Personality and People - Lanternfish ESL


Look at the following list of personality traits. Decide if they are good or bad.

|ambitious |honest |rude |

|arrogant |ignorant |selfish |

|bossy |impatient |shallow |

|capable |kind |shy |

|clever/ intelligent/ smart |lazy |sociable |

|coldhearted |moody |stingy |

|creative |narrow-minded |strict |

|cruel/ mean |open-minded |stubborn |

|dishonest |outgoing |talkative |

|easygoing |picky |thoughtful |

|funny |polite |unreliable |

|generous |punctual |warmhearted |

|greedy |reliable |well-educated/ well-read |

|hardworking |romantic |well-traveled |

|Good Traits |Bad Traits |[pic] |

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© 2007 Lanternfish ESL


Answer the following questions using the personality vocabulary. Also give some added information to explain why you chose that personality trait.

|(ex) |funny | |She makes me laugh a lot. |

|Which of these traits describe you? |

|(1) | | | |

|(2) | | | |

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|Which of these traits describe your father? |

|(1) | | | |

|(2) | | | |

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|Which of these traits describe your mother? |

|(1) | | | |

|(2) | | | |

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|Which of these traits describe your best friend? |

|(1) | | | |

|(2) | | | |

‘Ideal’ means the best that you can imagine. Complete these sentences.

An ideal parent is ______________ and ______________.

My ideal friend is ______________ and ______________.

My ideal boyfriend/girlfriend is ______________ and ______________.

An ideal teacher is ______________ and ______________.

An ideal employee is ______________ and ______________.

An ideal roommate is ______________ and ______________.


Personality Definitions

(in your own words)


A stingy person is someone who doesn’t like to spend money.___

A lazy person is ____________________________

A moody person is ____________________________

An honest person is ____________________________

An impatient person is ___________________________

An ambitious person is ___________________________

An arrogant person is ___________________________

A shy person is ____________________________

An outgoing person is ___________________________


Kind is the opposite of ______________________

Stingy is the opposite of ______________________

Shy is the opposite of ______________________

Honest is the opposite of ______________________

Rude is the opposite of ______________________

Lazy is the opposite of ______________________


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