

4. Type in the Name for your “Task Type Set”. (If you grade all your classes on the same scale, you will need to create only one Type Set.) Click Create.

5. Look at the “Types” of grades available, such as Quiz, Test, Homework, etc.

6. Type in the % that each “type” will count toward final grade.

7. If the “Type of grade” you use is not listed, you can create a “New Type”, such as “Technique”. You can Create a “New Type” or “Rename” a type you do not use.

8. You can always come back to this screen if your student average does not appear correctly.

Below is a sample for elementary school teacher.


9. You can create your Sets based on the subjects you teach and create Types based on the type of assignment you grade on. Note that Types do not have to equal 100 but will calculate based on 100%.

10. You can delete any Sets that are listed that you do not use.

11. Remember: Once you create your “Type Set”, you must attach it to the Class you created. Read the following directions to Attach the “Type Set” or to check to see which “Type Set” is attached to your class.

12. Close

SETTING UP A TOTAL POINTS SPREADSHEET (Follow these steps if you base your grades on points rather than percentages)

1. Click Setup and choose Spreadsheet.

2. Click on Weighted Type (Numeric…Type) if it is not highlighted in blue.

3. Beside calculation method, arrow down and select Total Points.


4. You will then see a window with information. Click OK.

5. Click Close.


NOW you must go back to the classes you set up and indicate which Type Set you want to use for calculating your grades.


1. Select Setup on the Menu Bar. Select Classes.

2. On the General Tab, look at Task Type Set. Use the drop down arrow to select the Type Set you created for this class. Click Close.

If You Are Using a Template Begin Here!


1. To create a new task, you must be in the Task View mode. Look at the top of your spreadsheet and in the View window make sure it reads Task View.

2. Select Task from the Menu Bar. Select New Task.

3. In the New Task information window, click Next.

4. In the New Task Window, complete needed information.

5. Type in Task Name, example: Chapter 1 Test.

6. Dates are optional.

7. In Type window, use drop down arrow to select appropriate type.

8. In out of raw –type in points for the Task (usually 100).

9. Use the Scale factor if you want that Task to be weighted more the one.

10. In the Maximum score allowed: Type a value (usually 100).

11. Click Create.


1. Now that you have created a task, you can select Tasks/Students in the Show window. This allows you to view not only the Students, but the assigned tasks.

2. You can now add new tasks or edit old tasks.

3. Under Edit Task, you can also duplicate or copy tasks.

Finally – you are ready to Enter Grades.

To Enter Grades, make sure you are in View: Task and Show: Students.

For Tasks that you have entered, just click in the column and type in the grades.


Example of grades entered in spreadsheet.


To work with a different class, use the drop-down arrow and select the class you want to enter grades.

If all the students made the same grade on an assignment, you can use the drop-down menu to fill down a score. Click on the down arrow key, and choose Fill Down.


Steps to Exporting First Nine Weeks Grades

Before you begin the export process be sure to print a spreadsheet for each class. To do this you will…

a. Click on Reports

b. Choose Spreadsheet

c. Click Next

d. Choose Print


Look at all of your final averages in each class!

No final grades can be greater than 100. If any of your final grades are greater than 100 you will get an error message when you begin the next steps. Do a quick check of your first nine-week averages. If you find final grades over 100 you will have to manually change each one that exceeds 100.


Completing End of Term Spreadsheets

These steps must be completed for each class!

1. Choose a class

2. Click on the drop down list arrow next to Spreadsheet

3. Choose First Quarter (End of Term Spreadsheet)

4. Go to the First Quarter grade column

5. Use the down arrow and select Replace Tasks

6. You will get a Replace Class dialog box. This is important: You will notice a list of spreadsheets in the white box. Be sure to select First Nine Weeks. (This is where Integrade will go to pull in that final grade.)

7. The Replace Task dialog box will appear. Be sure to First Nine Weeks Grade

8. Click Next

9. When the next box appears put a check in Hot Link Grades.

10. Click OK.


12. Once this is done you are ready to export.


Exporting Grades

Once you have completed an End Term Spreadsheet for each class you are ready to export your grades.

1. Click on File

2. Click on Export from Gradebook. Make sure there is an X in the box beside of First Quarter Grade Report.

3. Choose Next

4. You should get a box saying that Integrade Pro has gathered the information it needs to export.

5. Click Export

6. You will get a box entitled, Select Export Directory.

7. Select your folder. If you do not see your folder then double-click on the gradebooks folder.

8. Click on the school folder

9. Find your folder and with your number and select it.

10. Click OK. You will be taken back to your screen and your grades will have exported OR you may receive an error message next. If you do, click Yes to view the errors or just click No.

11. You will be taken back to your screen and your grades will have exported.

Steps to Exporting Second Nine Week Grades and Semester Averages in Integrade Pro

Before you begin the export process be sure to print a spreadsheet for each class. To do this you will…

a. Click on Reports

b. Choose Spreadsheet

c. Click Next

d. Choose Print


Look at all of your final averages in each class!

No final grades can be greater than 100. If any of your final grades are greater than 100 you will get an error message when you begin the next steps. Do a quick check of your second nine-week averages. If you find final grades over 100 you will have to manually change each one that exceeds 100.


First Semester Spreadsheet

Integrade has already averaged your grades for second nine weeks. You now need to average your first and second nine weeks grades together to get a semester average. The First Semester Spreadsheet will do this for you.

Do the following steps for EACH CLASS!

1. Choose a class.

2. Choose the First Semester spreadsheet from the spreadsheet dropdown list.

3. Look at the tasks. You should see First Nine Weeks Grade and Second Nine Weeks Grade.

4. Click in the gray area in the First Nine Weeks column

5. Choose Replace Tasks

6. In the Replace Task box choose First Nine Weeks Grade from the list of options presented. Click Next.

7. You will get a box that says Integrade Pro has all of the information it needs to perform this operation. Click OK.

You’ve now filled in the grades for the first nine weeks grades in your semester spreadsheet. You will need to do the same thing to get the second nine-week grades. Follow these steps:

1. Click in the Second Nine Weeks grade column

2. Choose Replace Tasks

3. Choose Second Nine weeks grade

4. In the Replace Tasks dialog box choose Second Nine Weeks Spreadsheet Grade and Next

5. You will get a box that says, Integrade Pro has all of the information it needs to perform this operation. Click OK.

You are now finished with this class. Remember you need to complete a First Semester Spreadsheet for each class!


Once you have completed all of your semester averages you are ready to complete your End Term Spreadsheet for the second nine weeks. Remember - End Term Spreadsheets are the spreadsheets that are exported into SASI.

There are two grades that need to be entered into this End Term Spreadsheet.

▪ Second Quarter Grades

▪ Semester 1 Average Grades.

The following steps will need to be completed for each class!

End Term Spreadsheets

Completing End of Term Spreadsheets

1. Choose a class.

2. Click on the drop down list arrow next to Spreadsheet.

3. Choose Second Quarter (End of Term Spreadsheet).

4. Go to the Second Quarter grade column.

5. Use the down arrow and select Replace Tasks.

6. You will get a Replace Class dialog box. This is important: You will notice a list of spreadsheets in the white box. Be sure to select Second Nine Weeks. (This is where Integrade will go to pull in that final grade.)

7. The Replace Task dialog box will appear. Choose Second Nine Weeks Spreadsheet Grade.

8. Click Next.

9. When the next box appears put a check in Hot Link Grades.

10. Click OK.

You will now need to fill in the grades for the Semester Averages. To do this, follow these steps.

1. Go to the Semester 1 Average grade column.

2. Use the down arrow and select Replace Tasks.

3. You will get a Replace Class dialog box. This is important: You will notice a list of spreadsheets in the white box. Be sure to select First Semester. (This is where Integrade will go to pull in that final grade.)

4. The Replace Task dialog box will appear. Choose First Semester Spreadsheet Grade.

5. Click Next.

6. When the next box appears put a check in Hot Link Grades.

7. Click OK.

*You will see other Tasks in this spreadsheet that you will leave blank. Those are Second Quarter Absences, Second Quarter Tardies, and Second Quarter Comments # 1.


Exporting Grades

Once you have completed an End Term Spreadsheet for each class you are ready to export your grades.

1. Click on File.

2. Click on Export from Gradebook. Make sure there is an X in the box beside Second Quarter Grade Report.

3. Choose Next.

4. You should get a box saying that Integrade Pro has gathered the information it needs to export.

5. Click Export.

6. You will get a box entitled, Select Export Directory.

12. Select your folder. If you do not see your folder then double-click on the gradebooks folder.

13. Click on the school folder

14. Find your folder and with your number and select it.

15. Click OK. You will be taken back to your screen and your grades will have exported OR you may receive an error message next. If you do, click Yes to view the errors or just click No.

Steps to Exporting Grades for the

Third Nine Weeks

Completing End of Term Spreadsheets

These steps must be completed for each class!

1. Choose a class

2. Click on the drop down list arrow next to Spreadsheet

3. Choose Third Quarter (End of Term Spreadsheet)

4. Go to the Third Quarter grade column

5. Use the down arrow and select Replace Tasks

6. You will get a Replace Class dialog box. This is important: You will notice a list of spreadsheets in the white box. Be sure to select Third Nine Weeks. (This is where Integrade will go to pull in that final grade.)

7. The Replace Task dialog box will appear. Be sure to choose Third Quarter Grade.

8. Click Next

9. When the next box appears put a check in Hot Link Grades.

10. Click OK


12. Once this is done you are ready to export.

Exporting Grades

Once you have completed an End Term Spreadsheet for each class you are ready to export your grades.

1. Click on File

2. Click on Export from Gradebook. Make sure there is an X in the box beside of Third Quarter Grade Report.

3. Choose Next

4. You should get a box saying that Integrade Pro has gathered the information it needs to export.

5. Click Export

6. You will get a box entitled, Select Export Directory.

7. Select your folder. If you do not see your folder double-click on the gradebooks folder.

8. Click on the school folder

9. Find your folder and with your number and select it.

16. Click OK. You will be taken back to your screen and your grades will have exported OR you may receive an error message next. If you do, click Yes to view the errors or just click No.

17. You will be taken back to your screen and your grades will have exported.

Steps to Exporting Fourth Nine Week Grades and Semester and Yearly Averages in Integrade Pro

Before you begin the export process be sure to print a spreadsheet for each class. To do this you will…

a. Click on Reports

b. Choose Spreadsheet

c. Click Next

d. Choose Print


Completing Your Second Semester Spreadsheet

Integrade has already averaged your grades for fourth nine weeks. You now need to average your third and fourth nine weeks grades together. The Second Semester Spreadsheet will do this for you.

Do the following steps for EACH CLASS!

1. Choose a class.

2. Choose the Second Semester spreadsheet from the spreadsheet dropdown list.

3. Look at the tasks. You should see Third Nine Weeks Grade and Fourth Nine Weeks column.

4. Click in the gray area in the Third Nine Weeks column

5. Choose Replace Tasks

6. In the Replace Task box choose Third Nine Weeks Grade from the list of options presented. Click Next.

7. You will get a box that says, Integrade Pro has all of the information it needs to perform this operation. Click OK.

You’ve now filled in the grades for the third nine weeks grades in your semester spreadsheet. You will need to do the same thing to get the fourth nine-week grades. Follow these steps:

1. Click in the Fourth Nine Weeks grade column

2. Choose Replace Tasks

3. Choose Fourth Nine weeks grade

4. In the Replace Tasks dialog box choose Fourth Nine Weeks Spreadsheet Grade and Next

5. You will get a box that says, Integrade Pro has all of the information it needs to perform this operation. Click OK.

You are now finished with this class. Remember you need to complete a Second Semester Spreadsheet for each class!


Completing Your Year Spreadsheet

You will need to complete the Year Spreadsheet. This is a step that will only be completed once a year. This will average your first and second semester grades together. You need this average before you can complete your Fourth Quarter End Term Spreadsheet.

Do the following steps for EACH CLASS!

1. Choose a class.

2. Choose the Year spreadsheet from the spreadsheet dropdown list.

3. Look at the tasks. You should see First Semester and Second Semester

4. Click in the gray area in the First Semester column

5. Choose Replace Tasks

6. In the Replace Task box choose First Semester Grade from the list of options presented. Click Next.

7. You will get a box that says, Integrade Pro has all of the information it needs to perform this operation. Click OK.

You’ve now filled in the grades for the first semester grades in your Year spreadsheet. You will need to do the same thing to get the second semester grades. Follow these steps:

1. Click in the Second Semester grade column

2. Choose Replace Tasks

3. Choose Second Semester grade

4. In the Replace Tasks dialog box choose Second Semester Spreadsheet Grade and Next

5. Click OK.


Completing Your Fourth Quarter End Term Spreadsheet

Once you have completed all of your semester and yearly averages you are ready to complete your End Term Spreadsheet for the fourth nine weeks. Remember - End Term Spreadsheets are the only spreadsheets that are exported into SASI.

There are three grades that need to be entered into this End Term Spreadsheet.

▪ Fourth Quarter Grades

▪ Semester 2 Average Grades

▪ Year Average Grades

The following steps will need to be completed for each class!

End Term Spreadsheets

Completing End of Term Spreadsheets

1. Choose a class.

2. Click on the drop down list arrow next to Spreadsheet.

3. Choose Fourth Quarter (End of Term Spreadsheet).

4. Go to the Fourth Quarter grade column.

5. Use the down arrow and select Replace Tasks.

6. You will get a Replace Class dialog box. This is important: You will notice a list of spreadsheets in the white box. Be sure to select Fourth Nine Weeks. (This is where Integrade will go to pull in that final grade.)

7. The Replace Task dialog box will appear. Choose Fourth Nine Weeks Spreadsheet Grade.

8. Click Next.

9. When the next box appears put a check in Hot Link Grades.

10. Click OK.

You will now need to fill in the grades for the Semester Averages. To do this, follow these steps.

1. Go to the Semester 2 Average grade column.

2. Use the down arrow and select Replace Tasks.

3. You will get a Replace Class dialog box. This is important: You will notice a list of spreadsheets in the white box. Be sure to select Select Second Semester. (This is where Integrade will go to pull in that final grade.)

4. The Replace Task dialog box will appear. Choose Second Semester Spreadsheet Grade.

5. Click Next.

6. When the next box appears put a check in Hot Link Grades.

7. Click OK.

You will now need to fill in the grades for the Year Averages. To do this, follow these steps.

1. Go to the Year Average grade column.

2. Use the down arrow and select Replace Tasks.

3. You will get a Replace Class dialog box. This is important: You will notice a list of spreadsheets in the white box. Be sure to select Year Spreadsheet. (This is where Integrade will go to pull in that final grade.)

4. The Replace Task dialog box will appear. Choose Year Spreadsheet Grade.

5. Click Next.

6. When the next box appears put a check in Hot Link Grades.

7. Click OK. It may or not give you the message that some of your grades are invalid. If it does just click OK.

*You will see other Tasks in this spreadsheet that you will leave blank.


Exporting Grades

Once you have completed an End Term Spreadsheet for each class you are ready to export your grades.

1. Click on File.

2. Click on Export from Gradebook. Make sure there is an X in the box beside Fourth Quarter Grade Report.

3. Choose Next.

4. You should get a box saying that Integrade Pro has gathered the information it needs to export.

5. Click Export.

6. You will get a box entitled, Select Export Directory.

7. Select your folder. If you do not see it double click on the gradebooks folder.

8. Click on the school folder.

9. Make sure that you see your folder with your teacher number.

10. Click OK. You will be taken back to your screen and your grades will have exported OR you may receive an error message next. If you do, click No.


1. To create a student progress report, click Reports.

2. Click Student Progress

3. You can select a certain student or an entire class.

4. You can choose which items to include in the report. In the sample below, the following were deselected: Class Average, Graph, Missing Task List and Grade Analysis.


5. When you click Next, the following report appears on the screen.



In the Reports menu there are several options for reports besides the student progress report.

Class Roster

You can print a class roster to leave for a substitute or to use as a check-off list.

Choose Reports, then Class Roster the following screen appears. Notice in the bottom left corner you have some other options.


When you Click Next, the following screen appears.



To create a seating chart, you have to change the Show view, which is on the right hand side and select Seating Chart.


The following screen appears.


To create your seating chart, you click on the student and drag to the appropriate grid.



You may want to delete a task from your gradebook, add a task, change points, scores or create notes about a task.

Click Tasks, Edit Tasks


The following window appears.


To delete a task, click on the task and click Delete.

To change points, scores, or create notes about a task, click the appropriate index tab.



Once you have imported your class rosters, you can set up a skills spreadsheet.

1. Arrow down to show the spreadsheets available in the box labeled spreadsheets.

2. Choose Skills


3. If you Click Setup, then Classes, you can choose either a skill type spreadsheet or a weighted type spreadsheet for a particular class. You would also have the choice of a Points spreadsheet if you had set your gradebook up that way.


If you are setting up a skills spreadsheet, you do not have to worry about setting up type sets. You just leave the default type sets as they are.

1. Click Tasks then New Task

2. Name the standard or skill and choose skill for the type.


3. Click Create.

4. Once you create your first skill or task, you can click on Tasks, then Edit Tasks to add more.


Once you have entered your skills or tasks, you go back to your gradebook to enter the grades. In the sample below a plus (+) was given if the standard was met and a minus (-) was given if it was not.

Below is a sample of how the spreadsheet would look.


When you print the student progress skill spreadsheet (Click Reports, Student Progress) it would look like the illustration below. The following options were selected in Setup: Under Show (Task List, Missing Task List, Grade Analysis), under Notes (Student, Scores, Spreadsheet, and Tasks)

Dropping the Lowest Grade

If you have entered your grades and decide to drop one or more of the low grades, follow these steps.

(Make sure that you are in the correct spreadsheet.)

1. From the menu bar, select “Tasks.”

2. Select “Drop/Restore Scores” from the drop down menu.

3. Select “Drop Score.” Click “Next.”

4. From the Drop Scores dialog box, select the students and tasks that you want to include. *If you want “All” students included and “All” tasks included, you simply click “All.”

5. At the bottom of this same screen you will see…

“For each student, drop 1 score.” Use the box to fill in the number of low scores you want to drop. For example, typing in 3 will allow the program to drop the 3 lowest grades for each student selected.

6. Click “Next.” This screen will give you a script that tells you what you have just set up. Read this screen to make sure that you have set the program to do exactly what you want.

7. Click “Drop.” The low grades will be dropped and the averages recalculated.

Bonus Points

(Used for Students Whose Final Average is Below 60%)

If you have a student who has an average that is below 60% during the first nine weeks you will need to do the following to bring that final average up to 60

1. Go to a class where you have one or more students with an average of less than 60%

2. Click on Tasks

3. Click on New Tasks

4. Create a new task named Bonus.

5. (This is very important – You must choose bonus as the task type!)

6. Out of Raw and Maximum Allowed score are not necessary with this task. You do not have to enter anything in those areas.

7. Once you create your Bonus task you will then enter points in the column beside those students that have the below 60 average. The points you add will actually be added to the final score.


You would type 1 in the bonus column for the student who has a final average of 59%. That 1 would be added to the student’s final average. If a student’s average is 55%, then type 5 into that column and so on.

Integrade Pro Troubleshooting Guide

Problem 1: Semester Grades Aren’t Averaged Correctly!

Solution: Check your semester spreadsheet task weightings!!!!

Spot-check your semester averages. It is very easy to make a mistake in this area. Follow the directions below to check the semester grade weights. If you find a problem you must then correct it for each class. You don’t have to correct it for each student. As soon as you edit your tasks it will automatically change it for all the students in that class.


1. Choose your first class

2. Choose the First Semester Spreadsheet

3. Click on Task

4. Click on Edit Task

5. Chick on the Points Tab in the middle of the top of the box

6. Your tasks are listed on the left side. Click on first Nine Weeks task. Look in the middle of the box and make sure the task type selected is Nine Weeks. (It has been defaulting to Homework!)

7. Click on Second Nine Weeks task on the left side. Again make sure the task type reads Nine Weeks.


Once you change the task type in the First Semester spreadsheet your averages for that class should be correct.

To Avoid This Problem: Make sure that you double-check the task type in your semester spreadsheets.

Problem 2: When Grades Are Exported, They Aren’t Showing Up in the Office!

Solution: End Term Spreadsheet Isn’t Complete

If your grades aren’t showing up in the office, double-check each class and make sure that you have completed an End Term Spreadsheet each class.


1. Choose your first class

2. Choose First, Second, Third, or Fourth Quarter End Term Spreadsheet (This will depend on what quarter you are looking at.)

3. Are there grades in spreadsheet?

4. If not, follow the steps for completing End Term Spreadsheets for that nine weeks.

To Avoid This Problem: Make sure that you have completed an End Term Spreadsheet for each class before you export.

Problem 3: My Nine-Week Averages for My Students Are Over Well Over a 100!

Solution: Your “Out of Raw” amount may not be correct.. If you are seeing averages well over 100 with your students you need to check to make sure that you have put 100 in the “Out of Raw” box for each task.


1. Select the correct class (The class with the incorrect averages.)

2. Go to your current nine weeks spreadsheet (i.e. Second Nine Weeks Spreadsheet)

3. Click on Tasks

4. Click on Edit Tasks

5. The tasks for that spreadsheet will be listed in the left column.

6. Click on each task.

7. Click on the Points Tab and make sure that there is a 100 in the “Out of Raw” box. If there isn’t add it. You will need to check each task!

To Avoid This Problem: Make sure that you fill in the “Out of Raw” box with a 100 each time you create a new task.


There have been reports of some discrepancies in the way Integrade averages. Be careful as you weight your tasks. If you weight a test to count 40% and only give one or two tests, those tests will have a major impact on your students’ grades. Be sure to give ample numbers of each type of task that you assign additional weight.


Type in your Name as you want it to appear on Reports.

Name your Gradebook .

Click on “Save”.

This will read, Data on… (your school’s name)


Click the right arrow to go to next student.

You can change margins and fonts in Setup


To create a new Task, you must be in the Task View mode.

Select Tasks from the Menu Bar-New Task and complete desired information for the new Task. Click on Create button to save.

Dates are optional.


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