Communicating in the Workplace

Student worksheet - Communicating in the workplace Key messagesGood communication is a very important skill in the workplace. It will help:you to become confident when you meet new peopleyou to get to know new people and make friendspeople to get to know youyou to be confident to ask questions and learn about the workplaceIt is important to show the right workplace attitude Look and sound friendly Be helpful and keep busyPay attention and make eye contact when someone is speaking to youAsk questions when you are unsureGet along with othersBe honest when you do not understand and ask questions when you need helpBe happy to learn from mistakes and be happy to take feedbackBe enthusiastic about your workShow the people that you work with that you enjoy working with themShow the people that you work with how polite you areSpeak directly and clearlyThink about your body language, stand up straight and don’t cross your arms or lower your headBe aware of what you are doing when you talk with people, try not to play with objects at the same time, keep still and focus on the person who is speaking Activity 1: Meeting your supervisor When you first go to the workplace be prepared to meet your supervisor.Practice your introduction before you goIntroduce yourself with a smile and a firm but not too tight handshake and say:“Hello my name is _____________________. I am here for my work experience.Can I please speak with _________________?”A good handshakePractice your handshake with the rest of the class Your handshake should be firm, but not too hard or you will hurt the other person’s handYour handshake should not be weak and floppyPractice your introduction with other students, teachers and family so that you get used to itMaking conversationBelow are some other examples of when you may need to communicate in the workplace. What would you say?Asking a question to understand your jobAsking where to find a workplace facility / equipment / person you need to speak withReporting a problem – For example, a hazard you might see at your workplace or something that may be unsafe Activity 2: Practice – How to look and sound friendly It is helpful to practice what you are going to say with people you know. Practice some of the things below with people in your class and ask them how you went. Feedback is important, it will help you improve.Uses a friendly voiceUses eye contactUses a firm handshakeHas a smile on his or her faceSpeaks in a clear voiceIs keen to learnIs happy to be at workTreats fellow workers/customers/supervisor with respectHas friendly ‘body languageKeeps still and pays attentionWhat are some of the things you do well? What are some things you would like to improve?Keep practicing with different people when you get a chance. The more you practice the easier it will become! ................

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