NARPM Information


Q. What are the levels of membership in NARPM®?

A. Professional Members requirements state that you “must be engaged in the management of residential properties as agent for others, licensed in those states that require licensing.”

Support Staff Members “must be acting in the role of support in the office of a Professional Member, not acting in a capacity requiring licensure in that state.”

Affiliate Members are for companies that provide products and services to NARPM members.

Q. What are annual dues?

A. Annual dues are $245 for Professional Members and Affiliate Members and $100 for Support Staff Members. A full year’s membership dues must be paid initially. The fee will be prorated in the second year of membership to reflect the partial (first) year and will be due on January 1 after joining. Policy changed on dues billing. All dues paid are billed at $295 and if paid by December 31 member can take $50 discount. New members will be charged local dues of $245.

Dues are nontransferable and nonrefundable.

Q. How do I become a property manager?

A. Most states require that property managers be licensed. You will need to contact the state licensing authority to determine licensing requirements in your state.

Q. How do I become a certified property manager?

A. The certification program for NARPM® certification programs is as follows:

RMP® (Residential Management Professional)

MPM® (Master Property Manager) – must be an RMP® first

CRMC® (Certified Residential Property Manager) – entire company designation, must have an MPM® on staff.

CSSsm – Certified Support Staff

NARPM’s RMP® and MPM® designations are a combination of property management experience, NARPM® education, and service to the association. If someone is not currently managing 25 properties and cannot verify 100 units years of experience, they would not quality for the RMP® designation however, they have three years after they make application to meet the requirements.. In addition, you must be a NARPM® member to become a candidate for the designation.

NARPM’s RMP® and MPM® classes are open to members and nonmembers. You do not have to be an RMP® or MPM® candidate to take a class.

Q. How do I find a property manager to manage my property?

A. A list of NARPM® members can be found on our Web site, . Click on “Search the Member Directory” and then search by city or state. If you do not find a member in a certain city, try a nearby or larger city, as we may not have a member in that state. Also since we don’t always know the area where the little cities are, I some times suggest that they look at the “Find a NARPM® Chapter” section of the website. They can look for their state and then find the chapter that is closest to them and then find the members for them

Q. Is there an association for multifamily, commercial, homeowner association or vacation rental management?

A. BOMA (Building Owners & Managers Association) – commercial

VRMA (Vacation Rentals Managers Association) – vacation rentals

CAI (Community Association Institute) – community associations

NAA (National Apartment Association) or NMHC (Multifamily Housing Council) – multi-family/apartment

Q. Does NARPM have a Web site?


The NARPM® web site receives approximately 42,000 hits per day, with 8% of visitors being unique to a session (meaning that they have not visited the site in that specific day). Approximately 9,000-12,000 individuals view the site in a given month.

Q. How do I file a complaint against a property manager?

A. NARPM® has a Professional Standards Committee that reviews complaints against NARPM® members. If the property manager is not a NARPM member, most property managers are licensed through the state and complaints can be filed through the state licensing agency. If they wish to file a complaint against a NARPM, get the address and we will mail the forms necessary to file a grievance or direct them to our website. Under the About Us section, they will find the information on how to file a complaint.

NARPM® Procedures

New Member Processing

NARPM new memberships must be processed within 5 business days.

Each new member receives a 9x12 envelope with a membership sticker, a letter from the NARPM President (updated annually and printed on letterhead), a press release and suggestions for use, a Education/Certification brochure, a logo slick and guidelines for use, a product (stores) order form, and a convention brochure (when available). A directory and NARPM® pin, sticker and membership card are added before mailing.

Each new member also receives a membership certificate and plaque. The membership certificate includes the member’s name, date joined (date entered by Data Processing), and the Membership ID. Copy the certificates onto the Certificate paper and add a gold seal. Plaques are ordered 100 at a time (for a break in price).

If a new member has requested to join a local chapter, an e-mail automatically notifies the Chapter President and the RVP that a new member has joined NARPM and their chapter.

Prospect Packets

All prospects receive 3 mailings from NARPM. The first mailing is a 9x12 envelope, a letter from the NARPM Membership Chair (updated annually on printed on letterhead), a current newsletter, an Education/Certification brochure, and a convention brochure (when available).

The second mailing and the third mailing is a Residential Resource,

Prospects are received via phone or e-mail. After you mail the prospect packet, enter the prospect into the database.

Prospect packets are also sent out to local chapters to use in recruiting new members.


Meetings are held 1 times per year. There is an Annual Convention in October and beginning in 2008 there are regional events with leadership development will be held at each regional event. Outgoing board plaques and installation of officers is conducted at this meeting.

The Leadership Development is geared toward developing future leaders and not property management education.

The Annual Convention and Trade Show is property management education and vendors are allowed to exhibit. Membership recognition (chapter excellence, new chapters, Chapter and New Chapter of the Year and the Rocky Maxwell New Member Achievement award) and RMP®, MPM®, CSSsm, and CRMC® designations are presented at this meeting.

Anniversary pins will be handed out at the Annual Convention. Insert a flyer (using a merge mail) into the registration packets for the member to redeem to pick up their pin. After Convention, pins will be mailed to all members who did not attend the Convention.

Board Packets

A month prior to the Board meeting, accounting will supply financials for Executive Director to review. Executive Director will write a one or two page review for the board. She will email with an agenda to the BOD before the next board meeting.

All motions are to be put into a separate section of the Board packet, including motions to be approved in the Consent agenda. Motions should be numbered


When an application is received for a designation, a mentor is assigned by the National Office. Type a letter to the candidate, with a copy to the Mentor sub Chair, the mentor and a file copy. Send the candidate the letter and a candidacy checklist. The mentor will receive a copy of the application (with credit card number obliterated) and the original application will be kept in the candidate’s certification file at national. Keep a running list of all candidates for the month. At the end of the month, send to communications for publication in the Residential Resource.

Three copies of the completed packet will be received at National. National will assign an auditor Open the recommendation letters and insert into one copy for the auditor. Type a letter to the auditor and send a copy of the package. Keep the other copy with the original recommendation letters in the member’s certification file. Hold the original packet for display at the Annual Convention.

Once the auditor has approved the package, the Auditor Sub Chair will issue a motion to the Board to approve the candidate. The candidate will receive a letter stating they have been approved pending approval by the Board. Once the Board has approved the candidate, they receive a letter of congratulations, At the annual Convention, the plaque and pin will be awarded

Education Classes

RMP® and MPM® classes are held in conjunction with Annual Convention and at local chapter locations throughout the US. A Complete Guide for Sponsoring RMP® /MPM® Courses is sent out to a local chapter requesting classes.

Once a form requesting a class is received, National will approve and assign an instructor. Once the class is approved and an instructor is assigned, a class flyer is prepared and sent to the class coordinator, along with mailing labels if requested. Also, email the flyer to the Web team and ask that the class be added to the calendar.

One month prior to the class, email the Education Chair and the class coordinator if there are less than 10 attendees, as the class may be cancelled. If the class is cancelled, notify the Web team to pull the classes off the calendar. Contact those who have registered and issue refunds.

Two weeks before the class, send the class materials out to be copied through Publications (check inventory on the shelves to see if there are already some copies). Make 5 extra copies of the class notebooks to send. Data Processing will run name badges and an attendee list. Keep a copy of the attendee list in the class file and send two copies with the class notebooks and name badges to the class coordinator. Also send tent cards. Send 3rd day Federal Express (so you can track arrival) allowing enough time to arrive two days before the class.

Data Processing Information

This is just FYI


Presidents become life members after completion of their term or before the next renewal notice goes out.


Renewals are sent out annually. They are sent on October 1, December 1, and February 1. Run Affiliate and Support Staff members separately and print Affiliate or Support Staff on the renewal notice.

Regular members owing annual dues are inactivated around March 15th. Pro-rated members are inactivated one year later during the month that they have joined.

Renewals receive a membership card and sticker when they renew


Confirmation letters are also run to send to the attendee to confirm that we received their information for the national convention.

The board changes over on January 1 of every year.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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