DIV ORDER Annex F (Sustainment)

Copy ## of ## copiesHQ, 35IDTbilisi, Gorgas______Z___2021Msg#: _________-__ANNEX F (SUSTAINMENT) TO35ID OPORD 21-01 (SANTA FE CHALLENGE) (U)(U) References: a. Map: TPC F-4C, F-4D, G-4B, G-5A, G5D; 1:500,000.b. CFLCC (7TH CORPS) OPORD 12-01-DA-ATR (ATROPIAN SOVEREIGNTY). c. CJTF-C CONPLAN (CAUCAUS LION) 4502-14, 15 June 2020.d. EUCOM CONPLAN 4567-18, DEFENSE OF ATROPIA, 280600ZFEB18.e. UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 4555 (2018).f. USEUCOM Directive (ED) 60-8, 19 September 2001, “Logistics Support Using Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreements (ACSA).”(U) Time Zone Used Throughout the OPORD: Local.1. (U) Situation. See base order.a. (U) Area of Interest. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence).b. (U) Area of Operations. Refer to Appendix 2 (Operation Overlay) to Annex C (Operations).(1) (U) Terrain. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence).(2) (U) Weather. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence).c. (U) Enemy Forces. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence).d. (U) Friendly Forces. See base order.e. (U) Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Nongovernmental Organizations. Refer to Annex V (Interagency Coordination).f. (U) Civil Considerations. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence) and Annex K (Civil Affairs Operations).g. (U) Attachments and Detachments. Refer to Annex A (Task Organization).h. (U) Assumptions. (1) (U) Aerial and sea ports of debarkation facilities are usable for reception and continued buildup of forces without significant upgrade or repair.(2) (U) There is a very limited availability of commercial transportation, subsistence, water treatment, and medical facilities available. The Host-Nation Support (HNS) capability is not sufficient to meet the needs of 35th Infantry Division forces.(3) (U) Aerial and sea ports of debarkation Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants (POL) transfer, storage, and support facilities shall remain serviceable and shall be sufficient to support joint forces, if controlled by CFLCC.(4) (U) Potential or real crises in other areas of the world shall place competing demands for CONUS-based stocks. Therefore, stocks within Europe must be programmed for an extended period if a long-term deployment is anticipated.(5) (U) Primary resupply to Theater shall be direct shipment from depots in CONUS, Service Components, Supporting Commands, and Joint Logistics Agencies.(6) (U) Engineering effort shall be required at aerial and sea ports of debarkation, Forward Logistics Bases, and MSRs.(7) (U) The port of Poti shall be available and is adequate to support port clearance and movement requirements. The port of Baku will remain cut-off by insurgent forces and will not be available until cessation of offensive operations.i. (U) Resource Availability.(1) (U) 35th ID and subordinate commands shall plan for maximum self-sufficiency during the deployment phase of the operation.(2) (U) If the operation is protracted, critical CONUS augmentation requirements from all Service Components are projected for sustainment force structure shortfalls, particularly for port operations, ground transportation, petroleum supply (storage and distribution), and field services.(3) (U) Local procurement of petroleum products in the CFLCC area of operations (AO) is limited. There are commercial petroleum loading facilities available, and can accept petroleum discharge and storage. Forward movement (inland) of petroleum, oils, and lubricants through existing pipelines is very limited and should not be considered dependable, particularly because of the lack of security and ease of sabotage.j. (U) Planning Factors. Service components and supporting commands shall utilize standardized logistics planning factors for Service Component specific commodities and equipment.2. (U) Mission. When directed, 35th ID conducts logistics operations to support deployment, employment, and sustainment in the 35th ID AOR. O/O, supports redeployment of the 35th ID.3. (U) Execution. a. (U) Scheme of Sustainment Support. Sustainment is a National and Service Component responsibility. In order to sustain 35th ID priorities, service components and supporting commands shall provide sustainment support in accordance with service components’ directives and procedures. 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) (Under 21st Theater Sustainment Command (TSC)) shall provide Common User Logistics (CUL) support to the Service Components. Inter-Service Support Agreements (ISSA) shall be conducted in accordance with approved Service Components’ policies. 35th Sustainment Brigade (SB) is supporting 35th Infantry Division and provides sustainment support to U.S. forces. Coalition forces may be supported through ACSA with the approval of 35th ID G4. Initially host nation support will be limited. 35th SB ensures personnel, supplies, and materials continue to flow into the AO in support of CFLCC operations via Poti, Tbilisi, and Baku as possible. 35th SB will position sustainment assets to provide support to U.S. forces and backup sustainment support to other CFLCC forces. 35th SB coordinates and provides logistic support during offensive operations as the tactical situation dictates, using ground, sea, and air distribution networks to conduct resupply operations. 35th SB will position stocks as far forward as possible. 3rd ESC conducts SPOD/APOD operations vicinity of Poti, and maintains sustainment operations flow through Tbilisi into 35th ID AO. Following offensive operations, 3rd ESC echelons forward one sustainment brigade to Kazi-Magomed (vic. 39T UE 20150 30230).(1) (U) Phase I: RSOI in TAA Tbilisi (C-Day to W-Day). The 35th ID completes RSOI and position forces as far forward as possible in mutually supporting AOs. 35th ID successfully integrates and coordinates with coalition forces. 3rd ESC establishes SPODs vicinity Poti and Batumi, and SPOEs vicinity Batumi airfield, Kopitnari airfield, and Tbilisi International Airport. CFLCC establishes TSA GEORGIA vic. Samtredfia, Gorgas and LSA TBILISI vic. Tbilisi, Gorgas.(2) (U) Phase II: (Seize the Initiative-Defend (D-Day to D+10). 35th ID sustains defensive operations while preparing for transition to the offensive. 3rd ESC continues buildup of LSA TBILISI, maturing it to a second TSA, and establishes LSA BAKU, vicinity Baku, Atropia. Combat equipment is transported by rail from SPOD to TAA TBILISI, and then road marched to ATK POS LION. Priority of support is the 1/4th ABCT.(3) (U) Phase III: Dominate the Enemy (D+10 to D+30). As conditions permit, 3rd ESC establishes LSA GANJA vicinity Ganja, Atropia to support offensive operations south of the Araks River. Priority of support is the 1/4th ABCT.(4) (U) Phase IV: Stabilize (D+30 to Indefinite). Priority of support is the 12th (UK) MECH BDE and 56 SBCT, in that order. Priority of effort is humanitarian relief, stability and reconstruction operations, and then redeployment of forces.(5) (U) 35th ID G4 will coordinate with service components supporting commands, and CFLCC designated as Executive Agent, Lead Service, or similarly tasked forces to ensure common understanding of sustainment tasks.(6) (U) 35th ID G4 will assign lead service component responsibilities for planning, coordination, and providing specific logistics support for the duration of operations. Such assignment confers Direct Liaison Authorized (DIRLAUTH) and the authority to request additional resources directly from other service components and supporting commands, which must be met unless relief is granted by COM CFLCC. Such support shall be either reimbursable or non-reimbursable in accordance with mutual support arrangements or associated Inter-Service Support Agreements (ISSA) unless otherwise directed.(7) (U) 35th ID G4 will participate in the following Joint Boards under the supervision of the CFLCC C-4, to support logistics operations in the 35th ID Operations Area.(a) (U) Logistics Readiness Center (LRC).(b) (U) Joint Movement Center (JMC).(c) (U) The Joint Civil-Military Engineering Board.(d) (U) The Joint Patient Movement Requirement Board.(e) (U) Joint Mortuary Affairs Office (JMAO).(f) (U) Joint Transportation Board (JTB).(g) (U) Logistics Procurement Support Board (LPSB).(h) (U) Sub-Area Petroleum Office (SAPO).(i) (U) Joint Munitions Board.(j) (U) The Area Joint Blood Program Office (AJBPO).b. (U) Tasks to Subordinate Units. None.c. (U) Coordinating Instructions.(1) (U) Forecast requirements for supplies and services needed in the Operations Area and submit requirements to the 35th ID G4.(2) (U) Be prepared to receive, house, feed, and transport civilian evacuees. 35th SB establishes displaced civilian and refugee camp holding area, vicinity Alunitadag (vic. 38T NK 91018 86022). On order, provide transportation assets to ground move Dislocated Civilians (DCs).(3) (U) Host-Nation Support will be limited during offensive operations, but will increase in capability during stability operations. Units should develop and submit a Concept of Requirements (COR) for all necessary Host-Nation Support. This Concept of Requirements should include, but not be limited to, anticipated requirements for land; facilities; aircraft basing requirements; general locations and sizes of ammunition and petroleum, oils, and lubricants storage sites; port requirements; Main Supply Routes (MSRs) necessary to support combat forces; and estimates of other necessary services, utilities, or support requirements.(4) (U) Inform 35th ID G4 of all logistics limitations and shortfalls.4. (U) Sustainment. a. (U) Materiel and Services. Service components and supporting commands shall provide mission ready equipment, maintenance personnel, and support equipment to adequately support the operation.(1) (U) Maintenance. Maintenance and modification shall be performed in accordance with Service Components’ and Supporting Commands’ procedures and doctrine. Facilities shall not be established in the 35th ID Operation Area specifically for maintenance and modification. Service components and supporting commands are expected to maximize existing facilities if the Host-Nation makes them available. Embedded contract support, e.g., Logistics Assistance Representatives (LAR), etc. may deploy and be used in accordance with service components’ policies and directives. Evacuation of equipment is in accordance with service components’ policies and directives. Refer to Tab B (Maintenance) to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment). (a) (U) Ground. Priority of ground maintenance, recovery, and evacuation support: M1, M2/M3, HMMWV, M978, HEMTT-LHS, PLS, M109A6, and line haul tractors. (b) (U) Watercraft. Battle-damaged watercraft that exceeds subordinate units’ capability to repair shall be destroyed in-place.(c) (U) Aircraft. Battle-damaged aircraft that exceed subordinate units’ capability to repair shall be destroyed in-place.(d) (U) Field Maintenance. 1. (U) Units will coordinate, and then evacuate battle-damaged vehicles that exceed their capability to repair, to their supporting 35th SB unit.2. (U) Recovery of damaged or inoperable equipment is a unit responsibility. The priority for retrograde is to repairable items (major assemblies, etc.).3. (U) Controlled substitution is delegated to division level, with further delegation authorized. Maximum use of battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR) procedures is in effect. The COM CFLCC retains approval authority for maintenance cannibalization.(e) (U) Sustainment Maintenance. Plan for sustainment level maintenance activities to be based in Europe or CONUS. (2) (U) Transportation. Refer to Tab C (Transportation) to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment).(a) (U) Ground. A limited road network supports the 35th ID AOR and allows restricted movement between planned A/SPODs. Route regulation will be critical in preventing congestion/delays. Numerous unregulated secondary routes traverse the 35th ID AOR. Generally these are considered adequate to support sustainment operations.(b) (U) Sea/River/Water. 1. (U) Strategic Sea. USTRANSCOM has validated the time-phased force and deployment data for OPORD 59991-18 (CASPIAN GUARD), 15 Jan 18.2. (U) Seaports. CFLCC will use the port facilities at Batumi and Poti for SPOD/SPOE operations. 35th ID will use the port facility of Poti.a. (U) Poti, Gorgas. The port of Poti consists of an outer roadstead and an inner harbor. The inner harbor, which is protected by breakwaters, consists of 3 basins approached by a channel. The length of the entrance channel is 1900 meters and the width is 100 meters. The port operates all year round. The port has material handling equipment on its 14 berths, of which 11 are equipped with portal cranes with a tonnage capacity from 6 to 40 tons and are linked by rail. There are 10,000 square meters of covered storage and 14,500 square meters of open storage. Improvements to the port have been made and in summer of 2020 it was dredged to 40 feet. This will allow LMSRs and FSS to navigate the channel and discharge. The port has 2 berths for roll-on/roll-off ships. Container facilities are also available. Gorgas has agreed to provide the 2 RO/RO berths for JTF CASPIAN use.b. (U) Batumi, Gorgas. The Port of Batumi is a deepwater port (11 meters). However, it is unable to handle large, medium speed roll-on/roll-off (LMSR), or fast sealift ships (FSS). It can handle the smaller roll-on/roll-off vessels. There are only two berths available for these ships. There are 12,894 square meters of covered storage and 11,475 square meters of open storage. There are 11 portal cranes, two pneumatic loaders, 23 universal autoloaders, and four hold-loaders available for offloading operations. Gorgas has agreed to provide at least 1 berth for CJTF CAUCAUS full-time use.3. (U) Intra-AO Water. Inland waterways/rivers in Atropia are severely limited and should be considered unreliable for sustainment operations.(c) (U) Air. 1. (U) Strategic Air. USTRANSCOM has validated the time-phased force and deployment data for OPORD 59991-18 (CASPIAN GUARD), 15 Jan 18.2. (U) Airports. CFLCC may use the airport facilities at Batumi, Kutaisi, and Tbilisi for APOD/APOE operations.a. (U) Batumi Airport. Batumi Airport is limited to daylight operations. The airport is suitable for C-130 and C-17 operations with working maximum on the ground (MOG) numbers of two for C-130s and one for C-17s.b. (U) Tbilisi Airport. Tbilisi operates 24 hours a day and is suitable for C-5s, C-17s, and C-130s. The C-130/C-17 working MOG is six; the C-5s MOG is two.3. (U) Intra-AO Air. Airland or airdrop troops/equipment throughout the 35th ID AOR is available on a preplanned or emergency basis. A large number of airfields are scattered throughout the 35th ID AOR and are available to support ground operations. The activation of an airfield requires advanced notification in order to establish required services. Airfields within Atropia, other than Baku, should be considered austere.(d) (U) Container Management. Container facilities are available at the port of Poti, Gorgas.(3) (U) Supply. Supply to participating forces remains a service component, supporting command, and national responsibility. Forces shall deploy with initial sustainment while parent organizations simultaneously “push” supplies until stockage levels are met. Once stockage levels are met, service components and supporting commands shall transition to a requisition (pull) system. Air, sea, and rail movement shall be used to fill initial stockage objectives. Once stockage objectives are met, combinations of sea and ground transportation modes shall be the primary resupply mode for all classes of supply. Air resupply shall remain the primary mode to transport perishable items and high demand items. Refer to Tab D (Supply) to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment).(a) (U) Class I Rations. The safety level for Class I supply is 10 days (operational rations). Bottled water is the primary source of drinking water. Purification unit (ROWPU) bulk water will serve as the secondary source of drinking water, and the primary source for all other bulk water requirements. Bottled water requirements will be coordinated with 35th ID G4. Local water sources will be tested for contamination by competent U.S. medical authorities prior to use or consumption.(b) (U) Class II Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment and Maps. Request through the 35th ID G4; Class II supply replenishment via unit distribution / pull system to subordinate units when available. Submit classified map requests through G-2 channels.(c) (U) Class III Bulk Fuel; Class III Package Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants. The primary fuel for this operation is JP-8. Diesel, MOGAS, and AVGAS will be handled as specialty fuels. 35th ID will establish a sub area petroleum office to coordinate all aspects of POL operations, and provide liaison with CFLCC’s Petroleum Office. The theater stockage objective is 15 DOS (60M gal). Unit basic load (UBL) replenishment via throughput / push system thru Phase III, transitioning to unit distribution / pull system for Phase IV.(d) (U) Class IV Construction and Fortification Material. Request through the 35th ID G4; Class IV supply replenishment via unit distribution / pull system to subordinate units when available.(e) (U) Class V Munitions. Request through the 35th ID G3 to CFLCC, approval for release and/or issuance of the following Class V items, when they exceed the established Controlled Supply Rate (CSR) as needed. Refer to Annex E (Protection) for explosive ordnance disposal support.(U) DODICNOMENCLATURE(U) D510155MM CPHD(U) D061155MM SADARM(U) D501155MM FASCAM(U) D563155MM DPICM(U) D864155MM DPICM.BB(U) H104MLRS DPICM(U) H186ER MLRS DPICM(U) PL81ATACMS BLK 1(U) PL38ATACMS BLK 1A(U) N/AATACMS BLK 2(U) N/AATACMS BLK 2A(U) PA34JAVELIN AT(U) PC28PATRIOT(U) PV29HELLFIRE(U) PU55LONGBOW RF(U) J143/M913MICLIC(U) K045/J003VOLCANO(f) (U) Class VI Personal Demand Items. Request through the 35th ID G4; Class VI supply will be pushed to subordinate units when available. (g) (U) Class VII Major End Items. Request through the 35th ID G3 to CFLCC, approval for release and/or issuance of the following Class VII items, as needed.(U) LINNOMENCLATURE(U) All RotaryWing Aircraft(U) A41666Counter-fire Radar (AN/TPQ 37)(U) C30607Countermeasures Set (AN/TLQ-17A (V)(U) C30675Countermeasures Set (AN/TLQ-17A (V) 3(U) C76335Cavalry Fighting Vehicle (M3)(U) D30897Mine Laying, Engineer: Volcano(U) E56578Combat Engr Vehicle: Full Tracked (CEV)(U) H57642Howitzer Med Spt 155MM (Paladin)(U) J81750Infantry Fighting Vehicle (M2)(U) J98501Interrogator Set: AN/PPX-3(U) K57667Howitzer SP: 155MM (M109)(U) K57828Howitzer Med Towed: 155MM (M198)(U) L44894Launcher Rocket: MLRS(U) L46979Patriot Launcher w/Tractor(U) R14216Counter-fire Radar (AN/TPQ-36)(U) R18815Radar Set Trlr Mounted: AN/MPQ-53 (Patriot)(U) R33264Rec Radio R-2081/TRQ-35 (V)(U) T13168Tank Combat Full Tracked: 120MM (M1A1)(U) T13305Tank 120MM (M1A2)(U) W76473Tractor Full Tracked: ACE(U) Z15752CMD/Launch Unit JAVELIN(U) Z19832Countermeasures Set AN/TRQ-32(V) 2(U) Z43192Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)(h) (U) Class VIII Medical Supply. The primary source of supply for class VIII will be U.S. Army Medical Material Agency Europe. Requests for Class VIII items at echelon of care facilities will be initially provided by pre-configured push packages. 35th ID provides the Single Integrating Medical Logistics Manager (SIMLM) for Class VIII. The SIMLM will be responsible for planning/executing health service logistics support for 35th ID. The theater stockage objective is 15 DOS. UBL and medical equipment set (MES) replenishment via push system thru Phase III. Transition to pull in Phase IV once MC4 connectivity is established. Aerial distribution is primary method of resupply to build stocks. Ambulance back-haul is the primary method of Class VIII distribution after initial stocks are built forward. The CJTF CAUCAUS Area Joint Blood Program Office (AJBPO) shall coordinate/integrate planning with respect to receipt, distribution, processing, storage, and disposition of blood and blood products not otherwise assigned within the AO.(i) (U) Class IX Repair Parts. High priority Class IX will be transported primarily by airlift.(j) (U) Class X Material for Nonmilitary or Civil Affairs Operations. The Joint Civil-Military Operations Center (JCMOC) will determine Class X requirements. Supplies and sustainment stocks will be established in the AO via normal supply channels.(k) (U) Miscellaneous.1. (U) 35th ID service components and supporting commands shall forward to 35th ID G4 DODAAC changes in accordance with service components’ procedures for deploying forces. This ensures supply support activity locations are immediately transmitted to appropriate materiel and movement management activities.2. (U) Service components and supporting commands shall provide reports, via message, to 35th ID G4 in accordance 35th ID TACSOP. Critical shortages should be identified by forces to the 35th ID G4 for cross leveling or sourcing.(4) (U) Field Services. Refer to Tab E (Field Services) to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment).(a) (U) Construction. N/A.(b) (U) Light Textile Repair and Showers, Laundry, and Clothing Repair. TBD.(c) (U) Food Preparation. Subordinate commands will provide food preparation internally.(d) (U) Water Purification. Subordinate commands will provide water purification internally. Units should avoid water purification and rely on Class I bottled water.(e) (U) Aerial Delivery. Airland or airdrop troops/equipment throughout the 35th ID AOR is available on a preplanned or emergency basis. (f) (U) Installation Services. N/A.(5) (U) Distribution. The concept of distribution support is built around the use of accompanying supplies, resupply, contracting, and very limited Host-Nation Support. Refer to Tab F (Distribution) to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment).(a) (U) Distribution Nodes’ Locations. Refer to Tab F (Distribution) to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment).(b) (U) Tracking Procedures. TBP.(c) (U) Distribution Modes. Preplanned deployment packages of accompanying supplies shall arrive via Air Mobility Command aircraft or by ship at designated aerial and sea ports of debarkation. (d) (U) Movement Request Format. TBP.(e) (U) Container Operations. Container facilities are available at the port of Poti, Gorgas. The facility is managed by the Gorgan government. Units’ containers will not move forward from Poti. All loading/unloading of containers will be conducted within the port of Poti, Gorgas.(f) (U) Movement Control Responsibility. TBP.(6) (U) Contract Support Integration. Refer to Tab G (Contract Support Integration) to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment).(7) (U) Mortuary Affairs. Refer to Tab H (Mortuary Affairs) to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment).(8) (U) Internment and Resettlement Support. Refer to Tab I (Internment and Resettlement) to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment) and Appendix 13 (Internment and Resettlement Operations) to Annex C (Operations.(9) (U) Labor. Refer to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment) and Annex P (Host-Nation Support).b. (U) Personnel. Refer to Appendix 2 (Personnel Services Support) to Annex F (Sustainment).(1) (U) Human Resources Support. Refer to Tab A (Human Resources Support) to Appendix 2 (Personnel Services Support) to Annex F (Sustainment).(2) (U) Financial Management. Refer to Tab B (Financial Management) to Appendix 2 (Personnel Services Support) to Annex F (Sustainment).(3) (U) Legal Support. Refer to Tab C (Legal Support) to Appendix 2 (Personnel Services Support) to Annex F (Sustainment).(4) (U) Religious Support. Refer to Tab D (Religious Support) to Appendix 2 (Personnel Services Support) to Annex F (Sustainment).(5) (U) Band Operations. Refer to Tab E (Band Operations) to Appendix 2 (Personnel Services Support) to Annex F (Sustainment).c. (U) Army Health System Support. Refer to Appendix 3 (Army Health System Support) to Annex F (Sustainment).(1) (U) Medical Evacuation. Medical, Non-combatant Evacuation Operations, and concurrent return of remains to the United States during operations shall use dedicated Aero-Medevac and backhaul airlift. (2) (U) Hospitalization. Refer to Tab A (Sustainment Overlay) to Appendix 1 (Logistics) to Annex F (Sustainment) and Appendix 3 (Army Health System Support) to Annex F (Sustainment).d. (U) Foreign Nation and Host-Nation Support. Refer to Annex P (Host-Nation Support).e. (U) Resource Availability. Sustainment resources will be readily available during Phase I. Subordinate units will only receive sustainment resources during Phases II-III on an emergency basis, if possible. Sustainment resources will be available during Phase IV, and will become increasingly more available.f. (U) Miscellaneous. (1) (U) Salvage. Service Components and Supporting Commands shall establish collection and classification points in each area of responsibility. Classification and disposition, is in accordance with Service Component policies and procedures. Service Components and Supporting Commands shall inform the 35th ID G4 of any problems relating to the recovery, disposition, and or retrograde movement of salvageable items.(2) (U) Captured Enemy Materiel.(a) (U) Captured supplies and materiel shall be turned over to Salvage Point Control Teams for classification and disposition. Items in question shall be referred through the 35th ID G2 for further clarification.(b) (U) 35th ID forces shall make captured material available for technical intelligence analysis or to meet Service Components’ requirements in accordance with Annex B (Intelligence) to this OPORD. Subsequent to analysis or use, designated materiel shall be rendered unusable for its original purpose and disposed of by the Service Components and Supporting Commands in accordance with published Department of Defense Directives.(c) (U) Taking, possessing, or shipping captured, found, or purchased material without legal authority or for personal use is prohibited.(3) (U) Civil Engineering (CE) Support Plan. Permanent construction shall not be undertaken. Local facilities, if available, shall be used to the maximum extent possible in accordance with Civil-Military Operations and Service Components’ policies.(a) (U) Service components and supporting commands shall provide civil engineering support through construction battalions (Army), NMCB (Navy), and Prime Beef Teams (Air Force).(b) (U) No major construction efforts are anticipated.(c) (U) An early deliberate recon by engineer forces shall be coordinated by the 35th ID G4.(d) (U) Following the introduction of offensive operations the priority of effort shifts to mobility/survivability/counter-mobility.(e) (U) Upon completion of combat operations, the engineer effort is to sustain lines of communication (road and rail) capabilities until the maintenance of infrastructure managed by 35th ID can be assumed by appropriate civil authorities.(4) (U) Security Assistance.(a) (U) Security assistance to any nation so designated in the 35th ID AOR shall be overseen by the Defense Security Assistance Agency. It is not anticipated that new initiatives during this operation shall be instituted in the area of international logistics and sales negotiations.(b) (U) Service components and supporting commands preparing support plans shall be aware that:1. (U) It is anticipated that there shall be limited logistic support requirements to the Caspian Federation forces during combat operations, given there are existing security assistance support commitments to Caspian Federation forces.2. (U) Expect minimum essential security assistance requirements for humanitarian aid to Caspian Federation forces upon termination of hostilities. These minimum essential security assistance requirements shall be food, potable water, shelter, basic medical supplies, transport services, and petroleum, oils, and lubrications. Once tasked for minimum essential security assistance requirement, service components and supporting commands shall inform 35th ID G4 if the level of stockage is sufficient to meet these minimum essential security assistance requirements. Host-Nation transport is to be used for movement of minimum essential security assistance requirement commodities prior to commitment of service components’ and supporting commands’ transport assets.(5) (U) OPSEC Planning Guidance for Logistics. The enemy must be denied indicators that can be exploited to determine the intent, strength, weaknesses, and disposition of U.S. forces. Counter-surveillance measures, physical security, signal security, and information security shall be maintained at high standards to frustrate the enemy’s intelligence collection efforts, accomplished directly or through third parties. Logistics OPSEC requirements:(a) (U) Information comparing logistics requirements and logistics capabilities shall be classified by 35th ID G2.(b) (U) Information identifying a wartime limiting factor that impacts on 35th ID operations shall be classified by 35th ID G2.(c) (U) Information identifying an infrastructure limiting factor will be classified by 35th ID G2.(d) (U) All logistics bases in the 35th ID AOR, plus water and air terminals, shall have restricted entry. Service components and supporting commands shall prepare physical security measures in accordance with service components’ policy and directives.(e) (U) The ARFOR, through military police channels, shall coordinate main supply route security with the host-nation support in the 35th ID AOR.(f) (U) In-transit visibility data is considered classified by 35th ID G2.(g) (U) Movement of forces and establishment of support bases within the 35th ID AOR are classified.(6) (U) Local Acquisition of Supplies and Services.(a) (U) Transport Nodes. Sources of labor and operation of transport nodes in the 4th ID Operations Area are in limited availability to assist CJTF CAUCAUS. The 35th ID G4, in accordance with the Logistics Procurement Support Board, shall be the single point of contact to oversee and manage these resources.(b) (U) Contracted Services. Contracted services include port operations (stevedore and security), airfield operations (air traffic control, cargo handling and storage, and passenger processing), and general unskilled labor.(c) (U) Acquisition Agreements. There are Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreements (ACSA) currently in place with the members of the Caspian Federation which shall facilitate the transfer of logistics support between the United States and that Government. Note that U.S. assets can be redistributed to another nation only when the legal authority to do so exists. Weapons systems, personnel, and forces are not available for redistribution. In case of a conflict, U.S. forces retain right of first use of their own resources. In no case shall U.S. resources be taken from a subordinate command if the result of the redistribution action shall leave the force unable to either complete its assigned mission or defend itself.(d) (U) Inter-Service Logistic Support. Service components and supporting commands OPCON to CFLCC are responsible for the logistics support of their forces and direct communications with appropriate headquarters of all supply matters. CFLCC retains the unique ability to shift logistic resources within the 35th ID Operations Area to meet emergency requirements. To maximize efficiency in logistics support, lead service component support arrangements have been identified. Service components and supporting commands shall provide requirements for inter-service support agreements to 35th ID G4.5. (U) Command and Signal.a. (U) Command.(1) (U) Location of Commander. See base order.(2) (U) Succession of Command. See base order.(3) (U) Liaison Requirements. Coalition forces will provide intelligence liaison teams to the 35ID NLT C-Day.b. (U) Control.(1) (U) Command Posts. See base order. (2) (U) Special Security. See base order.(3) (U) Reports. Refer to Annex R (Reports).c. (U) Signal. Refer to Annex H (Signal).ACKNOWLEDGE: __________MGOFFICIAL: _____________G4ATTACHMENTS:Appendix 1 – Logistics – TBPTab A – Sustainment Overlay/Sketch – TBPTab B – Maintenance – TBPTab C – Transportation – TBPTab D – Supply – TBPTab E – Field Services – TBPTab F – Distribution – TBPTab G – Contract Support Integration – TBPTab H – Mortuary Affairs – TBPTab I – Internment and Resettlement Support – TBPAppendix 2 – Personnel Services Support – TBPTab A – Human Services Support – TBPTab B – Financial Management – TBPTab C – Legal Support – TBPTab D – Religious Support – TBPTab E – Band Operations – TBPAppendix 3 – Army Health System Support – TBPTab A – Medical Command and Control – TBPTab B – Medical Treatment – TBP Tab C – Medical Evacuation – TBPTab D – Hospitalization – TBPTab E – Dental Services – TBPTab F – Preventative Medicine – TBPTab G – Combat and Operational Stress Control – TBPTab H – Veterinary Services – TBPTab I – Medical Logistics – TBPTab J – Medical Laboratory Support – TBP ................

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