Wedding Policy and Procedures - Razor Planet

Wedding Policy and Procedures

Calvary Christian Church

15 Redwing Drive

Winchester, Kentucky 40391

For the Bride & Groom

Marriage is one of the most important commitments made in a lifetime, and one of the most loving ways to glorify God through Jesus Christ. Our goal at Calvary Christian Church is to do everything we can to increase the sense of God’s presence as a partner in the promise you each make to one another in the sacred and joyful celebration of marriage as a service of Christian worship.

Christian marriage is sacramental in nature and seals a covenantal relationship between a man and a woman, supported by the love of God. It is a religious ceremony and because God has ordained marriage and defined it as the a covenant relationship between a man, a woman, and Himself, Calvary Christian Church will only recognize marriages between a biological man and a biological woman.

Further, the ordained ministers and staff of Calvary Christian Church shall only participate in weddings and solemnize marriages between one man and one woman. Christian promises go beyond the claims of a legal contract. They are the unconditional expectation of the couple together with God. The facilities and properties of Calvary Christian Church shall only host weddings between one man and one woman. We believe that God’s love made known in Jesus Christ is the sure foundation of a Christian home.

Your wedding will be more meaningful and less stressful when there is careful planning. Please read the enclosed information thoroughly and carefully so that you will understand well the wedding policies of our church. They have been established so that everyone will be treated fairly and that the building will be respected and used to the best advantage for your wedding.

Minister - You are free to choose any minister presently on staff at Calvary Christian Church. If you would like a visiting minister to conduct or assist in the ceremony, prior approval must be obtained through the church office.

We are often asked about the appropriate compensation to the minister. This is not a requirement and varies from church to church, but the most common amount is in the range is $100.00 - $250.00. This is handled directly by you and given to the minister the day of the wedding.

Premarital Counseling - Our ministers require at least three premarital counseling sessions before the wedding ceremony. You will need to contact the church office for the scheduling of these sessions within six months of your wedding.

Marriage License - It is recommended that the marriage license be obtained at least one week before the wedding. Bring the license with you to the rehearsal or see that it is delivered to the minister the day before the wedding.

Musicians - You will need to contact the Production Technician as soon as your choice of music and musicians are made so that he/she will be prepared for your needs. Only music appropriate for a church ceremony may be used. If you are unsure if a selection is appropriate please contact the church office to assist you. You are responsible for compensating your musicians directly.

Photographer - Schedule your photographer as soon as you know the date of your wedding. Be specific about your date and time and confirm with the business which photographer will be shooting your pictures. Consider what type of photography you prefer, video, still shots or both, and discuss with the photographer how these pictures will be taken.

Reserving the Redwing Campus

Please read the entire contents of our Wedding Policy and Procedures so that you will be thoroughly acquainted with our policies and fees.

In order to have your wedding at Calvary, you must return a completed application (found on pages 6 - 8), and submit a check made payable to Calvary Christian Church for the required deposit and building usage fees. A decision will be made within 10 days, at which time we will confirm your details and your check will be deposited. Reservations are binding when you have paid the required fees and approval has been given. In the event of the cancellation of your wedding, all fees will be refunded up to 15 days prior to the scheduled date.

Please note that weddings will not be scheduled past 3:00 pm on Saturdays. Weddings will not be scheduled on Sundays, or on the following holiday weekends: New Year’s, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas.

General Rules and Regulations

1. A wedding is a worship service – members of the wedding party should conduct themselves in a manner befitting a place of worship at all times.

2. The bride and groom are responsible for making sure all members of their wedding party are familiar with the policies of the church.

3. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted under any circumstances on church property.

4. Smoking is only permitted outside of Entrance E and all discarded cigarettes should be placed in the property receptacle. Smoking is not allowed anywhere inside the building.

5. We do not provide facilities or personnel for childcare during rehearsals, weddings or receptions.

6. The groom and his party should arrive for the wedding dressed and ready.

7. Only music appropriate for a church setting may be used. If you are unsure if a musical selection is appropriate, please contact the church office.

8. It is the responsibility of the wedding party to replace any items that have been moved; i.e. plants, chairs, etc.

9. If flower petals are spread during the ceremony, an aisle cloth must be used to protect the carpet.

10. Bubbles or balloons may be used outside the facility upon departure. Rice, glitter or birdseed is not allowed.

11. The wedding parties must furnish and remove all decorations. Leftover accessories, food, drinks and paper products must be taken.

12. Arrangements must be made for prompt return of borrowed or rented articles immediately following the wedding/reception. There is no storage space available for these items. Calvary is not responsible for items left, and specific arrangements must be made with florists, etc, for pick-up. Items or equipment moved by the wedding party must be placed back in their original positions.

13. Calvary is not responsible for any loss or damage to items brought into the building for use at a wedding and/or reception.

14. The wedding party assumes TOTAL responsibility for damages to the building and/or property.

15. Calvary does not accept any responsibility for missing or damaged personal items. Wedding gifts & cards, and personal items such as wallets, purses or other valuables should not be left unattended during the wedding or reception.

16. Calvary has the right to terminate this agreement at any time if any of the parties involved become disrespectful or unruly to anyone in the church.

Care of Property and Furnishings

Care should be taken for church property and furnishings. Any damage incurred is your responsibility. It is your responsibility to return the Worship Center to its pre-event condition.

Please note the following:

1. No nails, tacks or screws may be used on any part of the building or furnishings.

2. Dripless candles are required if candles are used.

3. All property, flowers and decorations must be removed immediately following the event.

4. Production / sound equipment may only be moved by the Production Technician.

Building Attendant

You will be assigned a building attendant from a list that has been approved by the church office. It is the responsibility of the building attendant to:

1. Unlock the building 2 hours prior to your event.

2. Assist you with general church information (dressing room, etc).

3. A representative of your party should walk through the church facilities with the building attendant after the wedding to assure the church is returned to its pre-event condition.

4. Lock doors after the event.

Production Technician

You will be appointed a Production Technician for your event. You will need to make arrangements with the Technician for music selections and lighting preferences. Only Calvary personnel may perform these duties.

Wedding Coordinator

A wedding coordinator is optional, and can be provided for an additional fee. The church office has a list of available coordinators from which you can choose.

Security Deposit

You will be required to pay a security deposit ($100.00) when submit your application in the event there is any damage resulting from your event. The deposit will be refunded to you within 10 days following your event by a check from Calvary when the building attendant reports to the office that the facility was damage-free.

Family Life Center

The Family Life Center consists of the Cafeteria, Kitchen and Gym. This facility is available for your rehearsal dinner and/or reception. Care should be taken for church property and furnishings. Any damage incurred is your responsibility. It is your responsibility to return the Family Life Center to its pre-event condition. Receptions must be completed by 9:00 pm – this includes the removal of all décor and materials from the premises.

Please note the following:

1. Food and drink are permitted in the gym only when the protective tarp is covering the floor.

2. Tables and chairs are available for your use provided they are returned to their original storage area.

3. All garbage must be taken to the dumpster in the parking lot, adjacent to the gym, at the end of your events here.

4. You may choose any catering service you prefer for the reception. The catering service is responsible for cleaning any areas used for food preparation and service.

Wedding Fee Schedule and Reservation Form

Calvary Christian Church

15 Redwing Drive

Winchester, Kentucky 40391


Listed below are fees charged in conjunction with weddings held at Calvary Christian Church. Building usage fees and security deposits must be paid at the time of booking of a wedding on the church calendar and are payable to the church. These fees are refundable in the event of cancellation of the wedding, up to 15 days before the scheduled date.

Building Usage Fees

Option #1 – Wedding Party Set-up

Worship Center Rehearsal and Wedding: $500.00

Chapel Rehearsal and Wedding: $400.00

Reception in Chapel or Gymnasium: $250.00

This fee includes a Production Technician and a Building Attendant, both of which are required. Renter is responsible for decorations, set up, tear down & clean up of spaces, including disposal of trash.

Option #2 – Facilities Team Set-up

Worship Center Rehearsal, Wedding & Reception in Gym $1500.00

This fee includes a Production Technician, Building Attendant and the following services of the Facilities Team: placement of tarp on the floor, set up and tear down of Calvary’s tables and chairs in the reception area (20 round tables and 110 chairs are available), clean up of the space and disposal of trash. This fee does not include decorating or the placement and/or removal of any rented or personal items.

Reception Tables, Chairs and Tablecloths

While there are tables & chairs available for the reception areas, we do not offer the use of tablecloths. They will need to be rented or purchased elsewhere. Rented tables & chairs may be delivered and set-up by the Wedding Party, but must be removed immediately following the reception.

Security Deposit:

A refundable security deposit of $100 is required to schedule your wedding and must be paid when you submit your application. The deposit will be refunded to you within 10 days following your event if the building is found damage-free.


Wedding Reservation Form

Calvary Christian Church

15 Redwing Drive

Winchester, Kentucky 40391

Bride: _________________________ Groom: _________________________

Address: _______________________ Address: ________________________

City: ________________State _____ City: ____________________State ______

Mother: ______________________ Mother: ________________________

Father: _______________________ Father: _________________________

Calvary member? _____Yes_______No Calvary member? _____Yes_______No

Birth date: ______________________ Birth date: ________________________

Previously married? _____Yes______No Previously married? ____Yes______No

If Yes, how many times? ___________ If Yes, how many times? ____________

If Yes, terminated by: If Yes, terminated by:

death of spouse ____ divorce_____ death of spouse____divorce______

If divorce, when finalized____________ If divorce, when finalized ____________

Any children and ages: _____________ Any children and ages: ______________


Rehearsal Date: _____________________ Start time: _______________________

Wedding Date: _____________________ Start time: _______________________

(Weddings will not be scheduled past 3:00 pm on Saturdays.)


Please mark appropriate lines for which facilities you will be using:

_____ The Worship Center for Rehearsal and Ceremony (Seating Capacity – 500)

_____ The Chapel for Rehearsal and Ceremony (Seating Capacity – 150)

_____ The Gymnasium for Reception

_____ The Chapel for Reception

Please list your choices for the following services:

Minister: I would like the following Calvary Christian Church minister to perform our ceremony:

1st Choice: _____________________________________________

2nd Choice: _____________________________________________

Guest Minister: Must be an ordained minister of the Gospel to perform your ceremony at Calvary

Minister Name and Church: __________________________________________________

Contact Information: ________________________________________________________

Wedding Coordinator _____________________________________________

(Please have wedding coordinator contact church one week prior to wedding)

We will assign the following services to you:

Building Attendant

Production Technician

Agreement: We have read the Wedding Policy and Procedures and agree to comply with the

guidelines set forth by Calvary Christian Church. We will do our utmost to see that members of our

wedding party understand and follow these policies. We have enclosed a check for the security deposit

and for the building usage fees.

Bride: __________________________________ Groom: ______________________________

sign and date sign and date

Date received in office: __________ Date confirmed: __________




Bride: ____________________________

Groom: ___________________________

Rehearsal Date: _____________________ Start Time: ________________________

Wedding Date: ______________________ Start Time: _________________________

Desired Use:

_____ Worship Center Wedding

_____ Chapel Wedding

Activities to be held here:

_____ Rehearsal _____ Wedding _____ Reception

People Involved:

Minister: ______________________________________ Confirmed: ______________________

Wedding Coordinator: ___________________________ Confirmed: ______________________

Building Attendant: ______________________________ Confirmed: ______________________

Production Technician: ___________________________ Confirmed: ______________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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