Examination Questions: - Optometrie

Anterior Segment Cases

Sample Questions:

1. From the time of first skin outbreak to final resolution of herpes zoster skin involvement, approximately how much time passes?

a. One day

b. One week

c. One month

d. One year C

2. Herpes Zoster dermatitis is most closely related to what condition?

a. Atopic dermatitis

b. Small pox

c. Syphilis

d. Chicken pox D

3. Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications are often given following herpes zoster dermatitis in order to help treat which of the following complications?

a. Corneal ulceration

b. Skin scarring

c. Post-herpetic neuralgia

d. Infection C

4. Which of the following best describes the appearance of a basal cell carcinoma?

a. Raised, pearly edges with a depressed, bleeding center

b. White, pus-filled lesion

c. Elevated lesion filled with overgrowth of blood vessels

d. Multiple dark-brown skin lesions A

5. Which of the following best describes how invasive basal cell carcinoma is?

a. This very malignant tumor quickly spreads throughout the body

b. This mildly malignant tumor spread to surrounding lymph nodes

c. This malignant tumor grows deep into the skin but rarely metastasizes.

d. This completely benign tumor never grows or metastasizes. C

6. Usually how long does a person wait from the time symptoms begin to the time they call the eye doctor in cases of bacterial conjunctivitis?

a. One day

b. Three days

c. One week

d. Two weeks B

7. Usually how long does a person wait from the time symptoms begin to the time they call the eye doctor in cases of viral conjunctivitis?

a. One day

b. Three days

c. One week

d. Two weeks C

8. What is the most common conjunctival injection pattern in cases of bacterial conjunctivitis?

a. Red greatest in the fornix and least around the limbus

b. Red least in the fornix and greatest around the limbus

c. Uniform pink color around the entire bulbar conjunctiva

d. A wedge-shaped sector of injection of the bulbar conjucntiva A

9. What is the most common conjunctival injection pattern in cases of anterior uveitis?

a. Red greatest in the fornix and least around the limbus

b. Red least in the fornix and greatest around the limbus

c. Uniform pink color around the entire bulbar conjunctiva

d. A wedge-shaped sector of injection of the bulbar conjunctiva B

10. What is the most common symptom of viral conjunctivitis?

a. Profuse tearing

b. Eyelids stuck together in the morning

c. Photophobia

d. Itching of the eyes A

11. What is the most common symptom of anterior uveitis?

a. Profuse tearing

b. Eyelids stuck in the morning

c. Photophobia

d. Itching of the eyes C

12. What is the most common corneal involvement of bacterial conjunctivitis?

a. Dendritic keratitis

b. Subepithelial infiltrates

c. Inferior stippling

d. Central, infectious corneal ulcer C

13. Swelling of the pre-auricular lymph node occurs most frequently in cases of:

a. Viral conjunctivitis

b. Bacterial conjunctivitis

c. Allergic conjunctivitis

d. Anterior uveitis A

14. Visual acuity reduction in epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is most frequently due to which of the following?

a. Profuse tearing

b. Subepithelial infiltrates

c. Cells in the anterior chamber

d. Refractive changes B

15. White blood cells that stick to the corneal endothelium in cases of anterior uveitis are known as which of the following?

a. Hypopyon

b. Hyphema

c. Keratic precipitates

d. Anterior synechiae C

16. Which of the following is a characteristic of an eye with a corneal ulcer caused by herpes simplex?

a. Reduced sensation of the involved eye

b. Acute painful eye

c. Purulent discharge from the eye

d. Eyelids stuck together in the morning A

17. What medication is NEVER used in cases of dendritic ulcer?

a. Topical antibiotic

b. Topical antiviral

c. Topical steroid

d. Topical glaucoma medication C

18. What is the most common complaint associated with posterior capsular haze?

a. Ocular pain

b. Blurred vision

c. Diplopia

d. Floaters B

19. Iridodialysis is a condition in which:

a. The ciliary body separates from its attachment point

b. The iris separates from trabecular meshwork

c. The iris developes tears in the sphincter muscle

d. The lens zonules break B

20. What is a typical characteristic of Adies’ Tonic pupil?

a. Mydriasis

b. Miosis

c. Afferent papillary defect

d. Posterior synechiae A

21. In a patient who presents with anisocoria, which of the following best describes how to determine which pupil is abnormal?

a. Anisocoria greater in bright illumination means that the dilated pupil is the abnormal pupil

b. Anisocoria greater in dim illumination means that the dilated pupil is the abnormal pupil

c. In anisocoria, the dilated pupil is always the abnormal pupil

d. In anisocoria, the miotic pupil is always the abnormal pupil A

22. In Horner’s syndrome, anisocoria is greater in which of the following room illuminations?

a. Dim light

b. Bright light

c. Equal in all light illumination

d. It depends on which eye is involved A

23. In Adies’ tonic pupil, anisocoria is greater in which of the following room In cases of Horner’s syndrome, the pupil abnormality is often found associated with what other clinical sign?

a. Relative afferent papillary defect

b. Diplopia

c. Blurred vision

d. Ptosis D

24. Cigarette smoking is a significant historical finding in cases of lung cancer that causes which of the following pupillary defects?

a. Parinaud’s syndrome

b. Argyl Robertson pupil

c. Horner’s syndrome

d. Adies’ tonic pupil C

25. What anatomical structure (s), normally hidden from view, may be visualized through an iridodialysis?

a. The optic nerve

b. The ciliary processes

c. The scleral spur

d. The bones of the orbit B


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