HMPPS English Agenda

Summary of Accommodation Specification

The specification has 3 key sections:

1. Overall ambition

Services need to be available for adult male Service Users on a Community/ Suspended Sentence Order with a RAR or on Licence/Post-Sentence Supervision. They will also be delivered pre-release for those who will be under Probation supervision on release. Appointments which are part of sentence delivery will be enforceable.

A range of approaches need to be used including: direct delivery of interventions, support and advocacy, and advice and guidance.

Interventions need to be tailored to reflect the complexity of a Service User’s needs and should aim to secure one or more of the following outcomes:

• Service User's obtain or maintain suitable accommodation.

• Service User overcomes barriers to obtaining/maintaining suitable accommodation.

• Service User's are prevented from becoming homeless.

2. General Requirements

This includes expectations of Suppliers in relation to:

a. Provision of staff training in relation to: safeguarding, extremism, organised crime, risk issues, responding to challenging behaviour and Equality and Diversity.

b. Delivering services to meet the specific needs of the following cohorts: BAME including Gypsy/Roma/Traveller, Learning Difficulties and Disabilities, Young Adults, Veterans, Trans-gender, Older Service User and those with mental and physical health issues.

c. Undertake an assessment (within 10 working days of receipt of a referral) and an action plan (within 5 working days of the assessment) which is shared with the Probation Practitioner and which describes the proposed interventions and intended outcomes. Completion of an end of service report which details number of sessions delivered, outcomes achieved and recommended next steps.

d. Updating the digital Refer and Monitor system after each session. Contacting the Probation Practitioner with any significant information relation to behaviour, risk issues or a change in circumstances.

e. Availability for review meetings, contributions to breach reports, multi-agency meetings or Serious Further Offence/ Domestic Homicide reviews.

To note: there are a number of Dependencies on the Authority/ NPS to enable to Accommodation Services providers to meet these expectations.

3. Service Specific Requirements

This section describes the interventions which need to be delivered for low/ medium and high complexity cases. Each Provider will develop a Directory of Services which details the number of sessions that will be offered. Below is a summary of what is included:

Low complexity: Support to enable Service Users to access accommodation via identified housing pathways.

a) Support and assistance with completion of accommodation applications.

b) Support and Guidance to ensure continuation of an existing tenancy

c) Assistance with the completion of applications for Housing Benefit/related benefits.

d) Support to understand and comply with any tenancy obligations.

e) Support to avoid or manage accommodation arrears and the provision of follow-up support

f) Advocacy and liaison with accommodation providers to maintain accommodation.

g) Support to access rent deposit and rent advance schemes.

Medium complexity - any of above and:

h) Support in submitting accommodation referrals to private landlords/local authorities/charitable organisations and by brokering placements or accompanying visits.

i) Liaison with multi-agency partners (health, social care, adult/children) to support applications/referrals in the case of supported accommodation

j) Support and assistance in completion of referrals to access essential household items.

k) Crisis support to deal with eviction notices, Criminal Behaviour Orders and bail/licence conditions

l) Advice and Support on how to access short-term bed spaces for those on ROTL.

m) Support and Advice on tenancy rights, including referrals for legal advice if required

n) Build independent living and budgeting skills, including 1-to-1 or group sessions.

o) Support access to/ Delivery of Floating Support Schemes.

p) Delivery of/ enabling access to tenancy management courses and good tenant schemes.

q) Support Service Users to apply to the Prison Governor for Discretionary Housing Payment

r) Assist the NPS to undertake Duty to Refer obligations. (Wales equivalent inc.d)

High complexity – any of the above and:

s) Support access to crisis support temporary accommodation.

t) Support to secure move-on from Approved Premises or BASS accommodation

u) Support access to Rough Sleeping services commissioned by the Local Housing Authorities.

v) Work with Regional Homelessness Prevention Taskforces to identify potential options for temporary accommodation.

w) Provide accommodation services and support for: those convicted of sexual or arson offences, those with physical and mental health issues including personality disorders and identify opportunities to link support to accommodation, those where there are public protection concerns including MAPPA Level 2 and 3 cases, Care Leavers, Foreign National Offenders and those who are or have been subject to Criminal Behaviour Orders or tenancy eviction.

Pre-release activity:

a) Support to maintain an individual's tenancy and ensure related debt or arrears are not build up.

b) Where appropriate, work to relinquish an individual's tenancy and ensure related debt or arrears are not build up.

c) Where appropriate, work to secure new tenancies on release.

d) Support with completion of accommodation applications and referrals to private landlords/local authorities/charitable organisations and by brokering placements or accompanying visits

e) Following a homelessness referral under the Duty to Refer, work with the relevant local authority to ensure appropriate follow up activities are undertaken. (Wales equivalent inc.d)

e) Provide emergency support where an offer of accommodation breaks down or circumstances change at the point of release, or just before.

f) Work with Regional Homelessness Prevention Taskforces to identify potential options for temporary accommodation if required, to support an individual upon release.

Service Levels will apply in relation to:

- % of Service Users offered a Supplier Assessment Appointment within ten Working Days of Referral.

- % of Referred Service Users who attended the Intervention Commencement Appointment

Quality measures will apply to larger contracts in relation to:

- Delivery of intervention: provision enables Service Users to make progress in addressing their offending related needs and achievement of Agreed Outcomes.

- Liaison with Responsible Officer: supports offender management, risk management, enforcement, and sentence delivery.


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