
Summary of Personal Well-Being SpecificationThe specification has 3 key sections:Overall ambitionThis is a holistic service which addresses the following frequently occurring rehabilitative needs: Emotional Well-Being, Family and Significant Others, Lifestyle and Associates and Social Inclusion.Services will be available for adult male Service Users on a Community/ Suspended Sentence Order with a RAR or on Licence/Post-Sentence Supervision. The Social Inclusion ‘mentoring’ service will also be delivered pre-release for those who will be released on Licence. Appointments which are part of sentence delivery will be enforceable.A range of approaches need to be used including: direct delivery of interventions, support and advocacy, and advice and guidance. Interventions need to be tailored to reflect the complexity of an individual Service User’s needs.General RequirementsThis includes expectations of Suppliers in relation to:Provision of staff training in relation to: safeguarding, extremism, organised crime, risk issues, responding to challenging behaviour and Equality and Diversity.Delivering services to meet the specific needs of the following cohorts: BAME including Gypsy/Roma/Traveller, Learning Difficulties and Disabilities, Young Adults, Veterans, Trans-gender, Older Service User and those with mental and physical health issues.Undertaking an assessment (within 10 working days of receipt of a referral) and an action plan (within 5 working days of the assessment) which is shared with the Probation Practitioner and which describes the proposed interventions, intended outcomes and anticipated number of sessions (in line with the referral unless agreed otherwise with the Probation Practitioner). Updating the digital Refer and Monitor system after each session. Contacting the Probation Practitioner with any significant information relation to behaviour, risk issues or a change in circumstances.Availability for review meetings, contributions to breach reports, multi-agency meetings or Serious Further Offence/ Domestic Homicide pletion of an end of service report which details number of sessions delivered, outcomes achieved and recommended next steps.To note: there are a number of Dependencies on the Authority/ NPS to enable to Personal Well-Being Services providers to meet these expectations.Service Specific RequirementsThis section describes the interventions which need to be delivered for low/ medium and high complexity cases. Each Provider will develop a Directory of Services which details the number of sessions that will be offered. Below is a summary of what is included, and the outcomes sought: 3.1 Emotional Well-Being:Outcomes Sought:Service User develops:coping skills and strategies to regulate mood and demonstrate perspective-taking and self- care by avoiding risky situations. Improved levels of self-efficacy, resilience and confidence. ability to access and engage with mental health services and/ or comply with any medication/treatment/therapy programmes. ability to recognise and manage triggers to worsening wellbeing. ability to build and maintain appropriate social interactions. Interventions available:a) Support and Empowerment to develop strategies to manage emotions including those linked to offending such as shame, guilt, embarrassment, despair. b) Delivery of skills training to foster confidence, belief and hope in oneself (i.e. guarding against anxiety, isolation, overcoming stigma by knowing how and from whom to access appropriate support). c) Support and Empowerment to increase capacity to undertake activities which support daily living. d) Support and Advocacy in conjunction with partners to consistently engage with treatment. e) Support and Advocacy to engage with other professionals or service providers, where necessary including, but not limited to community mental health teams and support groups. 3.2 Family and Significant Others:Outcomes Sought:Service User:develops or maintains positive family relationships and avoids harmful relationships. demonstrates positive, confident and responsible parenting behaviours improves ability to develop positive intimate relationships. demonstrates positive coping strategies in the event of temporary or irretrievable breakdown of familial or other relationships. complies with voluntary/ mandatory family or relationship-focussed programmes. Interventions available:a) Support to develop and sustain good parenting skills or make referral to specialist agencies. b) Advice to help Service Users to understand legal decisions that are made about them and their families and enable them to understand the importance of adhering to these decisions. c) Support to understand when relationships with family or significant others have ended and to manage their feelings, emotions, future actions and safety. Liaise with the Responsible Officer in relation to indications of increased risk of abusive behaviour. d) Support to manage previous/current harmful relationships, liaising with Responsible Officer and any other agency as nature of risk of harm is presented. e) Support to enable Service Users to identify unhealthy relationship signs and avoid future harmful relationships. f) Support to make progress to re/integrate/sustain positive and healthy relationships with family and significant others (including for those Service Users serving custodial sentences of less than 6 months). g) Sessions to build skills and ability to sustain positive relationships with family and significant others including supporting reintegration after release from prison. h) Sessions (in line with approaches referenced in the 2016 NOMS Domestic Abuse Guidance and the HMPPS Domestic Abuse Policy Framework,) to address underlying attitudes and thoughts which support abusive behaviour and build skills to enable healthy familial relationships. i) Support to attend/ engage with appointments with statutory/specialist agencies e.g. Social Services. (To note: liaison with the Probation Practitioner will be needed prior to undertaking some of the activities above to ensure all issues in relation to risk of serious harm, safeguarding and safety of the Service User are considered.)3.2 Lifestyle and Associates:Outcomes Sought:Service User:Improves pro-social self-identity and ability to access community-based support networks and/or engage in their community and able to make a positive contribution. Sustains engagement in pro-social leisure interests and purposeful activities. Reduces engagement with pro-criminal associates and activities and on negative peer relationships or networks, such as organised crime Interventions available:a) Support to develop healthy self-image, pro-social attitudes and ability to manage feelings/situations which create triggers to offending behaviour. b) Activities which build skills to develop positive friendships and peer relationships. c) Activities that enable Service Users to recognise activities and behaviour that puts them at risk of reoffending or in situations which impact on their ability to make good decisions. d) Support to enable access to/ maintain engagement with activities that develop positive social integration and reduce social isolation. e) Support to develop new positive social bonds, unrelated to offending. f) Support to develop positive interests, such as sports, hobbies, volunteering -this could include accompanying to first meeting. g) Encourage, Support and enable Service Users to recognise how belonging to pro-social support groups can benefit them. h) Encourage and Support Service User to reduce the amount of time they spend engaging in anti-social behaviours including) drug use, regular and problematic alcohol use, problematic gambling 3.4 Social Inclusion:Outcomes Sought:Service User:secures early post-release engagement with community-based services. develops and sustains social networks to reduce initial social isolation. develops resilience to cope with challenges and barriers on return to the community. Interventions available:a) Support to enable Service Users to access community-based services by supporting attendance at appointments, preparing for the session and having follow up sessions to build on the activity.b) Support Service Users with a fear of release by providing practical and emotional support. c) Structured Mentoring and coaching sessions to develop confidence and self-management. d) Sessions which focus on building social skills and utilising pro-social modelling.e) Encourage compliance with Licence appointments. (To note: providers will offer 1-3 sessions pre-release for Social Inclusion and will do this by visits or phone/video. Cases with 14 days or less to service will be subject to an ‘urgent timescale with an initial response to the Probation Practitioner within 1 working day of receipt of the referral. Providers will also offer a meet at the gate service for releases from resettlement prisons within the area covered by the contract or meet at the transport hub they arrive at if released from other prisons).Service Levels will apply in relation to:% of Service Users offered a Supplier Assessment Appointment within ten Working Days of Referral. % of Referred Service Users who attended the Intervention Commencement AppointmentQuality measures will apply to larger contracts in relation to:Delivery of intervention: provision enables Service Users to make progress in addressing their offending related needs and achievement of Agreed Outcomes. Liaison with Responsible Officer: supports offender management, risk management, enforcement, and sentence delivery. ................

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